Closed (Kabrin Road) Dark Skies (Kyra)

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

(Kabrin Road) Dark Skies (Kyra)

Postby Orion Michaels on April 1st, 2013, 11:14 pm

79th Day of Spring, 513 AV
18th Bell

"What do you think, Orion? Are you enjoying your first patrol?"

Dinah's sweet voice brought back the squire from his daze. It seemed like they had been riding forever. Only a handful more were left before they would turn around and head on home to Syliras. His patron knight had informed him there was unlikely to be any incidents while they were out and about. Overall Syliras did a rather good job of ensuring the safety of the city, but the further one ventured from the big stone walls, the less promise of protection there was. While the armored warriors of Syliras were powerful, they were not omnipotent and couldn't tell where danger was going to come from at all times. It's why they had to patrol, rather than just go out and meet whatever dangers there may have been.

"It's been..boring."

Dinah let out a soft chuckle, looking affectionately at her squire. He'd made a lot of progress this season, and she was actually quite proud of him. It took awhile, but he actually started to adjust to the regimented lifestyle of the squire. Not only that, but he'd started swinging his blade with more authority, as well as putting some meat on his scrawny frame. When she'd first met him, the sight of him swinging a blade had...and now him doing so while bulking up? Captain Lorene turned her face away from Orion to hide her blush, and sighed. I knew I wasn't wrong..

"Well, Orion, I know you aren't quite comfortable with this yet, so we'll get in some practice while we continue on our way." She brought her mount to a halt, and motioned towards a bend in the road. "It's pretty simple. Just ride there as fast as you can."

"Simple?" Orion scoffed. That was absurd. He was a joke when it came to riding with any efficiency. While the blade, shield, and lore of the knights was coming to him well, a skilled rider he was not. He'd spent more time falling off and climbing back on horses than riding them, if you asked him. Still, he couldn't deny her request.

"Alright. But you have to give me a kiss if I make it all the way without falling, alright Dinah?"

She rolled her eyes, an annoyed tone coming in her voice. "Orion..."

"Sorry. You have to give me a kiss if I make it, Ser Lorene." He flashed her a grin, and gave a shake of the reigns to get his horse going. Dinah shook her head, smiling after the incorrigible man. He was just impossible sometimes, but it was more endearing than anything else.

The wind rushed against Orion's face as he leaned forward, pushing the mount into a gallop. The thumping off hooves and the whoosh of air engulfed all his senses as his body was jolted around. Closer and closer the goal came, but he could feel himself starting to fall. It was minor, but he wasn't centered on the horse, and for an inexperienced man in armor, it was almost enough to topple him over. As the horse pushed forward, Orion dug his legs into its side, turning his shoulder away from the side he was falling from, and by some miracle, managed to straighten himself.

In a matter of ticks Orion was bringing the horse to a stop and turning it around to look at Dinah. A sheepish grin came across his face, as he was sure she was fully aware of how poor his form was there. More practice would be coming his way, for sure.

"That was horrendous, Orion," she shouted, before bursting out into laughter.

"Yeah, but I made it," he replied, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "And anyways, I didn't fall. When do I get to taste those lusci-" Suddenly a black shadow crashed into Orion's side, sending him falling to the ground with a loud crash.

Dinah's eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of dark, leathery wings, and heard all to horrid sounds of communication. Not now! Not now!! The Syliran Knight reached to her side to start retrieving her crossbow.

"Orion! Arm yourself! It's Zith!"

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(Kabrin Road) Dark Skies (Kyra)

Postby Kyra on April 2nd, 2013, 6:39 am


Kyra had left the city of Syliras and headed back towards the Wild Lands early that day. The young kelvic had given it her best shot but it seemed that she would have to continue her search for a home elsewhere. There were a few people worth a second glance, and who's names and faces she would remember well after their scents had faded. The rest however, were nothing but shadows of shadows and as much as she tried, she knew she would never be a part of that world. And so, that morning, Kyra packed up her belongings and headed out of the city with no plans of ever returning.

