[flashback]Not only animals are dangerous(aello)

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[flashback]Not only animals are dangerous(aello)

Postby Coren on September 27th, 2011, 8:43 pm

Coren gave a curt nod as aello pointed out the faults in the shield he had wrapped around the stick.
“That is normal for novices in the art. The djed isn't divided nice and even and sometimes even has holes in where the thing that should be blocked can just pass through without any problem.” He pointed to a fairly small but still noticeable spot on the stick. “Like that spot over there. You can see the wood without a problem. The problem at the heart of this though is faulty tasking though and there isn't actually a hole in the shield. Because it would still block djed just fine.” Coren took the stick from aello and broke down the shield covering it without any trouble.

As aello let it slip, intentionally or not, that she already knew something of magic he stiffened for a few short moments before resuming his lecture.
“Right, the shield itself is, like I said before, djed surrounding whatever it is that you have shielded, a shield for example. If the caster just wants to stop other magic from penetrating it you would stop here. Since it always guards against djed. If not you still need to task the shield.” Coren kept silent about what tasking the shield actually entailed, she already knew some magic so that meant she probably knew how to manipulate djed already to a degree. And he wasn't about to give a complete stranger clear cut instructions on how to use the shields to their fullest. Not without sizable payment at least.

Coren just dropped the normal stick to the ground and crossed his arms as he looked at aello. “That are the basics as far as I know them. Any clarification needed on those or are you good?”

ooc: I'll try not to let posts unanswered like this in the future. Shool started again you know how it is.

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[flashback]Not only animals are dangerous(aello)

Postby Aello on September 28th, 2011, 9:01 pm

Aello simply nodded. "Yes that makes sense... no clarification necessary," she responded as her eyes began to glaze over. She was sick of staring at the poorly shielded piece of wood, and was beginning to get rather anxious to begin her archery practice. She shifted her weight uncomfortably from one foot to the other, as she considered how best to proceed, and continue to get her way. It didn't take the girl long to come up with an idea.

"Now that we both understand the basics, what do you say we get started?" Aello asked. "That way, we will finish before dark for one, and long before either of us begin to suffer from frost bite for another."

Without waiting for an answer, Aello reached behind her back, and plucked a single peacock feather fletched arrow from her quiver. She held it delicately between her fingertips, as she tilted her bow to the side. The wooden frame ran from left to right, across her body, as she laced the arrow onto the serving. When the nock took to the string, Aello heard a delicate clicking noise. She wrapped her right index and middle fingers around the string, leaving them atop the arrow, while the ring finger was nestled below it. She pulled back on the string lightly, tightening the slack.

"Whenever you're ready," Aello whispered to Coren; waiting for him to make his first move.

OOCThat's quite alright.
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[flashback]Not only animals are dangerous(aello)

Postby Coren on October 2nd, 2011, 2:39 pm

Coren just gave a short chuckle at aello's frostbite comment, glad that the combination of his heavy coat and his mark from gnosis elevated most of the colds discomfort and would keep him safe from frostbite. “Well lets get that archery practice over with then.” He glanced around the scenery hoping to find anything that he could use to make a makeshift target for her to aim at. He doubted that stick from a while ago would do. After not finding anything he could use he just sighed and bent down packing some snow together in a snowball and turning back towards aello.

“You think you can hit something ass small as this? Or should I make it a bit easier on you and make it bigger?” Coren said in a kind tone, hoping not to sound to condescending. He doubted she would miss with her bow at this distance. Slowly beginning to force out the astral body of his right arm out of his body, starting at his shoulder and slowly working down towards fingertips. His arm falling limp towards his side after a while of work.

"I'm speaking vani"
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[flashback]Not only animals are dangerous(aello)

Postby Aello on October 2nd, 2011, 8:26 pm

Aello smiled weakly, her eyes sparkling with the refraction of light off the blanket of white snow. "After a few warm up shots, why yes, of course. Any good archer should be able to accomplish such a feat," she replied simply. "Just as long as you don't magically move it out of the way before their arrow crosses paths with your makeshift target, of course," she added, her smile widening as she spoke, but only a little. "You wouldn't think to do such a thing, simply to make our lives difficult, now would you?" she asked. "Only if you got too tired, and let it drop from the sky," there was a slight pause. "You do have that magic within you... the ones the shinya used in Lhavit... all the time. All the undisciplined acolyte, never did figure out how to quit showing off." She laughed to herself, at the memory, as she inched the bowstring back even farther. "So to answer your question Coren, it'll do. And if you truly do wish to be rid of me, you'll begin shortly. Makes for an earlier exit, don't you think?"

OOCFigured she'd know of both your magical forms, even if she didn't know a whole heck of a lot about it.
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[flashback]Not only animals are dangerous(aello)

Postby Coren on October 8th, 2011, 2:19 pm

Coren just smiled underneath his mask at aello's dig at him, a mischievous spark visible in his eyes as he looked at her. “Of course I never thought about pulling a prank that childish on you, if you are going to pull a prank on somebody you gotta put more effort into it then that don't you think?” he threw the snowball into the air, catching it without to much problem's with his projected limb. When she offhandedly noted that she also knew what this type of magic was he nearly dropped the snowball in shock. How much did this woman know about magic? And who or what where those shinya?

