Just Wait (Jaeden)

After fleeing Ravok, Aello finds herself heading deeper and deeper into the wilderness. Into unknown lands she can scarcely navigate. When she deems her escape hopeless, the girl finally finds someone to show her a few pointers... and more trouble.

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Aello on February 10th, 2012, 12:29 am

Aello merely nodded that she understood. "Just don't miss," she said, in response to Jaeden's last comment. "Or get yourself killed. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I'm a medic. Don't expect me to be patching you up any. That's Red's job." Aello paused as her eyes began to sparkle. Deftly, she drew her bow up the length of her left arm, allowing the frame to rest against her shoulder, so she'd be able to hold onto the rope a bit better. When she had finished she turned to Red. "Most of their auras don't hold the darkness most of those belonging to the Ebonstryfe do. It makes one wonder if it's really them, or perhaps someone sent on their behalf. Some sort of mercenary group. A set of individuals strewn together in the hopes that they could best the one they're after." Again, Aello paused as she pushed her right foot through the hole in the rope, and reached for its coiled length. Forcing her hands against the rough, itchy texture. "Which means, it'll be a bit more difficult to assume how they'll use their weapons. Or if they'll be able to work together... your best bet, especially Red, I would say, is to assume that the archers will be going for your neck. The mages for myself and Jaeden. I am afraid they're unlikely to consider you much of a threat though, at least until you prove yourself. The Ebonstryfe seeing animals as nothing, and these people, being an extension of them, and those of Ravok, liable to be the same, at least in that one regard... watch his back my dear. They'll be going for it, if they have any sense." Aello chuckled. "And don't forget to be careful yourself. Alright?"

As the words left her lips, Aello gave a slight tug on the rope, as though testing how durable it was. "Alright Jaeden, that should do. Whenever you're ready, we should work on getting me up there, so you guys have some time to prepare yourselves. This won't be a victory easily achieved. They will not hand us their lives, nor can they expect us to hand them ours." A delicate smile spread across the girl's lips. "Do not worry, the rope will hold," she whispered, as she pushed up with her left foot across the ground, expecting that Jaeden would move back, and soon enough, she'd be hovering off the ground. "And it will be kept safe during the fighting... good luck to you both again," Aello finished, as she turned away from them.

Dira, protect us all, Aello thought, as she trailed her hands up the rope, as though willing it to carry her further; faster. Away from them.
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Jaeden Kincade on February 14th, 2012, 3:13 am

Jaeden gave a slow shrug of his shoulders and he slipped the loop of the rope over Aello’s foot, handing her the slack. “Couldn’t say.” Jaeden said as he snatched the other line of rope in hand. “As many ass hats as I’ve encountered out here, Ravok’s soldiers haven’t been any of them. Slavers and raiders who do frequent trade there, sure. But not their enlisted, trained soldiers.”

Jaeden then gave a smile as Aello turned her attention to Red, sharing her thoughts and advice. “Always.” Red then simply said. “There’s no one I would rather watch over more.”

Jaeden gave a soft smile, resting his hand on Red’s shoulder before that hand traveled decidedly south, grasping Red’s butt, eliciting a quick spin of her body before her heel kicked Jaeden softly in his own behind. “Must you always ruin the mood?” Red then said, growling a little bit.

“You know I don’t like to let moods get overly serious for extended periods of time, gorgeous.” Jaeden said with a goofy chuckle, and sheepish grin. He then looked to Aello. “Red and I have been through several battles, and our bond is strong. Generally when we fight, it’s as one. We’ll know each others movements by a subtle look or motion of our bodies. Up you go then.”

Jaeden then gave a slight grunt as his heels dug into the ground, his hands tightened across the rope, and his body leaning back. The fabric in his shirt tightened around his arms as each pull of the rope hoisted Aello further into the air, causing his muscles to become taught by the strength exerted with each pull. While Aello herself didn’t weight much, a weight Jaeden could normally carry around easily enough for a while, the rope dragging along the limb of the tree offered further resistance, adding to the work out. Each pull, the roped whined with a bit of strain then came that echoing sound of hemp rubbing heavily along bark as tree limbs bowed, ever so slightly, for just a moment. Each pull he took came with an exhale and grunt as Aello went up a couple of feet further, then an inhale was taken each time he reached for more rope, taking up slack.

The whole process only took about five chimes, as Aello reached the limb, grabbing it with both hands and pulling herself up to it as Jaeden supported her by continuing to take up the slack of the rope until she was perched along the thick base of the limb. Jaeden then released his grip, taking a moment to catch his breath as Aello tied the rope off to the tree limb itself, and pulled the slack up into the tree with her. Jaeden then slowly looked up to Aello, giving a slight salute with his hands. “We’re off to get into position then," Jaeden said firmly enough so that Aello could hear him, but softly enough that his voice wouldn’t carry beyond a dozen or so yards.

With that said, Jaeden slowly began making his way towards the direction Aello’s pursuers were coming from, putting about twenty yards between himself and Aello. He soon positioned himself behind a tree, giving a slow nod to Red afterwards. Red nodded back, soon moving off as the golden shimmer of light once again signaled her transformation into animal form as she found her way to her own hiding spot, crouching below some foliage to conceal herself. To those who weren’t overly cautious, she would simply resemble a woodland fox, trying to conceal herself from being noticed from humans that would be passing nearby. Curious, but cautious as their nature intended them to be most often around bigger animals.

Jaeden took a different approach. He would wonder if their auristic user would be watching continuously, or just taking brief glances every odd amount of distance they traveled. Jaeden wagered on the latter, in which case he soon noched an arrow into his bow, laying it along the ground behind him. After one hand moved to rest along the surface of the tree, while the other simply hovered in front of his crotch. If their Auristic user looked, they’d be greeted with the site of a woodsman or hunter taking a moment to relieve himself out in the wild. This was all provided on the fact that the Auristic user wasn’t looking too closely at intent of the aura if he could. He looked over his shoulder, keeping Aello and Red in sight, listening and watching for signals the moment the first pair would come into sight. There was a chance, if the wind shifted towards him, that he would be able to smell them coming not long after Red did, and wouldn’t need the signal. But he watched for it all the same, just in case.

Jaeden’s own mind kept running over scenarios as he waited, formulating plans, backup plans, and last resorts. He knew the likely hood of things going the way he and Aello wanted them to, would start off that way initially, but would fall apart soon after. No plan ever went as precisely as it was supposed to go, after all. And he hand to think of what might go wrong, then how to react accordingly. The less surprises he had in this upcoming conflict, the better the odds all three of them would have.

