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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Cicatrice on September 22nd, 2011, 6:35 am


Name: Cicatrice
Age: 18, looks to be about 15. Born the Winter of 491, day 5
Gender: Female

Physical Description

A soft and angelic face, with wide eyes the color of deep violet. To stare into her eyes carries the risk of becoming lost in their depths. Her white hair is shorn short, framing her face in soft feathery locks, stopping just under her chin. She stands at a short 5'1, her frame skinny and flat. She's been mistaken for a boy before from her lack of curves and short hair, much to her annoyance. Her clothes, forced to wear by her mother, are made to hide her gender and heiratage. Black and unassuming, they deflect attention away from the girl.

Character Concept

Cicatrice has grown up in Sunberth, so she's learned not to show weakness in front of others. She's generally cheerful, and she has a strong will. Though most would just call her stubborn. This stubborness sometimes gets her into trouble, but nothing she can't handle. Cicatrice has been discouraged from making friends, and exploring any talents that might bring attention to herself. The girl is conflicted, as her respect for her mother comes in conflict with her inherent gifts and her interests. Cicatrice tries to keep her spirits up, but every once in a while her unhappiness overwhelms her. She doesn't cry often, but sometimes she can't help it. Because of her upbringing, Cicatrice doesn't really know what she is. She knows she is 'Konti', but the word doesn't mean anything to her.

Cicatrice has the gift of sight into a person's past pain. If she comes into physical contact with someone, there's a chance she can have a vision of the situation that caused the person te most pain, whether that be physical or emotional. If the vision is strong enough, sometimes the emotions of the event are transferred into her.

Character History

Maeva was once a slave for a powerful slave trader, forced to use her powers to further their exploits of the people. It drove her insane, to the point where they couldn't trust her judgements. Desperate for another Konti, the men raped her repeatedly until she began to show signs of pregnancy. She was put under careful watch so she couldn't escape. But one night, one of her guards became ill and left, leaving only one guard.

With the one man, Maeva was able to break away from the slavers, escaping into the wildlands. Whether it was luck or divine intervention, she made it to Sunberth. She found a trade in fortune telling, as no one trusts a mad healer. She made enough money to buy a small home, where she gave birth to her daughter: Cicatrice. Growing up, her mother always talked as if they were being chased, having to hide from 'them'. That 'they' were after them. Growing up, Cicatrice was discouraged from making friends, as he mother believed no one could be trusted.

Cicatrice was allowed to work on her fortune telling, but that was the only skill she was allowed to work on. She had interest in art, and magic, but whenever she expressed an interest to her mother, Maeve became hysterical about keeping her daughter hidden, and threatened to keep her locked away if she ever spoke about it again. Needless to say, the subject was dropped. About the time Cicatrice was 10, her mother opened up enough to the outside world to force the young Konti to take lessons in martial arts and swordplay. While she protested vehemently, Cicatrice excelled.

A little while later, her mother forced her to dress as a boy, to try and hide her Konti heritage. There can't be a male Konti, so people wouldn't look at her as anything other than a strange child. She continues with her lessons, paying her way with her fortunes, and taking care of her insane mother.

Training & Skill Points

SkillStarting PackageAwarded PointsTotal Count
Fortune telling 20N/A20/100
Weapon- Estoc 20+323/100
Unarmed Combat 10N/A10/100
Running 10N/A10/100
Body BuildingN/A+11/100
Wild SurvivalN/A+11/100


Swordplay: Dance of Water
Estoc: Fencer's Stance (Basic)
Estoc: Blocks (Basic)
Estoc: Transition Movements (Basic)
Estoc: Thrusts, Slashes, and Chops (Basic)
Estoc Tenets: Power vs. Finesse
Camping: Tent Pitching(basic)
Friends in strange places?: Talbot (poor)
Palm Reading

Equipment & Possessions

A long black overcoat with a hood
A black cap with a violet line design
A violet tunic
A brown belt with a card holder
Loose fitted pants, tan, tied off at the ankle.
A pair of light-weight leather boots

1 waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel

Sword: Estoc (Heirloom)


100 GM
-75 (horse)

25 GM

Thread List

But..this isn't what I want..(flashback-finished)
A Dispute on the Bank Side (finished)
Hard Days on the Way to Nowhere
Last edited by Cicatrice on October 17th, 2011, 4:51 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Alternate PC

User avatar
Posts: 41
Words: 24023
Joined roleplay: September 22nd, 2011, 12:20 am
Location: Wandering without a home...
Race: Konti
Character sheet


Postby Cicatrice on October 5th, 2011, 6:00 am


General Information :
1. What is your Name?
2. Do you go by a nickname or pet name?
3. How old are you?
I am 18, though I look a lot younger
4. What is your height?
..I'm short, and I hate it.
5. What is your weight?
N-Now that is none of your business!

Aesthetics :
1. Describe yourself as you see yourself.
I see myself as a happy and cheerful person, though rather lonely. I don't make friends easily.
2. Describe yourself as others typically see you.
Shy, distant. Stubborn comes up, and the one friend I have doesn't think I'm very bright.
3. What is your favorite body feature?
My face; its shape, the colour of my eyes, the shape of my lips, my complexion. I just like the way i look~
4. How physically fit are you?
I'm not in the best shape of my life, but I'm fit enough.
5. How do you typically dress and what is your style?
For as long as i can remember i've been forced to wear what my mother wanted me to wear, so I don't really have a style. I enjoy bright colors, if that counts.

