[Flashback] An unlikely meeting [Nathan]

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

[Flashback] An unlikely meeting [Nathan]

Postby Skugga on October 13th, 2011, 10:31 pm

Ziela did see the logic in Nathan's words, it was always safer to keep your weapon for as long as possible if you only had one weapon. "That is reasonable I guess but I live for the moment, or I'd like to at least," Ziela said. It was easy to talk to the boy, even for her it was, now she had not much experience with children or really anyone much younger than her so she wasn't sure if it was because of his age or if it was Nathan himself, either way she found it to be an unusual feeling and not an entirely bad one.

After retrieving and giving back his dagger she looked at Nathan taking the stance for throwing the dagger, his stance wasn't bad and the boy hit the target, though the dagger didn't stick to the wood, for a beginner that was good considering his first throw. "That was pretty good, for a beginner," Ziela said a bit patronizing, she was not used to deal out praise and she was the type that didn't interact so good with others even if she was skilled at pretending that she was. "Make sure you keep your wrist stiff all the way through the throw, you will need a strong upper body and good finger dexterity to be skilled at this, I think to be able to throw your dagger well one have to be stronger than either one of us," she said and battled the side of her that wanted, just for spite, make it harder for the boy and sighed slightly at her loss against herself. "Here," she said and stretched out her hand with her own dagger in. "Mine is smaller than yours, try once with it and see if it works better. Also try moving just a bit closer or further from the target to find the perfect spot for you."

Ziela had started thinking over her fighting skills, she was relatively good at throwing the dagger and she could stab someone in a moment of surprise but in a real close up battle her skills with a dagger wouldn't keep her alive for long. Maybe it would be good for her to train some close combat too, but how would she train those skills with wooden targets, maybe she could fix some kind off wooden dummy or the like.

Nathan's question about a merchants life took Ziela off guard, she had no real experience of the open sea or the trading life of a merchant but she had talked with some of the merchants employed by her father and as a kid Ziela had followed her father on his visits to the harbour sometimes and had run around chattering with the crew from the ships. "I can't say that I have any hands on experience Nathan, but I have talked with several merchants my father employs." Ziela said while twirling with the necklace she wore, the silver insignia of her family. "It is supposed to be dangerous, you never know how the people you meet will react to your bargaining and the trips themselves can be lethal. Vicious storms, the risk of sailing the wrong way, capsizing and no winds but it is also supposed to be a free life without boundaries."

Ziela didn't notice her own softening exterior as she remembered the freedom she had heard off and that she sought as well, not that she wanted a life on the sea, no she wasn't the person for that but the freedom was almost the same on land if you just took the chances given you and survived the trials. "The merchants, as well as sailors, talk about the feeling you get as the wide ocean stretch out in front of you with wind in the sails and the sun shining from a blue sky, they also say it isn't something that can be explained." Snapping out from her inner image of how that could look like Ziela looked up at Nathan. "Of course it is not only about the travelling, you have to know how to talk to people, to measure how far you can go while haggling and be strong enough to show a tough facade even if the goings get rough. The men working under my father is charismatic though many show it mostly when they're working and all of them are good enough with some kind of weapon to protect themselves and their goods."

After her very long speech Ziela drank some water to ease her throat, during this short time since she met Nathan she had talked more than she normally did during an entire day or two and she had fun too, while not showing much outwardly though.
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[Flashback] An unlikely meeting [Nathan]

Postby Nathan Longstride on October 14th, 2011, 12:55 pm

Nathan continued to listen to the girl as she taught him the proper use to throw daggers. Stiff wrist, strong upper body, and dexterity wasn't something a little kid trained to have. Nathan really didn't enjoy much exersise. If it came with practicing daggers, or with whatever he was doing for the day, so be it. But the boy never went out of his way to be healthy. It just wasn't his style.

Ziela unstrapped her dagger, handing it to Nathan. It was smaller than the one Nathan carried with him, plain. But you couldn't call it any worse than his dagger. As long it could kill, Nathan figured it was considered a good dagger. He hadn't gained his eye for nice weapons and crappy weapons like when he was older. And he never cared about the beauty of some things. To him, a dagger was a dagger, whether it was steel or gold. Nathan rolled the hilt in his hand, but didn't throw it yet. He'll wait.

Nathan listened to Ziela's explanation of working as a merchant, and the description was enough to frighten a little boy just a little. Angry customers didn't scare the boy much, as he knew his daggers would save him. But how one person control the storms and ocean? Nathan was ignorant of gods, not knowing of Laviku who controlled the ocean, and he didn't know of any gnosis that gave mortals powers similar to gods. Maybe it was his parents fault for not letting him talk to priests. Or maybe it were two twins watching him years before his fateful night to make sure Nathan Longstride would be their follower.

