In Character Groups & Organizations

Herein lies the main headquarters in the form of subforms for each major in character group in Mizahar. These groups consist of cults, clubs, religious devote, and any number of other consortiums.

  • Forum
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  • Guilds, Gangs and Organizations
    This is where a formal structure is assigned to PC-ran guilds, gangs and organizations that offer players the option of having their characters come together under a common purpose and interact with one-another for the sake of the particular organization. You will find detailed descriptions on the formation and operation of a guild, gang or other organization as well as the Organization Plan. This plan includes all of the important details of structure, membership, resources, etc.
    Last postSample Organization Plans
    by Gillar View the latest post
    on August 6th, 2019, 3:40 am
  • The Meraki & The Empyreal Demesne
    Located on the southern boarder of Mathew's Bay, The Empyreal Demesne is Kelskanisha "Kelski" K'etir's beginnings of what is planned to be an extensive estate intended to serve as the home base of a GGO. The land is bordered on the west by The Syval Ruins, and marked on the east by the extreme cliffs just south of Empyreal Beach, this demesne consists of multiple acres occupied by determined settlers willing to make a living in the Wilderness.
    Moderators: Kelski, Crylon Stonecraft, Wa'Djinnabi
    Last post[OOC Chatter] Fiery Skie…
    by La'Nahri View the latest post
    on August 19th, 2020, 4:17 pm

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