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Wind Reach

File:Angel_Oak.jpg Angel Oak

Characteristics: TThough there are plenty of different species of Oak tree, this is by far the most prominent and beloved of them all. Found outside of Wind Reach it's self, as well as throughout the Unforgiving, these beautiful trees passively watch the centuries pass, generations of children and animals finding joy beneath their branches.

File:Bipard.jpg Bipard

Characteristics: Bromegrass is the most common type of grass around Lhavit. It is well adapted to the cooler climate, and so thrives here when left unchecked. Bromegrass makes up a large bulk of the wild plant life found in the Misty Peaks, and it is generally used as a decorative grass in Lhavit gardens. Bromegrass is a good feed for herbivorous animals, and so makes up a generous part of the Okomos diet.

File:Conifers.jpg Conifers

Characteristics: Making up a good portion of the surrounding forests, Conifers are long living, ever green trees. Not only are they pretty to look at, but many animals find their homes amongst the branches and needles.

File:dawnsky.jpg Dawnsky or Dusksky

Characteristics: Known as such because it changes to reflect the beautiful dawn and dusk colors, this flower is found in abudnance at the base of the mountain. Growing to about four feet in height, it is not hard to miss and very popular as it's reproductive parts make wonderful, long lasting dyes.

File:Japon.jpg Japin

Characteristics: A small, non-flowering shrub, Japin is found on the bare ridges of the mountain. It is able to survive with little need for soil, it's strong roots anchoring it into the rocks themselves. It provides coverage for small animals and birds sometimes use the ledges on which these shrubs grow to build their nests, using the shrub for protection from the elements and preditors.

File:Kima_Flower_Tree.jpeg Kima Cherry Tree

Characteristics: The Kima Cherry tree is well enjoyed by the Inarta. They're found only in one place, the Cherry Grove. The cherries are incredibly sweet, and make excellent pies and other baked goods. The cherries are also abundant, with almost 4,000 cherries per tree during the late spring and early summer. The Kima cherry tree has dark, almost black branches, that contrast highly with the light green leaves and pastel pink flowers. They're quite a beautiful sight, but all attempts to cultivate them outside of the Cherry Grove has failed. The flowers can be made into a potent perfume that almost anyone may find irresistible, and it makes good money collecting many petals and turning them into perfume to sell.

File:Rezo.jpg Rezouvi

Characteristics: This bush is native to Mt. Skyinarta, but has trouble growing in the natural harsh enviornment of the mountain. The bush produces large pink flowers and pod cases that have been found to very important medicinally. Because of this, these plants are carefully tended and grown within the mountain in the Underground forest, the pods harvested for the drug more commonly known as Rez, or "R".

File:Sun_Star.jpg Sun Star

Characteristics: Found during the spring and summer in clusters in flat, sunny areas. They are a hardy plant that are able to withstand extreme heat and drought.

File: Wild_Flowers.jpg Wild Flowers

Characteristics: Like anywhere else, Wind Reach and it's surrounding forests and glades are riddled with invasive species of flowers, generally just referred to as Wild Flowers. These thrive in the summer and are known to choke out native summer flowers with their high growth rate and hardy nature.


File:bromegrass.jpg Bromegrass

Characteristics: Bromegrass is the most common type of grass around Lhavit. It is well adapted to the cooler climate, and so thrives here when left unchecked. Bromegrass makes up a large bulk of the wild plant life found in the Misty Peaks, and it is generally used as a decorative grass in Lhavit gardens. Bromegrass is a good feed for herbivorous animals, and so makes up a generous part of the Okomos diet.

File:Bulboru-1.jpg Bulboru

Characteristics: A small, flowering plant that is easily recognizable due to its pale pink, pom-pom like flower. The flower itself is only present in the spring – a seed head or simply a flat stem top is present at all other times of the year. During the summer, the seeds scatter, and this is also the best time of year to harvest to the root. The roots of the bulboru plant contain a substance that aids in reducing a fever.

Also known as "Powder Puffs" in Wind Reach.