"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Aello on February 14th, 2012, 7:45 pm

As soon as Aello had gotten herself up into the tree's lower limbs, and bound the rope to its side, she turned to face both Red and Jaeden. She nodded her head slowly, as she tightened her grip on her bow. "Good luck," she mouthed to them, as she turned away, and crawled, gingerly, across the length of the tree branch. Her fingers falling into the hollow diamonds. The tiny splits in the bark. The soft underside of her hands brushing up against the rough and uneven texture. Bits of the bark flaking away. Having grown so cool and hard with the weather, that they could no longer bare to hold on. Aello could feel these portions sinking into her skin, sticking, making it all the more difficult for her to slide along, towards the central portion of the tree, from which several great branches stemmed. Forming a small canopy in their center.

The aurist bit her bottom lip as her hands slid across the branches. Her knees brushing against them, as she drew her body along. Almost there, she thought, as she pushed herself a little more, towards the small grouping of branches. As she forced herself towards their center; she could feel her back brushing against the bark. As though she were a bear scratching herself. Grunting, Aello pulled an arrow from her quiver, as she lowered herself into a crouch. She deftly laced it onto the serving of her bow, and began to pull back on the string. She closed her left eye as she heard the first of the creaks. Her fingers began to tingle with anticipation as she drew the arrow's point a bit ahead of where she knew her companions would go.

And now we wait, Aello thought, as she drew in another deep breath, before releasing it through her lips. She could feel her heart thumping in her chest as she rested. Perched in the tree as one of her birds. Her greatest friends and allies. Just for a bit, before blood waters the ground, her mind wondered on, for awhile. Considering how she would feel if her blood was shed. If she wound up meeting Dira again before long. It didn't seem long that her mind had dwelled on the dismal, but, many chimes had passed, and now, carried by the wind to her ears, there seemed to be a soft rustling sound.

Aello's ears prickled as a tremor shot down her spine. She pulled the bowstring back a little further, and adjusted her footing. They felt stiff. Cold. Weak. She thought she could feel her muscles wobbling, now that she had sat for so long, in such an awkward and uncomfortable position. An area that refused to accommodate. Uneasily, the girl rolled her neck, before returning it to a more standard shooting position. Any moment now, she thought, as she pulled her ring finger away from the serving. Leaving only the index and middle to hug the nock of her arrow. Any moment, and the blood bath will begin, as soon as the others make their move...
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Jaeden Kincade on February 21st, 2012, 1:12 am

Jaeden paused for a moment, hearing the rustle of feet moving over dry leaves and twigs. The sounds was muffled. The same as someone lightly stepping, trying to cover the sounds of their movement, but they weren’t quiet good enough to move with no sound at all. Jaeden looked to the side, noticing Red’s head pop out from behind cover, just for a moment before ducking back in. The swell of unease, of slight anxiety that began to well up inside her, her emotion radiating into him from both her Kelvic bond, and the attachment of Ranuri told Jaeden what he needed to know. The first of the group had arrived. Jaeden’s ears twitched slightly, still hearing the approach. Such either meant that they weren’t aware of his presence yet, or that they considered him nothing more than a urinating woodsman. Not their target, and not a threat. Either way worked to Jaeden’s advantage as he slowly stood up strait, and silently reached down for his bow.

With the arrow already nocked into the bow string, Jaeden leaned his back up against the wall. He looked first up towards Aello, giving her a nod, then back over to Red, a slow nod given to her then. Jaeden slowly began to pull back on the bow string, drawing it part way, waiting patiently for Red’s signal. The movements would happen fast. First would come a quick bark from Red as she began to run, drawing the attention of the first approaching. Jaeden would quickly step out from behind the tree next, raising his bow and drawing back the string. His eyes would narrow, his vision focusing some as the feathers of the arrow brushed along his cheek, bringing his composite bow back to a full draw.

He barely had time to look over the first two, but knew the tracker instantly. His clothing tattered, brown in color to more easily blend in with nature. Several pouches lining his belt, meant to hold rations, snares and other survival items. His frame crouched slightly, in the process of examining tracks. Jaeden didn’t hesitate, leveling his bow aim for the tracker’s chest, trying to aim for the heart as he noticed the tracker’s head turned, his attention drawn to Red’s feet rapidly stomping along the ground. The sudden sound, as Jaeden suspected, drew their attention right away, but wouldn’t last for long. Jaeden took all of two ticks of a chime to aim, their heads already beginning to turn back towards Jaeden’s direction. His fingers hooking around the bow string then relaxed, releasing all of the tension the bow carried instantly. The arrow flew from the bow, cutting through the air with a faint whisper. It covered the distance between Jaeden and the tracker in the time it took for the tracker and his partner to turn their heads once again. The arrow struck, just as Jaeden locked eyes with the tracker.

ImageA sudden scream of pain filled the air then as the arrow pierced through leather, cloth and flesh. It nicked bones of the ribs and lacerated through muscle fiber and membranes surrounding vital organs. The tracker fell to his back, gasping as he grasped at the arrow, sounds of gargling already beginning to fill choked breaths. Jaeden had missed the heart, but managed to pierce one of his lungs. Jaeden began to lift his gaze to the other, already reaching to his quiver for another arrow. His own eyes then went wide as he saw the second. The dual sword wielder. His hair a dirty blonde in color, his eyes almost a light shade of grey. He wore a white tailed tunic and black leather beneath. The dual swords were what would be most distinguishable, as they were long and curved, almost too large overall to wield in one hand, yet this individual held them both as if they where as light as a one handed sword. The metal was black along the thickest part, colored likely by some sort of staining, while the sharpened edges gleamed like with a silver shine to it. Jaeden and his eyes locked, Jaeden’s hand slowly pulling the arrow free from his quiver. The dual wielder’s face was blank in expression, despite his partner having just been shot and now lying bleeding and dying next to him. Jaeden gave a slow scoff as he began to nock his next arrow. “You’re a little taller, though those blades of yours now are looking like your overcompensating.” Jaeden called out to the dual wielder then, his tone suggesting that he was familiar with the young man.

“We’ll settle, Jaeden.” the dual wielder then replied, slowly stepping off behind the cover of a tree, “if you survive the others that is.”

“Pfft,” Jaeden scoffed again, a little disdain in his voice now as he began to search for the others who would now be approaching. “He’s a bit smarter this time too.”

Jaeden slowly began to back towards another tree, readying himself to make his way towards the kill box if need be. He heard Red already moving through the bushes and foliage behind him, already taking up a rear and defensive position to prevent someone from flanking him. Things would become a little quicker paced from this point on as the silhouettes’ of others soon started coming into view.

