A small gathering invited by Al'thea Konrath.
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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.
Moderator: Gossamer
by Shayna on January 13th, 2014, 5:19 am

Time Stamp 33rd Winter 513
The plantation Boldvine was unlike Blacksugar in everyway possible. The bamboo forest that seemed to encroach everywhere, at least to Shayna's point of view, was beautiful in its own way. Even in the midst of winter slaves worked to keep the grounds perfectly manicured, and today was no exception. On the lawn was several tables draped in white cloth, the chairs that lined the tables were equally draped. Shayna cringed at the thought of the work the slaves who washed those linens would have to do. For even if people were extremely careful, there will come grass and dirt on the edges.
However the hostess of the party, a lady Al'thea Konrath sat in one of the chairs and laughed haughtily amongst her friends, one of which was the redhead that had just about thrown herself for some reason at Shayna's master. Shayna herself was moving sedately through the chairs, sent on an errand by some random Dynasty who did not look closely enough at her various brands to realize that she was not a Boldvine slave. It didn't matter really, a Dynasty was a Dynasty and it would do her master no good if she refused such a simple demand of fetching refreshment.
So she found herself at the refreshment table, looking over the selection carefully. So typical of a Dynasty to just assume Shayna would know what would appeal to them, she didn't even know what half this food was called let alone if it was food or if it was simply decoration. Fortunately she was not the only slave gathering refreshments so she quickly grabbed a plate -marveling at the heaviness of the ceramic- and just followed their leads. In the end the plate she held was filled with various fruits, and one thing that looked suspiciously like a bread but it was moist and spongy.
Today her attire was the new dress her Master had purchased for her the day he had purchased her. The rich burgundy colored dress clung to her curves, dipping low in the back to her waist, baring her back, though truth be told that she would rather have had it plunging that low in the front rather then the back. The criss-cross of scars that decorate her shoulders shamed her to no end, though her Master had assured her that he would take care of that. She had no clue how but she trusted him to do it in his own time.

Shayna - Even slaves can prosper
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by Kalesserimamoru on January 13th, 2014, 7:43 am

It had been a long time since Mamoru had been to the Boldvine plantation as himself, he felt strange in his own skin. His job as Reno, the Magistrate's bodyguard kept him busy and he spent his full work time there morphed into that form. But he wasn't working this day, and he had been invited to a party. Of course those that invited him didn't know of his disguise, and had invited him from a meeting that he had with them earlier that season. He had decided to bring Shayna along, and even though she protested wearing the dress, she needed to look her best for him.
At this party he wasn't the trusted bodyguard, he was just Mamoru, a freeborn looking to make friends in higher places. While it had been the red headed woman that seemed more interested in him, it was Al'thea Konrath who invited him to her party. So it came to be that Mamoru found himself seated amongst her and her friends. He sat closer to the red head, the woman who still seemed to have eyes for him, but he was sure not to ignore Al'thea. In truth, he was interesting in getting to know them both, for similar and different reasons.
The trickster had tried to hypnotize them once before and while it worked on the sexy red head, Al'thea was harder to draw in. However, she had invited him to her party so he wondered if her reaction hadn't been negative as he thought it to be. Like Shayna, Mamoru was also dressed for the occasion. A dark green cottage shirt, black pants with a leather coat for added warmth. He had also purchased new boots for the occasion as his others were wore down.
Mamoru leaned back in his seat, mimicking the way the other males around him sat and leaning just a bit closer to the red head, who he was sure had just brushed his leg with her foot. She was quite brave to try something like that in such a public place and with the trickster of all people. Mamoru wasn't the type to shy away from public affections, and if this woman was his way into the Konrath, he was going all the way. "I do apologize for not meeting you sooner. Work has been rather stressful and the weather I believe kept everyone in doors. Excepts for the slaves." He cackled softly, acting his best to fit in.

"Everything happens out of necessity."

Kalesserimamoru - Just a simple snake
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by Adair Askara on January 13th, 2014, 3:30 pm
Whenever a party was taking place somewhere in Kenash, Adair Askara was there, although he wasn’t always invited. Sometimes he invited himself, ate all the food and flirted with all the people he wasn’t supposed to flirt with. This time though, this time he had actually been sent an invitation. At least he thought it had been for him. It had been adressed to a „Mister Askara“. Maybe it had also been for Alex or Banjemin. He honestly didn’t care.
He liked to attract attention. This time was no exception, although he had decided against bright colors for a change. Since the party was taking place outside, he wore a long black leather coat, military style (even though he was no soldier and didn’t want to be – going to war was too messy for his taste) with silver buttons. His pants, boots and shirt were likewise black, and his hair was tied back with a shimmering silk ribbon. As far as he was concerned, he looked great.
He didn’t particularly like Al’thea and her friends although Al’thea had invited him from what he knew – her laughter was getting on his nerves – so he ignored them all and moved around the tables, looking for somebody that actually deserved his attention and something to drink. Fortunately a slave that was carrying a tray with a few glasses of wine passed him by. He quickly grabbed a glass, grinned and moved on before the slave could complain.
It was just then that he saw her, and his eyes widened in surprise. „Oh my“, he murmurred and came closer. „You look amazing, Shayna! I almost didn’t recognize you! Are you here with Kat?“ ‚Kat‘ was his new nickname for Katherine Morealis who he barely knew. Since he occasionally shared her brother’s bed, he thought he was allowed to give her a nickname. The way he saw it, they were practically family!

