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Guardian - Roleplay Lore
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Guardians are though to be souls temporarily taken from the cycle of life and death by Eywaat or Makutsi to serve as aids to the living Chaktawe. However, this is only a theory as to their physical or spiritual state.

Some have postured that guardians are a race unto themselves, and that the souls are not truly taken from the cycle, but selected to become one of these unusual creatures. Another theory is they are ghosts empowered by the gods to perform almost miraculous deeds. The guardians and gods are mute on the subject, only offering that they were once among the ranks of men.

What is known is that guardians were once notable figures among the Chaktawe, though they rarely disclose (or recall) their prior identities. A guardian will never be among the recently dead Chaktawe, but lived among the tribes several lifetimes prior.

Worthiness to become a guardian is decided by the gods of the Chaktawe, and their standards vary from men, as they look towards the heart of an individual.


Guardians usually manifest in an animal form, but the longer one looks the more one begins to see their insubstantial quality. They will sometimes flicker like a mirage, or some aspect of their appearance seems sharper or more colorful than a living animal. Some are even blatantly fantastic in their appearance, such as a blue fox or a red tarantula.

Guardians do not linger for long in one place, appearing and vanishing when it suits them. They seem to travel with the speed of those able to utilize the Ukalas, and are never far form their charge. What sort of mischief or good they do between counseling their charges is unknown.

The Relationship Between the Guardian and Its Charge

Receiving A Guardian

A guardian is often assigned to a bloodline or particular role within a tribe. Guardians skip generations and will not share siblings, but one will commonly have multiple charges. A Chaktawe will never share the same guardian as their parents or siblings, but may be protected by the same one as your cousin or grandfather. Additionally, similar personalities in a family will often have the same guardian.

A guardian appears to a Chaktawe on his or her searching. If a Chaktawe forsakes their searching, or does not follow it to its conclusion, they will not receive a guardian.


A guardian and its charge can communicate via thought. They cannot read one another’s minds, but they can purposely transmit images or words to one another. Physical distance can limit this sharing of thoughts.

Like a person, a guardian has a particular voice and cadence. It is not airy whispers, but a clear voice that can shout, murmur or whine.

The Role of the Guardian

In a Chaktawe’s youth, a guardian often serves as a counter to the charge’s personality. If a Chaktawe is perpetually rash and prone to make rushed decisions, the guardian is usually preaching patience and long-term thinking. Conversely, if a Chaktawe over analyzes and never takes a chance, the guardian will be a more reckless character, encouraging the charge to be bold.

As the Chaktawe matures, the guardian becomes more of a companion than a conscience. They will give advice and comfort when necessary, but tend to be less pedantic and friendlier.

A guardian is not an animal helpmate or constant companion. They are not ridden, used as spies, or hunters unless in dire circumstances. Their animal appearance is usually a reflection of their personality, not a bonus or tool. They appear in times of need or change in the life of a Chaktawe.