Completed The Gentleman's Return

A rosy welcome back to The City of Illusions!

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

The Gentleman's Return

Postby Vard Briar on August 11th, 2014, 4:55 am


Vard raised his gaze from his hands to the sound of Phobius apologizing for snapping at him. "P-please don't be mad at me. Don't be sad, either. I don't want you to be sad." The Symenestra looked at the ceiling, and then back at his outstretched hands. The boy was clearly an honest fellow and goodhearted as well. An unexpected warm feeling swelled in his chest and he knew it wasn't from the wine. He had an urge to take this boy in his arms and hug him. This stirred him greatly, since he'd gone so long without any sort of companionship. "Versdabius, don't give me your money. You've given me so much more."

Tears began to well in Vard's eyes and he suddenly remembered a lilting melody he'd overheard during his stay in Wind Reach. He wondered if Phobius had ever heard it, and so wordlessly, he pulled out his ocarina. He kept the instrument with him at all times for moments like this. Casting a glance around the restaurant, and gesturing to Phobius to eat, he began to play. The melody was mournful and it had very long notes, making Vard reach the limit of his breath. It swelled near the end and finished with a staccato burst of high pitched defiance. It seemed to quite conveniently express how he felt at that moment, and he always played better in that manner. Coughing quietly, he put the instrument away. "I'm still something of a novice but I hope you could enjoy that all the same." He cracked a winning smile, even though his eyes were still moist and he laughed heartily. "Versdabius, it seems I've acquired a friend whether through pure accident or the whim of fate. I thank you for simply being yourself."

Vard's eyes rested on the now paid-for bottle of wine, and very precisely uncorked it and poured a measure in his glass. Then he replaced the cork, and pushed it to Phobius' side of the table. "Take this and do with it what you will, but I can no longer suppress myself." Vard stared at the glass with predatory intensity, and then he pushed that to the other side of the table as well. "My... father was an alcoholic." No longer able to hold himself back, the tide of emotions having turned him upside down, Vard cried. Class, is knowing when to give in.
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The Gentleman's Return

Postby Phobius on August 11th, 2014, 5:33 am


OOCOh man, it's getting feelsy in here. MAN YOUR BATTLE-STATIONS.

"Versdabius, don't give me your money. You've given me so much more."

At this, Phobius couldn't help but tilt his head in question. He supposed that he was a bit happy that he didn't have to pay the man anything, but what had he meant about him giving him something more? As far as the boy was concerned, he hadn't given him anything but his name and a handshake. There'd been no exchange of gifts or food. Everything that they were enjoying, now, were things that Krovard himself had kindly paid for. If anyone had given something, it'd be the Symenstra.

The boy was alarmed to see the sudden glint of tears in the man's eyes after a moment.
Y'know, he never really said that he wasn't mad at me, or sad for some reason...maybe he is, and he's just not telling me. Maybe he feels terrible, and it's all my fault.

And then an even worse thing occured to Phobius.

Oh no...did I make him cry...?!

It was a bit of a far-fetched possibility, as even the boy was aware that there wasn't much that he'd done to upset the man, but there was no stopping the panic and anxiety once it'd taken a good hold of his mind.

Then Krovard did a curious thing. He pulled out an oddly-shaped thing that made Phobius think of a giant bean with holes poked into its sides. For a moment, the boy was convinced that he was going to take a bite out of it. Then the man blew into a little spout-like tip at one end of the bean, and the most glorious sound drifted from it.

It wasn't a bean, after all. It was an instrument that seemed to make sounds like a flute did, only a bit...different in ways that Phobius couldn't really describe. The man had motioned for him to eat, but the boy found himself enraptured by the music. It'd been so long since he'd heard a tune, instruments or no instruments...and hearing one now was a pleasant surprise.

It was a sad tune, though. It was as if Krovard was transferring all his sad feelings into the instrument itself, and pulling out somber notes as a result, telling a story that words couldn't. As much as Phobius wanted to smile in that moment, he just couldn't. The music, though beautiful, didn't merit any smiling. The music somehow made him think of home.