After a long walk, and carrying all of her items bundled upon her back, the kelvic decided to stop and rest for a while before she continued on. She headed off the main road and into the brush where she found a large tree with thick, healthy branches. Kyra set her backpack down on the ground and started to climb up the tree. Once she had found a somewhat comfortable spot, she rested there for a while and stared up into the evenings sky. As she laid there, alone and lost, her dark cloak hung loose off her shoulders, allowing the leather armor she wore to absorb the din light and draw her figure into shadows against the tree.

Kyra had no idea of where she would go, but she wondered if she should search for the forest witch and say her good byes to her and the pycon Lily. They were a strange pair, but that was one of the things that she seemed to like about them. Neither of the two ever said or seemed to really care whether she was around or not, though Kyra didn't imagine that she would stay either. If she did see them, she'd say her farewells, but if not she doubted they'd care and she wasn't likely going to back there again.

There was a whole world out there uncharted and full of things scary and wondrous that the naive girl knew nothing about. It was time that she learned. She also imagined that she would return to her old habits of sleeping during the day and traveling at night. It wasn't as bad inside the city, where one could go in doors, or relax under the rim of a roof. In the forest there wasn't much shelter and Syna's light shined brightly and hot enough at times to burn. So she decided to wait and allow herself to rest easy until the night was a bit fuller before she restarted her travel.

Kyra laid still for a while more until she felt her eyelids growing heavy as she slowly dozed off. Suddenly there was a sound, the beating of wings and a quick breeze blew over her, waking her from her sleep. Kyra stared wide eyed at something crouching in the tree just above her. It appeared human in shape, but smelled of dried blood and musky fur. The young kelvic slowly pushed herself back against the wall of the tree as she glared upward. There was a hissing cackle from above her, and the figure rose up to spread it's wings that had been wrapped closer to it's body a moment before.

Kyra hissed a warning as her hand slipped down to her hip, reaching for her dagger. Her bow and other weapons had all been packed with her bundle resting at the trunk of the tree. Suddenly there was rusting in the tree right next to the one she was in. Kyra glanced over in horror to find another of the same kind trying to balance itself between the thinner branches. A closer look revealed what appeared to be naked men with patches of fur on their dark skin. Without a sound, or warning they both moved at the same time towards her.

The kelvic turned away, allowing herself to fall off the branch as she quickly caught hold of it and swung herself under it so that landed on one lower and further away. There wasn't time to look back or even draw her dagger, the Zith were darting down right behind her. Kyra leaped off the branch downward, barely catching hold of the one she aimed for. Just as she righted herself, she saw a flash of darkness cross her and on instinct leaped out catching hold of it, which sent her and the Zith spiraling down onto the ground hard.

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(Kabrin Road) Dark Skies (Kyra)

Postby Orion Michaels on April 4th, 2013, 3:51 am


Orion's world was spinning. His head was spinning. Everything was spinning.

He'd hit the ground in quite a rough manner and it left him reeling. He could hear Dinah screaming, but it sounded like she was underwater. Or was he the one drowning? All he knew is that his shoulder hurt like petch, and that something had slammed into the side of his head. Slowly he raised his hand to his face where he felt a burning and was met with wetness. The creature had connected with his face, a shallow, but bloody claw mark left in its wake. Oh gods, what is going on?

Distorted senses proved to be better than none as he saw the shadow approaching again, and the sound of thick, leathery wings flapping cut through the twisted sounds of the rapidly intensifying attack. He rolled to the side as sharp claws approached, crashing into the ground. A crossbow bolt could be heard whizzing through the air, sailing past Orion and the Zith. "Orion, move!" Dinah could be heard approaching upon her mount, but the beast was still right there. Where could he move?

Orion lashed out with his armored leg, sweeping the Zith's out from underneath it. Wings buffeted, trying to strike at Orion as it joined Orion on the ground. He raised his vambraces to protect his face while he continued rolling away from the dark furred enemy, scrambling to his feet and drawing his blade. The Zith was on him in a moment, propelling itself forward with its wings, claws scraping against Orion's armor, far too close for Orion to get an effective swing off.

