Basic Information
Full name: Katherine Lillian Morealis Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 20 years old Date of Birth: Fall 72, 493 AV Place of Birth: Kenash Height: 5'8" Weight: 120 pounds Current Residence: Morealis Blacksugar Plantation, Kenash
FLUENT in Common (95/100) CONVERSATIONAL in Pavi (50/100) POOR in Vani (25/100)
Katherine may be considered an attractive young woman by most who see her up close. However, whether the upper class’s female populace will readily agree to this is still up for debate. The young Morealis looks and acts every bit of a lady her stature. Her movements and speech are refined, her posture poised and proud.
She is always up-to-date with the latest fashion trends, and will never be seen in anything but silk and finery. She is quite slender but is not too thin to be considered unsightly. Simply put, Katherine has the right curves in the right places, and she knows how to dress to accentuate her assets without appearing immodest. Even though already blessed with pleasing features, Katherine would rarely go out without makeup. Her eyes, framed by long dark lashes, are a cold, piercing blue. Her skin is soft, smooth, and, like her mother’s, a brilliant shade of dewy ivory. She takes pride in her lush cinnamon hair. If not let down into flowing waves to the small of her back, it would be styled to match her chosen look. |
Character Concept
Charming, polite, high-cultured and well-mannered. Upon seeing Katherine, this is what one can immediately see from the young woman, exactly what a proper Morealis lady should be. However, all of this is just a facade and what lies underneath the pleasant exterior is not as pure as Katherine would like others to think.
Jealous, scheming, selfish, proud and haughty… these are only a few words describing this woman’s true nature. It may be a result of overindulgence on her parents’ part, but Katherine does not take kindly to having what she wanted kept away from her. She will have what she wants and she will do anything just to reach her lofty goals, even if she has to ruin people’s lives in the process. Very highly competitive, Katherine only desires to be the best among the best and despises people who are better than her. Cruel and manipulative streaks are not uncommon on those she deem lower than her, but she does try to rein in this side of her if it might bring her into a compromising situation. As a result, only those closest to her and those that have already borne witness to her anger know of the darker side of Katherine’s personality.
This doesn’t mean, however, that Katherine is incapable of showing genuine affection to people besides herself. If a person does not pose too much of a threat to ruffle her feathers, Katherine can offer her own kind of affection, only it’s often misinterpreted as her still being the bitch that she is. Be careful not to get too much ahead of her though, as Katherine will turn on a “friend” faster than they can even bat an eye at her. |
Character History
Born into a life of luxury, Katherine grew up always having her way around her parents. If she wanted something, her parents will buy it for her, and if she wanted to play her older brother would be right there to keep her company; she knew he loved her too much and will do anything she wanted. From a young age, Katherine had already felt her family’s influence in the people of Kenash and she basked in it. She was content, confident that such a life will continue as the title of Head of Household is passed to her father Remosh. It would ultimately be hers. After all, her father will choose her as his successor over a handicapped older brother.
However, such a day had not come. Her father had relinquished the role and let his second brother, Dimitri, take over the family instead. Obviously Katherine had flown into a rage over this. She had begged her father to reconsider time and time again, but a decision has already been made. Up to this day, Katherine still resents her father for the perceived weakness. But she knew there was not much to be done about his reluctance to the position and thus has decided to take matters into her own hands. Ever since that day Katherine had hated both of her uncles for even existing, and in her mind she had already played different ways of destroying them. She tries to keep in good terms with them, particularly the current head, in hopes that he’ll see her huge potential and pass the baton to her instead of his future children. On the other hand, she does not make much effort to show the same amount of respect for Rowan, even going as far as expressing her distaste for the man in the subtlest way she could manage.
Since then, she had become more driven than ever, pushing herself to do better than her peers. The spoiled little lady had blossomed into a selfish and ambition-driven woman. In order to prove her worth to everyone, she decided to pull her own weight in the family instead of just spending her time sitting pretty and waiting for a man to marry her. In fact, Katherine dreads being married off into another family only to end up a trophy wife and a high class breeding stock. She started a business producing cosmetics for the elite of Kenash, catering to the elite class’ constant need of maintaining a desirable image. Her studies in developing high-quality makeup has currently taken most of her attention away from plotting her enemies’ downfall, but she can definitely wait. Everything will fall into place as she waits for the perfect moment to strike. She knows she will have it all soon. All in due time… |
Skill | Experience | Total | Proficiency | Cosmetology | 10SP, 1xp | 11 | Novice | Gardening | 1xp | 1 | Novice | Herbalism | 15RB, 1xp | 16 | Novice | Medicine | 5SP | 5 | Novice | Organization | 1xp | 1 | Novice | Philtering | 30SP | 30 | Competent | Planning | 2xp | 2 | Novice |
Skill | Experience | Total | Proficiency | Leadership | 1xp | 1 | Novice | Negotiation | 1xp | 1 | Novice | Observation | 1xp | 1 | Novice | Rhetoric | 5SP, 3xp | 8 | Novice |
