Girl Talk (Fallan)

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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Girl Talk (Fallan)

Postby Nkosi Sunrunner on October 31st, 2013, 9:36 pm

13th of Autumn, 513AV

Syna was a blur of color along the horizon, reds, oranges, and yellows, candles and lanterns lite the tent city like false stars. The city was still in constant motion; even the children weren’t lying in their beds yet. Eager to play more games they raced between the adults who sat around fires, drank, danced and generally wound down at the days end.

Nkosi was no different. He wanted a drink and warm fire but for now he kept up his leisurely stride, headed for the purple marked tents and people of the Amethyst Clan. When he reached them he waved to a few vaguely familiar faces and searched for a specific familiar face. He wondered if Fallan was even in the area of if he had found a girl for the night. A grin stretched across his face, he had no problems interrupting if that was the case. Walking around through the pavilions he finally spotted a familiar horse. He strolled up, and Stormdancer eyed him curiously which he returned, peeking around the Strider and the tents behind it.

“Where’s your pet?” He called out to Stormdancer, just loud enough to heard in the nearby tents. He thought he spotted a familiar head of hair coming out and continued speaking to the Strider with a wide grin, “I was gonna offer you a drink gorgeous girl. Do you think you should let your pet join us?”

The young man was pleased with himself, and gave the Strider a wink and wondered just how much the girl was worth talking to every male he knew. But his own plan sounded foolish to even his own ears but it was the only one he could think of at the chime.

OOCSorry for the short beginning but I figured it didn’t need to be too much longer…plus I’m pants at long posts :|
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Girl Talk (Fallan)

Postby Fallan Windchaser on November 1st, 2013, 3:00 pm


It had been a long day and many miles had been covered as the family herd was moved in anticipation of the next move by the pavilion to keep up with Endrykas. Herd, pavilion and city all moved in a complicated dance along the Run, each move carefully choreographed to ensure that all stayed in their respective places regardless of weather or terrain.

Now that evening was coming on them and Fallan had taken care of Stormdancer he was sitting in the pavilion stropping his knife in preparation for carefully slicing leather for an evenings braiding by the fire. He paused as a voice could be heard speaking loudly outside, a voice that was familiar and yet it took him a moment to place it. What sealed it was the choice of words for only one man he knew would have used them.

It was a man he had not looked to see here and now, and yet he realised that he should have, for was this not where all paths crossed amongst the Drykas sooner or later? He stood, slipping both knife and hone into the sheath which rode on his belt and ducked out of the tent, stopping for a moment for his eyes to adjust to the light and to see his old friend.

He laughed softly, "up to your old tricks I see, chatting up the only ladies that have the patience to listen to you."

He walked over to grasp the man by the shoulder and draw him into a hug if he would have it. "Now yours is a face that I did not expect to see here this evening," he declared. "Did you run out of money to buy ale with?" He smiled with pleasure at an unexpected face in this place.

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Fallan Windchaser
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Girl Talk (Fallan)

Postby Nkosi Sunrunner on November 1st, 2013, 7:54 pm

"A finer woman there never was." He laughed good naturally while returned the hug with vigor and stepped back finally but left a friendly hand on Fallans' shoulder. "And I always have money for ale! Ale that I shall be supplying tonight."

He finally removed his hand and jerked a thumb towards other tents, indicating they should head out."You can listen to my girl woes and I can listen to Stormdancers woes about you."

His words were light but Nkosi touched his banged but healing finger. His grin faded a bit, shyke getting a woman was harder than he thought. He gave himself a little shake, and looked at Fallan with a little shrug, his finger held up proudly. As he spoke his hand seem to keep signaling on girl and like. "Even this couldn't sway her. Wasn't too bad though, chisel thought my finger was the leather." Nkosi laughed again at his own foolishness, though he was already plotting what else he could do to get visit the Opal tents again. His hands asked how are you? as he leaned back on his heels. It had been awhile since he had last seen Fallan, and he recalled seeing him at the auction but Nkosi had been too busy with his father to go over and say hello.
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Girl Talk (Fallan)

Postby Fallan Windchaser on November 4th, 2013, 10:46 am


With the initial greeting out of the way, Fallan had chance to step back and make a proper assessment of the man with whom he had spent too many bells drinking ale of various qualities. Time had treated him well, he thought, though the bandaged thumb did raise an eyebrow.

Fallan grinned softly, ”then I suggest that you consider her no more. A woman who is not able to appreciate the wounded hero is not the sort of woman that you should be worrying about. Her heart is as cold as ice and likely her feet will prove to be as well.” His fingers added a note of levity into the comment for they were not as yet drunk and they had not yet passed into that drunken stage of speaking the truth from their hearts without the filter of common sense interfering. It was also possible that Nkosi had set his heart on someone and for that a much more serious talk would be in order.