But none of those horrible things could stop Nathan's longing for the open sea. It wasn't that he wanted to be a sailor, having no skill with boats. But it was the promise of adventure that caught Nathan. Sure, a knight in Syliras or a wandering musician could have adventures too, but he didn't want to kill people, and he couldn't play an instrument. But as a trader, he would be thrusted into a world of unique items just waiting to be sold. A treasure trader was his dream, traveling all over the world, selling the treasures of Pre-Valterrian. And the gold involved with success also trapped Nathan. Not that he was greedy. Just poor.

Watching Ziela, he could see her cold features soften just a little as she explained the freedom. Nathan didn't understand her problem, and he assumed she just longed to sail too. He wasn't far off with that, but her reason for wanting to leave he did not know. She then explained how traders needed a silver tongue to have a good business. And how weapons were also needed for success. Nathan really wanted to know where in this world would he get in a fight over bad haggling. He just couldn't picture Zeltiva as a place to be murdered over high prices. Or even murdered at all.

Nathan sighed. "Even after all of those hardships, it still sounds so inviting. Don't get me wrong. I love my parents, but my father gets to travel, and I love his stories he tells me when he returns. Do I believe he fought a human that could shift into a wolf? Not at all, but he promises that all of this is true. Dark knights, dwarves with giant arms, and a city with warring factions just get my blood pumping. I want to experience this. But from a differnt side of the glass. I want to trade peacefully while I explore the world. I want freedom."

While Ziela drank from the canteen, Nathan assumed the position once more, relaxing his hand holding her dagger while he prepared for the throw. Breathe in, Breathe out. He repeated that in his head, while he lifted his arm. With it above his head, he stiffened his wrist, and let the weapon fly. It rotated twice in the air, before the hilt smashed into the target, high. It landed in front in the grass. So he had mistimed the rotation, but it still was a better throw than his last two attempts.

"I'll be sure to ask my father about dagger sizes. I stand firm with my belief that neither of us have the right dagger for throwing. But I'll get better with practice. I'm sure of that." Nathan smiled, his freckles moving as he did so. But the cutest one was the freckle on his bottom lip that expanded with his mouth. It truly was unique for a boy like Nathan.
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[Flashback] An unlikely meeting [Nathan]

Postby Skugga on October 16th, 2011, 10:36 pm

"Yeah, seeing the world sounds great," Ziela said as Nathan finished his talk about the things his father said to him, she agreed that a lot of it did not seem so believable though she had studied a lot about the world and talked with many merchants and so she knew that what the boy didn't really believe in was in fact true. But his ideas of trading peacefully she could not understand, Ziela wanted excitement in her life, danger and fighting but she kept quiet about that part not certain how this peace loving kid would take that, maybe he'd run off and tell someone. Of course Ziela did not yet now how she would react in a real fight but she felt it in her blood that she'd like it, whether it being a fight with weapons or words.

In her eyes the world was made to explore and the more dangerous the better, she may not be very skilled now and would probably fail horribly at the start on her own but she learned fast and Ziela was determined to enjoy life until her luck ran out so she would have no regrets.

"And sure, a boy using an adult's dagger and a me who bought the first dagger I saw practically can't possibly hope to become skilled in throwing or fighting with daggers. To really get skilled it'd be best to order a dagger that is done according to ones size and age." Ziela made a mental note to do just that when she reached another city, Sunberth perhaps or Syliras maybe. "Practice makes perfect I guess, just one last tip on throwing, when you hit, if the handle points up you stand too close and if it points down you're too far away from the target, of course I guess experts can hit no matter the exact distance though." Ziela couldn't help adding in a last tip on daggers, she took her training seriously and even if she was not a people person all the time she wanted to give out what tips she could when it came to what she was good at.

Breathing in the fresh air Ziela actually had to admit that she may miss this place when she left it, it was a nice, safe town though more than a little boring. "I think I will miss this place a bit actually," she said before realising that she actually said it out loud, it was not like her to speak of her own thoughts to others. Not out of shyness but because Ziela had no one in her life that she considered interesting or worthy to discuss things with, maybe it had to do with all the rich being boring types who cared more for their looks and parties than actual conversations that demanded the least bit of brains. But this boy, Nathan was different, maybe all other so called "commoners" was more like him, maybe they had a different view on life where nothing could be taken for granted, that did sound like something she would like though, a life where nothing was guaranteed.
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[Flashback] An unlikely meeting [Nathan]

Postby Nathan Longstride on October 19th, 2011, 12:01 am

Nathan watched Ziela as she spoke to him about the dagger sizes. It made sense to the boy about sizes. The dagger he held in his hands at the moment was an adult weapon. But when are weapons ever for kids? But Nathan puffed out his chest. He was not about to let his size get in the way. "Or maybe girls aren't meant to use daggers at all. Knives maybe, or even a wooden spoon, but not daggers." This time to boy's sexist comment wasn't meant to stab at Ziela, just to ruffle her feathers. The boy was either shy with girls, or witty. But Ziela was different. Maybe it was because she was five years older than him, but still a child herself.

