[Verified by Crosspatch] Raien Ironarm Pitrius

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Raien Ironarm Pitrius

Postby Raien Ironarm Pitrius on January 15th, 2014, 2:27 am

Last edited by Raien Ironarm Pitrius on July 26th, 2014, 6:45 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Raien Ironarm Pitrius
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Raien Ironarm Pitrius

Postby Raien Ironarm Pitrius on February 11th, 2014, 8:51 pm



- Cooking Pot, 2 quart(Bought with Starting money)
- 2 Bowls 7" / 16 oz (Bought with Starting money)
- 2 Cups/ 10 oz (Bought with Starting money)
- 2 Soup Spoons (Bought with Starting money)
- Map, Kalea (Bought with Starting money)
- Map, Lhavit (Bought with Starting money)
- Washboard (Bought with Starting money)

Rucksack(Bought with Starting money):
- Comb (Wood)
- Brush (Wood)
- Soap
- Razor
- Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
- 1 eating knife
- Flint & Steel
- Sharpening Stone, Personal (Bought with Starting money)
- Compass
- Wolf's Incisor(Received Here)


- Fishing tackle & hooks
- Simple Pants
- Simple Undergarments
- Simple Cloak
- Simple Boots

I have no horse, nor do I have saddlebags. This is a placeholder




Nothing currently hidden.

Last edited by Raien Ironarm Pitrius on July 18th, 2014, 10:54 pm, edited 19 times in total.
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Raien Ironarm Pitrius
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Raien Ironarm Pitrius

Postby Raien Ironarm Pitrius on February 12th, 2014, 12:36 am




Physical :
Unarmed Combat: A Kick to the Knee always Prevails
Adrenaline: Aiding in Dodging Sword Attacks
Showing Mercy to Opponents
Ignoring Pain to Catch an Antagonist
Bloodlust Induced Through Battle
Instinctual Killing
Bastard Sword: Not Suited for Delicate Tasks
How to Perform An Uppercut
Being treated like an Isur also means training like an Isur
Push-up Punishment
Zo’os’s Training: Only for the Toughest to complete!
Bastard Sword: Basic Moves
Stop Flooring Me Yahal-damnit!

Mental :
Curiosity: Searching a Tent causes Big Trouble
Patience: What is Hostile at First can become Sensitive
The consequences of Killing
Act of Honor: Burying the Dead
Accepting Death
Even When Sparring, Tactics Are Needed
Lost? Ask For Directions!
Cat or Mouse: Which Am I?

People :
Cyna: A Predator of Emotional Nature
Seeing Through a Criminal's Facade
Richard: Fascinating Sparring Partner
Barbarus and Killer: Isurian Merchant And Dog Duo
Using Isur Heritage to Gain Barabarus’s Kindness
Zo’os: Strict but fatherly Mentor
Zo’os: Relentless Tutoring Machine
Zo’os’s “This-Is-Sultros!” –kick to the chest
Brandon: A Thief Named “Djas”
“Djas”: Finds Amusement in the Anger of Others
“Djas”: A Wolf Who Needs to be Put Down
“Djas”: Is a Petching Ballerina

Misc :
Attacked by wolves!
Being Saved by Ghosts
Studded Leather Armor: Leather Armor With A Thin Layer Of Steel

Locations :
The Trail Of Waterfalls

The Azure Market

Barabarus’s Wares: Quality, As To Be Expected From An Isur

Magical :
The Flux: Overgiving
Executing A Flux-powered Jumping Attack

History and Personality

Inner Thoughts:
Raien upon first meeting may seem social or charismatic and even slightly arrogant(he's not really) at times. However when dealing with him on a regular basis you will most likely discover that somethings not quite right. You'll almost most certainly not discuss any topic with him for long that doesn't consist of something you would talk about with a stranger. Which is what Raien will seem like to most people. The terrible truth behind this is that Raien desperately desires the approval he didn't get from his family, and seeks to obtain it from other people. Granted this leads to him seeming somewhat charismatic as was mentioned earlier. However it also tends to make him share very little with other people, out of fear that they won't approve of what he really thinks. This very strongly contradicts how he would like to act, Raien can be found sulking or in a rather dilapidated mood oftentimes after mingling with other people. This roots from the fact that he is actually beating himself up for not saying what was on his mind. Overall Raien's outward persona leads many people to be slightly confused. He seems like a people person, but is also quit, he is quick to help people but is also slow to ask for any help.