Benefits of Sugar for the Skin (SP) Kenash
The Morealis Family History (SP) Inspecting Slaves Purchasing a Slave Instructing a New Slave People
Shayna & Iora: Rivalry Already? Shayna: A Quick Wit Shayna: No Great Beauty Social
Sowing Seeds of Competition Miscellaneous
Planning a Garden Weeding is Therapeutic |
ITEM | QTY | DESCRIPTION | Cloak | 1 | Dyed black and made of velvet. Keeps the mud away from her dresses, but does not guarantee an easy task for the slaves who will be washing it. | Undergarments | 5 pairs | Lacy unmentionables in silk. All comes in light colors. | Chemise | 2 | Lace-trimmed silk sleepwear for a rich lady. Both pieces are of an innocent white color, reflecting its owner’s equally pure heart. | Sleeveless Tunic | 2 | It is embroidered with golden-colored patterns. Made out of cotton for those extremely hot summers. | Sleeved Tunic | 2 | One of the pieces is long-sleeved, and the other short-sleeved. Its edges are embroidered with floral patterns. Quite loose-fitting, and it reaches midway her thigh, easily passing for a small dress. Goes well with a belt. Also made of cotton. | Silk Hem Dress | 1 | Crafted in silk, this beautiful piece of a dress is one of Katherine’s favorites. It features floral embroidery mesh panel, short sleeves, high waistline, and a medium length cut that reaches inches above her knees. Dyed ochre. | Floral Cotton Dress | 1 | One of Katherine’s simpler clothes, it is dyed a rich blue color and embroidered with a floral pattern. Its sleeves only reaches up to the elbows. It is adorned with frills. Made of cotton. | Lacy Corset | 2 | Emphasizes a lady’s curves and increases her allure. As with most of Katherine’s private wear, these are lace-trimmed. | Wool Skirt | 1 | Made from fine wool, this lovely white skirt falls just above Katherine’s knees. | Cotton Breeches | 2 | Dark-colored cotton breeches for times when dresses are inappropriate to wear. Katherine does not like them as much as she does her dresses though. | Stockings | 3 | Silk and laced stockings. Two are black, and the other is a light beige color. |
[tabset=275] Footwear
ITEM | QTY | DESCRIPTION | Sandals | 1 | Block-heeled and adorned with bright colored beads. Complements most dresses perfectly. | High-cut Boots | 1 | Made of high-quality dark leather, these footwear reach up to her knees. Have 1” heels. Best paired with breeches. |
ITEM | DESCRIPTION | Hair Brooch | An heirloom from her mother’s side of the family. The brooch is about the size of Katherine’s palm. It is inlaid with small white pearls and stones, and then attached to a silver comb. (Heirloom item) | Hemp Necklace | Has a very simple and basic design, but has just enough pop to stand out without overpowering an outfit. It is made from natural polished brown hemp, and is decorated with a 1” blue glass bead and two smaller green glass beads. | Leather Belt | Made of brown leather and adorned with a silver buckle. Goes well with most of her tunics. |
ITEM | DESCRIPTION | Comb and Brush | Carved with intricate and luxurious designs from ivory. A lady should never be without one of these. | Razor | Very sharp and handy. | Bar of Soap | Smells like rose petals. | Makeup Kit | Includes a small amount of lipstick, powder, eye liner, and other basic makeup needs. Definitely a must-have for that perfectly gorgeous look. |
ITEM | DESCRIPTION | Journal | Leather-bound, this is where Katherine writes down all her philtering notes. | Ink | For writing. Black and comes in a 1 oz. Vial. | Quill | White feather from some kind of large bird. For writing. |
BUSINESSName of Business: Black Diamond Cosmetics Business Type: Goods and Services Description: A cosmetics shop located at the East bank of Kenash, it mainly caters to the wealthier and the elite of the city. Debt: 2086 GM and 5 CM all owed to the Morealis Family. SUITEKatherine’s room is located on the upper floors of Blacksugar. The interior of her room conveys a sense of softness and nuance, with whispers of shell pink and the flashes of lilac showcasing a feminine flair in a beautifully restrained way. Billowy curtains are often pulled back and the windows opened to let the warm sunlight and the cool breeze in.
Katherine very much likes keeping her room neat and cozy. Her suite is her private sanctuary where a young lady can relax after a hard day of work in a man’s world, hinting at the inner femininity of its occupant. Her room is not too lavish, as Katherine prefers a small amount of clutter for decoration compared to the grandiose displays of wealth throughout the rest of the mansion.
Suite contains the following furnishings:
- Canopy bed
- A small fireplace
- Wardrobe
- A table
- A chair
- A vanity

Transaction | Gain/Expenses | Notes | Start as Dynasty PC | +1000 GM | C.C. | Dyed Velvet Cloak | -10.75 GM | C.C. | Lace-trimmed Silk Undergarments x5 | -14.5 GM | C.C. | Lace-trimmed Silk Chemise x2 | -5.8 GM | C.C. | Lace-trimmed Corset x2 | -2.4 GM | C.C. | Lacy Silk Stockings x 3 | -34.8 GM | C.C. | Embroidered Cotton Tunic x3 | -12.5 GM | C.C. | Cotton Breeches | -2 GM | C.C. | Dyed, Embroidered Silk Dress | -25.2 GM | C.C. | Dyed, Embroidered Cotton Dress | -6.2 GM | C.C. | Fine Wool Skirt | -1.2 GM | C.C. | Hemp & Glass Bead Necklace | -2 GM | C.C. | Fine buckled Leather Belt | -4.4 GM | C.C. | Leather Boots, High | -1 GM | C.C. | Beaded Sandals | -6 SM | C.C. | Simple Makeup | -10 GM | C.C. | Vanity (fine desk and x2 mirror) | -32 GM | C.C. | Journal (blank book) | -3 GM | C.C | Ink (1 Oz. Vial) | -2 GM | C.C | Quill | -5 CM | C.C | Good Quality Toiletries | Included in the starting package | C.C. | Slave, Human female | -350 GM | Shayna | Glass Vase | -5 GM | Decor | Candied Apple | -2 SM | Compulsive buying | Fare for Boat Ride | - | - | Botanist/Herbalist Tool kit | -20 GM | For Shayna | Simple Blouse | -8 SM | For Shayna | Simple Skirt | -4 SM | For Shayna | Slippers | -1 SM | For Shayna | Apron | -3 SM | For Shayna |