And thinking of home usually made him even sadder.

When the song was done and the instrument put away, Phobius sat in silence for a while, seeming unable to grasp at the right things to say at the moment. "...That sounded really nice," he commented after a while, blinking slowly. "I didn't know you could play the uhh...umm...what instrument is that? I've never seen something like it, before. It makes pretty music."

And though suddenly wistful as he was, he couldn't seem to pass up a smile when the man, yet again, referred to him as a friend. Having friends was such an amazing feeling, warm and fuzzy and safe, and something that Phobius had had too little of during his younger years. He thrived off of the feeling, now.

The boy was prepared to thank the man, too, for being so nice and paying for his food (which he hadn't touched yet), but then the wine bottle was nudged over to him.

"Take this and do with it what you will."

"Oh. Thank you...?" Phobius said, staring down at the bottle and feeling uncertain. "I can keep an eye on it for you, if you want. Wine tastes good, but I'm not sure how much more I'l'..."

And then Krovard did a very, very curious thing. He cried.

No warning, no build up, just tears, sudden and worrying. What was wrong, now?

His father...? Were bad memories the cause of all of his sadness?

Does that mean that it isn't my fault...?

The vindication that came with the thought was fleeting, but Phobius allowed himself a moment or two of thankfulness that he hadn't upset the man in anyway. At least, not on purpose. The worry and concern returned, then, and the boy slowly rose up out of his chair before skirting around the table to go over to his ailing friend. "H-hey, come on, now. Don't cry. It''s gonna be okay," he said, not even sure of his own words but clueless as to what else he could say to help cheer the man up.

Biting his bottom lip a little as Krovard's distress seemed to spread to him, Phobius hovered around the man for a few ticks before he was able to give him a not-so-awkward-but-meaningful hug, wrapping his arms around the man's neck and resting his chin on a shuddering shoulder.

What could he say, at a time like this, on a subject like this? Phobius didn't know much about fathers or alcoholism.

"I think people drink a lot when they're upset or...or when things aren't going right for them. Maybe your daddy was just really upset and didn't know how else to make himself feel better. He still...he still loved you, right?"
Because that's what daddies do, right...?

"Speech-Common" | "Nari" | Thoughts

Note: Unless otherwise is stated, Phobius is almost always wearing a blue-beaded bracelet that alters illusions around him based on his mood. That can include player-made illusions. c:
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The Gentleman's Return

Postby Vard Briar on August 11th, 2014, 6:33 am


Battlestations, manned. Tissue box, primed. Insight into character's past, imminent. :D

Vard's cheeks ran wet and warm with the tears he usually kept too well hidden. There was something about Phobius that had opened him up, cleaving him open like a filet knife does a fish. He shuddered and took a great shaky breath. "H-hey, come on, now. Don't cry. It''s gonna be okay," Then to his surprise, he felt warm arms wrap around his fragile frame and a head rest on his shoulders. "I think people drink a lot when they're upset or...or when things aren't going right for them. Maybe your daddy was just really upset and didn't know how else to make himself feel better. He still...he still loved you, right?" The soft voice in his ear gradually soothed him until his tears stopped flowing. He calmed and then tousled Phobius' hair. The younger man was clearly shaken by his distress and he ought to put on a brave face for him. "Yes, my father loved me." He lied, and he brought out his instrument again to allow Phobius to examine it. "This is called an Ocarina. My father gave it to me, and he always swore that it was from before the Valterrian, which would make it incredibly old indeed." That at least, was true. He thought morosely.

He gently removed Phobius's arms from his neck and looked into his amber eyes.
"Thanks for that, I haven't been hugged in a long time. Go on Versdabius, aren't you going to eat your chicken? I'll be eating it for you if I have to keep smelling it much longer! I won't bother you so go ahead." Another little white lie for encouragement. He looked past the boy and saw through a gap in the curtains that the last of the sun's light had gone. It seemed as though a bell had passed without Vard even realizing it! It occurred to him that it would begin to get busier soon. He didn't understand why that made him feel so forlorn all of a sudden. It's just because you don't want to get to bed at an ungodly hour. Now he was lying even to himself! Class, sometimes demands that one twists the truth.
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The Gentleman's Return

Postby Phobius on August 11th, 2014, 7:19 am


OOCIt's a painful nostalgia spree!