Coren quickly composed himself and began lifting the snowball above his head, looking up to see if he wasn't going to hit a branch or something. As soon as it was held on a height of around 13 feet he looked back towards aello.
“Well you know quite a bit of magic yourself it seems. Did you learn all that in that lhavit place? Is it a place with a magical school or library in it or something?” he said in a calm tone, though his curiosity wasn't hard to hear.

"I'm speaking vani"
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[flashback]Not only animals are dangerous(aello)

Postby Aello on October 8th, 2011, 11:39 pm

"Depends on how advanced their minds are," Aello replied, as she began lifting her bow, slowly. Her grip tightened around the frame, as she inched the bowstring back further and further. It was digging into her pale finger flesh. Making lines, causing it to grow red, as she inched it past her right ear. She could hear the bow creaking, as she closed her left eye, and inched the tip of her arrow upwards, following the snowball as Coren lifted it with his magic.

"No, just enough," Aello whispered as she drew in a deep breath, before letting it out. "No, not everything. Not there, although much can be learned in such a place... it's a city, close to Zintila's stars. Watched over by a group called the Shinya, who use the same sort of magic as you. Projection." She paused for a moment. "Met quite a few of them. It's the only reason why I recognize it," she explained, as she inched the bow to the left before letting go of the string.

The arrow erupted from the string, sending it into a series of rapid vibrations, which produced a low humming sound. The string whacked Aello's left arm, the area between her elbow and her wrist, causing it to sting as she watched it soar. She lowered her bow, and turned it onto its side as her dark brown eyes followed the line it made. Finally, coming so close to the target that she was certain she had it. But alas, it flew two inches above it, before slowly coming back down. Landing with a muffled thud in the snow.

Aello sighed as she raised her right hand behind her head, and gently eased another arrow out of her quiver. She nocked it as swiftly as she could, and then turned the bow back to its shooting position. "Just hold the target as best you can," she instructed, as she lifted it a little higher, and pulled the string back even farther. She was moving the bow around now, slowly, following the line the arrow made in order to aim. She licked her lips, right about... there... she told herself as she let go of the string again, allowing the arrow to go flying. This time, it soared to the right of the target, skimming the edge of the snow with its fletching.

Well, that was better than last time, Aello told herself as she reloaded her bow. Once it was back in the shooting position, Aello eased the string back and closed her left eye. She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with cold air, before letting it out. Filling the air with thin tendrils of thick white mist. Swirling about her lips. She took another breath as she inched the bow to the right, and then let go of the string. The arrow shot out of it swiftly, the peacock feather trembling in the wind as it inched closer and closer to the target, and was then tossed uselessly off course by the wind.

Aello grit her teeth, and just barely managed to keep herself from growling in frustration as she turned her bow on its side, and reached for another arrow. She laced it onto the string, and twisted the bow back around, into the proper position. This time, she told herself, I will not miss.

OOCI figured I'd shoot a few at a time, just to keep the thread moving.
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[flashback]Not only animals are dangerous(aello)

Postby Coren on October 30th, 2011, 8:16 pm

Coren just gave her a nasty look at aello's comment, taking it as a dig at his own maturity. A part of his mind was already throwing around different painful or embarasing pranks he might be able to pull on her in retaliation. Before the fact that she could break her promise without to much trouble on her end caught up to him, glad for the fact that his facemask hid most of his features and facial expressions he just shoved away the thoughts, focusing on the fact she most likely knew more about magic then she let on.
“Well I'll make sure to visit that city when I can. No doubt I could learn a lot about the art there.” He said as he tried to keep the snowball as still as he could. If she was a mage just like him, which he didn't really rule out, there was a big chance she was mentally unstable and he really didn't want one of her arrows stuck in his body because she flipped.

He let out a small snort as her continued efforts to hit the snowball he was holding up, didn't work out in the slightest.
“Well, should I lower the snowball a little bit?” He said in a slightly crabby tone as he already felt a very slight strain on his projected body part. “I haven't got all day and I while I want to hold up my part of the bargain, I don't want to risk overgiving for it.” he didn't care to mention that he still had quite a bit of time, before he ran out of djed, but he still wanted to practice some shielding after this.

OOC: sorry for the lateness, RL was a pain in the ass

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[flashback]Not only animals are dangerous(aello)

Postby Aello on November 2nd, 2011, 2:26 am

"No doubt," Aello whispered, as she raised her bow a little higher, and pulled back on the string, inching it past her smile, and then her right ear. She was pointing the tip of her arrow at the snowball, nudging the bow left and right, so it'd be less to the side, and more towards the center of the snowy orb.

Finally, when she was satisfied with where the arrow was pointing, Aello let go of the string. The arrow shot forth, and soon, sliced off the right edge of the snowy orb, before falling to the floor.

