Quick Weekend Wordcount Challenge

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Quick Weekend Wordcount Challenge

Postby Gossamer on June 20th, 2022, 5:02 am

Contest closed!

Please update your word counts and I will post the prize tomorrow!

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Quick Weekend Wordcount Challenge

Postby Gossamer on June 20th, 2022, 10:23 pm

Hi Folks!

Prize time! So as I hinted, we are getting one singular item for everyone... and a cash prize. You can get ten gold for every 100 words you wrote. 1,000 words thus equals 100 gold. If you did the full 5,000, you get 500 gold... or above if you wrote more. 5500 words would equal 550 gold, etc. You get the gold if you actually signed up and tried. There was no minimum for the gold award.

However, if you made your 5k, you will be getting a Homefinder Token. This is a small golden coin that can be strung on a necklace, charm bracelet, or a multitude of ways. It's worn with a partially obscured rune on it that shimmers with chatoyancy much like semi-precious gemstones such as labordite.



This ancient token is a remnant from the days of Alahea and a time when Aquiras still lived. Most of Alahea's monarchy and VIPs carried these charged tokens as a sort of backup security measure to keep them from being kidnapped or finding themselves in a life-or-death situation. Their crafting is a complete secret though scholars of Arcanology suspect Homefinders are tokens of Masterwork Magecrafting with an obviously added spark of divinity. Popular theory says they were all made by Aquarias' last living champion who was also a Master Magecrafter.

When held between one's forefinger and thumb, and the word 'home' spoken, one is magically transformed to what one charged the homefinder with as being 'home'. The transfer is instantaneous and is not affected by time, space, geography, or magical restraints. The transfer is painless and instantaneous.

When being charged, a homefinder can be 'tuned' to consider any number of places home. That home might be a person's actual home, an escape bolt hole, a high mountain clearing, a cave deep in the woods, a best buddies' cardboard shanty, anywhere the user can think of as ' home'. The user must be intimately familiar with the place they tune the homefinder to as home... meaning they must have been physically present in the place they select the homefinder to call home. The only possible way around this 'must have been to a place physically' is as if someone employes a Dreamwalker to walk them through someone else's memory which they then can take on as their own.

Homefinders are powerful magic items with an endless potential for use.

The Homefinder can only hold one charge and one targeted 'home' at a time. Once used, it must be recharged to be used again. With each 'recharge' the 'home' location can change based on the whim of who is doing the recharging.

Homefinders can be essential in the need to escape captivity or return the person who owns it to that person's 'home'. Their uses are 'unlimited' but they must be charged before each use. In olden times, when the world was still new to Humans, Homefinders were often deployed by Explorers who got themselves hopelessly lost or in dire survival situations as a last ditch effort to return home - mostly in shame.

These tokens are rarely found charged and are dangerous to use with an 'unknown' charge. They can be 'overwritten' by recharging them with a new charge (as if they'd been used) if discovered or acquired. Then, once used, they must be recharged. A charging will require a 2.5K word thread on meditating about 'home' for anyone who is a novice at meditation. Competent meditators require a 1k word thread to recharge a Homefinder. Those with Expert in Meditation require only a 500 word thread (or section of a thread) where they are recharging their homefinders. Master meditators need only a few moments of concentration on 'home' to recharge a Homefinder.

Homefinders can be bought, sold, gifted, or stolen. They will retain the last charge they held until they are either used or recharged in an 'overwritten' situation.

Homefinders are exempt from coupons, requests after this challenge, or as wishes. They must be acquired in thread along with all the lore above that is associated with them. Players have until the end of the season to acquire these, or they loose the ability to acquire them.

Homefinders awarded in this contest come 'used' or 'uncharged' and must be charged for their first use.


Shiress – 220 Gold
Ferren – 700 Gold, Homefinder Token
Quzon – No Data Reported
Moritz – 510 Gold, Homefinder Token
Shade – 580 Gold, Homefinder Token
Ialari – 560 Gold, Homefinder Token
Tazrae – 580 Gold, Homefinder Token
Onix – 100 Gold
Faye – 500 Gold, Homefinder Token

Everyone's got a new SS Thread or an updated SS thread to include these winnings.

BBC CodeHelp DeskStarting GuideSyka
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