The Inartan boy had been compared to a dog—more accurately, a kicked puppy—plenty of times in his life. His quirks, his attitude, his occasional gestures...whether it was intended as an insult or not, it seemed a favored comparison for people who met him or would simply observe him from afar.

Right now was one of those many, occasional moments that would prove the teasings and insults to be true. Krovard seemed to become quieter, the tears and unheard sobs gradually dying down and ceasing to rack his shoulders. And then he more or less petted Phobius on his head, adding some more frizzles and mats to the seemingly sleep-addled mass of red hair. In reality it was just another friendly gesture, like shaking someone's hand or maybe pinching a child's cheek, but to the boy it was incredibly calming.

Lost in the feeling, Phobius stayed put in his current spot for a while, seeing no real reason to move. It was comfortable, and he kinda wanted to be sure that his friend had truly stopped crying. Plus, hugs were nice. Everyone loved hugs. And those who didn't were simply the people who needed more hugs in their lives.

When the man spoke up, confirming that yes, his daddy did still love him, Phobius smiled. That was a relief. The boy liked to think that he knew how parents were supposed to act, despite never having known his own. Daddies and mommies were supposed to love their children and do what they needed to do to keep them happy and safe, right? So it stood to reason that, whatever the circumstances might be, Krovard's daddy would still love him, no matter how much he drank to make himself feel better for...whatever reason.

The boy's mind began to wander at that moment, but the Symenstra pulling the instrument back out brought him back to the present. An The thing even had a pretty name. Phobius leaned forward a bit, still gripping the man around the neck as he further inspected the bean-shaped musical tool.

He felt his arms being moved a little later, and nearly pouted. But then Krovard was looking straight at him, so he left as much of his inner disappointment out of his face as he could. Oh right, the chicken. That food that the man had so graciously paid for. Phobius was still hungry, too, though the panic and worry over his friend's sudden tears had pushed the hunger pains aside for a good chime or two. Now they were back, and the boy unslung himself from around the man to go sit and eat.

"It's weird," Phobius commented as he slid himself back into his seat, going for a fork. "People here just don't seem to like hugs as much as people in Wind Reach do. 'Cept you, I guess. Which is good, because I think everyone could use a hug at some point or another."

Content with what he'd said, the boy started to saw at his plate full of poultry. He didn't have the best table manners, but he certainly seemed to be trying his hardest to be neat around his friend. Impressions were important, after all, and the man seemed to like him so far.

About a chime later, Phobius absentmindedly said "I never knew my daddy. Or my mommy, either. So I'm not really good with advice on those things. But I'm pretty sure they're supposed to love you."

Then he changed the subject, entirely.

"Are you gonna stay here? Y' here, and stuff? Have a house? Or are you going to other places?" the boy asked, taking a break from his food to look up at the man, curiosity written all over his face.

"Speech-Common" | "Nari" | Thoughts

Note: Unless otherwise is stated, Phobius is almost always wearing a blue-beaded bracelet that alters illusions around him based on his mood. That can include player-made illusions. c:
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The Gentleman's Return

Postby Vard Briar on August 12th, 2014, 4:15 am


Vard looked on, as Phobius tore into the chicken with surprisingly adequate etiquette. He decided that if nobody else in this world ever spoke to him again, he would still be fond of Phobius all the same. He was very wise for someone who at first glance seemed so boyish. Then again, the simplest lessons are often the hardest to learn, he reflected. A sudden flash of pain filled his mind, and he grit his teeth. The scent of blood filled his nose, and the sound of crying assaulted his ears. He twisted his head gently but swallowed to try and keep the pain down.

