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FrequencyVery Rare
Threat levelHigh
Major featuresClaws, teeth, armor, toxic breath
Most common inSwamps and Marshlands

As a result of the Djed Storm of 512, the chirigan is a chimera type life form created when powerful wild djed infused swamps and wetlands around Mizahar and affected the creatures living within these areas. The Wild Djed deconstructed some of these individual animals and reconstructed them as a singular new creature. This violent random magical process resulted in some of the distinctive aspects of many of these species featured prominently as part of the new creature's form. Unlike a lot of the Djed Storm creatures created, enough of the chirigan survived and managed to reproduce to form a viable population that survives even years after this historic djed storm.



The general shape of the chirigan appears to be that of a lizard with two sets of legs. The hind set of legs is thick and strong for running, swimming and occasionally jumping. The front set of legs is long and thinner than the hind legs but sprouts massive spikes on the outside of all joints as well as three hooked front claws each the size of a large rabbit. The chirigan has a tail that resembles a snake or eel with many segments and minor fins laced with barbs. The tail is thick and can be used for both balance and as a weapon. Because of the heavy tail, the chirigan can walk on all four legs or simply walk upright.

The abdomen and torso of the chirigan are shielded behind a shell that has octagonal panels fused over top of one another. Though it appears to be extremely thick, the shell instead provides the ability for the creature to retract a limb or part of the tail inside for regeneration. Along the spine are two rows of spiked fins with the largest being just above center mass and reaching a maximum one foot in height.

The head of the chirigan is a smooth almost human looking feature with forward facing eyes and a recessed brow. The chirigan has cheeks which flow down and end in tentacles. The eyes look human but are very large and are usually an off color like red, orange or yellow. This gaze sits above a set of gills instead of a nose which is almost always unnoticed because of the mouth of the beast. The tentacles of the chirigan surround a gaping maw that is almost always open and lined with multiple rows of tiny, razor-sharp teeth that look as though they could saw through a tree if necessary.

Some form of miasma is constantly spewed forth from the chirigan's mouth so the ability to see exactly where it’s looking is impossible. This fog steals breathable air from the area thus making any air-breather in the vicinity of the chirigan potentially have issues breathing deeply.


Chirigans can vary in size but tend to be rather large. They are taller than any human and can stand on average six to seven feet tall when on all four legs. They are eight to ten feet long from head to tail and are usually four to six feet across at the shell. These dimensions all pertain to a fully matured individual.


Chirigans are large creatures and they require a fairly large swamp to live and roam. Since they are so large, the monster will often find a damp and dark place to lay down; anything that combines muddy water with protection from direct sunlight will do.


The terror of the swamps is moderately nomadic. The monsters freely roam around what they deem their homes and will attack just about anything perceived as a threat. It's not uncommon for a chirigan to walk several miles in a day in search of food or a new place to rest though there are times when the creature will simply lurk about waiting for some poor thing to wander down the wrong path.


Chirigan live roughly fifty years. A spawn is produced around the fortieth year and takes about eight to ten years to reach maturity.


Chirigans are carnivores and will eat anything consisting of meat that they can catch and kill. Because they are close to the top of the food chain, the monster might chase off lesser predators and steal their kill.

Social Aspect

Chirigans reproduce asexually by spawning. When a spawn reaches maturity (approximately three-quarters of full size), it tends to eat the parent and the cycle of solitude continues. There will only ever be one chirigan in a singular area which will usually be defined by dry land or deep water within or around the swamp.

Natural Enemies

Very rarely will any one creature be able to take down a chirigan, even a smaller one due to its defensive abilities. When a spawn is fresh and small, it lives inside the shell of its parent and is essentially invulnerable unless the parent dies. Once a spawn can no longer hide within the parent's shell, it becomes a temptation to granidiles, wolves, night lions or even a small group of hunters. An adult chirigan is much more difficult to deal with and requires a great deal more to kill. Velispar and glassbeaks pose the only real threats this chimera. While it is a rare occurrence, there is always the possibility of one chirigan invading another's territory. Like two male lions, the monsters will fight until one is dead or flees.