Don't Panic (Private)

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

Don't Panic (Private)

Postby Aselia Timandre on February 21st, 2011, 6:54 pm


Location: The Sunken Conundrum
Timestamp: 27th of Winter, 510 AV

OOCThe thread title as well as the last of the mentioned books is a little joke referring to a rl book of similar appearance and content by Douglas Adams. ;)

After three days of strolling around in Alvadas, Aselia was confused and nothing but confused. Most of the time she had strolled the city streets, trying to familiarize herself with the infrastructure and architecture. However, there was no infrastructure she could memorize. No matter how long she walked, how many corners she rounded, she hardly ever found herself passing familiar buildings. Everything seemed topsy-turvy and no street ever stayed the same. Even the material constantly changed: from stone to glass to fur to grass to wool ... The Konti was completely and utterly clueless.

However, that didn’t mean that the city stressed her. Quite on the contrary, in fact: She found herself enjoying the randomness of its infrastructure, the surprises and new experiences it entailed. Walking on water had been a surprise, as well as opening a door and suddenly standing eye to eye with a human-sized clay man. She had learned that it was a Pycon, but that Pycons usually were a lot smaller. On other occasions, she had explored wondrous and exotic places like a house of mirrors and a market that seemed small from the inside, but turned into a vast trading area once she entered. (She had immediately bought some candles, fearing she’d never find that place again.) They called it the Bizarre, and Aselia liked that name. It was tinged with insanity, and nobody in Alvadas seemed to mind insanity.

She regarded herself as lucky since she didn’t experience the downside of that insanity: People never found what they were searching for. But the Konti who didn’t search for anything in particular, was content with wandering the streets and wondering where the illusions would take her next.

Three days after her arrival, she came across another new building. From the outside, it looked like an ordinary library. A library! Libraries provided books which provided information. Perhaps they could tell her more about that strange city. Seizing the chance was an important principle in Alvadas – one never knew when they’d come across the place they had wanted to revisit again. So Aselia smiled, put her hands out of her pockets and entered the Sunken Conundrum.

That day, she wore her usual attire which consisted of a white tunic and shockingly short white pants. She had also opted against walking barefoot after her first day in the city and used her riding boots. Because the weather was relatively warm, she had left cloak as well as cap at the inn. With as little clothing as possible, she felt light and free. Her scales glittered in the sun and her white hair shone like snow.

Of course, she still featured gills at the sides of her neck and webbing between her fingers and toes. So, the surprise when faced with a wall of water when opening the door actually was a positive one. She hadn’t had a chance to swim in a while. The water lingering in front of her, however, looked different. Aselia carefully poked it with a pale finger. It felt like water, but at the same time it remained inside the building. Eventually she stepped inside. Strange. She could breathe water as well as air, just as she pleased. It seemed to be another illusion. Before continuing, she smiled at the warning at the inside of the door.

Alvadas was crazy.

A female Charoda greeted her, a creature with blueish skin and dorsal fins instead of hair. “Welcome at the Sunken Conundrum. I take it you’re not a resident? I must ask for a small fee if you need some books.” There was steel in her voice, but Aselia ignored it. “Sure”, she replied, smiled and paid the required mizas. “I’d like to read some books about Alvadas.”

The Charoda librarian soon turned out to have an affinity for puzzles and riddles. About ten chimes passed before Aselia could get her to look for books. Still, as she trailed behind the librarian, she was provided with titles like ‘A Traveler’s Guide to Alvadas’, ‘The City of Illusions and Insanity’ and ‘How to Not Lose Your Mind in Alvadas’. The Charoda even dug up a small book which read ‘Don’t Panic!’ in large, red letters on its back. Aselia found the design of the latter comforting, so she gladly took it.

"To see a world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wildflower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour."
Aselia Timandre
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Don't Panic (Private)

Postby Aselia Timandre on February 21st, 2011, 7:07 pm


Because the water defied gravity, she simply remained where she was, with the books floating around her, grabbed one and started to read on the first page.

“Alvadas’ most basic function is that of a trade route part. Nestled near the foot of the Kitrean mountain range, the city connects Sylira and Kalea. It houses roughly 9,000 citizens with most of them being human. Moreover, the population is dedicated to Ionu or at least respects the Deity of Illusion. The climate is usually warm.

But that is about where the facts on Alvadas end and the illusion begins.”

Aselia paused. Demographics didn’t really interest her. The next paragraph, however, was a lengthy description of Ionu’s presence and influence in the city. Although it used a lot of ornamented language, it didn’t contain any precise information. She skipped it and turned the page. Obviously the ‘Traveler’s Guide’ was merely written to attract adventurers to the city. After leafing through the next few pages that described some locations and offered vague advice on how to get there, she set the book aside where it continued to hover in the watery air.