"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Aello on February 22nd, 2012, 3:28 am

It wasn't long after the man's single, bloodcurdling scream left his lips in a pool of silver smoke, that Aello came to hear several more steps approaching. They seemed to shake the very earth, threatening to uproot the deep foundations of her perch. They seemed to thunder across the ground, as though they bore the strength of a horse's hooves. They're coming; following the source of his sound. Like boats, drawn into the harbor by the light of a single house. Shaking her head a little as she curled her bottom lip over the upper one, Aello let out a small puff of air, just enough to toss away the loose wisps of hair that were dangling rather close to her dark eyes. For a moment, as she pulled her lip back into place, she experienced a sense of relief, until the strands fluttered back down. Swaying, dancing, as they settled, back in similar places. Their ends tickling her, as she watched the forms surrounding her tree. Jaeden, the corpse, Red, and the man with curved blades. The man Jaeden seemed to know. Somewhat surprised, perhaps even, somewhat intrigued, Aello chose not to run him through... yet. There was more to this story, to their history that she wanted to know. More that she wanted to acquire, before she shut the pages of the book. For good. Tossing it on a fire so that everything could be reduced to ash; a distant, painful memory.

Drawing in another shallow breath, so as not to produce too much noise, Aello pushed her bow towards the sounds of their approaching foes. Her eyes scanning the line of trees hurriedly, wondering from whence they would first begin to spring. Time seemed to stand still as she waited. Until she saw the first emerge from behind the underbrush, dotting the sides of a large tree situated several paces behind where Jaeden was standing. His broad muscles tightening around his shoulders; bunching. Coiling, causing his form to seem all the more broad and built up than usual. His arms rippling, it seemed, as his muscles slid into his movements; his beck and call, their work. She could see his loose shirt sleeves wavering in the wind, as his feet pounded angrily against the ground. He ran into his shoulder. His boots picking up clods of dirt, and forcing them behind him, as his sword, held tightly at his side, took up both of his meaty hands. So he knows to present less of a target when he runs, Aello thought as she watched him near. His sword wavering with his steps. The rise and fall of his chest, his quickening intake and exhalation of breath. Such a shame it won't be doing him any good, she thought, as her eyes glimmered playfully, the edges of her lips curling into a satisfied smirk, as she forced the string back a little more. As she drew the bow a little higher, and then, let go of the string.

The chord swung forward, circling through the air. A single harp's string, strummed to play a single, solemn note. Aello could scarcely hear it humming as she watched the arrow fly. Its dark feathers fluttering in the wind as she reached for another. As her fingers pinched the wooden shaft of another shortbow arrow, and deftly, pulled it free of the quiver. Its sharpened point clattering against the others as she brought it forward; as her loosed arrow continued to sink, to dip in its flight towards their assailants. As she watched it go, Aello turned her bow on its side, so that it ran from left to right, and, just as she had laced her second arrow onto the serving, the first struck. Sliding between the gentle curve of the swordsman's ribs. Halting him as he ran. Aello could just make out the sight of his dark eyes growing wide with shock as his fingers unfurled. As she lifted her bow, and took aim at the others who were approaching. She could see his massive sword sinking. The hilt sliding through his hands, before the weight of it, no longer supported by anything substantial turned. The point dragged across the ground, forming small, crooked lines. Small rises in the dirt formed around the metal as the man's body wavered. Rocking from side to side, swaying, as though he were a single blade of grass caught in the breeze. Aello watched as his bottom lip trembled, as blood stained his shirt, and then, slowly, as a strange silence surrounded him, he fell into his eternal resting place; his earthen bed.

The man's fellows seemed to stumble over him as they burst out of the forest. Stepping from behind trees and shrubs that once offered cover. They glanced down at the corpse, the man's dark skin hurriedly becoming ashen. They glanced at each other, at Jaeden, and then the fox. "She's here!" one of the men shouted. "She's helping them! Hiding! Find her now! Fan out and find her!" he screeched, his face growing red, his dark eyes flashing with an inner flame, as his hand tightened around the hilt of his sword. Aello could see his lips rising, parting, as the beginnings of yet another order began to form. An order that would be passed through the ranks, who were surprisingly, largely moving to carry out this man's whim, his bidding.

Oh would you shut the petch up already, Aello thought, as she pulled the string back, and then let go, sending it into a series of rapid vibrations, which produced a low, nearly inaudible humming. The string buffeted the girl's left arm as she watched the arrow fly, cutting through the air until it struck its target. Sliding through his slimy pink tongue, as he had begun to bark his new set of orders. Coming out the other side and dangling uselessly against his chest. Aello chuckled as she watched his eyes grow wide. Idiot, she thought, as she pushed her hand back, readying herself to retrieve another shot. But, before she could manage, she heard screaming coming from behind her. Somewhat nervous now that her heart was speeding up, she peered over her shoulder to find the two women standing next to each other. The one who carried a blade was pointing up at her perch. Betraying her hiding spot to her companion, who was reading her bow. That would happen now wouldn't it...

Instantly, Aello whipped her head back around, and as swiftly as she could, eased herself onto her feet. She could hear her bones creaking as heat rushed into the areas where her muscles had coiled. Into the areas she had been resting upon for support. She thought she could hear a hum, a displacement of air, and soon, turned to look over her shoulder again. Her dark eyes grew wide as she caught sight of the Dhani's arrow coming for her. Aello could feel her chest tightening, as she flattened herself against the tree, and dug her nails into the wooden hollows. The diamond cutouts, so similar to a snake's scales. She could see the world darkening, as she closed her eyes, trying to shut it all out. You have got to be kidding me, this is so not how I planned on spending my day off, Aello thought, as she felt the arrow sail past. The current of air that swept alongside it tossing several strands of hair about her face. Sending them across her cheeks. She could feel their ends tickling her trembling lips, as she forced herself to open her eyes, in time to see a metal bolt, from a crossbow, cut across her leg. The opening created by the slit in the fabric, which provided her with easy access to her concealed daggers.

Petch! Would you all just choke on your own spit and die already, Aello thought as she bit her bottom lip. A sharp, searing pain cut across her, as the first few beads of crimson red blood pooled against the shallow cut on her leg. She could barely make out the thundering thwack, as the bolt lodged itself further up in the tree. I am in no darn mood to deal with this nonsense, Aello's mind wore on, as she tried to pull herself into a higher portion of the tree. A canopy the branches formed. "Darn it Jaeden," Aello hollered. "Would you take care of that already!" The aurist could feel her heart speeding up again, as she dragged her bow, and her body against the rough slope in the wood. Hoping, praying silently to Dira, that it would relent so she could live, just a little longer. "It'd be kind of nice right about now," she added under her breath, as she forced herself to duck, as another arrow sailed past.