Family :
1. Who are your parents and what are they like?
I don't know my father. I've never even heard his name. My mother is...a real piece of work. She's been insane for as long as i can remember, but she's always tried to do her best to take care of me.
2. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
None that i know of.
3. What is your extended family like?
I only know my mother.
4. Do you consider close friends as important or more/less important than family?
I've never really had a close friend.
5. Do you treat animals like family?
Not really, but this might change

Location :
1. Where were you born?
I was born in Sunberth. I'm amazed I'm still here.
2. Where do you live now?
I don't live anywhere at the moment. I'm travelling with a friend.
3. If you could live anywhere in Mizahar where would that be?
All I've ever known is Sunberth, and i never want to go back there.
4. Do you have a favorite place to vacation or spend leisure time?
Again, i've never left Sunberth.
5. Where do you fear to be?
...Does being alone count?

Traits :
1. Do you have any physical weaknesses (disease, scars, and missing limbs?)
I'm generally healthy.
2. Are you right handed or left handed?
Right handed~
3. What languages do you speak? What do you sound like? Do you have an accent?
I know the Common language, and my mother taught me a bit of... Kontinease, i believe it was called. Every city has its own accent, so i suppose i have one.
4. Do you have any odd mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
I blush really easily. Almost anything will make me go red.
5. Do you have (or want to get) any tattoos or piercing? Why do you have them (or will get them) ?
I've already got something similar to a tattoo growing on my body. They look like scales, actually. And i don't see the need to put more holes in my body.

Occupations :
1. What is your occupation?
I make my way as a fortune teller.
2. Do you like/dislike your work? Why?
I don't hate it, but it all depends on the customers. If no one wants a fortune read, I don't make money.
3. If you could be anything you wanted to, what would you be?
I'm not sure. Maybe a dancer?
4. What occupation do you admire the most? Why?
I admire any occupation where the worker is dedicated to their craft.
5. What occupation do you lest like? Why?
Slavers. Need I really explain this?

Childhood :
1. What sort of child were you?
The child that grew up too fast.
2. What is your favorite memory from childhood?
Meeting Talcum, though I hated him at the time.
3. What is your worst memory from childhood?
...My mother had her bad days..
4. What sort of relationship did you have with your parents?
I've never met my father, and as soon as I was able I became my mother's caretaker.
5. Who was your most influential rolemodel?
Talcum Iridescent

Education :
1. What sort of education do you have?
I have no formal education, but I was taught to read and write. And I learned how to count quick when I started working.
2. Do you like/dislike learning?
I like learning new things, as long as its interesting.
3. Where or how did you learn most of your skills/abilities?
My mother taught me mostly, though I learned all my combat skills from Talcum.
4. How do you learn best?
When someone is showing me and walking me through the steps.
5. What are your educational goals for the future?
I've always been interested in learning magic, so I hope to find someone who can teach me, or at least give me more knowledge on the subject.

Relationships :
1. Do you form close bonds with people? Why? Why not?
I haven't really been around many people long enough to form close bonds, and my mother didn't like it when I made friends.
2. Do you trust people easily? If not, why not?
I can be a bit too trusting at times..
3. Do you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else?
I'm not too sure.. I've never been really attracted to anybody, but I know a good looking guy/gal when I see one.
4. Have you ever been kissed? If so, describe the first time.
5. Have you ever had sex? If so, describe the first time.
W-Wh-Wha What?! Why would you want to know something like th-that?! A-And no.. I've never had s-sex..

Drugs and Alcohol :
1. Have you ever been drunk? If so, describe your first time.
I don't like the taste of alcohol, so I've never drank enough to be drunk.
2. Do you like to drink on a regular basis?
Not at all.
3. What sort of alcohol do you prefer?
None, they all taste disgusting.
4. Have you ever tried drugs (mood altering substances)? If so, which kinds and what did you think of them?
5. What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Be specific.
I think that they're ok, if you like that sort of thing, in moderation. Too much makes you dependant and ruins your health.

Likes and Dislikes :
1. What are your hobbies?
2. Do you like to read?
3. What annoys you more than anything else?
4. What do you find the most relaxing activity to do?
5. What kinds of things embarrass you? Why?

Favorites :
1. What is your favorite color or colors?
2. What is your favorite time of day?
3. What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
4. What do you like to eat? What do you hate to eat?
5. What is your favorite type of weather? Does any kind scare you?

Outlook :
1. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
2. What are your religious views?
3. Would you be able to kill?
4. What are your views on sex?
5. What, in your opinion, makes a successful life?

Actions :
1. What is the worst and best thing you’ve ever done?
2. What is your greatest regret?
3. What is your best/worst memory?
4. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be and why?
5. What are you the most proud of doing in your life?

Emotions :
1. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with others?
2. Do you have any biases or prejudices?
3. What makes you happy?
4. Who or what, if anything, would you die for?
5. What makes you angry?

Relationships :
1. In general, how do you treat others?
2. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
3. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
4. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If not, describe an ideal lover.
5. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why

Group Situations :
1. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
2. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
3. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
4. Do you care what others think of you?
5. What do you think of others, in general?

Self Image :
1. What is your greatest strength as a person?
2. What is your greatest weakness?
3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
4. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
5. Are you generally organized or messy?

Beliefs :
1. What God or Goddess do you find most appealing, if any?
2. Which God or Goddess do you fear, if any?
3. Do you have any Gnosis Marks? If so, how did you receive them?
4. What lengths would you go to to please your deity?
5. Where do you draw the line at pleasing your deity? What is too much?

Life & Death :
1. What do you absolutely live for?
2. What is the best part of life?
3. What is the best part of death?
4. If you could choose, how would you want to die?
5. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
Alternate PC

User avatar
Posts: 41
Words: 24023
Joined roleplay: September 22nd, 2011, 12:20 am
Location: Wandering without a home...
Race: Konti
Character sheet

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