[Verified by Traverse] Tazi

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Postby Tazi on February 27th, 2014, 6:06 am

Tazi of the Scattered Bones


Race: Myrian
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Birthday: 35th of Winter, 488
Birthplace: Taloba, Falyndar
Clan: Formerly of the Scattered Bones


Like her sister, Tazi has smooth, sun-kissed skin that is practically unmarred. She does enjoy the tattoos that her people earn, but she herself has earned very few. The ones that she does have she hides underneath the little clothing she wears. A tattoo on her left shoulder marks her as one of a set of twins. Asar has an identical tattoo, marking her the other half. She has a tattoo on her right shoulder of crossed throwing knives, her preferred weapon. This was her first Gnosis mark from Myri.

Generally she wears loose, harem style pants in the crisp, white color. Her pants hug her hips, leaving her midrift showing. A white, stylized top covers her from just below the breasts and wrapping around her left shoulder. She has very little trophies from battle, although she is occasionally seen wearing jewelery made of teeth from animals slain by her mother or sister to ceremonies and celebrations. Her silky, black hair is tied back with a black cord in a long ponytail that falls to her hips. Tazi is often seen brushing her hair in the morning when she is calming herself from nightmares or arguments with her mother.

If there is one feature that Tazi adores in herself and others, it is the eyes. Her eyes are deep brown, but there is almost a yearning or sadness behind them. She is always worried about what her mother will say or do to her if she brings shame to the family, let alone what her sister would think of her. This is always evident in her quiet stare. On occasion, when Tazi is laughing and having fun, they sparkle in the light and bring out her vibrant beauty. Smiling only makes her looks better, although that gesture is rarely seen.

Character Concept

Tazi, younger twin sister of Asar, has always been the misunderstood child. Although loved dearly by her father, Tazi's mother could never find a spot in her heart for the boyish daughter. While Asar had all the guile, strength, and skill that a Myrian mother could want, Tazi was the a shameful opposite. She took after her father, tending to the sick and injured, making sure that day-to-day life was easy for the warrior members of the Scattered Bones Clan. Her father found her admirable for wanting to be a healer. Behind every great sword or ax, there needed to be a shadow-lurker with the knowledge to repair what was broken.

Although Tazi and Asar are polar opposites, the love that Tazi holds for her sister knows no bounds. Many times it has been brought up that if she could be a warrior like her sister, honoring her mother in a way that only blood and war could, Tazi would happily change for her. However, neither magic nor prayer would ever change the life that was bestowed upon her. So, she did what she could as humbly as she could. Honor could be brought to the clan by other means then the sword.

Tazi is quiet, although when she speaks it is in a soft, careful, and colloquial manner. If it is not important and need not be said, she keeps it to herself. Tazi allows Asar to be hot-headed and quick-witted while maintaining an even-tempered mood. When family is threatened and she is treated like a cornered animal, all hell is likely to break loose as years of pent-up frustration is unleashed in a tidal wave of horror.

    Fluent Language: Myrian
    Basic Language: Common

God/Goddess... Gnosis Level... When Received...
Myri Mark 1 Blooding Ceremony

    Linen Stylized Shirt - white
    Linen Harem Style Pants - white
    Linen Undergarments - white
    Cotton Cloak - brown, hooded
    Simple Sandals - brown leather, wrap around ankle
    1 Waterskin
    Backpack which contains:
      1 set of toiletries (bone comb, bone brush, razor, soap)
      Rations for one week
      1 Eating Knife
      Flint & Steel


Since her father was the favored parent, he passed down his medicine bag to her. Tazi always wears it on her hip, having attached it to a soft leather belt that secures it to her body. Soft due to wear, it contains a basic pestle and mortar, and a two empty ceramic bottles. Tazi has been known to collect tidbits of fabric and store them in this bag to keep herbs dry. Leather scraps are her favorite ways to separate and protect materials. Overall, the lot is not worth more than 30gm due to the use and hand-crafted simplicity.


Although Tazi has had a room in her Clan home previously, she is seen too often in Taloba to maintain residence there. She has opted for the traveler's life-style. She has a female Zavian that is named Zaza, somewhat as tribute to her father. She is used mostly to pack around her equipment: 1 large tent, large tarp, 100 ft of rope, flint & steel, lantern, 2 torches, bedroll, blanket, fishing tackle & hooks, and a compass.

Zaza is equipped with complete tack and two saddlebags. Tazi hopes to one day learn to ride her, although she is perfectly content with her being a pack horse.