” I am well,” he answered with the inward flick towards his heart that confirmed the truth of it. ”But you mentioned ale, and as it happens I have a particular thirst for it at the moment.” Taylani was occupied at the moment and Fallan had in truth not so much been filling time, but neither had he been busy and this seemed a perfect excuse to spend time in a more pleasant way than working. ”Come, let us go and find something to drink and you can tell me all about your epic quest, chisel in hand in pursuit of the girl with the heart of ice.”

He gave Stormdancer a rough rub on the side of her neck and used it to cover his other hand repeating the same question back to Nkosi to check that he was well too and that this was merely a social visit and had no more serious purpose behind it which would not suit the informality of a tavern.

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Girl Talk (Fallan)

Postby Nkosi Sunrunner on November 18th, 2013, 2:55 am

Nkosi let Fallan know that he was fine. He wasn't about to burst into tears, anyhow. With a grin and a long stride that was almost a skip Nkosi lead them in pursuit of said mead. He didn't talk much while they walked, just idle things, saving the woes of Waisana for when he had his drink.

He didn't have to wait long, they arrived, and Nkosi got something for them both before taking a deep swig and plopping into his seat with a dramatic sigh. With a wave of his hand Nkosi began, "It started when I seen her, she was gorgeous! I learned her name when I visited the Healing tents. Then a few days later I was chiseling a piece, it's a belt, and the perching piece of metal took a chunk outta my finger! Hurt like shyke, too! So I hurt my finger, and I had the perfect chance to see her." He paused to take another drink, really getting into his story, his hands already spewing his rejection before he'd actually said it. "Then I ask her, I ask her to go with me. And she ignores me! Woman couldn't even look me in the eye!"

He slammed his cup down to emphasis, his hand signing out that he was annoyed and a tad hurt by such a rejection. Then Nkosi grinned, pointing a finger at Fallan. "But you can't have had much better. Tell me, have you found a woman yet? Or are you still scaring them away?" His hands spoke of teasing and so did his voice but there was a curiosity under it. Especially considering the auction earlier the season. Even his dad had gotten someone.

Already polishing off his first drink, Nkosi grabbed two more and slid one towards Fallan, and kicked his feet up lazily on the table. He looked the picture of ease. And having an ear to tug with his woes made him feel more at ease.

OOCEndrykas confuses me a tad so I just assumed they'd reached an unnamed tavern-esque place. Also, I haven't explained much more because me and Wai haven't finished the thread yet :paranoid:
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Girl Talk (Fallan)

Postby Fallan Windchaser on November 18th, 2013, 10:50 pm


Fallan had never attempted to estimate what was the shortest route to the nearest tavern, in part because such a thing was impossible to state with any certainty since with the city sliding along the Run, it was somewhat unlikely that any two tents would be in the same places on any two evenings as likely enough one or the other would have gone from being ten paces apart to being ten miles, and even if they had both moved on the same day likely they would be in different parts of the same clan area. It was one of the things that made the city confusing to strangers and drunk Drykas alike as Fallan could easily attest.

He shook his head at the tale of injury, attributing it to Nkosi having sampled his own stores of mead before attempting the leatherwork, which very well explained to his mind the treatment he had received in the healers tent for they had little sympathy for injuries caused by carelessness and even less for those caused by drunkenness.

Fallan waved his mug and nodded in silent thanks even as he listened to the tale of woe and grinned widely, a pleasure which sampling the mead had a good part in creating for his thoughts had been far from the simple pleasure of drink these past days.

His hands answered before the words did, an expansive sign indicating a complicated situation and Fallan took another drink whilst he considered the answer.

”You treat them too well Nkosi, that has always been your problem,” he returned with a grin. ”You know my tastes and how little they are catered for here. A rope around their ankles and a hard slap to let them know who is in charge and the loudest of them soon changes their minds. Women like a man to be in charge, let them think that they can twist you around their little finger and they have no interest beyond the coin in your pouch.”

His fingers indicated truth as he spoke, but with an element of humour for any who might be overhearing them. He drew deeply of the mug before continuing with a sparkle in his eye. ”That is the one thing to be said of some of the cities of Sylira, the whores know their business and if you know where to look, there is always one who will cater for every taste.” His eyes turned introspective at this point for his friend reminded him of the past, of a time carefree and before the needs of the clan reasserted themselves, at least for now.

”But,” he frowned and hesitated, ”Zulrav blows us to odd chances. I do have a woman, and one that I have taken something of a fancy to. But we came here to talk of you, not so much of me. Tell me about this healer of yours.” He drained his mug and caught the eye of the one serving to indicate that it was time for a refill for the words of truth came easier when they were appropriately lubricated.

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Girl Talk (Fallan)

Postby Monsoon on December 23rd, 2014, 11:01 pm


Character Name

  • Socialization - 3
  • Nikosi, up to his old tricks
  • Nikosi has a lady friend?
  • Nikosi loves a healer.
  • Women like a firm man
Additional Notes
There was not much here besides some talking to be honest. It was a nice beginning to a social thread. But there wasn't much for me to really award.

If you have been pelted too severely by grades and or rain and are seeking shelter, advice, or something I may have missed, let me know :)
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