Next, she took ‘The City of Illusions and Insanity’ and flipped it open. The title seemed to suggest a more serious approach to the topic, but as soon as she had read over the first page, she dismissed that as well. It started with hymns of praise to Ionu and continued by outlining how one could gain It’s favor in Alvadas. Apparently the entire book was centered on worshiping illusion.

Before examining the next book, however, Aselia’s hands hesitated. With her hair swimming around her face, she couldn’t even read its title anymore. She impatiently brushed white strands back. ‘The City of Illusions and Insanity’ was still hovering in front of her. Well, she was interested in Ionu, wasn’t she? Avalis was her All-Seeing Mother, but illusions were just too interesting a topic to not read about. Sighing, she flipped the book open once again and started reading the section that attempted to characterize the Deity.

“Ionu calls Alvadas Its home, although It hardly ever reveals Itself to citizens or in the streets. The city is infused and kept alive by the essence of Its illusion, no more and no less than Its creation, which is the sole reason of the extraordinary percentage of followers choosing Alvadas as their home. Ionu Itself is neither male nor female, but the personification of pure illusion and trickery. It has been known to appear in many guises and change appearance within moments. Starting as a crow, it could shift to human to Jamoura to Konti to glassbeak to Akvatari and even to Zith. Every follower perceives Ionu differently.

However, it is not only how the followers see them but also what they do that creates the image of a Deity. Its city, its mechanics entirely created by It, is undoubtedly Ionu’s masterpiece. Every single place within the walls is infused with illusion. The streets change and rearrange themselves whenever the citizens do not pay attention. Material, structure and shape never stay the same. Nothing should ever be taken for granted inside the city of illusion.

The population, mostly consisting of Ionu’s followers anyway, has grown accustomed to the city’s quirks. They perceive it as a living, breathing organism created by Ionu, a child born from Its androgynous powers as well as a giant artifact. With everything they do, they honor and praise the existence of illusion in their surroundings. They worship their Deity in the Temple of Ionu, with its sudden disappearances adding another bit of spice to their everyday life. They worship It through the annual Festival of Illusion which is, naturally, ended by one of the magnificent performances of the Inverted. Of course, every follower should ...”

Aselia turned the page and skipped the rest of the section. She wouldn’t be able to attend the festival anyway. However, should she come across Alvadas some day in the future, she’d probably try to catch a glimpse of that exciting event. What was the Inverted, by the way?

“Ionu’s true followers form the Inverted, the finest theatre troupe in all of Mizahar. They wander and perform in various cities, with their shimmering and illusionary performances being extremely popular. Every member of the troupe has a special connection to the Illusion Deity. They keep secrets, and they keep them well. Membership of the Inverted, no matter whether past or present, has been known to prove helpful for investigators, spies and other shady individuals. Being an Inverted has meaning in Mizahar and is respected and admired.”

Aselia smiled. That sounded like the perfect job for her, at first sight anyway. She wasn’t sure whether she wanted a life full of illusion. Colorful pictures filling her mind though, she felt that she would at least be able to enjoy it for a while. A theatre troupe! The Konti only performed mythological tragedies and sometimes present pieces written by a sister.

"To see a world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wildflower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour."
Aselia Timandre
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Don't Panic (Private)

Postby Aselia Timandre on February 21st, 2011, 7:10 pm


Ionu turned out to be more and more interesting ... Kicking the water with her feet, she quickly inspected the next book which possessed the sarcastic title ‘How To Not Lose Your Mind in Alvadas’.

“Alvadas possesses a roughly rectangular shape and is surrounded by stone walls. In contrast to other cities, the walls are not needed as protection, but as a natural border for the illusion. Should the walls be destroyed, the illusion within the city would spread over the surrounding countryside and wilderness. Since this has not happened yet, nobody knows how such a disaster would affect the environment and population.”

Aselia paused, thinking back to the happenings aboard the Azure Lady. If the destruction of a small amulet controlling illusion had such an overwhelming impact on the entire ship, what would happen if the walls of an entire city were destroyed? She couldn’t imagine. But the author was right: It must be a complete and utter disaster.

“The only entrance apart from the port is the Gaping Maw, a stone face through whose opened mouth the traveler must pass. It is said to sometimes speak with visiting foreigners, although it is a mystery if it is a sentient illusion or controlled by someone within the city.

Near the Gaping Maw stands Sanity Center, a haven for those who are lost in the ever-changing maze of streets. Being the only stable location in all of Alvadas, Sanity Center provides answers to any questions the confused traveler might have. The staff will happily explain the nature of the city’s infrastructure, how to reach certain locations and who currently seeks for employees. For anyone who wishes to embrace the illusionary city for a longer period of time, Sanity Center should be the first place to visit.”