Eventually Raien will move away from being "shy" around friends, once he's comfortable enough around them and doesn't feel like he needs to be worry about them judging him. However by this time most people don't feel enough of a connection with him to develop their relationship further, and already have preconceived judgments on him. This leads Raien to have very few friends in the long run. Still, someone who does reach this stage in their friendship with Raein will most likely start to like him much more that previously. The charismatic part of his personality taking over when he's around them, and the fears of inadequacy being thrown out the window. Not to mention that they'll have one of the most steadfast and loyal allies you could ever hope to obtain, even by the standards of an Isur.

Outwards Demeanor:
On good days Raien can stay in his charismatic state of mind for quite a while. Still it's very mentally taxing on him. And eventually his self conscious fears creep back in. This is marked by him not talking as much, he'll still laugh at your jokes, smile, and look you in the eye. However, something WILL be missing and this tends to make people confused. It's as if the conversation is instantly diffused.

Raien was born into the world twenty seven years ago. The second son to an Isurian man of the Pitrius clan, and the offspring of an unknown Benshira women. His very birth would prove to put strain on his father's relationship with his current wife Vivian. And even while she raised the boy like he was her own, Raien's own father, surprisingly treated him like someone else's son. No doubt resentful for the damage done to his reputation, as a result of the affair.

The two parents would inevitably separate, after a few more strained years of "marriage", and while Vivian tried to take her sons with her. Raien's father was dead set on keeping both his favored first born and his resented half-breed, if only to get back at his former wife for further slandering his name.

Raien himself was never really accepted anywhere, bullied by other Isurian youngsters, and looked upon with discontent by the elders. He ended up developing a rather broken sense of self worth. As for the skills and craftsmanship that otherwise define an Isur, he proved unskilled in most if not all of them. Additionally. he also showed relatively no progress with the magic his clan in particular was known for.

Failing in all but one field, which he himself was forced to discover his aptitude for alone, as it was not a form of magic accepted by his fellow clansman. Raien found that he was, while not able to practice the forms of Djed manipulation his Pitrius brothers could so easily call upon, instead capable of manipulating his very essence and moving it throughout his body, generally to augment the only other thing he was good in. None other than the art of war itself.

Still, even this would not prove to be enough to set him apart from his peers. For, while of greater stature than his brethren, he lacked the muscle mass and near indestructible arm that they innately wielded, very seldom would he be able to overcome this during any kind of practice against Isur of his own age.

While Raien was trying to find himself among his own failings. His father was falling into both depression and sheer lunacy. Becoming increasingly violent and aggressive towards his sons and kin. This fall into despair climaxed when his own son, Raien's older brother, his first born, his favored, was forced to choose between the safety of his little brother and his own father.

Choosing their brotherly ties, Jhoezzon confronted his near deranged father, demanding custody of his little brother. This confrontation would much like their father's condition, escalate rapidly. Eventually ending with Jhoezzon himself, severing his own father's left arm from his mundane shoulder, claiming he deserved not the blessings of Izurdin.

Raien and Jhoezzon traveled together for quite some time after the fact. Several years actually. However they've recently broken apart, Raien not wishing to be tied down, and his brother seeking a trade. Currently, Raien is living in the Solar Wind Apartments. Unfortunately he has consequently lost contact with his brother, a loss which pains him substantially.

Fluent Language: Isurian(Starter)
Basic Language: Common(Starter)


Physical Skills EXP Total Proficiency
Bastard Sword(One handed) 26(SP) + 10(xp) 36 Competent
Wilderness Survival(Mountains, Forest) 16(SP) +10(rb) + 0(xp) 26 Competent
Endurance 1(xp) 1 Competent
Acrobatics+ 1(xp) 1 Novice
Unarmed Combat+ 6(xp) 6 Novice
Knife+ 1(xp) 1 Novice

Mental Skills EXP Total Proficiency
Observation+ 21(xp) 21 Novice
Socialization+ 8(xp) 8 Novice
Intimidation+ 1(xp) 1 Novice
Interrogation+ 1(xp) 1 Novice
Cooking+ 1(xp) 1 Novice
Planning+ 2(xp) 2 Novice
Tactics+ 1(xp) 1 Novice
Land Navigation+ 1(xp) 1 Novice
Negotiation+ 1(xp) 1 Novice
Rhetoric+ 1(xp) 1 Novice

Magical Skills EXP Total Proficiency
Flux 8(SP) + 5(xp) 13 Novice

Ethics and Beliefs

Raien reveres the god of purity Yahal. From whom he wishes to derive a better purified life. Mostly because he doesn't believe in himself enough to know right from wrong all the time, and is secretly terrified of making the wrong decision.