Note: This is pending due to changes after a solo thread which will happen early summer. This is to be written.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting Package... 100 GM... 100 GM...
Kol Shirt -3 SM 99 GM 7 SM
Tazi Pants -8 SM 98 GM 9 SM
Tazi Undergarments -1 SM 98 GM 8 SM...
Living Expenses - Spring 514 -45 GM 53 GM 8 SM
Throwing Daggers x10... -10 GM 43 GM 8 SM
Dagger, Tamo -20 GM 23 GM 8 SM
Dagger -2 GM 21 GM 8 SM
Selling ZaZa/Tack +90 GM 111 GM 8 SM
Animal Snare, Bird -2 GM 109 GM 8 SM
Animal Snare, Small -5 GM 104 GM 8 SM
Selling Large Tent +8 GM 112 GM 8 SM
One Person Tent -2 GM 110 GM 8 SM
Selling Latern +5 GM 115 GM 8 SM
Two Pounds Game Meat - Jerky... -16 GM 99 GM 8 SM
Spring Wages +528 GM 627 GM 8 SM

Note: The throwing daggers, Dagger - Tamo, and Dagger will be bought in a thread. This thread just hasn't happened quiet yet, but it will. Selling Zaza and some equipment also occur in this trade thread. I'm just doing all the math and preparing for the solo now.

Spring 514

Summer 514

Last edited by Tazi on August 15th, 2014, 1:44 am, edited 35 times in total.
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of the Scattered Bones
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Tazi of the Scattered Bones

Postby Tazi on March 6th, 2014, 3:01 am

Tazi of the Scattered Bones

Tazi was brought into the world by Forai on the day that all Myrians celebrated Dira. One would find it odd to celebrate death while bringing life into the world, but for the twin girls, this was a great joy to their mother. Forai was a great warrior of the Scattered Bones Clan. She honored Myri and Dira most of all for her victories. To have her daughters on this day was almost like a blessing to her family. Yet, as time would tell, Forai would also say it had become a curse.

Asar and Tazi are identical twins and never seemed to be capable of leaving one another in their early years. The other children were constantly picking on Tazi, but her sister was always there to defend her honor. As they got older, Forai began to see them for what they were. Asar had potential, and Tazi only brought shame due to her lack of will to fight. Slowly, Forai moved Asar into intensive training, only stopping to pay Tazi mind when she was chasing her out of the clan. It wasn’t that Tazi did not try to please her mother, but nothing seemed to work.

Zaso, Tazi’s father, took the younger girl under his wing. Outright, her parents appeared to love one another, but the girls knew better. Forai thought her partner weak. Zaso preferred medicine and plants, tending to their clan in ways that only a man would understand. Some of the matriarchs appreciated that he did the necessary chores for them to survive while they served to protect the clan. They looked down on Tazi who chose the path of man instead of seeking higher potentials. As she grew, she became aware of medicine and tending to the needs of others. It became her calling.

It was 55th of Summer, 501 AV. Tazi had followed her father into the market for supplies. It was here that her love for medicine became her dream. Having approached one of the stalls to barter with the merchant when a peculiar scent struck her. It smelled like salted air. Turning, she noted a woman, pale haired and pale skinned walking down the path. She was strange looking, and many Myrians gave her wide berth and scowls. The woman did not seem to care, making her way into the medicine house without so much as a glare back in warning. Tazi’s curiosity got the best of her. She left the merchant to her rants about prices, trailing after the exotic woman.

Inside, she noted her father and Traya, the elderly medicine woman talking to one another. Only when the exotic woman stopped before them did Traya give her attention freely. Zaso stepped back, noticing his daughter and beckoning her towards him. The look of awe that Tazi had splattered all over her face amused him, and he held her before him while Traya and this ghostly woman spoke.

”Tazi. That is a Konti seer. She is a strange beauty isn’t she? Every ten seasons or so, she travels down here to see how she can help as she is a part of the Opal Order. She may not be liked in the city by our warriors, but she is welcomed by healers alike.”

Her regional name was Asta, and that is what Tazi came to know her as. Whenever Tazi was free from chores and could get away from sparring with Asar, Tazi would be following Asta around, asking about the order and learning some basic skills in medicine. Forai felt shamed that her daughter would rather follow a foreigner around then practice meaningful skills, and this broadened the fissure between mother and daughter. Zaso could not have been more proud. Although she hasn’t seen the woman since she left Taloba the following year, Tazi hopes to one day set out to Mura, to learn from the Opal Order.