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by Shayna on January 13th, 2014, 4:14 pm

Shayna had not liked this dress when Manoru had purchased it for her, mostly because of the plunging back but also because of the way the fabric hugged her hips and legs constricting movement. Of course, that was when she had still viewed herself as a garden slave and needed sturdy clothing that allowed for easy movement. Now she found herself trying to take the smaller steps the fabric dictated, which wasn't so small as to be really constricting but it was far more constricting then what she was used to.
It made her walk more sedate, almost a graceful gait that she did not normally have. Though like with most things about herself she was completely unaware of this, so focused on not tripping was she that she didn't even see Adair until he spoke. Oddly colored green eyes move toward him, briefly raising to meet his gaze before once more falling to his collar area. Her cheeks flushed a little at his words, "M'Lord is too kind." She murmured with a smile, before looking around to make sure that there were not too many Dynasties making note. Not that anyone would think anything amiss between a Dynasty stopping a slave for a comment or two, except he was Adair.. and an Askara, both of which just begged for rumors and speculation.
"Kat?" She asked, taking a moment to let the nickname settle into her mind before she realized he was speaking of her former mistress. "Oh, no M'l- Adair.." She never could remember to call him by his given name though he had repeatedly told her to. "I am no longer the property of Mistress Katherine. I was sold to M'Lord Mamoru.." She didn't know if her new master had a last name, he hadn't told her one. Shayna reached out to grab a Boldvine slave, and pushed the dish that she held in her hand, not speaking but pointing out a Dynasty woman who had wanted Shayna to fetch her a plate. The slave frowned at Shayna but moved on with the platter.
Shayna herself turned to look back to where she had last left her master, to make sure he was not needing anything before turning back to Adair. "Have you met him yet? He is the one sitting beside the red head with Al'thea."

Shayna - Even slaves can prosper
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by Kalesserimamoru on January 13th, 2014, 11:55 pm

Al'thea watched Mamoru curiously after hearing his joke. She had been almost sure that he had something going on with his slave by the way she cling to him that day at the park. Unless it was perhaps the girl who was infatuated with her master. At the moment, there were several others who were soaking up her attention so she couldn't neglect her fans to speak with a lowly freeborn. Mamoru continued to joke with the red head, exchanging flirting words back and forth with the woman.
"This weather had been awful lately and I've been stuck inside for days now. I'm so glad it's over and I can finally go out and enjoy the day again. Rain is always such a bore." She crossed her legs under the table and lifted a hand to touch the glass of wine closest to her. Mamoru smiled as he looked at her and all around the table. He could see how something as simple as rain could put such a damper on their days But their worries paled in comparison when he had Rujaro storming his tiny cottage and attacking him and his pet right in the middle of the storm.
"It was such a pity to loose so many good days to rain, and I hear the storm did a lot of damage. I hope it wasn't too much trouble for you and yours?" Again he felt her foot brush his leg, but there wasn't much that he could do at the moment. The red head's feet were bare except for the stockings that she wore, her shoes positioned in front of her chair. He couldn't return to gesture and risk ruining the woman's dress. It looked more expensive than Shayna was to purchase. Instead he offered her a smile and when he was sure that no one was looking he gave her a wink to let her know that he appreciated her flirting ways. "Oh, we're doing just fine. Is this your first time visiting Boldvine?"
"It is." He lied. "I find the bamboo that surrounds this place to be unique. The Konraths have done a wonderful job with this place. It is truly beautiful and our Magistrate is doing a great job with the city. He does his family name proud." The trickster was laying it on thick this day, but there was no better time to hob nob with the rich.

"Everything happens out of necessity."

