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Threat levelMedium
Major featuresBlue fur, reduced eyes, sharp teeth
AbilitiesHallucinogenic properties
Most common inNyka, the Aperture

Though not necessarily averse to humanity and society, Corricores are not commonly found outside of the Aperture due to their near blindness in daytime, as well as their vulnerability to the aggression of humans and competition from above-ground rodents. At first glance, this little creature seems a common rat that should be chased away or killed, and most people who encounter them have been successful in doing such, with little consequence. They do not realize that they were so near to the only source of Core, a rare psychoactive drug that is derived from the hair and skin of the Corricore.

Appearance and Behavior

The size of a small mouse, the Corricore more closely resembles a weasel in morphology. Its long body and enlarged forepaws make it an expert digger, and it can curl into a tight ball to fit into small places for protection. Its eyes are reduced and it is virtually blind, though it can detect some shapes in dim light. It is energetic, relatively social, and nocturnal. Its sharp, needle-like teeth are adapted for carnivory, but it is not inherently vicious. The Corricore can be found alone or in small clusters of up to a six or seven individuals, though it does not typically form static groups or hierarchies.

The hunting habits of this tiny carnivore vary greatly, but always include direct contact with the prey. In the case of humans, its endearing appearance and charisma can be attractive enough to invite voluntary contact by means of petting or holding. The contact transmits a hormone from the Corricore’s skin and hair to the victim’s, which can be easily removed with soap and water. If it is not, however, the hormone’s effects can incapacitate the target in minutes. Lost in consuming, dream-like hallucinations full of vivid colors and inspiring images, the target’s muscles tend to relax as their heart rate increases. While it does not remove its prey’s ability to walk, it does remove the ability to feel pain, and so it does not occur to the Corricore’s meal to move while it is being eaten alive.

The Corricore prefers warm meat and blood, and so it is likely to leave its meal when it becomes too cold, long before it is fully devoured.


It was a monk on his Selection Test that discovered its effects could be harvested. A businessman of Laat, Ross Oborsk he started a not-so-underground business harvesting the rodents and distilling their hides into a highly concentrated liquid that could then be diluted into a recreational drug called Core, or even an extremely effective painkiller used rarely at the Great Infirmary. In the late 440s there was an influx of herbalists and medicine men attempting to do the same, but only Oborsk knew the secret to preparing the drug with few harmful effects, and his successors have held it sacred since. The market sells it in tiny bottles for 50-200 laats per, but only a drop is needed to spend an evening in your own mind.