After Asta left, Zaso got very ill. Tazi did everything she could to make him comfortable and tried to bring him from death’s edge, but she couldn’t. He passed away 43rd of Fall, 502 AV. The memory of her father is all the hope she has left to pursue a long journey to Mura. Shortly after his death, Forai took to beating sense into her daughter. She had been moved to the back of the clan, to the point of being disowned by her mother. Many of the children had already begun to serve their time in the Myrian army. Although she needed training, her mother was going to force her down the same path in hopes of wiping away some of the shame that Tazi had brought from following Asta around.

Years passed and Tazi worked to try and get into her mother’s good graces. Although her prowess in the arena was not as good as many, she did seem to have intelligence behind some of her moves. Finally, she was thrust to Taloba to serve her time in the Myrian army. At first she tried to serve as a warrior, but her superiors quickly found she was too forgiving in battle. They pushed her lower and lower into the ranks until she was all but a shadow lurker to those above her. That was how she spent the first year of her service, watching quietly from the distance as her Fang won battles.

She proved herself in a small skirmish with a Dhani patrol when she was able to use her skills in medicine to help a comrade. It was the 10th of Spring, 509 AV. Tazi had recently turned twenty-one. She had already watched many of the children she grew up with get Gnosis marks from Myri and move on to enrich their lives. As a young adult, she was still finishing her childhood. Her Fang was on a simple reconnaissance mission when the Dhani attacked. Great serpents and some in their half-human form struck at that. The Fang scattered, falling into practiced defensive patterns. Battle ensued and Tazi had managed to chase one of the half-creatures off. Others were ganging up on the last few survivors while Tazi pulled an injured comrade to the side for treatment. Any other healer would have had trouble with this specific injury as it smelled of a strange poison, but Tazi remembered something Asta had told her. Although her patchwork was haphazard, she was able to elongate her companions life long enough to get her back to the city for proper treatment. That day, she felt something she had never felt before. Respected.

Her fang treated her differently after that. They protected her, and she was allowed to practice her skills on the injured. Tazi finished her service and went to her blooding with her head held high. Although Forai still saw her as weak, Tazi did not care. Asar still loved her and she had gained respect from a few select Myrians in her previous Fang. Her ceremony was quick and simple, as Myri recognized her as being one of her children. She may not be the strongest or always win, but even a goddess could recognize when it was necessary to have a healer. Not all of her children could be spitting images of Myri the Merciless. Although most were, Tazi did not have the heart to go against the memory of her father.

Myri has granted her the first Gnosis mark, as the coming of age present all Myrians receive. Tazi has hers proudly shown on her right shoulder, a simple design of crossed throwing knives with a serpent around them. Although Tazi does not expect to become Myri’s champion, she takes pride in her goddess. She was proud to be a Myrian.

Tazi is now twenty-five and living in Taloba. What the future holds for her, no one knows.
Last edited by Tazi on March 7th, 2014, 5:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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of the Scattered Bones
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Tazi of the Scattered Bones

Postby Tazi on March 6th, 2014, 3:12 am

Skills and Lores

Skill... Experience... Total... Proficiency...
Medicine 15 [SP], 2, 2 19 Novice
Tracking 10 [RB] 10 Novice
Herbalism 15 [SP]. 1 16 Novice
Wilderness Survival... 30 [SP] 30 Competent
Horsemanship 1 1 Novice
Observation 3, 2, 5, 5, 1, 2 18 Novice
Socialization 3, 5, 5, 3, 2 18 Novice
Riding 1 1 Novice
Weapon: Dagger 1, 2 3 Novice
Climbing 2 2 Novice
Planning 1, 1, 1 3 Novice
Swimming 1 1 Novice
Wrestling 2 2 Novice
Running 2, 1 3 Novice
Land Navigation 1 1 Novice
Leadership 2 2 Novice
Flirting 1 1 Novice
Intimidation 2, 1 3 Novice
Acrobatics 1 1 Novice
Endurance 2 2 Novice
Brawling 3 3 Novice

Lore Total: 39
Last edited by Tazi on June 17th, 2014, 8:31 pm, edited 20 times in total.
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of the Scattered Bones
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Tazi of the Scattered Bones

Postby Tazi on March 6th, 2014, 3:12 am

Calendar and Relationships

Calendar - Summer 514
Open - Booked - Travel


Calendar - Spring 514
Open - Booked - Travel

111213141516171819 20

Credit to Aoren for Calendar Code
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of the Scattered Bones
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