I guess you could say that's why he seeks and follows a higher power. Or perhaps, he recognizes that even humans with good intentions are still just that, humans. And so he seeks a second opinion. Honestly even Raien doesn't know whats behind his beliefs. It's also important to note that, while he had no contact with his mother's side or any other Bensharian. He has developed a close relationship with their traditional god. Whether this be a coincidence, or the work of Yahal himself is up for debate. Raien obviously favors the latter and not the former.

Raien derives his own code just as much from Tyveth as he does from Yahal. Aspiring to unite their two teachings into one efficient and clean lifestyle. Tyveth teaches the fundamental basis of a pure life. An honor code if you will, which other besides just knights would do well to adopt as far as our young hero is concerned. Raien believes that this code, combined with Yahal's teaching of faith, easily creates for a person steady pillars to hold them up, and gods to lift you back up on to said pillars when you fall.

While he acknowledges him, Raien shows nowhere near the extreme faith his people are known for. Though this wasn't always the case, during his childhood, he was extremely devout and loyal to the god of industry. Before essentially replacing him in a sense with Yahal and Tyveth. Now however he only holds a grudging respect, and perhaps loyalty to the god. And not just a little bit of resentment.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Kina Exchange -100 GM 0 GM
Kina Exhange +100 Kina 100 Kina
Sale of Gildling+100 Kina 197 Kina
Scabbard-4 Kina 193 Kina
Cooking Pot, 2-Quar-2/10 Kina 192.8
Bowl 7"/ 16 oz x2 -6/100 192.74
Cup, 10 oz x2 -12/100 192.62
Soup Spoon x2 -2/100 192.60
Map, Kalea -10 Kina 182.6
Map, Lhavit -2 Kina 180.6
Washboard -1.2 Kina 179.4
Rucksack -1 Kina 178.4
Sharpening Stone, Personal -10 gm 168.4
Seasonal Expenses(Winter) -54 Kina 111.40 Kina
Seasonal Expenses(Spring, Inactive, No Threads) -0 Kina 111.40 Kina
Paying for Directions -.02 Kina 111.38 Kina
Studded Leather Armor w Hood -35 Kina 76.38 Kina
Leather Boots, Bladed -30 Kina 46.38 Kina
Seasonal Expenses(Summer) -45 Kina 6.38 Kina


Last edited by Raien Ironarm Pitrius on September 16th, 2014, 2:28 am, edited 37 times in total.
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Raien Ironarm Pitrius
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Raien Ironarm Pitrius

Postby Raien Ironarm Pitrius on July 4th, 2014, 11:45 am



1. Raien has six long claw mark scars drug down and across his chest. The scars are faded, and obviously rather old. But can still easily speak of great pain and suffering, and not just a little luck in simply being able to survive the attack, and presumably kill the wolf that caused them.
-Received in the "Farmer's Daughter" thread.

2. Along the back of Raien's calf, there are several white penetration scars, all coming together to resemble a canine's maw. These marks aren't as faded as the one's on his chest, and we're obviously much deeper wounds at some point in time. A weaker soul might even shiver at the sight and thought of such marks, the bite that created obviously having inflicted severe pain.
-Received in the "Farmer's Daughter" thread.

3. Raien's has multiple scars on the torso, arms, and palms. Indicators of past lacerations. Some are longer, some are brighter, and some are almost blended entirely into the skin. The erratic nature of the scars is a clear indicator of some sort of past armed conflict.
-Received in the "Farmer's Daughter" thread.

1. None

1. None

Brandon Blackwing :
Name: Brandon Blackwing
Character Type: PC
First Appearance: Not as Easy As Initially Thought
Race: Unknown, Presumed Human
Age: Unknown
PoB: Unknown
Status: Presumed Alive
Gnosis: Unknown
Additional Info:

Raien see's the thief as nothing less than an arrogant prick, albeit an interesting one. Having first met under... less than favorable circumstances. Both men have developed a seemingly mutual disdain for one another, having no reason, or chances to do anything otherwise.

This distaste has only been further cemented in recent times, as the thief has gone on to best the Half-Isur twice. Admittedly even while he would hardly admit to it, this has also led to a grudging respect, although a shoddily-constructed one at best. To put it plainly, Raien would hardly attack the man on sight, providing the man reacts in kind, and keep his daggers sheathed. But he'd also never think of socializing extensively for the fun of it, simply because no "fun" would come of it. At least not under normal circumstances.