"Shyke!" Orion ducked under another vicious strike, trying to buy time until Dinah arrived, and that moment couldn't arrive soon enough. He lowered his head and rushed forward, striking the Zith in it's midsection, driving it back towards the center of the road. It tried to dig claws into his back, but the heavy plate armor was too much for the creature's claws. For that, Orion was thankful.

The flash of steel sent the creature back to the skies, howling in pain. Dinah sat there, mounted, sword in one hand, an expended crossbow in the other. "Are you okay Orion?"

"Yeah. I think."

Dinah gave him a doubting look. Orion couldn't see his own face. Three shallow cuts were in his flesh, though it had missed anything vital. From the middle of his left cheek up to just above his eyebrow, though it had missed his eye, thankfully. "Alright. It looks like it's retreating." The creature a couple dozen feet away and airborne, turning to go into the woods. "I saw two more continue on that way. Don't see them too terribly often."

Orion quickly grabbed his own bow from his mount after sheathing his sword. "I don't think so. Not letting those bastards get away." He was foolhardy at times. A little too ambitious at times, and in this case Dinah thought he was pushing forward a bit much. Before she could protest though, the plodding of her awkward doctoring squire could be heard as he stalked off in the direction the Zith had gone. Dinah sighed, shook her head, and laughed before grabbing the reigns of his mount, heading after him. Orion...

The sound of a crash alerted the squire to the Zith ahead. He retrieved an arrow and continued he movement forward. He was going to slay those Zith single handedly. No one else would have to worry about this handful of horrible beasts. The confidence Orion had found in himself over this season was bubbling to the brim, ready to overflow into a swinging of blade. That was until he saw the Zith and their newest target. A blonde. One he could never forget. Why was she here?

"Kyra!! Over here! I'll stop them!" He took aim at one of the Zith not directly engaged in combat with her, drew back his string, and let loose an arrow that went sailing off into the sky far above anyone here. Someone had been skipping on bow practice. "Or...not." The bow was dropped and the blade was drawn as again the squire plodded forward to come to his friends aid. "Get to me! We can't let them pick us off one at a time!"

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(Kabrin Road) Dark Skies (Kyra)

Postby Kyra on April 5th, 2013, 4:41 am


Kyra slowly tried to pull herself up, the fall had knocked the breath out of her and also caused a dizzy feeling to overtake her. She stumbled forward, suddenly feeling a powerful force slam into her and knocking her back onto the ground. The kelvic gasped for air, fingers curling into the ground as she tried to escape. On instinct she crawled forward trying to put distance between them until the world stopped spinning. But the Zith was a nefarious beast and hungry for more than just a meal. He tightly gripped the girl's legs and easily pulled her back towards him.

Kyra gasped again, struggling to wiggle away as the Zith pinned her down. His fingers dug into her shoulders, nails piercing into the fabric. She could feel the full weight of the beast upon her back and even the erect muscle threatening to rip into the leather at her rear. He made sounds, an unintelligible language that she had never heard before. Hissing, the young kelvic forced herself upward enough that she could swing and land on her side, forcing the Zith off her back. But the winged man wasn't done with her and wrapped his arms around her to keep her down.

Kyra struggled to free herself and bucked and twisted wildly until she was able to pull away. Her hand found the handle to her dagger and she ripped it from the sheath and quickly slashed at the dark arm that reached out towards her. The Zith snarled and pulled back his arms, allowing Kyra to scurry away and stand up. The moment that she stood up, there was a draft, a beating of wings and a darkest shadowed her. Without a second to think, Kyra launched herself backwards, turning her upper body downward and allowing her legs to carry her swiftly over just before the Zith swooped down to slash at her flesh.

