So this is the first entry in Savio's personal scrapbook! I have been lurking around the forum and i have been seeing all these creative and awesome entries from other writers, and scrapbooks have been mentioned so much on Chat that i decided to conform for once and make one.

Creating Savio was really just an accident, because of some issues with my other PC and lack of muse on that part. So, anyhow, I wanted a character that would prove to be a literary challenge for me. I wanted someone who will push me past my comfort zone (peaceful, overly friendly characters) and be a bit of a stubborn fighter. Granted, he is still a nice guy. I don't think I could ever really pull off an a$$hole character, because that is so polar opposite from me as the writer.
Savio have proven to have a whole list of challenges for both him and for me. As of right now, my tab bar has like, 13 tabs on information on acrobatics, free running (Thank you Assassin's Creed), and unarmed fighting styles for beginners. Plus more tabs on Mizahar lore that i always have up anyways.
I gave Savio a very vanilla history; the son of a farmer with dreams of becoming more than that. So he sets off in his journey with no real goal in mind. He knows that he wants to get better at acrobatics, but he doesn't want to be a performer. So in the meantime, he hears about a new Master of Unarmed in Nyka. Figuring that Nyka could be a good start, he goes there.
There is still so much that I plan on doing with Savio. I want to develop his personality a little more through threads. And I REALLY need to work on describing fighting moves. (Time to drag out the old karate movies, I guess!) And I am fighting back the urge to toss cruel situations in Savio's way. I am a horrible person in that I love to see my characters suffer from time to time. Lol!
Welp, I guess that is all for right now. Yay for me! I completed my first scrapbook log!