Vendurdin Ironarm :
Name: Vendurdin Ironarm Pitrius
Character Type: NPC
Race: Isur, Pitrius
Skills: Rhetoric 30, Magecraft 10, Hypnotism 10
DoB: 416 AV, 6th of Spring
PoB: Pitrius Citadel, Sultrus
Status: Alive, Stationary
Gnosis: Izentor(1)
Additional Info:
A cold and calculating individual, whom while still not innately sadistic. Is certainly not one you'd be too keen on inviting to a party, or seeing every day for that matter. Of course, his two sons, Raien and his older brother, hardly had a choice in the matter.

In fact, the two found it impossible to escape his manipulative grasp, until the very day his arm itself was severed, and they fled the city. Physically and mentally fleeing their father. Now the man waits, grief stricken, angry, confused, and even pained by the loss of his two sons. For despite everything he'd done, despite the mental abuse, he was no monster. Few men ever are.

Vivian Ironarm :
Name: Vivian Ironarm Pitrius
Character Type: NPC
Race: Isur, Pitrius
Skills: Cooking 10, Blacksmithing 30, Magecraft 10
DoB: 419 AV, 3rd of Spring
PoB: Pitrius Citadel, Sultrus
Status: Alive, Stationary
Gnosis: Izentor(1)
Additional Info:
A woman of sleight beauty, small stature, and a skilled tender-hearted smith. Vivian was the only mother Raien ever knew. Taking him in as her own son, even though he was the result of one of her husbands(possibly numerous) affairs. A woman believing in equality and fairness above all else. She could not bring herself to shift blame on an otherwise blameless child, that burden, and the associated spite, she left for her husband.

Alzis'el Ironarm :
Name: Alzis'el Ironarm Pitrius
Character Type: NPC
Skills: Bodybuilding 10, Wrestling 30, Brawling 10
Race: Isur, Pitrius
DoB: 402 AV, 15th of Summer
PoB: Pitrius Citadel, Sultrus
Status: Alive, Stationary
Gnosis: Izentor(1)
Additional Info:
A drastic polar opposite to her younger brother. Alzis'el also diverges from what one would expect from your average Pitrius clansman. Showing neither interest nor aptitude for the magical arts, the later being even odder than the former for the black-armed Isur. Alzis'el instead found herself drawn to might of a more physical kind, and thus Izurdin's Hammer as well. A Hammer of considerable skill, it was she who attempted to instill a love of combat in a young Raien, and consequently used "training" as a excuse to take him away from his somewhat-abusive father, if only for a day.

It was also she who introduced the boy to Zo'os Vizerian, a border post Isur. And a man who would prove instrumental in Raien's development.

Zo'os :
Name: Zo'os Vizerian
Character Type: NPC
First Appearance: Strengthening the Body and Weakening the Arm
Skills: Bastard Sword 30, Unarmed Combat 10, Rhetoric 10
Race: Isur, Pitrius
DoB: 399 AV, 29th of Winter
PoB: Southern Border Post
Status: Alive, Stationary
Gnosis: Izentor(1)
Additional Info:
A hearty but resolute, border post Isur. Zo'os picked up the use of a Bastard Sword at a young age, from a passing outsider. The foreigner hardly stayed long, however it was long enough to spark an interest, a passion in a young Zo'os. One that he and other like-minded Isur would nurture. Until he eventually became, through sheer willpower alone, a bladesman of formidable skill.

Zo'os now skilled in the art of the blade, and aging, met the Pitrius woman Azis'el, while she was on a Hammer-related run to his post. Intrigued and perhaps somewhat infatuated by the black-armed beauty. Zo'os was hardly subtle in his attempts to woo her for what little time she was at the post. Though the young Hammer was quick to put down his approaches, and yet, finding the man's vigor and quick-tongue somewhat amusing, was equally as swift in striking up a friendship with her would-be courtier.

And while she was gone soon enough, too soon by a still flirtatious Vizerian's take on things, it was a friendship that would endure indefinitely. And over the years, the ever-determined Zo'os, was never one to shy away from visiting the woman in her Pitrius Citadel home.

It was on one of these visits, that Azis'el would introduce her young nephew to the bladesman. Whom, taking a liking to the boy, and perhaps feeling sorry for his lack of divine blessing, took him under his wing. Instilling, not only bastard sword techniques into his young mind, but also cementing an already waning love for Izurdin within his heart.

Indeed, without Zo'os, Raien could have very well given up on religion entirely, and while the man didn't exactly succeed in making Raien into a lifelong devote'e of the god of Industry. He did renew his strength in the gods in general. Allowing him in a sense, to remain spiritually alive and open-minded just long enough, to find the paths that led him to Yahal and Tyveth.

1. Nothing Permanent

Magical items
1. None

[tab=Tattoo's,grey,white]1. None

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Raien Ironarm Pitrius
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