Aselia skipped what seemed to be a detailed description of the most important locations in Alvadas. Reading about them didn’t interest her as much as actually trying to seek them out ... or, more exactly, come across them as a coincidence. However, when reading ‘Garden of No Return’ she stopped and absorbed that section as best as she could.

“The garden forms a maze that is ever-changing, much like the city streets. High hedges are framed by plants from all corners of Mizahar. It is decorated by beautifully crafted fountains and intricate paths lead through its depths. However, every visitor should enjoy the botanic beauty with care, for finding the way out can take bells and bells and bells. Survival as well as botany skills are needed to escape the garden, should one find oneself trapped within its illusion.”

Although it was slightly unrealistic, Aselia had hoped for a notice about illusionary darkness or caves. Senessa had told her to bring candles, but for what? Apparently the books didn’t provide an answer either. On the other hand, the Symenestra obviously was the kind of person who knew more than what was proved and documented.

No matter how she put it, she wouldn’t get the most interesting answers unless she entered the garden on the 30th.

Flipping through the pages, Aselia searched the book for any other useful information that wasn’t too specific. The next section she discovered was about culture, and she remained to read the first few sentences.

"To see a world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wildflower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour."
Aselia Timandre
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Don't Panic (Private)

Postby Aselia Timandre on February 21st, 2011, 7:14 pm


“Like their patron Deity, Alvadans are an exotic and lively lot. Nearly all of them bear at least a single gnosis mark of Ionu and are ready to embrace illusion. Culture places a strong focus on art, with illusion running through all forms and crafts as the life-giving essence. Cooks cover their food in illusion, meaning that an apple cake might taste like chocolate cookies or that a steak might feature a bright green and blue color. Painters veil their works in illusion and make the shapes and colors move as if they were alive. Alvadans like to challenge the senses with complex and powerful illusions.”

Leafing through the extensive descriptions, Aselia found a notice at the end of the section, grinned and raised her eyebrows at it. How peculiar!

“Entertainment and novelty are the most respected values in Alvadas. However, in power also lies danger, and in illusion just as well. The traveler should always mind that Alvadans can be divided into two groups: those who stay because of unusual experiences and a rich life and those who stay for the sake of creating the best illusion of them all.

Now, traveler, which group is the more dangerous one? You decide, but don’t forget what illusion is and what reality used to be.”

With a thud, Aselia closed the book and let it flow out of her hands.

What illusion is and what reality used to be? She wasn’t sure if she understood that last advice ... or if she even wanted to understand. Outside of Alvadas, reality was reality and illusion could be easily detected because it was surrounded by reality. However, inside the city, everything seemed to be illusion. The location of the buildings, the appearance of art and food and sometimes even people, everything shared the same foundation: Ionu, Deity of illusion. So if Alvadas solely consisted of unreality, then that concept was real for the city and everyone who lived in it, right?

Obviously in Alvadas illusion was reality. What did that mean? How could imagination bend reality so much that the two concepts were actually reversed? It didn’t feel right, not to someone like Aselia who had grown up respecting nature and living with the small imperfections every mortal was used to.

Anyway, her head ached from her complex thinking, so she turned her attention towards the last book, the one reading ‘Don’t Panic!’ in comforting, bright red letters. She let her gaze wander over the first few sentences.

“Welcome, traveler! Do you feel yourself lost between illusion and reality? Do you find it difficult to distinguish between the outside reality and what you see in the city of illusion every day? You are lucky to have come across this guide to Alvadas and illusion. It will not tell you what is real and what is not. But it will give useful tips and advice on how to survive in Alvadas, how to adjust to the madness that is the new lifestyle and how to live and accomplish everyday tasks.

Don’t panic, traveler! This guide contains everything you need to know. Anything that is not written in this guide, you do not need to know. Read on and enjoy yourself!”

Aselia grinned. She liked that book. The words radiated comfort and warmth, as if the author had really cared about those who felt lost and confused. Upon continuing to read, she found herself ensnared by the soothing and occasionally ironic descriptions and pieces of advice.

It might be possible that Alvadas wasn’t as confusing and unreal as she had thought.


"To see a world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wildflower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour."
Aselia Timandre
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Don't Panic (Private)

Postby Cadence on March 12th, 2011, 9:40 pm


Land Navigation +1
Philosophy +2
Finding Joy in Surprises
Alvadas Demographics (Basic)
The Nature of Ionu’s Presence in Alvadas
The Inverted (Basic)
Alvadas Culture (Basic)
Finding Comfort in Literature

Additional Notes: Fascinating thread! I really enjoyed reading the book excerpts, and I loved the “What illusion is and what reality used to be” line. It seems to sum up the Alvadas experience perfectly.
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