Nathan listened to her final tip on dagger throwing, and the boy pushed that to the back of his head. It would be good when he gets older, but for now, they were just talking. Even when he got older, Nathan wasn't big on talking about weapons. He loved his blades, but they weren't the focus of his life. Adventure was his priority, and while daggers could always get someone into a situation, it wasn't what Nathan desired. Cities, treasure, and the unknown was his desires.

Ziela mentioned that she would miss this place. That caught Nathan off guard just a tad. Why would she want to leave? Nathan had a reason in living as a "common" boy, and wanting to become a trader? But why would this girl leave everything in Zeltiva, when she had money? Nathan wasn't greedy due to the fact that he had no money to horde, but this girl had to be well off. Why throw it all away?

Nathan shifted his feet, watching her. "Why do you wish to leave?" Nathan wanted to add more, like "You're filthy rich," and "if I was a girl, I'd switch places with you." Alright, so the second one was a lie. Nathan had lived with a women and her monthly routines, and to this day, the boy lifted praises to anyone listening that he was born a boy. So Nathan waited for the answer. Why would she leave Zeltiva?
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[Flashback] An unlikely meeting [Nathan]

Postby Skugga on October 19th, 2011, 2:51 pm

Deciding to not blow a fuse over Nathan's remark on women and weapons she instead opted for a small smile, although with a slight twist to it. "In a desperate situation a wooden spoon too can be a weapon, so can a frying pan. Though maybe not as effective as a sharpened blade," her temper shifted like a butterfly's flutter and now she was starting to loose more and more of her initially cold exterior, of course as always with Ziela, that side of her was just waiting to emerge again though.

"I guess my reasons are close to yours in a way, I would like to see the world," Ziela answered him after thinking for a moment. Falling silent yet again she wondered how much of the truth she would tell him, then again even if he in some way could tell on her Ziela was certain of her abilities to play the proper, well behaved and happy daughter if needed so in the end she decided to tell the truth for once, or maybe not all of it. "I feel imprisoned, locked in a life were I'm on the sidelines. You must have guessed that my family is rich? But I could not care less about our wealth," she chuckled and her eyes warmed up a bit from their frozen steel colour. "I suppose that is something many rich people would say, that money doesn't matter, I'm born with it, I'm used to it so therefore it doesn't matter. But I could just as easily live without that big house and servants. I can't do anything on my own, heck, I'm barely allowed to dress myself." She rolled her eyes, annoyed just by the mentioning of her life.

"Now I'm forced to marry, I have no say in the matter of course, and I refuse to let my life be lived for me. Knowing I have my whole life already decided for me without my consent is infuriating. It is what we rich girls are supposed to accept but I will not, I'd rather leave my comfortable life for a dangerous world where I can never take anything for granted, the feeling of not knowing what may happen the next day is thrilling." Her strong feelings got the better of her and Ziela could barely stop herself from talking. Now that she finally got to vent about her feelings about her life Ziela felt relieved and peaceful, and more determined than ever to leave Zeltiva. Taking a few deep breaths Ziela once again regained her calm composure after her feelings got the better of her, thankfully she had not in the heat of the moment let it slip how she longed to test her skills in battle, to see how far she could go, if she could kill another living being. Ziela did realise that maybe it was not the most normal chain of thoughts but she didn't really care enough to sort through herself, to see if something inside her was lacking in emotions. But yet it would be some time before that part of her grew to outmatch her empathetic and kind hearted side, though it grew quickly without Ziela really noticing it.
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[Flashback] An unlikely meeting [Nathan]

Postby Nathan Longstride on October 20th, 2011, 9:03 pm

Nathan could just watch as Ziela's cold personality slowly melt away while he spoke with her. She listed a frying pan as a second good weapon that could be found in a kitchen. Nathan rubbed his head absently. Ziela didn't know it, but that was where Nathan got hit in the head when his mother got angry at him. So the boy could agree an iron pan was a worthy weapon.

