[Verified by Crosspatch] Halin'a

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Postby Halin'a on November 30th, 2013, 3:34 pm



Race: Ethaefal
Gender: Male
Age: 59
Birthday: Fell on 1 Winter, 457AV
Birthplace: Fell in the Suvan Sea

Ethaefal Seeming: In his Ethaefal Seeming, Halin'a clearly shows that he is a son of Leth. His eyes are a startling violet, and his skin glints like moonstone. He is tall, standing at 6 feet, 3 inches(6 feet five, if you count his horns). He weighs approximately 169 pounds. Halin'a horns curl from his forehead to cross behind his head, curling around to appear underneath his ears. Halin'a possesses the ethereal beauty of the rest of his race.
Seasonal Appearances :
Winter: His horns are pitch black, a stark contrast to his white hair.
Fall: His hair is the color of a hunter's moon while his horns are the yellow of goldenrods.
Spring: His horns are white and his hair is silver
Summer: His horns are a dark green, reminiscent of deep jungle foliage, and his hair is black as the night sky.

Mortal Seeming: When Leth makes way for Syna, Halin'a reverts back to his mortal seeming: that of a human man. His mortal seeming is reminiscent of his Ethaefal seeming, except without the horns, changing hair, and opalescent skin. He is still six-feet-three-inches, though his eyes are dark blue and his hair is brown, laced with lighter highlights.

Character Concept

Halin'a is friendly, having yet to meet someone he could not eventually charm. While he does tend to turn introverted at times, reflecting on the life he lost when he fell from Leth's domain, most of the time he is fairly extroverted. He prefers observing over interacting when it comes to large crowds(over thirty people), but in smaller settings, he's comfortable with making small talk with any who wish to talk to him. Halin'a is not easily angered, although he has a tendency of annoying those who annoy him; he has some talent with casting his voice, and enjoys watching others try to figure out just where that annoying little voice is coming from.

Character History

Halin'a does not remember any of past lives, although he remembers his life with Leth and the life his mortal seeming is based off of; a young human man, named Sean, born in Zeltiva, who died under Leth's light in the harbor of drowning. Sean had never learned to swim, a stupid decision for a human who lived in the port city.

When Halin'a fell, he emerged in the Suvan Sea, swimming to shore near Syliras. The year was 457AV, and Halin'a stayed in Syliras for the first few years of his new life. Halin'a eventually left Syliras after losing a close friend. The Ethaefal traveled all across Mizahar after leaving Syliras. In 513AV, he moved to Zeltiva, former home of his mortal seeming, although none would remember the young man who drowned in the harbor all those years ago.

Sean, Halin'a's last life :
Halin'a's mortal seeming is that of a young man named Sean who took a liking to the wrong girl; she was the daughter of a merchant prince, and when Sean, convinced that he was in love with her and she with him, failed to heed the warning to back off, he was taken to the middle of the harbor and tossed in. Unable to swim, he quickly tired out and drowned. This has resulted in a minor apprehension of water, though Halin'a is not afraid of it.

As of 13 Spring, 516AV, Halin'a has officially arrived in Lhavit.


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: None
Poor Language: None


Location: Lhavit

House: Elegant Room at Solar Winds Apartments
Last edited by Halin'a on April 21st, 2016, 11:53 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Postby Halin'a on November 30th, 2013, 3:39 pm

Thread List

Spring, 516AV
Start End Thread Type Characters Summary Mentions Job?
13 14 Entering Lhavit Entrance Thread Halin'a Halin'a finally reaches Lhavit No
15 15 Feel the Steel Solo Training Halin'a Halin'a finds a secluded place to practice with his sword(not that one) No
19 - A Night of Entertainment Challenge Azira, Halin'a The Spinning Glimmers are putting on a show in the Plaza and Azira can't resist hanging around to watch No
21 - New Worker, Old Client Solo Job Halin'a, NPC One of the Red Lantern's frequent customers requests Halin'a. Yes
46 - Bulburo Fields Rotation Halin'a, Eldecrok, Vick Halin'a meets an Akvatari and a Nuit Yes
Summer, 514AV
Start End Thread Type, Characters Summary Mentions Job?
8 8 The Divine & The Savage Closed: Halin'a, Ayatah Ayatah and Halin'a spar at the Storm Shrine Yes
10 - It's Not What it Looks Like! Closed: Halin'a, Lavine Lavine finds herself in a bit of a tizzy when she stumbles upon a whore at work Yes
11 - Two Faces, One Person Closed: Halin'a, Ayatah Halin'a spots a familiar face, but she may not recognize him Yes
14 - Late Night Strolls Closed: Halin'a, Shan A not-quite-fish meets a not-quite-human Briefly
25 25 Comrades in Arms Solo/Job Thread Halin'a helps out a fellow prostitute Yes
30 - Ruminations Solo Halin'a visits the cemetery and spends some time alone Briefly
37 - Not Your Typical Customer Closed: Halin'a, Yuri Lehrer A slow night leads to an unusual request Yes
40 40 Fancy Footwork Closed: Halin'a, Saraphina Skyglow Two separate trips to the beach lead to a sparring session Yes
89 89 Conflict of Interests Solo/Job Thread Halin'a gets an unusual request from a group for a solo job Yes
Winter, 513AV
Start End Thread Type, Characters Summary Mentions Job?
3 3 What the Night Yields Closed: Halin'a, Cynnya A nighttime encounter between a Kelvic and an Ethaefal No
5 -- Midnight Stroll Closed: Halin'a, Ella Wakefiel When two people collide No
4 4 A Second Meeting Closed: Halin'a, Cynnya, Eldritch Halin'a and Cynnya meet up as agreed; whatever expectations they had for this meeting, what actually happens probably wasn't it. No
5 -- Sorcerer's Got Your Tongue Closed: Halin'a, Cynnya Cynnya is affected by magic... No
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Postby Halin'a on November 30th, 2013, 3:43 pm