Silently, Aello wondered why the Dhani wasn't using her magic...
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Jaeden Kincade on February 25th, 2012, 2:59 am

Jaeden’s body was already moving, sensing peril from Red as she caught the scent of the foe rushing from behind Jaeden. Jaeden felt his own heart thump, the beat echoing loudly in his ears as he slowly turned his head. He saw the man approaching, his own pace slowly increasing as the cloth of his shirt grew tighter around his arms while he raised that large sword over his head. Jaeden already knew by the distance the man was and at the pace his feet carried him, Jaeden wouldn’t be able to loose an arrow at him, or draw his own sword in defense before this flux user’s weapon fell on him. His ears also twitched at the sound of feet rustling through leaves and dry twigs, noting that he was already being surrounded. He smirked, realizing that it didn’t take long for the intended plan to fall apart.

Still, as Aello’s arrow flew through the air, piercing between the ribs of the flux user, Jaeden knew that they weren’t dead yet. The group was scattering, moving to flanking positions, but they were also spread out thin as a result, to far apart to launch simultaneous attacks on a single person. Jaeden slowly spun around at the yell, the revelation that Aello was indeed fighting as well, just before a second arrow silenced the barking tongue, by severing it completely from it’s root. Jaeden spun towards the source of the sound, drawing his bow as he leveled it at the now crying foe, his hand covering his mouth as blood leaked out between his fingers and tears streamed from his eyes. Jaeden let his own arrow fly towards the swordsman as he began a run towards the trap area they had set up in advance. It flew quickly, piercing in through he man’s side, just below his arm as it slipped past ribs and flesh, piercing lung. While there was a chance the man wouldn’t have been able to continue the fight after Aello’s previously well placed arrow, Jaeden wasn’t going to risk him getting over the initial shock of having his tongue shot out of his mouth and come back to attack from behind.

Jaeden could begin to feel that small twinge of a burn rising in his lungs as his feet stomped along the ground. His hand reached down, pulling another arrow from his quiver that sat at his waist. Just as he was sliding the third arrow along the shaft of his bow, he heard Aello’s request for assistance. His body spun, as he came stepping out from behind the tree, drawing his bow. There he saw the two women standing. “Nag, nag, nag.” Jaeden said as the string of his bow was drawn back, his aim being taken quickly.

The two women then looked down from where they had spotted Aello, the Dahni already drawing her bow. Jaeden’s eyes shifted quickly before the arrow of his own bow was settled on the Dhani, a quick exhale being released before the his fingers hooking the bow string relaxed and the arrow flew. The shot was off, however, Jaeden’s aim to quick to make it a lethal shot as it pierced through the Dhani’s left shoulder. Her own weapon, however, was released, her left hand falling slightly limp due to Jaeden’s arrow.

Jaeden reached for his quiver of arrows once again, his gaze settling on the woman wielding the short sword now as she was already a third of the way past her approach to reach Jaeden. Jaeden would have to be even quicker with drawing his arrow this time, quicker on the aim, and likely less with his accuracy. Then it happened without warning. Jaeden could feel his bow being wrenched free from his hand, his gaze shifting back to the Dhani who stared at him, an intense stare shot in his direction as a mixture of both pain and concentration appeared in her expression. Jaeden’s gaze moved back to other woman at that point, who was almost on him now. His hand moved quickly towards his sword, his teeth gritting as a sharp inhale was taken. Again he felt resistance, his wrist feeling as though it was being grasped by slender, yet strong fingers. It wouldn’t be able to stop him from what he was attempting, but it would delay him enough that he wouldn’t be able to draw his sword in time.

Jaeden eventually heard the scurry of small feet approaching rapidly behind him, a quick smirk sharpening the corner of his mouth. “Forgot the feet.” Jaeden simply said as his right foot came back and a quick kick forward sent leaves and foliage debris of the forest flying upward towards the woman wielding the shortsword.

Her free hand and arm moved to shield her face in simple surprised reaction as leaves, twigs and dirt bounced harmlessly off of her face. “Keep sight for others approaching!” Jaeden simply yelled out to Aello in that same instant, his fingers already gripping around the hilt of his longsword. The yell for Aello was already apparent as the woman removed her arm that had been shielding her eyes only to be greeted by the high pitched growl and the view of that golden shimmer of light. Before she could react this time, she felt Red’s hand grasping her sword wrist, pushing the sword to the side before feeling Red’s small, but strong fist slamming directly into her throat. The woman fell back, Red unrelenting as she fell with the woman, her feet clambering along the woman’s body as she fell atop of her, repeatedly drawing her fist back and slamming it down into the woman’s throat again and again, even as the two had hit the ground. A portion of Red’s wild nature came to the forefront in that moment, a fire of anger burning in her eyes as she went for her kill.

Jaeden soon had his sword drawn, the sight of Red’s attack a common thing he had seen in their time together. For the Dhani, however, it was a small surprise to her as well as Red’s victim. Her concentration broken for that split second, Jaeden took full opportunity, his feet digging into the ground as and his sword being drawn back. For a man of Jaeden’s size and build, he moved quickly when running at full pace, and the swing of his sword betrayed his skill to be almost twice as great as his skill with his bow as the tip of his blade cut cleanly through the left side of the Dhani’s neck, a trail of crimson red being left in the wake of his swing. The Dhani’s eyes went wide at that point, her right hand reaching up in disbelief as she began grasping at the wound, Jaeden’s sword cutting half way through her neck. It would only be a split second later before Jaeden’s body spun around and he thrust his sword through the Dahni’s back, piercing his sword through clothing, flesh, muscle and bone. Jaeden’s sword pierced through her heart, delivering the quicker deathblow as she dropped to her knees instantly, spotting Jaeden’s sword protruding through the front of her chest. “Red!” Jaeden called out as he began to withdraw his sword.

The call was enough to break Red’s own frenzy as she hopped off her foe, shifting back into fox form, leaving the woman to cough up large amounts of blood, her body twitching along the ground. Just as Jaeden fully withdrew his sword, he heard that whistle that came through the air and soon felt that sharp pain as the bolt of a crossbow pierced through his left shoulder, forcing his body to spin around as he grunted in pain. Instinctively, Jaeden dropped to his knees, rolling behind the cover of a tree. His head peered around the tree for a split moment to see the young man already reloading his crossbow. Another stood behind the crossbowman, his features similar to the younger man’s as Aello had described. “Time to fall back I suppose.” Jaeden called out, alerting both Red and Aello of his intentions.