But as Nathan listened, he felt surprised. How could someone feel sidelined by their wealth? Maybe it was because Nathan was never rich. Or maybe it was Nathan wished to be wealthy from hard work, not from birth. And yet Ziela could chuckled about the notion of giving it all up. Why would she ever wish to do that? Maybe when she got older, leave some money for her parents. But to Nathan, what was the difference if she took a couple thousand gold mizas.

But as Ziela continued speaking, Nathan began to understand a little better. He was sure having no freedom was not something he wished for himself. Even at a young age, he wanted freedom. He disliked being bossed around, a testament to his wit and sharp tongue. He wasn't a big fighter, but constant arguement on what he could and could not do developed his silver tongue. And if his mother ever tried to dress him? Nathan could only imagine that frying pan, and a second knot on his head. And nothing that hurt his mother. That truly was not something Nathan wanted to experience, which was why he wished to leave.

Nathan was usually tight on his emotions, except when embarassed, but his jaw dropped slightly when he heard the real reason why Ziela wished to leave. This girl, who was barely older than him, was to be married without say. To Nathan, and most men, marriage is signing yourself into prison. And when forced to do so, it is more like the chopping block. Nathan really did understand why Ziela wanted to leave. But could Nathan do the same if he was in the situation. Nathan rubbed his chin, examining the woman like a housewife would a fish in the market. Maybe if he was forced to marry this Ziela, he could live with it. But if it was Augustus that was an apprentice to the blacksmith, Nathan probably would've swam beside the ship if he couldn't earn passage on the deck.

"Your situation isn't the best, and I can't say I'd have a solution that was different than yours. Being forced into anything turns me against it, especially this. Besides, drinking water your lips touched is different than actually touching your lips. Cooties do seem to die when they touch something inanimate, but touch a boy, and they just multiply." Hey, Nathan was eleven, and coodies were still around those days. You could only grow up so fast.
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[Flashback] An unlikely meeting [Nathan]

Postby Skugga on October 25th, 2011, 11:35 am

Ziela looked up at the sky, the sun had moved across the sky showing at least a few bells had passed, her mother would for sure start to get worried by now, not that Ziela cared. Since she was a child she had liked to go against her parents but she had not acted on it often as she was afraid she'd get forbidden to leave the house but sometimes she just couldn't stand head back already. Looking back at Nathan she smiled at his comment, it really was some distance between their ages after all, not that that was a really big deal in Ziela's eyes compared to her so called friends that only associated with rich people their age and higher.

Sometimes Ziela really wished she could go back in time to her childhood again but without the riches so she could play outside, climb trees or swim in the ocean. It was something she intended to at least partially to remedy now, she may not build a fortress under a table but she wanted to climb trees and rocks, swim in the ocean or a sea and not care about her speech or behaviour towards others. Ziela didn't want to get robbed of that again now that she was starting to get a scent of freedom, just a little while longer and she'd be free if only her parents didn't find out about her plans.

"Well, I can only speak for myself and not for other women, but as I see it I either stay and be a good girl or I leave and live my own life. No such a hard choice in my opinion." Ziela said casually, picking a leaf from a bush she meticulously picked it apart by the thin veins and spread the remains on the grass. "You wont tell anyone about what I've said will you?" She finally asked raising her grey eyes to Nathans blue ones, not wanting to really ask for something but at the same time not wanting to take any risks.
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[Flashback] An unlikely meeting [Nathan]

Postby Nathan Longstride on October 25th, 2011, 11:33 pm

Nathan was glad to draw a smile from Ziela. The boy wondered how often this girl actually smiled. Not how many times it was forced for those rich folks, but with actually mirth. Nathan was sure he would've been smiling much if he was forced to marriage. But he still couldn't decide if it truly was a good decision to just up and disappear. When, no if, Nathan left, he wanted smiles on his parent's face. And if tears, may they be tears of joy. From his mother because her boy had grown up, and from his father because he finally got rid of him. Yeah, that was how Nathan pictured his departure, not like Ziela planned it. It would take a while, but Nathan would eventually learn that the world is cruelier than he imagined it.

Nathan listened to Ziela add a little to the pot of his thoughts. Nathan was only good at solving situations by placing himself in them, so that was what he did. Did he want to stay and be the good gir. . . boy, or leave and live his own life however he wanted it? An easy decision with gigantic effects.

Nathan didn't answer her first statement, but he did plan what he was going to do with her second. She asked if he would tell, but she really implied will you promise not to. That was something the boy could do, but he just had to add some flavor. Bending into a bow, Nathan lowered his head like the knights in his father's stories. Curling his hand into a fist, he placed it across in his heart, and spoke to her in his deepest voice he could muster. "To my Lady, Ziela Ta'ane, I vow to lock your deepest intentions in the vault that doctors deem my heart. May it never be let free by flapping lips unless you deem it time." Alright, so that was how Nathan figured these vows went. It was the first time he ever did so. Well, there was that time he and Orville played "Slay the Noble." But that vow he made to the snob didn't have to be repeated.