She landed with a soft thump, her knees bending, hands pressing into the ground to steady herself. Looking up, she saw the form of one of the Zith thrust himself from the ground, beating his wings to send him air born again. The young kelvic spun around and noticed that they were attempting to flank her and readied herself for the double attack. However one darted to the left to avoid an arrow, which caught them all off guard. There was a voice calling to her from the distance, a voice that she recognized as the squire Orion.

The kelvic spun around to see the squire wielding a bow and firing upon the Zith. Taking his advice, she turned on her heels and raced towards him. She hadn't noticed during her retreat but one of the Zith were hot on her trail. He dashed down, and using his arms and legs, plucked the tiny girl from the ground and headed upward with her. Kyra gasped, wiggling about as she tried to free herself. Dagger in hand, she swung her arm up where it stabbed the dagger deep into the chest of the beast man, causing him to cry out in pain and drop her.

The wind howled and whipped through her hair and clothing as she came soaring downward towards the ground. She flung her arms upward, trying to somehow steady her decent as she neared the ground then quickly tucked herself into a ball as she rolled across the ground with a light thump.

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(Kabrin Road) Dark Skies (Kyra)

Postby Orion Michaels on April 6th, 2013, 5:04 pm


That Kyra, she was a mobile one. The way that she tumbled so effortlessly, or at least that's how it appeared to Orion, it was amazing. If a Zith had dropped him from any height, he'd be rolling around on the ground in pain. Thankfully, the armor weighed him down quite a bit, so that would hopefully cause them problems should they try that on him. When she hit the ground for that second time, though, Orion was off, feet pounding against the ground. His lungs were burning, his heart was racing, and he was an absolute retard for heading off ahead of Dinah like this.

Orion rushed past Kyra as she struggled along the ground, getting there just in time to meet a swooping Zith. With his head lowered, Orion braced himself behind raised shield, stumbling back a couple feet as the furry humanoid slammed full force into the squire's shield. Orion shook himself off, trying to wipe the still flowing blood from the gash on his face before looking down to Kyra, forcing a half grin. "We simply cannot keep meeting like that. Care to get up and give me a hand here?" Orion took a slash at another assaulting Zith, causing it to veer off and rethink it's approach. Shifting around, he allowed Kyra enough time to return to her feet.

They were in a tough spot. Orion had seen at least three of the beasts, though Kyra had wounded two of them, one of them more seriously than the other. A stab to the chest may end up being fatal, though the cut to the other Zith's arm could potentially be deadly if it retreated. One didn't need to fell a foe in battle to win the war. Infection was worse than a clean kill.

"Orion! You'd have gotten here faster if you hadn't left your horse," Dinah yelled as she caught up, letting another bolt fly, this one crashing into the more heavily wounded of the assailants. He let out a low, guttural, roar as it crashed to the ground.

"D'oh.." It was good to know that Orion wasn't the only one to make jokes at poor times. Maybe he was rubbing off on her. Right. No time for that. Orion stepped up as another one tried to get in at them, this the injured Zith. He reared back with his shield, bringing his arm across his body to deliver a powerful bash as it arrived in range. The Zith went rolling across the ground, dazed and bewildered. Leathery wings flapped as it tried to take back to air, but it found itself rolling around on the ground. Orion reacted quickly, bounding across uneven ground to deliver a death blow. He raised his long sword high over his head and then hacked down, once, twice, three times, tearing through a wing, into the torso, and finally, and somewhat satisfyingly, he connected with the neck of the beast, sending it sputtering and gurgling into the cycle of rebirth.

Before Orion could gloat, as he began to turn, the remaining Zith was upon him, and he couldn't stop it from getting there. His back was facing it, and it was going to get revenge.


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(Kabrin Road) Dark Skies (Kyra)

Postby Kyra on April 8th, 2013, 8:21 pm


After she had landed, Kyra laid still for a few ticks as she tried to get her barrings. The fall had knocked the air out of her lungs and also caused her head to feel dizzy. It wasn't until Orion showed up that she was able to roll over and glance up. Her golden eyes widen as she caught sight of the blood covering the side of his face, and the smell of it wafted into her nose. She thought to ask if he was hurt badly, but as usual the charismatic doctoring squire, had a quick joke to lighten the mood.