Jaeden already saw the two men’s tactics. The younger would stand by, firing upon others and becoming a shield for the older one, as he would take the time he needed to for him to summon his rez or djed for a spell. Jaeden didn’t know a whole lot about voiding overall, but he knew, like Reimancy, that both magics took a small amount of time to execute. Unless the user wanted to pay the serious consequences of overgiving. Still, he had to wait for Aello to move first. He wasn’t certain if the two had spotted her yet, and if they had, and he were to leave now, Aello would likely be targeted by bolt or spell. He could already see both were out of her line of sight, standing beside a tree to the west. “Move that narrow ass quick, or I‘m going to squeeze it repeatedly after this is all over.” Jaeden called out again.

"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Aello on February 26th, 2012, 12:39 am

"Well sorry honey, I'm the one stuck in a petching unnavigable tree!" Aello shouted back as she dug her fingers into the hollows. Their ends curling against the sides, as her nails brushed the weaker portions of the bark away. Flicking it uselessly onto the ground, or getting the unruly shards of deep brown stuck underneath her nails. Causing it to seem as though she had been digging for something, for quite awhile. She bit her bottom lip, as she grunted a little. As she wrapped her legs on either end of the massive tree branch, and pushed the soles of her boots into the rough bark. She could feel her fingers sinking in as she dragged her body along. Her legs kicking up against the tree, as she pulled her body upwards with her arms. As her chest slid along, remaining close to the branch. She grit her teeth as she forced herself to keep going, to ease herself into other portions of the tree, and finally looked down, at the final three- the relatives and the man with the curved blades. The man who knew who Jaeden was.

Aello could see their eyes trained on him, and figured, now would be the best time to strike. To bail him out, as he had just done for her. Excited that she could now return the favor, Aello pushed up against her hands, and eased herself into an uncomfortable kneeling position. On unsteady limbs, the aurist reached for another of her arrows, as she turned her father's old bow on its side. She could feel her fingers brushing lightly against feathers, as she forced herself inside, plucking another from the pile of others. Smiling knowingly, the woman deftly laced the arrow onto the serving, and raised her bow. She closed her left eye, as her right leg slid down the narrow slope of the wood. Her fingers hugged the arrow's nock, as they gently pulled. Causing the string to creak as it came back. A little further each time she willed it on. She could feel it against her finger flesh. Digging in. Darkening the spaces the bark had already gotten to. Causing her skin to feel draw, raw, red and achy.

Aello could sense herself sighing as she continued to pull back. As she slowly guided her arrow over her first target. It was a long shot. An awkward shot. Since she could truly, only see their silhouette. Cast by the light of the sun that filtered through the empty places within the trees. Yet, she knew, she would have to take this shot, unless, she wanted to risk another moment with them alive. Another moment in which they could get to her, or one of her allies. Deciding then, that she didn't want to take that chance, Aello forced herself to concentrate. On the dark lines. The sound of their steps, as they took a final one forward. On how their eyes must look now that they had spotted their target. How their hearts must have been hammering.

Taking a deep breath, in through the nose, and out through the mouth, Aello pulled the string back a little more, past her right ear. She felt as ready as she would ever be, and finally, released the string, sending it towards the archer. She thought, if the wind aided her, if she had concentrated as much as she thought she had on her aim, that she stood a chance of ending his life in a single blow. But she was wrong. Instead, her arrow came against his nearest wrist, the one on the right. Pushing up against the bone, cracking it, as it shredded skin. Spilled blood. She could see the dark outline of the man's crossbow tumbling, long before she heard the thud of it hitting the ground. The boy's curses, as he clutched his wrist, and sucked air through his teeth in pain.

Not the best, but at least, he's practically useless now, Aello thought, as she prepared to take another shot on the man nearby, only to find that he had come forward several steps, and was now glaring up at her from around the corner. She could see his hands moving. His lips too. But hardly. He must be muttering something, perhaps some sort of incantation. Confused, Aello could feel her body freezing a moment as she watched, and then, forced herself to keep going. To reach for an arrow. For her fingers to brush up against feathers again. She could hear the man's son screaming still, as the other fixated on her. As he held his hands out and a dark orb appeared a little to the right of her head.

Oh shyke... Aello thought, as her hair started to lift from her head. It passed over her cheeks. Tickling her, as it reached for the opening to the void. The world beyond. She could sense herself being tugged towards it, as it grew. Her body sliding uncomfortably across the tree as her rope too, came up as though caught in a wind. Its frayed edge dangling precariously close to the dark hole. Sparkling, swirling, and growing larger. Aello glanced down at the mage, his eyes closed in concentration. She could barely breath.

Get out of the petching tree! Aello's mind screamed. But how? How could she do it safely when the rope was being guided away. Smaller sticks, baby tree limbs being ripped from the base, and pulled into oblivion. Twigs buffeting her cheeks, and her back all the time. She could feel them scratching her. Raising white, ripped portions on her skin. Her cheeks. She didn't cry out then, as much as she wanted to, as she looked around in a frenzy, wondering what to do, as she wrapped her legs around the tree, and braced herself.

A hot breath of air seemed to caress Aello, as she drew even closer to the trap. Get off the branch. Get off the branch. Get off the branch! Aello's mind screamed, as she ran her bow up the length of her arm, onto her shoulder, and leaned forward. Bringing her body against the branch as her fingers outstretched for the rope. As another branch whacked her across the head. As her hair continued to fly. She thought she could feel the air licking her, as her fingertips felt the ends of the rope. A small tease, as they were pulled away. Come on, Aello thought, praying that she could reach it. Praying she wouldn't have to jump just to save herself, and become just as worthless as the man's son. Only another second may be spared, and then you will have to jump, she thought, as her pinky finger furled around the rope, and brought it to her. As she pulled it in, she wrapped both her hands around it, and looked down.

This SUCKS, Aello thought, as she unwrapped her legs, and pushed herself away from the tree. At first, she seemed to fall. But, the rope's ends still flew up. She was suspended in space. Several feet off the ground still. Stuck in place. Her weight fighting the void's power, and yet, if she really concentrated, she could feel herself being drawn upwards. Towards it. Oh this petching really sucks, Aello thought, as she looked down at the ground, which was slowly slipping away. You're going to have to let go, she told herself, as her fingers fell away. The last slipping away so slowly before she fell. Before everything came crashing down. Her legs snapping against the ground. Her top teeth slamming against the lower ones. Her arrows jumping in their quiver as she hit, and looked around. The mage was still busy with his void. His eyes closed, he'd be easy enough to pick off, if only he hadn't heard it. If only his eyes hadn't snapped open to look at her. If only the tear in the veil hadn't been lifted.