File:Dula.jpg Dula

Characteristics: The dula is the name of both a tree and the fruit it bears. The trees are tall and very leafy throughout the spring and summer seasons, with the leaves browning and dying off during the colder weather. In spring, the trees are covered with pale yellow blossoms that eventually grow into the dula fruit, ready to be picked during late summer. The fruit has a tangy taste, but is not unpleasant. It is usually seen as a dessert fruit – not many people eat it as a snack.

File:Dwarf Primrose.jpg Dwarf Primrose

Characteristics: The dwarf primrose grows in large ‘mats’, meaning the foliage spreads over the ground. The flowers bloom only as winter ends, and they are a bright, shocking pink. The flowers never grow more than 20 cm tall. Because of its shrub-like appearance, many Lhavitians like to plant it in their gardens to use as borders or path liners.

File:fadeong.png Fadeong

Characteristics: The fadeong is a tree unique to the Lhavit region. Even when taken and planted elsewhere in the world, it will die within days, since it is so finely tuned to the climate of the area. It grows very tall, and branches only grow above the halfway height of the trunk. They never grow alone, and are a very popular tree for lining paths or tracks. The leaves of each tree will be a slightly different color. Leaves take hues of blue, pink, purple, orange, and green. The leaves are tiny – no bigger than a thumbnail – and when leaves from different fadeong trees are gathered together, they can make very colourful and attractive decorations.

File:Ipdo-1.jpg Ipdo

Characteristics: The ipdo is a very strange plant. It is a low growing shrub, favouring shady areas over direct sunlight. The flat green leaves are circular and have black dots on their surface. The ipdo is always in leaf, even during the winter. They die off in clusters and get replaced during the colder months, but there is never a time that the shrub is completely bare. The leaves have a couple of uses; when picked and chewed, they can keep hunger at bay, though the effect is short-lived unless you continuously chew. When crushed and added to candles that are then burnt, they lend a pleasant scent, not dissimilar to that of a forest after a rainfall.

File:Jasao-1.jpg Jasao

Characteristics: The jaso plant, while pretty, is actually a weed. When allowed to grow near other plants, it overtakes them quickly. The stems of the jaso are very thin and long, and they wrap around and strangle other plants. As such, the plant is never found in the more cultivated areas of the city – gardeners work hard to keep it at bay. However, the blue weed grows in abundance in the Misty Peaks. When picked, the flowers take a very long time to wilt, so they are a very popular plant for use as hair decorations. On special occasions, many citizens will pick and wind many of the plants together to make floral crowns to wear.

File:Kariino.jpg Kariino

Characteristics: The kariino plant is actually a tree. It does not grow very tall, due to the branches overhanging rather than shooting straight up. The branches are thin, and the delicate flowers that it blooms during spring weigh them down, and they never spring back up again. The trees always grow apart from each other, since the roots are shallow and far-reaching. The trees are not only beautiful, but the blossoms they have during spring have interesting properties. When collected and crushed, they can be made into a tonic that helps one drift off to sleep.

File:Keokina-1-1.jpg Keokina

Characteristics: The keokina flower is a very popular plant for decorations. Cornflower blue and white flowers grow in clusters, with each individual flower no bigger than a Kina. The plant flowers at the start of spring, and lasts right through to the first touches of winter. As such, throughout the warmer seasons, many of Lhavit’s citizens collect bunches of the keokina and use them to add color and life to their homes. The plant possesses no medical properties, but it does have a very distinctive and sweet scent.

File: Kuhari-1-1.jpg Kuhari

Characteristics: The kuhari is one of the more dangerous flowers in Lhavit and the Unforgiving. It is an extremely common flower in the wilds, but in the city, the Shinya make an effort every year to keep it completely eradicated from their midst. Its distinctive blue, white, and purple tones, along with its thin spines make it easily recognizable. Though they don’t look sharp, the spines are thin enough to pierce the skin. If that happens, medical help should be sought immediately, since the spines hold a poison that will weaken the body significantly; if left to spread through the body for more than 6 hours, the poison can lead to death.