But he was right in fact, each and every time that she had met him, he had been in some kind of trouble. He had a very busy life it seemed, and that business often involved running away. At least, that is how Kyra saw it. She completely blotted out the trouble that seemed to follow her around as well. The young kelvic nodded to him, and rolled over and searched for her dagger. Luckily it hadn't landed too far from where she did and she was able to recover it.

"For someone who doesn't like trouble Orion, you sure do find it a lot and in the strangest of places." Her words may have sounded like a joke, but she couldn't have been more serious at the moment, she really felt that he had bad luck. " First we're fighting a woman with four arms and now men with wings?"

Kyra spun around quickly, when she heard the paddling hooves of a horse and the voice of a woman following. There was no doubt that the red head was a Knight from her attire, and Kyra could only guess that she was traveling with Orion. Whoever she was, the kelvic was glad to have another person there to combat the flying naked men. She watched with interest as Orion sprung into action an attacked the bat man head on. He was a completely different person now than who she had saw that day running away from the fat man in the Soothing Waters.

The girl was curious of what happened that had changed him so much, was it the woman. The fiery redhead on horse back firing a crossbow at the flying Zith? For the moment she couldn't say and didn't have the time to think on it. Orion had taken down a Zith and was now in trouble with one closing in behind him. Kyra slammed her feet into the ground as she race towards him as fast as she could. She took a deep breath as she neared the squire, and after using his bent knee for a boost, she stepped across his patted shoulders and launched herself into the air to collide head on with the Zith.

The Zith gasped and snarled in surprised as Kyra's momentum sent him falling back onto the ground, where she buried the dagger into his neck. The young kelvic hissed as she ripped the blade from his flesh and spilled his blood everywhere, even on her. Panting loudly, she slowly pulled herself off the dead winged man and sighed as she moved to open the collar of her armored suit to cool herself off.

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(Kabrin Road) Dark Skies (Kyra)

Postby Orion Michaels on April 12th, 2013, 2:30 am


She had the right of it. Trouble was attracted to him, no doubt. Or maybe she was the one that was the trouble. "I wonder if you're the trouble, Miss Kyra. Maybe you attract the trouble, and I attract you?" Even in the midst of battle, ever the flirt. "This is absurd. Are you making it a goal to upset each and every race? It seems like you're well on your way." With that, the former doctor was off to slay the Zith.

After dispatching the first, he'd quickly found himself in no position to defend himself. The Zith was closing, and fast, and it was going to tear into Orion's exposed neck. The wound on his face was hard enough to deal with. His neck would be nearly impossible -if he survived-. Needless to say, he surprised to be used as a vaulting point, or something like it. Over him did the beautiful blond go, soaring through the air. The Zith shifted its weight in mid flight, trying to avoid the woman who had suddenly appeared in the sky. It was, of course, to no avail, as the slender woman crashed into the winged man, forcing him to the ground and ending his life with a particularly vicious stab.

"Wh-....what just happened?"

Orion strode over to the woman, one who he'd not expected to meet out here. "Kyra, are you okay? What are you doing out he-..OWWWWWW." Orion grabbed at his head, falling to a knee, as the adrenaline and emotion of battle faded, a headache overcoming him. The burning across his face didn't help at all. "Gods...this hurts...Wish you could have saved me from these guys back on the road," he quipped, managing a grin. "So much for me being the hero, huh?"

"Orion!" Dinah trotted up to the two of them before quickly dismounting, dropping to the ground beside them. "Are you okay?" She inquired, kneeling beside her squire. "He got you pretty good. Let me grab your medical bag.." Standing, she turned her gaze to Kyra, eyes darting back to Orion, then back to the blonde woman. Was that a look of jealous? "..You have my thanks for helping out my..ambitious squire. It's quite dangerous out here alone. What were you doing?" The redheaded woman walked over to Orion's mount, retrieving a bag from it, which she tossed beside him. "Treat yourself, Orion. I'm going to do a quick survey and make sure no more Zith are floating about." Concerned eyes turned to Kyra before settling back to Orion. "And, don't get yourself in any trouble."