The aurist's entire body ached as she reached past the slit in her clothes, her fingers dancing across the dagger's hilt, as she finally pulled it free. As she finally looked up at the man whose son she had injured, and the man himself, padding behind him, hoping to see her fall. Aello's eyes grew wide, as her grip tightened around the dagger, as she grunted with the pain of easing herself into a more natural standing position. "Petch this nonsense," she muttered under her breath as she tossed the dagger towards the man's son. Sending it twirling towards him. Into the center of his chest. She could see his eyes grow wide as blood spattered his shirt, and slowly, he sank.

The mage roared in pain, and instantly, his hand shot up. Aello knew he was about to conjure something else. To try and extract his revenge. Just how he would manage remained uncertain. She would simply have to wait, and hope, that she had the ability to escape, or even counter his tricks.
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Jaeden Kincade on March 5th, 2012, 9:18 am

Jaeden reached over his shoulder, gritting his teeth as his hand grasped at the shaft of the crossbow bolt in his left shoulder. It hadn’t gone through the bone at least, just the meat of his deltoid muscle. Such would take less time to heal in the long run. But the pain was almost enough to make Jaeden scream as a grunt of otherwise held breath escaped his lips as Jaeden began to press his thumb into the shaft of the bolt, his finger pulling. Flesh and a little muscle tore further as Jaeden’s face went red with pain, his eyes watering slightly before that audible “snap” was heard, the wood of the bolt shaft snapping as the arrow head side of it was tossed away. Jaeden took a moment, taking deep breaths, trying to focus through the burning pain that centered in his shoulder and radiated down his entire left arm. The worst part about it, was that he wasn’t done yet.

Almost reluctantly now, his hand reached up to the part of the bolt that was still in his shoulder, his fingers wrapping around the shaft tightly. A few more breaths were taken then as he prepared himself. Then, with a quick yank, a little more flesh and muscle tore and a trail of blood followed the shaft as it was quickly pulled free from Jaeden’s shoulder. Jaeden tossed the bolt away, his left arm hanging free as blood began to trickle down the entire length. Jaeden’s ears then perked up slightly as he heard a thud, and the sudden thud of something hitting the ground. Jaeden’s hand quickly reached to the hilt of his sword once again, picking it up from the ground. His head peeked around the corner just in time to see Aello throwing her dagger, to see it hitting the young man square in the chest, and then to inevitably see the older man roar out in a rage as he began his act of retribution, about to conjure magic once more.

Jaeden slowly stood to his feet. “Move!” He hissed in pain as every motion of his body caused another wave of pain to jolt through his arm. “Don’t just stand there for it.”

Before Jaeden could move to intercede, the bark of Red and sudden sound of quick paced steps from behind caused Jaeden to sharply turn around, raising his longsword in defense instinctively. The loud ring of metal clashing along metal could be heard as the dual wielders curved blade struck along the flat of Jaeden’s blade. “That shoulder looks pretty banged up, Jaeden.” The dual wielder said.

Jaeden gritted his teeth as he tuned his body away from the dual wielder’s second blade before it could even be swung, pushing the defended blade to the side. Jaeden then noted how the young man held those blades, their point and curve pointing down from the pinky finger of the hand, like how you would hold a dagger to stab. And he silently found himself cursing as he noticed the young man turning his own body, bringing the point of that other curved blade he had looked to turn away from, to stab at Jaeden’s body. Jaeden reacted quickly, stopping his turn and immediately turning the other way as his own sword swung back, raising in defense once again. Again another loud clang echoed out from where they stood as Jaeden then felt his back pressing up against the dual wielder’s own, stopping his blade, and stepping within the guard of it. Their bodies froze, their movement now based entirely on the feeling they felt in their backs as they pressed firmly against each other, feeling for a movement away, or a subtle turn. Who would move first, and how would the other counter. It was a stand off, and very often two opponents would find the battle ended in the next movement when in such a position. And Jaeden could tell that the dual wielder was waiting for him to move first. Jaeden could see it all playing out in his mind. If Jaeden turned one way, he would find the dual wielder turning with up, swinging him, using one blade to hinder Jaeden’s movement by either blocking his path, or trying to trip him up before the second blade would swing to attack. If Jaeden moved forward, the dual wielder would immediately begin the attack, stabbing at him with one curved sword as he turned his body, bringing the other sword in for a slash, whether the first succeeded or not. If Jaeden tried to use his strength and move backwards, pushing at the dual wielder, he would simply drop to his knees, causing Jaeden to fall backwards, over him, before attacking with both blades simultaneously. “By the way, where’s my father at?” The dual wielder then said.

Jaeden quickly looked over his shoulder to Aello and her foe, and finally scoffed. “I can’t deal with you right this tick, Bryson.” Jaeden said as he closed his eyes, feeling a small tingle rising his right arm, where the mark of Kelwyn currently resided. “I’d have to kill you to get to her quickly, but at the same time I don’t want to kill you at all. So I say, petch it, I’m going to leave it up to chance and either screw us all, or come out on top. Let’s see what happens.”

Then there was a sudden flash of light as all colors of the visual spectrum suddenly illuminated the entire forest floor within a two hundred yard radius causing the entire forest to brighten momentarily. When the flash of colors had finally stopped, all that could be heard at first was the sound of wings flapping. Then, out of seemingly nowhere, a hoard of sparrows began flying up from the ground as every fallen leaf, every twig had been changed into the small winged bird by the divine magic. Jaeden could feel Bryson’s arms move as instinctive reaction caused the dual wielder to raise his hands in defense. Much was likely the same for both Aello and her mage opponent. For Jaeden, he knew something crazy would happen, and in such moved the moment he felt Bryson’s reaction.

His body turned, as he faced the direction that Aello and her opponent had been facing, Bryson falling to his back as Jaeden suddenly stepped away. His feet dug hard into the ground, trying to cover ground quickly to Aello. His right arm raising up to shield his eyes as he tiny birds smacked against his body and arm in their rapid approach to take to the sky, their wing flaps echoing in his ears, but otherwise doing no harm save for the occasional scratch along his cheek when their beaks had grazed along such flesh. His left hand reached behind his pack, even though the pain of it was great, and grasped the hilt of his own dagger, and then finally, just as the birds were beginning to clear, he gave the dagger a small toss as it landed at Aello’s feet.

When the grounds had clear, and the sounds of chirping and wings flapping had stopped, Jaeden turned once again, eyeing Bryson as he looked around from the ground in utter surprise. “Now then,” Jaeden said as he took his stance, raising his long sword as he left hand fell to his side, once again letting the pain in his shoulder begin to numb, “let’s get back to this, shall we?”

"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Aello on March 6th, 2012, 1:51 am

Aello thought she could see the beginnings of fire, of water, and perhaps, something else. Mist, whatever it was they could make together, as they bred. She was just about to reach for something- an arrow, another dagger, when feathers began to fly. Wings flapped, and the world was lost behind a veil of deep brown. Chirping filled the air; a deafening ring. Spurring the girl to block her face with her hands. What the petch? Aello wondered, as it all went on. Where did they come from?