Aello quickly reloaded. "Lower it if you must... if you're truly as weak as you say... it's not particularly difficult to hit now, though. It'll be nothing if you move it any closer to the ground," Aello commented, as she righted her bow and inched the string back. She supported the arrow with her index finger, as she closed her left eye, and pushed the bow along, until the arrow was pointed at a place no more than six inches above the snowball, and four inches to its right. With the wind picking up speed again, Aello hoped that this would be enough to allow her to hit.

The girl inched the string back a little more, until it began to creak, before she let go. The arrow shot forward, leaving the string to vibrate rapidly, to hum, as she watched it move. Soon enough, it had sliced away the other side of the snowball, leaving the orb in a more hourglass shape, than anything else. "We may need a new target," Aello muttered, as she reloaded her bow, and raised it. She sighted down the length of the arrow. She forced it over the center of the remainder of her target, and inched the string back.

When she finally let go, the wind had picked up again, veering Aello's arrow off course. It fell into the snow, far to Coren's left. "Sorry bout that," she muttered, as she reloaded, "it's the bloody wind," she added, as she righted her bow once more. She only had a few more shots, she wanted to make them count.

OOCSix arrows shot.
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[flashback]Not only animals are dangerous(aello)

Postby Coren on November 2nd, 2011, 4:13 pm

Coren just rolled his eyes at aello's comment. “I don't really see it as being weak, rather as being carefull not to screw yourself up beyond what even rak'keli could fix. Besides, I'm still quite a novice in my art, so I'm not going to take to many risks just for some stupid exercise on your part.” He grumbled out, wondering what the hell crawled up that woman's butt to give her an attitude problem like that. He slowly lowered the snowball in between the woman's shots. The woman's boasts grating his nerves somewhat. She already missed the snowball 3 times before out of the three shots that she fired and even though he didn't know much about bow's and arrows. He knew that wasn't really stellar marksmanship.

The next two shots from the woman however, did hit the target, neatly slicing two grooves into the round snowball, more or less giving it an hourglass like shape. Hearing her mutter of needing a new target he nodded in agreement.
“Yeah probably. This one will fall apart if ya hit him one more time.” He kept his crack about how that probably wouldn't happen for quite a while for himself. He was a lot bigger and thus easier to hit with those arrows. And she looked crabby and unstable enough to aim at him.
He dropped the snowball he was holding in his ethereal hand and slowly let the ethereal arm shrink to its normal size again. Grabbing a handful of snow and using both his projected limb and his normal one to quickly press it into the shape of another snowball.

“So you have fired of six shots already. Only four shots remaining and we can go our separate way's again.” He said as he began lifting up the newly formed snowball up to the same height as the time she was able to hit it.
“So hurry up and fire those so that we can go retrieve your arrows and end this.” He really didn't want to hang around her longer then he really had to if it was possible.

"I'm speaking vani"
"I am speaking common"
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Real life is kicking me in the can at the moment. posting is delayed. sorry for the inconvienience.
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[flashback]Not only animals are dangerous(aello)

Postby Aello on November 3rd, 2011, 12:19 am

Aello growled. "Testy, testy," she commented, as she ran her tongue over the roof of her mouth, producing a low, clicking sound. She closed her left eye once more, as she lifted her bow even higher, and aimed down the length of her arrow. She creaked the bowstring back, and once Coren had crafted a fresh target, locked onto its center.

Aello inched the string back a little farther, and then let go. The arrow shot forward, and soon, knocked off the bottom portion of her latest target, before falling into the snow.

Aello quickly reloaded, and returned to her prior stance, based off her muscle memory. She inched the bow a little higher than the last time, to account for the bottom portion of the target being missing, before she let go of the string. The string started shaking wildly, as the arrow left the serving, and soared closer to the snowball. It swept through the air, in the exact spot where a target had once been.

So much for that, Aello thought, as she reloaded, and raised her bow again. She inched the bowstring back, ignoring the creaking noise it made, how the wind swept her hair off her shoulders, how her fingers ached as the string dug into them.

The girl brought the tip of her arrow over the top portion of the snowball, and then let go of the string. The arrow leapt from the string, towards the snowball, cutting through its center. Leaving the target in a shape similar to a doughnut with a single bite taken out of it. The girl smiled, as her arrow sank from the air, to its grave of snow.

"Last one," Aello commented as she reloaded. "Perhaps that target of yours can be cut away completely," she added as she raised her bow, closed her left eye once more, and pulled the bowstring back past her right ear. She moved the bow around slowly, until the point of her arrow was resting just over the top portion of the hole she had just made in the target. "Here goes," she commented, as she unfurled her fingers, sending the arrow away.

It dipped as it soared through the air, but even so, still managed to take off the edge of the snowball. "You can drop it now," Aello commented, "we're finished," she added, as she gathered up her arrows, and gave Coren one last, hard stare. "Enjoy your magic practice," she added, as she brushed past him, in the direction of the city.

"Until our paths do cross," Aello called over her shoulder, as she fastened her cloak more tightly around her, and picked up the pace back towards the holds.

OOCFeel free to wrap up.
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