She wasn't talking about Zith.

"Of course Din-...Sera Lorene." See, he was learning.

Orion looked at his bag, a frown creeping on his lips. How exactly did she expect him to treat his own face? He couldn't see the injury at all. It wasn't realistic for him to do anything alone.

Thankfully he wasn't alone.

He forced a smile, turning piercing blue eyes on Kyra, motioning with one hand to his medical bag. "Doctor Kyra, it seems you have a patient. I'll just lay here and let you work on him."

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(Kabrin Road) Dark Skies (Kyra)

Postby Kyra on April 13th, 2013, 6:22 pm


The squire was right about her, and it reminded her of something that she had come to believe a few seasons back. It seemed that everyone she liked, everyone she cared about died and she was always left alone. The young kelvic had come to think she was cursed by Rhysol or something else. But at some point, the idea faded when she started not to care or attempt to make friends. But by Orion's observation, she had to admit it was true, and if her earlier thoughts were true, it would mean that it was starting all over again.

"I did not ask for this! These naked bat-men attacked me while I was asleep. One of them even tried to rip into my armor."

The fight continued, and luckily for Orion and his patron, they were able to fight off the Zith and save themselves a horrible death, especially for the two women. She stood up and wiped the loose strains of hair from her face as she turned to Orion. He looked different, dressed in armor and wielding a weapon. Normally seeing a Knight put her on guard, but with Orion she didn't feel the need. He was always kind to her, and never treated her like less of a person, however for the moment he didn't know her secret.

"Orion, are you hurt?" she asked kneeling down beside him. His sudden break down had come at a good time, and she was able to ignore his question. The truth was, she was about to leave again, and had no intention of returning. The young kelvic had already packed her bags and was heading off again into the unknown. However for some reason, she felt a bit of guilt in not telling him that she was leaving. Perhaps there was one thing in the city worth sticking around for, now she wasn't so sure.

"'re really hurt, you should stay still and.." The squires blood, flesh and thick wafted into her nose, but the feeling of hunger didn't occur, instead there was a sickness, a feeling of dread that she had to smell it at all. "I didn't know that you were here.."

Suddenly there was a cry from the other woman, and Kyra stood up to watch the Knight approach on horseback. Kyra glared at the woman, she was supposed to be the leader of the two and she didn't protect Orion. Kyra didn't like that, having her own experiences with protectors failing in their duties. To make matters worse, she was rude and accused the kelvic of jealousy. Kyra tilted her head slightly, her lips pursing together as she looked at the woman. "Nothing that would concern a Knight..I am sure." she replied coldly.

She looked back to Orion as Dinah did and listened while she scolded him. Kyra didn't liked being yelled at, or told what to do. She never had.. Marcelo had taught her to be strong and he had never talked down to her or treated her like less of a person because of what she was. Her golden eyes flickered white in the nights sky, and she turned a hard glare back at Dinah as she walked away. Kyra didn't say anything, instead she kneeled back to his side and found his med pack as he had asked. "I know nothing of medicine, you'll have to tell me what to do."

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(Kabrin Road) Dark Skies (Kyra)

Postby Orion Michaels on April 16th, 2013, 3:40 pm


The throbbing pain in Orion’s head and on his face was somewhat of a boon, if for a moment. The tension that showed between Dinah and Kyra would have been glaringly obvious to the former doctor if he’d been of clear mind. The redheaded woman looked back a few times, an expression of annoyance on her aspect. What is this woman doing here? Dinah sighed, and pressed her mount onward, moving through the darkness to be sure there were no further dangers in the immediate vicinity. If all seemed well, at least they could set up camp and prepare for the following day. Even if that woman was there as well, it was late, and clearly not safe.