As everything flew away, blotting out the sky, Aello's arms fell away, returning to her side. She looked up at the cowering mage, a bit scratched up too now, from the storm of sparrows. She peered down, too, at the dagger that had appeared at her feet, and reached for it, just as the father looked up at her, with murderous intent. His eyes blazing, as he raised his hand again, and Aello tossed the dagger into it, severing a few fingers as it circled, and then clattered to the ground. The mage howled in pain as blood squirted from his shriveled hands.

Realizing how distracted he was, Aello darted forward. At the last moment, she dipped under his arm, retrieving the fallen dagger from the pile of fingers. Her own hand, furled around the dagger's hilt as she raised it, and thrust it into the mage's side, silencing him, she turned to find Jaeden, the man he was fighting. "I guess it's your turn... finish him..." she commented, somewhat breathlessly, wondering what the deal was with the sparrows, with each of them.

Aello would wait, and perhaps, after a time, she would cease to wonder.
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Just Wait (Jaeden)

Postby Jaeden Kincade on March 11th, 2012, 5:22 am

There was a sort of calm silence that crossed over the forest as Jaeden stood at the ready, Bryson slowly standing himself up and brushing a little dirt from the white of his clothing. He slowly looked around, his swords being gripped tightly. He soon found Red standing beside a tree, her gaze fixated on Bryson, a feral look that screamed the urge to strike at him fixated on her features. Bryson’s gaze then turned to Aello, who stood there battered, a little bloody, but otherwise victorious over her opponents. Finally, his gaze rested on Jaeden once more, the flat of his curved blade in his right hand tapping along his leg idly, as if to give patience to the legs that tensed up, aching to continue what he had started.

“Cute trick with the sparrows. Gnosis I presume, since you’ve never been one to use typical magic. So the Kelvic, is she yours?” Bryson then said, shaking his head. “Never figured you one to keep slaves Jaeden, especially with as many slavers as you’ve killed. What are you up to now?”

“I never really keep track.” Jaeden replied, slowly circling around Bryson, making sure he had a clear path for movement. “It’s not really some sort of competition to me. Besides, she’s not a slave. She’s my companion. And I could have said the same for you. You decide to get Auristics just to compete against me?”

“Perhaps, but it’s a moot point in the end. And the woman we were tracking?” Bryson then said, slowly turning as he followed Jaeden‘s movements. “Friend or lover? Not that there’s a huge distinction between the two with you.”

Jaeden then just gave a slow shrug. “I only just met her yesterday, really. In the end she can be temperamental, bitchy, and sometimes makes me feel like I should be eating hallucinogenic mushrooms to counter the depressing doom of her pessimism. But, upon meeting her, she hasn’t tried to enslave me, kill me, or either to Red as well. Her personality clashes with mine, true, but put that aside and the aforementioned fact is reason enough for me to consider her a friend.” Jaeden then explained, stopping and once again resuming his stance. “So, you going to chat some more, or try to kill me again?”

“Fair enough,” Bryson said, slowly bending at his knees and leaning forward as he brought his arms out to the side. “One last question though, one that went unanswered. Where’s my father, Jaeden?”

Jaeden fell silent for a long moment, a contemplative look holding to his face. Finally, a slow exhale was given as Jaeden shook his head. “Olevar is dead, Bryson.” Jaeden then said.

Red barely managed to contain the gasp that escaped her lips when the connection between the two had been revealed. Her hand raising to cover her lips as her eyes widened slightly. Bryson himself had no serious reaction, save for his eyes narrowing as if he studied Jaeden’s face to try and discern whether or not he was lying. “What?” was all Bryson had said in response.

“It’s true.” Jaeden replied, keeping his gaze locked with Bryson. “Killed by a Journeyman in the summer season last year. Not that it would matter if he was alive. Even if you found him, he didn’t want the life of the woods for you, for you to be sucked into the kind of life he lead. It’s why he left you with your mother back in Syliras. Fact that you working for Ravok, looking to abduct and imprison women now, would just put him that much farther from you. He never liked the city or the followers of it’s God. And killing me would not prove a thing to him or change his mind if he were alive either.”

“What do you know!?” Bryson then suddenly yelled as he rushed forward, his feet digging up hard earth with each sprinted impact.

Jaeden’s body moved swiftly, his left arm still remaining limp at his side. Injured as it was, he couldn’t use it for grappling or brawling during sword battle as he normally would. Instead, he would have to rely on the sword and footwork along as his body kept moving back, parrying and blocking strike as he would move out of striking range of Bryson, or in past his guard. His hand moved quickly, his sword a blur save for the blink of glimmers when light reflected off of the steel surface, their blades chiming a song of violence that made some of the sparrows who had stuck around fly away in fear from their perched positions nearby. As a forward slash came down from Bryson, Jaeden swung his sword in an arch in front of him, sweeping the attack to the side as he sidestepped and turned his body, pinning the sword to the ground with his own. “I think I know my Mentor pretty well,” Jaeden said, his shoulder pressing up against Bryson’s, staring into his eyes. “He raised me since I was a child, having lost my own family to raiders and fire.”

“But I was his son, his real son!” Bryson yelled out, stepping back as his sword slid up from under Jaeden’s. The sword in Bryson’s off hand was then flipped around, as he held it more traditionally. His body then began to spin as slash after slash was rained down at Jaeden. “It should have been me that he passed his knowledge to. ME!”

Jaeden continued to step back, parrying away strike after strike. Aello could tell that their skills were just about equal, with Jaeden’s being slightly higher, most likely due to his experience in life and years he had over Bryson. Still, with Jaeden’s injury, and the fact it was Bryson’s two blades to Jaeden’s one, Aello could tell that he was being pressed into a disadvantage the longer this battle continued. Bryson had done the wise thing, at least, in waiting for Jaeden to be fatigued and injured before making his own move. “Nothing will get that for you now, and you’d be turned away even if Olevar wasn’t a tree now.” Jaeden explained, parrying one of Bryson’s attack strongly upward now, the force causing his sword to jolt sharply upward. It wasn’t enough to send it flying from his arm, but it was enough to pull Bryson’s arm back and cause him to stop his forward movements and attacks, almost throwing him off balance. Jaeden took advantage, rushing forward quickly in past Bryson’s guard and running his good shoulder into Bryson’s chest, knocking him to the ground. Jaeden stood there for a moment, the tip of his blade leveled at Bryson. “Time for you to grow up and move on with your own life.”