"I-knew-daddy-mommy-good-pretty sure-love," Vard nodded and smiled but it was very forced and he gingerly clutched his head with one hand. The memories were so...vivid. He winced, a spike of pain shooting up his spine in reality. "Are you gonna stay here? Y' here, and stuff? Have a house? Or are you going to other places?" A few chimes passed and then a voice in his mind thundered, ANSWER HIM, DAMN YOU! "Uh, I'm kind of a wanderer and my job takes me away from where... I would like to settle down, but yes ultimately, I'd like to purchase a hou-" Vard trailed off as the memories ran faster and faster in his mind, his body rippling with pain as his panicked brain tried to understand what was wrong.

Vard's breath quickened and he clenched the table, knowing his pale face would quite impossibly, get paler. He hissed at himself for having abandoned any manners whatsoever. The wave of sensory assault came to an awful climax as his nose smelled indescribable scents that could only be approximated as raw fear. His ears heard cries of extreme terror and his eyes flashed back to that night.
He saw a woman torn open and a livid, blood-soaked form crawling from her. The creature was, smiling. It had enjoyed this awful act of violence and was now crawling toward him and all of a sudden-

Vard's head thumped against the table, and he lost all consciousness. What will Phobius...think? What about my...class?
Last edited by Vard Briar on August 15th, 2014, 11:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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The Gentleman's Return

Postby Phobius on August 12th, 2014, 5:32 am


The silence that passed between them was odd. Hungry as he was, however, Phobius didn't let it stop him from eating. Then the ticks seemed to grow into chimes, and it was hard for the boy not to notice how uncomfortable Krovard looked, all of a sudden. The boy's interest in his own food faded, and before long he was merely picking at the chicken with the pointed ends of his fork, occasionally glancing up to look over at his friend.

Something's wrong. He looks...he looks a little like he's hurt, Phobius mused as he stared at the man across the table, frowning a little. Maybe he'd upset him with his question...? It seemed like the Symenstra was prone to a lot of painful memories. For a moment, the boy felt a pang of sadness for him; he couldn't really begin to imagine what sort of troubles the man had gone through during his life, but that they were coming back to haunt him here and now was...well, horrible and unlucky.

People with troubles didn't tend to like to talk about them. Krovard was probably no different, but Phobius couldn't help but wonder if talking about all of these bad things would make him feel better. It was an option as far as doing things went, and, at the moment, the boy was feeling quite helpless when it came to being of any help.

The man finally talked after what seemed like forever, and Phobius took it as a sign that he'd gotten past whatever was hurting him so much. Wandering sure sounded like a hassle, but the boy imagined that it could be fun to travel throughout the land and see all sorts of interesting cities and people. No wonder Krovard was so darned smart; he probably knew a whole bunch of languages and cultural things that he'd picked up on during his trips. At the same time, it was nice to hear that he wanted to settle down. If he stayed in Alvadas, then Phobius wouldn't have to worry about ever saying goodbye to him. They could see each other whenever they wanted, and go and do all sorts of fun stuff.

He won't leave. ...right? He already said he wouldn't. We can still be friends for a long, long time.

Caught up in his self-reassurances, Phobius almost didn't notice the near-terrifying change that came over Krovard. The man seemed to be spiraling into a panic-attack of some sort, his already pale skin flushing an even paler, milky color that alarmed the boy more than anything else. "Krovard...!? What's wrong, a-are you okay?!" the boy asked, his tone high with worry as he got up out of his chair and gripped at fistfuls of the tablecloth. But the man didn't respond, only seeming to fall further into whatever pit had managed to catch him and drag him down into it. Staring at him, his eyes widening in fear and anxiety, Phobius could feel a chill begin to seep into his veins.

What could he do?! He didn't know anything about medicine or...or doctoring, and he had no idea what was going on. Was his friend sick? Had he been hurt, somehow? Was something about the restaurant bothering him?

Was he choking? Was he dying?!

Phobius' already-stressed mind whirled with the grim thought, and he shook his head a few fervent times. No, no, no. No one was dying.