File:Leiyona-1.png Leiyona

Characteristics: The Leiyona is in the same flower family as the zujin. They are, however, polar opposites in their habits and their properties. The leiyona flower only blooms in summer, the warmest time of the year needed to kick-start their growth. The flower is always warm to the touch, as if it is soaking up the sunlight, much like a lizard on a rock would do. The leiyona only grows on thin soil, where there is a ground of rocks or a pathway or the like. It is not uncommon for one to find one randomly growing in the middle of the Surya Plaza. If one were to break apart the thick petals, much like the zujin flower, they would find an oozing liquid. This liquid can be used as an antiseptic on cuts, stings, or bug bites. It is brightly coloured, almost garish, but indeed a useful flower.

File:Mountain Rose.jpg Mountain Rose

Characteristics: The mountain rose is a small plant that produces beautiful flowers during the summer season. The flowers can be apricot, pink, or white in colour, and sometimes have pink lines marking the center of each petal. The flowers grow in groups; sometimes up to 10 flowers can grow out of a single leaf base. The mountain rose tends to favour the forest floors with deep soil, though it is very popular with the citizens of Lhavit, and can easily be grown in a garden.

File:nokkochi.jpg Nokkochi

Characteristics: The nokkochi is an extremely common tree found amongst the trees of Lhavit, and in areas of the Misty Peaks that are close to the city. They are not very tall trees, but are quite small, with droopy branches that trail their leaves over your head as you walk by. On the Zintia Peak, they have been almost completely cut down, but on nearly every other, they are found in clumps in areas of dense vegetation. They are simple plants, following the seasonal pattern that many other trees do. They flower in spring, stay that way through the summer, and then lose their leaves in the autumn. They are a common plant, with nothing special about them - though, they are undoubtedly pretty.

File:Saegiro-1-1.jpg Saegiro

Characteristics: The saegiro is a flower that blooms only in the hottest season of the year; they flower during the beginning of summer, and begin to die as the season approaches its end. They are usually a bright pink, though they can also range from purple to fiery orange; no matter the colour of their petals, they always have a pure white center. They grow only in clumps, never just individual flowers, and are usually worn in the Taiyang's hair when they do their fire dancing. They have no medicinal property, except they are often found in the summer months in the houses of Lhavitians, thought to bring longevity and honour to a household if they are hung above the door. It is an entirely decorational flower, but they have great spiritual significance for Lhavitians.

File:glass flower.jpg Skyglass Flowers

Characteristics: Skyglass flowers are native to Lhavit; the flowers are almost entirely found within the city itself, rarely growing out in the wild due to their delicate nature. They grow in clusters of 3 - 5 directly from the ground, often in fields; they are so-named for their petals, which are thin and delicate, with a faintly crystalline texture akin to skyglass. They come in various shades and colours, pink, blue, purple, and orange being the most common. Large groupings of the flowers can be quite striking, sometimes literally; sunlight tends to reflect off of the petals at the right angle, creating a shimmering field which has temporarily blinded people on more than one occasion. Skyglass flowers are a popular decorative flora, often placed strategically to either reflect light, or to show off light passing through the petals.

File:Sky Pilot.jpg Sky Pilot

Characteristics: The sky pilot is a small plant, never growing more than 30 cm tall. The flowers are a range from a chalky blue to a bright cobalt blue, and they grown in clusters on a single stem. The leaves only grow at the base of the flower, and when rubbed they give of a potent skunk-like scent. They are rarely found in the city, tending to grow in the more rocky areas of the Misty Peaks.

File:snow apple.jpg Snow Apple menting

Characteristics: Snow apples are a type of small, dark red apple unique to Lhavit; they are not a natural species of apple, but rather, were bred by combining various types of apple trees decades ago by the Snow family. They are named both after the family that created them, as well as the season in which they are harvested. The snow apple trees bloom at the start of fall with gorgeous, massive lime green and yellow blossoms. Some of the older and more prized trees bloom white. The first snowfall incubates the apples as they grow and mature, and they become ready to harvest at the end of winter. A unique and delicious type of cider is created by fermenting snow apples.