Orion was hoping when he made the suggestion that Kyra had at least a little bit of medical knowledge. It would make things easier on both of them if he didn’t have to try and walk the woman through taking care of a wound he couldn’t see. It probably looked worse than it actually was, but still, a novice, no; a completely new student working on his face was a little discomforting. Worse than that, though, was the fact that he was the one having to teach her. Orion was many things, but a teacher was not one of them. His father always made him learn, made him practice, and honestly, his father was an exceptional, if gruff, teacher. With his insistence that Orion become a better physician than he, however, he wasn’t ever shown proper ways to instruct others, and that lack of skill had led to him being less than kind when teaching at the Soothing Waters. Hopefully he’d be able to keep calm with Kyra and what he prayed were her soft hands.

Orion took a deep breath and forced a smile through the pain. “It’s not a problem, Kyra. We’ll make you a regular physician by the time this is done. First things first, we need to clean the wound. Wash it out with water and disinfect it with some oils I have in there. One of them is marked lemongrass. Get that one out.” Orion closed his eyes, as his vision swirled again. He’d hit his head kind of hard when he landed, and it had him reeling yet. He’d pushed it aside thanks to the rush of fighting the Zith but it was too much. “Ughh….I’m just going to lie down and let you work. I’ve got some waterskins tied to my saddle. Feel free to grab them. “

Orion rested his head on the ground to let Kyra test out her newfound knowledge, although there was much more for him to teach regarding this treatment. The basics were all she needed, and Orion figured that was enough. The details of why she was doing what she was doing or what exactly it did to help him were unimportant, at least in this teacher’s eyes. He just wanted the burning to stop and the injury to heal properly. “Be gentle, alright?”

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(Kabrin Road) Dark Skies (Kyra)

Postby Kyra on April 16th, 2013, 10:19 pm


"A physician? That is another word for doctor, yes?" Kyra asked curiously. She found it funny, the love of words that humans seemed to have. They loved them so much it seemed, that they decided to create more than one word with the exact same meaning. It was interesting and it made her wonder how it all started. "I could be a doctor I suppose, it seems really exciting." she thought it over a few ticks and what such a job might be like for her. There was also the thought of where she would prefer to try the job. Surely the doctors weren't the same in every city, that was easy to figure out because Orion was unlike any doctor that she had met before.

However, there was little time to think on it now as Orion quickly put the young kelvic to work. She listened first to his instructions and then headed over to his mount to fetch the water skins that he had mentioned. The horse was wary, and although it didn't act out or attack, Kyra could tell that it wasn't comfortable around her. Perhaps it was a leopard breed, those horses trained to be around leopards and even fight them if the need arrived. Either way, Kyra approached cautiously and lifted the water skins from the bag.

Once she had them, she moved to Orion's side and searched his medical pack for the items that he spoke of. Kyra didn't know a thing about being a doctor or treating wounds, but she did know that lemon juice burned, and if that was what was in the vial, Orion was going to be in pain for sure. She had an idea suddenly, a way to possibly sooth away his pain while she fixed him up, she only hoped that it would work. First she took out a cloth from his bag and poured water from the skin on it to dampen it and make it softer.

The young kelvic quieted her mind, bringing herself to a peaceful calm as she allowed the djed in her body to rise and flow over her and settled around her eyes, and mouth. Opening her eyes, Kyra smiled warmly at Orion as she slowly straddled him and rested in his lap. "This will go better if you are relaxed. I was excited too, but the Zith are gone now and we must look after your wounds. Just breathe easy, I promise to be gentle."

She smiled again, staring down into his eyes as she gently moved the damp cloth over his face. "You're ok, does it hurt much? You feel better, yes? All the excitement has gotten you flustered so, but your wound isn't bad at all. It's barely even a scratch...just breathe easy and tell me what to do next?"

Kyra had hoped to help him to relax and forget the pain that he was feeling. She needed him calm and wake enough to explain to her what she was supposed to do. She took another moment to wipe at his face, then removed the cloth and poured more water on it to wash out the blood and place the cloth back on his face. "Now for the ....lemongrass?"

Last edited by Kyra on April 22nd, 2013, 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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