Kalesserimamoru - Just a simple snake
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by Adair Askara on January 14th, 2014, 12:50 pm
„Not really“, Adair replied as Shayna informed him that he was too kind. „I’m just telling you the truth. You look like some kind of noble lady, and you even move like one! If it weren’t for the tattoo, nobody would be able to tell that you aren’t a dynasty member!“ Unlike Shayna Adair didn’t care at all if there were dynasty members watching or listening. He talked to whoever he wanted whenever he wanted, and he didn’t care if people had a problem with it or started gossipping. They were always gossipping about something anyway.
So he was actually doing them a favour by giving them more things to gossip about!
„M’Lord Mamoru?“ Adair repeated, and his eyes widened. He looked at the man that sat beside the red head and furrowed his brow. „I don’t think I’ve met him. Which family does he belong to?“ He looked at Mamoru a few moments longer before he turned back to Shayna. „I know that I should have bought you from Kat when I still had the chance. Why exactly did she sell you anyway? Wasn’t she happy with you?“
He looked at the glass he was holding, realized that she didn’t have anything to drink and grabbed one for her from a nearby table. „Here“, he said. „Since you look like a noble lady, you should also drink like one. I’m not sure if I like Akalak, but the wine that House Konrath has is surprisingly good!“
„So“, he said, regardless of whether she had accepted the wine or not and seemingly obvlivious to the fact that his next question was incredibly inappropriate. „Were you ever able to find out whether you are gay or not? You seemed a little unsure the last time we talked to each other, and your new master seems to treat you better – at least he gives you better clothes – so I’m wondering.“

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by Shayna on January 14th, 2014, 1:41 pm

Shayna gave the Dynasty from Askara a look that clearly said that she didn't believe him not one word. If he had been any other Dynasty she would have meekly stood there until he dismissed her trying to hide her scoffing thoughts but he had been 'pushing' friendship on her now for a while insisting she refer to him by his name, wheedling smiles and laughter from her. It was really difficult to maintain propriety when one was trying so hard to be improper.
"You need your eye checked M'Lord." She said, the last added one so that the passing slaves did not leave with too much gossip. While she really didn't care much about people gossiping about her -as long as the words Rujaro or escape was not uttered in the same sentence- and she didn't care much about Adair being gossiped about since he seemed to enjoy that, it was more so that her new master's name did not get sullied by having an impertinent slave. "If the brands on me did not give me away then there are plenty of other things that do." She didn't point out the scars that the lick of a whip had left on her back, or the fact that her dress -while stylishly made- was not crafted of fine satin or silk, but linen.
"M'Lord Mamoru is freeborn, I suppose you can't see his brand from here. The small star on his arm." She spoke with some hint of pride, which was a far cry from what she had thought she would feel about her master when she realized the man purchasing her was freeborn and not Dynasty. Yet when he asked why she had been sold her face shuttered and her eyes dropped to the ground. Her bared shoulders lift in a shrug, "I don't know why she sold me. I suppose she wasn't happy with me but she didn't tell me. Just one day Master Morealis took me back to the Auction."
Her hand took a hold of the glass that he pressed into her hand but only stared at it a little wide eyed before lifting her gaze back to him. Even if it was a little odd, it was still a kind thought so she didn't protest, though she also didn't drink. Goodness only knew what alcohol would do with her short thin frame, and the lack of practice drinking it. All she needed was to let a glass of wine go to her head and her forget that she was a slave in a public place that would look back upon her master.
It was a good thing she didn't drink because she probably would have choked on his question. Shayna had very little modesty, a slave usually was disabused about modesty even if their master or mistress didn't engage in activities that was not conducive to modesty. However the blunt questions caused her cheeks to flush just a little and she turned her eyes back toward Mamoru. "I suppose that I can probably assure you that at the very least I appreciate the male form. M'Lord treats me very well, very differently." She purposefully kept most of her answers about Mamoru vague but truthful. If he wanted to learn more about her master then he would have to learn them from him. Or purchase her from him to ask her questions.

Shayna - Even slaves can prosper
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by Kalesserimamoru on January 14th, 2014, 11:43 pm

There were others listening to him even as they continued their own conversations. Sitting at a Konrath table, it would be stupid to do anything else besides compliments them. Those praises wouldn't get him anywhere with the group, but they did assure that his spot at the table remained his for as long as he chose to sit. Mamoru chatted the redhead up more, his words growing slightly more bold each time that she shifted in her seat or started to fan the heat away. " You'll have to forgive Al'thea. I know she appears not to be interested, but she really wants to speak with you.." She offered him a smile and took a sip of her wine.
"Oh? Is that so?" the trickster inquired with a smirk across his lips. That was music to his ears and if the lady Al'thea was that interested, maybe she would lend him her ear. "Well then, I supposed that I should make myself available." He added while flashing the Konti a smile and a nod. "Well don't forget about me. You were keeping me company first." The redhead retorted, almost pouting at the moment. Mamoru knew he needed to keep this one happy, even if he couldn't sway the konti, this redhead was ready for him.
"Well Of course, I'm here to serve you. I was wondering if there was some place where we might go to rekindle what was started the day that we met?" These words were whispered softly and it gave the woman a shiver at the thought of what he wanted to do. To her, Mamoru was exciting and had that rough air about him that spoke of mystery and a fearlessness that she admired. "Well I don't know..." she said looking at Al'thea to see if she was watching. "What did you have in mind?"

"Everything happens out of necessity."

Kalesserimamoru - Just a simple snake
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