File: Snowberries.png Snowberries

Characteristics: Also known as ghostberries, snowberries are not unique to Lhavit, and grow year round. However, the species that grows in and around Lhavit is slightly different from the ones that grow outside of the Misty Peaks. Small white berries, they grow on bushes in clumps; the outside is hard, while the inside is soft, granular, and crystalline. During the day they seem unremarkable, but like many of Lhavit's flora, at night the berries glow with a faint luminescence that is not present in any other variety of the berry. The berries aren't poisonous, but are hard to eat and entirely tasteless; when fermented properly, they create glace, a tasteless but strong spirit that glows brightly. Glace is a specialty at the Obsidian Club, used to make their signature glowing cocktails.

File:snowdrop.png Snowdrop

Characteristics: The snowdrop flower, also called the milk flower, is a lovely white flower, with a blossom that droops in a bell-like shape; they usually have 3 - 5 petals, and grow in bunches close to the ground. Snowdrops bloom in the early spring, and it is not uncommon to see them beginning to sprout through the melting layers of snow. While pretty, they don't have any real use, and are usually left alone by animals such as deer and rabbits, making them a favourite for gardens.

Also found in Wind Reach.

File:starfruit.png Starfruit

Characteristics: The starfruit is an oval-shaped fruit, between 2 and 6 inches long, with five ridges running across it lengthwise. The skin of the fruit is slightly waxy, and is green when unripe, and yellow when the fruit has ripened and is ready to eat. The entire fruit is edible, including the skin; when cut, the slices of the fruit are shaped like small stars, hence its name. Starfruits are lightly crunchy, with a mostly sweet, slightly tart taste. They only grow around the bottom of the mountains, and are a popular snack in Lhavit, particularly for children.

File:taikapi.jpg Taikapi

Characteristics: The taikapi is a flower that is only found on the Sharai Peak of Lhavit. The flowers grow in abundance over the fields of the Okomos, almost like a pestilence there; yet they are curiously absent from any other part of Lhavit. It is said that they grow anywhere where the Okomos grow, for the two are intimately connected - the taikapi is a flower that is essential for the Okomo's digestive health. These flowers are either white or blue, little and bell-like in shape. They are considered the children's emblem of Lhavit, and are often gifted to children on their birthdays.

File:Taka Moss.jpg Taka Moss

Characteristics: Taka moss is very common. It grows on just about any rock, and also covers the floors of woodlands and forests in the Misty Peaks. Taka moss is a light, yellow-green color and is very thick – trying to pull if off a rock is near impossible. If you wish to harvest the moss, you will need a knife or dagger to cut it away. When added to food, taka moss can help ease muscle pain and fatigue.

File:Wanamu-1.jpg Wanamu

Characteristics: The wanamu tree is a tree that only grew before the Valterrian. There are only a few surviving examples of these trees, and they grace the top of the individual peaks in the wilderness of the Misty Peaks. Their bark is cracked and wrinkled, and they are tall and winding, reaching up towards Zintila's stars. The trees have a minor field of hypnotism, so that when a weary traveller passes by a singular tree, they begin to feel much more rejuvenated and rested. The more trees there are in one spot, the more hope is instilled into the passerby. The wanamu tree is extremely rare and only the most daring adventurers have the possibility of passing them.

File:Zujin-1.png Zujin

Characteristics: The zujin flower is a tough flower which is found, perhaps surprisingly, only in winter. When the water in Lhavit freezes over, the buds (which are present, along with the lily pad leaves, all year round) bloom into purple, spiky flowers. Not delicate at all, they have thick petals which can be broken, revealing a thick gel inside that is a subtle poison. The poison can be used to upset one's stomach for multiple days if slipped into food. However, the leaf itself has medicinal values when used whole and steeped to make tea; the opposite of its poison, tea made from the leaves of a zujin will help ease stomach aches. The flower, due to the fact that it blooms only in winter, has come to have a poor social symbol. It is often given mockingly to a woman who constantly rejects a potential lover. When given the zujin, the woman is often given the title "Ice Flower".