“Petch you!” Bryson yelled, swinging his blade in front of him as he swept Jaeden’s longsword off to the side.

He was quickly back up to his feet, slashing at Jaeden with his second sword. Jaeden narrowly avoided a deep laceration as he leaned back, the edge cutting just deep enough along his left forearm to cause even more blood to flow down that arm. He was not ready, however, for the heel of Bryson’s boot as he came thrusting at Jaeden’s chest, instead of Bryson’s sword. The force was strong enough to cause Jaeden to stumble back, almost falling to the ground before his back hit the tree that kept him upright for the moment. Jaeden’s fingers curled slightly, pain rushing through his forearm as he did so from the new wound. He barely had time to think and react, his sword being raise as both of Bryson’s were crossed together like a scissors and rushing towards his neck. The flat of Jaeden’s sword pressed along Jaeden’s face as he felt cartilage and bone crunching slightly before that quick flow of liquid began to rush from his nostrils. Red growled, but stood her ground, her face and emotion torn between wanting to give her life to save the life of her bondmate’s, and Jaeden’s own emotions for her to stay where she stood and live. “I’m going to kill you this day, Jaeden.” Bryson said, keeping Jaeden pressed to the tree before ramming his knee into Jaeden’s ribs a couple of times in an attempt to injure him further. “I pull your blade to the left, I cut your neck. I pull the blade to the right, the same happens. They cut won’t be too deep, but enough that you’ll begin to bleed out. And the horror of it will have you in shock long enough that you won’t be able to stop the fatal strike that will separate your head from your body.”

Jaeden grunted slightly, pushing forward with his back and right arm, his left still seeming limp and useless at his side from the shoulder injury. His body was pushed back again, slammed into the tree as Bryson leaned all of his weight forward. “You can’t force me to back up with one arm, and you can’t live without forcing me to back up. You’re as good as dead.” Bryson then hissed, beginning to lean to his left. “What can you do?”

“This I suppose.” Jaeden grunted before his left hand swung upward, blood that had been pooling in his left hand suddenly being flung up into Bryson’s eyes.

Bryson reacted with complete surprise, stumbling backward as he shook his head, trying to clear the blood from his vision, his right hand raising to wipe the blood free.

Jaeden pressed the opportunity as he rushed forward, his sword raising. Jaeden’s strike came with finesse and quickness, the tip of his blade cutting shallow into Bryson’s right hand, forcing him to drop the weapon. Bryson quickly tried to strike back with his left sword, only to find the flat of Jaeden’s blade blocking its path. Jaeden shoved it back and quickly brought his blade down in another strike, cutting into Bryson’s leg as Bryson dropped to his knees, yelling out in pain. It would only continue as Jaeden swung his blade back upward, along the center of Bryson’s chest, his body spinning next as another cut was brought along horizontally along his chest next, finally forcing Bryson to fall to his back from the pain, yelling out. Jaeden took deep breaths, spitting out blood that head leaked from his nose into his mouth. A quick kick sent Bryson’s other sword out of his hand and his reach. “Quit your bitching,” Jaeden said with a slight grumble, “I didn’t cut deep enough to kill you. Though now you’re going to have a scar shaped like a star along your chest, instead of an X.”

Bryson’s hands moved to his leg and chest, gripping them tightly in order to slow the bleeding. “I’m going to kill you!” Bryson hissed out.

“Not today you won’t.” Jaeden said, slowly raising his right hand and wiping away blood from his nose. “Between the cut to your hand the cut to your leg, you’ve lost the battle today. You won’t be able to move on your feet quickly, if at all, and you won’t have the full ability to fight with your right blade. It’s over for now, Bryson.”

“You better kill me now then.” Bryson said, casting a violent glare at Jaeden.

“I will not.” Jaeden replied.

Bryson then fell silent, letting his head slump back to the ground as he breathed heavily. “Why?” Bryson then simply said. “You kill others who attempt to harm you. Why not me?”

Jaeden himself let a moment of silence pass by, his head lowering as he let out a sigh. “You may be an ass, but you’re still Olevar’s son. His blood is your blood.” Jaeden replied, slowly wiping his sword clean and sheathing it. “Olevar raised me, after I had nothing left in this world. In essence, he became a second father to me. Such would make us brothers. Perhaps not by blood, but by the man who has driven us to be who we are today. Me, a borderline wilderness hermit with pensions for being a pervert and respect for the laws of nature. You, a man who seeks to take my place, even if it means killing me. It’s a petched up sort of family, I know, but sometimes you can’t pick who your kin are. I’ve already lost my first family by seeing them struck down. I’m not about to strike down the last remaining man of the one that I had gained after.”

Jaeden then stepped over, kneeling down next to Bryson as he gazed into his eyes. “So you can continue to try and kill me. I will bear your resentment and your hate for the time with Olevar that you never had the opportunity to have that I did. Olevar may not agree with my decision, but it is mine alone. Make no mistake though, I won’t lay down and die by your hand.” Jaeden then continued, his right hand draping over his knee. “You will either have to get better than me, especially in the ways of the wilderness, or you can simply let go of all of that. If you decide to go with the latter, know that I’ll accept and embrace you with open arms. I will tell you of the man your father really was, and I will pass the knowledge he gave me, to you as well. It is, after all, your birthright. But I won’t give it to you as you are now.”

Bryson then slowly turned his head, looking away from Jaeden, remaining silent then. Whether Jaeden’s words had truly reached his brother or not, Jaeden couldn’t tell, but in the end it didn’t matter. Jaeden couldn’t kill Bryson, not unless Bryson went after those Jaeden cared for, crossing a line that Jaeden would not forgive. Nor could or would Jaeden attempt and force Bryson to change. He would simply wait until the next encounter, and see where Bryson stood. Bryson would hear Red’s feet stepping along the ground a short distance away from him. It wasn’t long after before he would feel the soft cloth of rolled up bandages hitting his face. He looked quickly to the bandage then up to Red with a questioning look. “Don’t get me wrong.” Red said, a glare in her eyes as she stared down at Bryson. “I’d just as soon kill you for hurting Jaeden, but it’s what he would want. You can bandage your own damn wounds though, and hobble back to whatever hole you crawled out from under. If they’ll even have you back.”

Jaeden slowly stepped up to Aello, looking down into her eyes as he wiped away some more blood from his nose. “We should head back to camp, patch ourselves up, and have a good meal and long nights rest before moving on tomorrow.” Jaeden replied, his gaze moving over the injuries Aello had sustained. “You all right?”

"If I were to stop and take in the gravity of any serious situation I'm in, I'd likely fall to my knees from being overwhelmed by it. Things become much easier to deal with if you simply make jokes."
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Jaeden Kincade
Disco Jae
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