Nathan looked at Ziela. After everything he had learned about her, he figured she really wasn't what others thought her to be. It was times like this where people shed their past lives and took on a new one. Nathan had never done it before, but his young mind figured the first thing to change was the name. His first thought was slug, but that would be mean to call this girl slimy. She surely didn't look slimy, but Nathan would have to feel her first to be sure. So he changed the "l" to a "k," coming up with Skug. But that was too short, and sounded like something you'd give to a troll. So he added two more letters, and magic was made.

Looking at the girl, he smiled. "Well, it seems you'll soon be taking up a new life, and with it comes a new persona. So from now on, I will know you as Skugga. Just don't ask me how I came up with it." Nathan's smiled widened, one of those little boy grins that prevented anger from evering rising. Too bad Nathan didn't know women like he thought they did.
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[Flashback] An unlikely meeting [Nathan]

Postby Skugga on October 26th, 2011, 8:50 pm

Watching Nathan make his bow and vow to keep her secret Ziela actually let out a short laugh, not in mockery over the gesture but in amusement and relief. Thinking back she wondered how long ago she had genuinely laughed at something, she wasn't sure but it was a while ago, maybe when she'd made a break in her dagger training last fall? "Thank you," Ziela said, for once it didn't come out sounding forced with an accompanying false smile, maybe she could learn showing gratitude to others.

Skugga, she spelled it inside, repeated it to herself, trying to get a feel of the name. It wasn't a bad one though it would take time getting used to after growing up with Ziela, but she could see herself being called that. This boy was thoughtful, she herself had had no plans to get an alias as of yet, thinking about it now was almost embarrassing, it would be easy for her father to track her down, just describe her looks and name and she'd be caught in no time. But with a new name she'd be easier to overlook, without noticing it herself Ziela actually gave a name to her darker side, as it grew ever larger and she'd now be called Skugga by Nathan and outside Zeltiva, meaning she left her birth name to her old, original personality. "I like it," she said to Nathan. "I think that is what I'm going to go by when I leave."

Looking at the smiling boy she wondered what he meant about not asking for the name's origins. If she'd had a brother maybe Ziela would have been more used to boy's antics and thoughts and may be left it at that but as it was she was an only child, besides if someone said not to ask or not to do Ziela found it hard resisting doing it anyway just because she shouldn't. "Why not?" Ziela asked, raising an eyebrow. How bad could it be, really?
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[Flashback] An unlikely meeting [Nathan]

Postby Nathan Longstride on October 27th, 2011, 8:59 pm

Nathan enjoyed many things. The sea breeze blowing his hair up as he ran across the beach. The taste of his mother's cooking, and the smile from his father when he dumped the vegetables outside our window that he always ended up sitting beside. and his enjoyments changed with what he did. And this day it was Skugga's laughter. Nathan could just actually see the happiness radiating off of the teenager near him. How often was she this happy?

Nathan was glad that she liked the name he gave her. He put much thought into it, and it would've hurt a little if she hadn't liked it. I was sad thought that his new friend would have to leave so soon. The boy did have a few things to say to Skugga's father about how to treat a women. But maybe it was better if Skugga left and Nathan never met her father. But if he ever did? Well, hopefully he wouldn't. For Ziela's father's sake.

But Nathan wasn't worried about her father when Skugga asked how he came up with the name. Nathan looked at her, his eyes wide, before he chuckled. Turning on his young boy smile he turned his head away. "Better if you didn't know, Skugga. Better for both of us." Well, the boy wasn't lying. Would Skugga's temper show if he told her the name started when he pictured a slug? That was something he wasn't going to find out.

Nathan looked at the setting sun. It was getting late and about time to go back home for the final meal of the day. Time for them to return to their lives. At least until Ziela left to live a new life. And when would Nathan? Well that wasn't something he was going to worry about at the moment. Looking over the shoulder, Nathan smiled. "Next time I see you, Skugga, I'll be better than you with our dagger. Practice more, and maybe I won't believe you need to be in the kitchen. And I do mean practice a lot." With a chuckle, Nathan disappeared through the trees shrouding them from the road. Today was a good day. He made a new friend, practiced with his dagger, and named someone for their second life. And the boy could only wonder what tomorrow would hold.

You can end the thread. Enjoyed writing with you, and if I'm ever in Alvadas, I'll be sure to look you up.
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