Concerning Money

Lhavit Expenses
Transaction Cost Total Thread*
Conversion of Mizas to Kina - 138K, 4TK, 75JK -
3 Month's Rent(Elegant Room, Solar Winds) -21K 117K, 4TK, 75JK -
Dagger, Steel -2K 115K, 4TK, 75JK Feel the Steel
Meat pastie, Ale -7TK 114K, 7TK, 75JK Feel the Steel
Leather Belt, Large -1K 113K, 7K, 75JK Feel the Steel
Large Cloak, Llama Wool, Unusual Fur-Lined -16K, 5TK 97K, 2TK, 75JK Fire and Secrets
Zeltiva Expenses
Transaction Cost Total Thread*
Starting +100GM 100GM N/A
Hot Tea -2GM 98GM A Midnight Stroll
Living Expenses(Winter, 513AV) -45GM 53GM N/A
Ramie shirt, high leather boots, silk sash, linen pants -4GM, 4SM, 75CM 48GM, 5SM, 25CM Comrade in Arms
Large Multi-Colored Koi -8GM 40GM, 4SM, 75CM Ruminations
Seasonal Wages, Summer 514AV +273 GM 313GM, 4SM, 75CM -
Living Expenses 514AV, Common -135GM 138GM, 4SM, 75CM -

*If transaction occurred in thread, link to the thread will be provided in this column

Halin'a currently resides in Lhavit; all currency exchanged to kina
Elegant Room in Solar Winds Apartments, 7K/month(21K/season)

Job Place of Employment Level Wage
Prostitute The Red Lantern Novice 3Ki/day
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Postby Halin'a on November 30th, 2013, 3:45 pm


Skill RB SP XP Total Proficiency
Astronomy 10 0 0 10 Novice
Ventriloquism 0 5 0 5 Novice
Impersonation 0 10 0 10 Novice
Seduction 0 10 1 11 Novice
Weapon: Scimitar 0 15 3 18 Novice
Unarmed Combat 0 5 3 8 Novice
Investigation 0 5 0 5 Novice
Observation 0 0 10 10 Novice
Climbing 0 0 1 1 Novice
Socialization 0 0 9 9 Novice
Massage 0 0 1 1 Novice
Rhetoric 0 0 1 1 Novice
Tactics 0 0 2 2 Novice
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Postby Halin'a on November 30th, 2013, 3:48 pm


Cynnya: Kelvic ocelot Cynnya: Bonding and staying independent Lending a cloak to Cynnya Elena: Small and Light Rob: A rough client
Ayatah: Martial Mentor Ayatah: Is a Myrian Ayatah: Is From Taloba Ayatah: Served In the Military Ayatah: Her Address In Zeltiva
Saraphina: Practices the Kata Saraphina: A Kelvic - - -
Observational Insight: Assessing A Warrior’s Confidence Observational Insight: Concentrating To Anticipate Movement (Slow) Weaponry: The Nature of a Scimitar Weapon Principle: Move With Your Weapon Scimitar: Forward Jab
Scimitar: Left Feint Tactics: Forming A Quick Plan of Attack Hand-to-Hand Principle: Move With Your Attacks Hand-to-Hand Principle: Escaping An Assailant From Behind Kata: A Disciplined Fighting Technique
Unarmed Combat vs. Armed Combat Unarmed Combat: Basic Defensive Stance Unarmed Combat: A Series of Focused Attacks - -
City Info
Zeltiva Layout - - - -
Religion: Leth Missing Leth - - -
Interrupting a hunt Kelvic: Show traits of both forms New Clothes, means well-paying customers Sailors: Not picky about gender Prostitution: A way to earn mizas
Prostitution: Beneath a son of Leth? Rhetoric: Blunt Quips The Merits of Prostitution - -
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Postby Halin'a on November 30th, 2013, 3:54 pm


1 Waterskin -
1 Backpack Comb (Wood)
- Brush (Wood)
- Soap
- Razor
- 1 eating knife
- Flint & Steel
Item Thread Link
Simple Shirt Starting Package
Simple Pants Starting Package
Simple Undergarments Starting Package
Simple Coat Starting Package
Simple Boots Starting Package
Ramie Shirt Comrade in Arms
Leather High Boots ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Silk Sash ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Linen Breeches ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Leather Belt, Large Feel the Steel
Llama's Wool Cloak, Unusual Fur-Lined Fire and Secrets
Item Thread Link
Cold Steel Scimitar Starting Package
Steel Dagger Feel the Steel
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Postby Halin'a on December 3rd, 2013, 8:02 pm

Gnosis Mark(s)

Acquired Marks
God Mark Level Location/Appearance Ability Thread of Acquisition
-- -- -- -- --

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Postby Halin'a on July 31st, 2014, 12:03 am


Elena Tarbot

Race: Human
Age: 23

Appearance: Elena stands at five feet five inches, and she weighs roughly 165lbs, though this fluctuates depending on how easy life has been lately. She has dirty blonde hair, and dark green eyes. Her skin is tanned.

Personality: Elena is quiet, but determined. She has been through enough in her twenty-odd years on Mizahar that she no longer listens when told she cannot do something, and makes it instead her personal mission to do exactly that thing.

History: After coming to Zeltiva looking to join the University, Elena discovered that it was more expensive than she'd anticipated. With few skills, Elena had few options for a job, and so followed in the footsteps of many others who'd found themselves short on gold.

Seduction: 7
Cooking: 23
Flirting: 5
Running: 15

Note: Elena is a City NPC; she is only here until a storyteller comes to Zeltiva and can add her to Loveless's employee list
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