[Verified by Poison] Lauralyn

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Postby Lauralyn on October 27th, 2013, 1:12 am


Lauralyn Heather (Lyn)

Basic Info:

Race: Symenestra
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Birthday: 8th Day of Winter 491 AV
Birthplace: Kalinor


With piercing golden eyes, ashen grey skin and very fine hair the colour of cobwebs, Lauralyn is a eerie sight to behold, especially with her natural intensity. Her face is very thin, and angular, with harsh cheekbones, and sallow cheeks. Her wispy pale hair falls past her shoulders, and is usually kept out, and swept in front of her shoulders. When she smiles, or opens her mouth, long, sharp fangs can be noticed. If you look closely, you can see the indication of grey veins on her skin.

Her frame is narrow and lithe. She has lanky and thin legs that make up much of her height at 5’8”. Her arms and hands seem slightly too long, as is normal for a Symenestra. Her bust leaves much to be desired, and her figure is very flat and boyish. Over her tiny frame, she tends to wear her exo-skeleton armour for protection. Over that she favors dark colours, like navy blue, black, deep crimson and dark Green. The only light colour she will wear is white, often paired with black. She likes to wear loose, flowing clothing that doesn’t restrict movement.

Her nails are extraordinarily long and sharp.They are claw shaped and her pride and joy, and are often painted in black or red, sometimes both colours.

Last edited by Lauralyn on October 30th, 2013, 10:01 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Lauralyn {WIP}

Postby Lauralyn on October 27th, 2013, 6:23 am


Character Concept

Lyn has always been patient, and quiet on first glance. She doesn’t speak unless it is necessary, or she has something she deems worth saying. She enjoys peacefulness and silent nights, and being on her own. She carries with her a natural intensity and seriousness, and rarely smiles. To most, it would seem like she is aloof and brooding, but this isn’t correct. Lyn carries very little anger inside her at the moment. If anything, she is very frustrated.

This kind of mentality has sprung from her struggle to figure out what exactly she believes in. There is a war of indecisiveness and confusion within her about the surrogates. It feels wrong to her, even though she has grown up in a family who has always taught her that the purity, and the continuation of her race was the most important thing, she can’t help herself but think that it shouldn’t be any other races burden to bare. Non- Symenestra lives shouldn’t have to be sacrificed for their sake. It just feels wrong to her.

Another reason for her general anti-social behavior is the realization she has finally in the last few years, been able to accept: She simply is not attracted to males. She knows that, even if she would ever allow someone to capture a surrogate for her, she could never feel anything strong enough to tie herself to a man. This has left her feeling worthless to the continuation of her species, inferior to her younger siblings, and more confused than ever.

Underneath the whirlwind in her head, Lyn is loving and gentle. She dislikes loud people, and prefers to be around those who are dependable, and quiet. She does have a temper, usually brought out by people teasing her or purposely trying to wind her up. When she is angry, she does not yell, instead she becomes very cold, and snarky. She knows how to look at someone like she was imagining all the ways she could kill them, her eyes locking onto the offender with a chilling intensity. It’s hard to tell when Lyn is angry until you actually see her glare.

. . .
Last edited by Lauralyn on October 27th, 2013, 6:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Lauralyn {WIP}

Postby Lauralyn on October 27th, 2013, 6:45 am


Character History

Lyn grew up as the first child the couple Verlyna and Lynssia Heather, born from a surrogate Vantha woman called Kiara, who subsequently died within minutes of her birth. As the first Daughter of her web, Lyn was treated very well. She had almost anything she wanted, and took to painting, and weaving. Even as a child, Lyn was very quiet, often day-dreaming, or wondering about silly childish things. Either that or she was cooped up inside reading anything she could get her hands on. Her mother was a skilled seamstress, and her father was a hunter.

She understood that she wasn’t birthed by her mother from a young age, and often wondered about it. She didn’t really understand the Harvest, or the meaning of the Surrogates. Not until she was a pre-teen, and it was all explained to her in sugar coated words. For a while she believed that it was a necessary practice, until she finally decided to go seek out one of the surrogates that was to give her a sister or a brother. She never got to talk to her, because the day she decided on this venture, was the day of her eldest younger brother’s birth: Davuan. The birth was terrifying for a young girl to witness, especially with the looming knowledge that Lyn had destroyed her true mothers life in just the same way.

Lyn became highly worried about her future. She decided then and there that she could never bring another woman into the birth of her child, even if it meant death. She began talking to the Esterian’s, much to her mothers dismay, and in time, openly moved to their standing. From then on her parents ignored her, and her brother was kept well away from her, so she couldn’t poison him with her values.

As her teenage years slipped by, Lyn became interested in women. She experienced her first romantic interest when she met a foreign trader who had come to sell her wares. She was a real tough woman, and the two of them, after some inisial difficulty, hit it off. Unfortunately, it didn’t go very far, and the trader left, never to return again.

She used to think, maybe she could force herself to like males, so, in her late teens she did some experimenting. None of her romances with males ever made her happy, no matter how hard she tried to find them attractive. The idea of being intimate with a man was not attractive to her. She felt almost as if she were broken.

Now, Lyn focuses on Praying to her god, practicing her hand at her mothers practice of making beautiful silk garments, and keeping her sexuality to herself. She had still never outright told anyone else, especially not her parents. Often she thinks about leaving her home altogether and selling her skills else ware, and maybe one day, her thoughts will inspire her to do just that.

Last edited by Lauralyn on October 30th, 2013, 10:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Lauralyn {WIP}

Postby Lauralyn on October 27th, 2013, 12:10 pm



Fluent Language: Symenos
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: N/A


Painting SP 10 XP 10
Acrobatics RB 10 XP 10
Drawing SP 5 XP 10
Weaving SP 15 XP 15
Sewing SP 5 XP 5
Jewelcrafting SP 10 XP 10


Lore of Symenestra Culture
Lore of Religion: Viratas


-Pallete (wooden) (Not Starter)
Charcoal (10 sticks) (Not Starter)
-Medium brush (Not Starter)
-Silk skirt (Not Starter)
-Navy Blue Silken Shirt
-Black Silken Pants
-Silken Undergarments
-Silken black Coat
-Exoskeleton Armor
-Simple Sandals
1 Waterskin
1 Silken Knapsack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Fruit Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas

Heirloom: A Jernal she doodled and wrote her feelings in haphazardly as a child. The pages are rather worn, and on the front is one of her first paintings, of herself as a child,


Item cost/gain Total Miza’s
Starting pack +100gm 100gm
Palette (Wooden) -2 sm 99gm 8sm
Charcoal (10 sticks) -5 cm 99gm 7sm 95cm
Medium brush -8 cm 99gm 7sm 87cm
Silk skirt −4sm 99gm 3sm 87cm


Lyn owns an average home carved into a stalagmite that is about 20x20, and a little disorganised and messy inside.

Thread list

Thread Participants Status Date
Sorrow Brings Life Engghaen Complete 42nd of Autumn, 513
Differing Opinions Sosicly Ongoing 71st of Autumn, 513AV
Ghost Town Vyvian Ongoing 56th of Autumn, 513
A New Life In Kalinor N/A Ongoing 73rd of Autumn - 91st of Autumn
Last edited by Lauralyn on October 30th, 2013, 10:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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