Then there was a sickening thud, timed perfectly with the beat that the boy's heart skipped at the moment. Phobius stared down at the now unconscious man, and then slapped his hands over his own mouth, but not before managing to let out a small, pitiful wail .

No, no, no, no no no no NO NO!

"Krovard!" he shouted after a moment, his voice breaking.

A tick passed, then two, then three. Four, five, response.

Oh no please no what if he's dead what did I do what do I do—?!

On the verge of panicking, himself, Phobius sent a desperate look over to the woman who had given them their drinks and food. She seemed to be confining herself to a corner of a table, at the moment, but met his eyes and frowned once she noticed what was going on. As much as the boy wanted to call for her, he found that he couldn't quite get control over his voice, at the moment, so he settled for flapping his arms at her and beckoning her over before rushing over to Krovard's side. Not knowing what else to do, Phobius grabbed his shoulders and gave the man a few shakes, punctuating each one with a shout of his name. "Krovard?! Krovard..!?! Wake up! You can't nap right now! Please wake up!"

The woman, in the meantime, was on standby, looking pretty hesitant to get any closer to the knocked-out Symenstra.

Phobius continued to shake him for a while longer, using as much strength as he dared to. And when that proved to be totally useless, he shrank away from the man, taking a few steps back. Ideas, ideas, he needed ideas...something good, something that would work...

What things were good to use to wake people up? What did he have around that he could use, anyway?

That was when an idea came to him, completely out of the blue, as though he'd simply reached out into the air and pulled it from nothing. Not willing to waste a single moment on the chance that it slipped away from him, soon, Phobius whirled around and grabbed the woman by her arms, startling her so much that she jumped.

"I need a bucket!" the boy exclaimed, ignoring how she pulled away from him and yanked her arms out of his grip. He repeated himself, audibly pleading with her, now, and a slight look of pity seemed to cross her face. Then she turned and quickly walked away from him, going to stand behind a nearby bar and dig into some things that he could see. She came back with a small, metal pail, and handed it to him.

Phobius grabbed at it and thanked her, but hesitated almost right away. "...Okay, now I need something else."

Together, they headed back to the bar and went sifting through its contents. Ticks later, Phobius returned to Krovard's side with the pail clutched in his arms, filled to the brim with water and ice cubes. The water had been cold to begin with, but in his rush the boy had decided that the ice would give it the extra kick it needed.

With his heart thumping painfully against his chest, and the woman watching warily from afar, Phobius proceeded to dump the bucket's contents onto Krovard's lolling head.

"Speech-Common" | "Nari" | Thoughts

Note: Unless otherwise is stated, Phobius is almost always wearing a blue-beaded bracelet that alters illusions around him based on his mood. That can include player-made illusions. c:
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The Gentleman's Return

Postby Vard Briar on August 12th, 2014, 6:36 am


Vard's head swam with scattered fragments of past events, all coming back to him in a cathartic blast. He'd been overwhelmed by it all, but after passing out, he had very slowly and steadily begun to wake. He was quickened slightly by a muffled shaking from the real world urging him on, but he was still being dragged down in the quagmire of dark thoughts and recollections. It was only when he felt an all-encompassing cold force crash down on him that he shot up with hidden energy and flailed about for a few ticks. He stopped abruptly, remembering where he was. Standing before him, was Phobius holding a now-empty bucket. Slowly, as if it too had been floating upward to consciousness, he began to laugh. It was a wholehearted, from-the-belly kind of benevolent laugh that he couldn't stop. Soon he was once again clutching the table but to keep himself from falling over in laughter.

When Vard finally stopped laughing, he took Phobius up in a great big hug knowing full well and he was partly gleeful that he soaked Phobius in the process. He put him down and in a low voice but not quite a whisper,
"Ionu bless you Versdabius. My life is changed for the better for having met you. I will see you again and soon if I have any say in the matter." He held out a hand, all smiles, knowing that the forthcoming shake of hands would likely transform into a another hug if he let it. And he would, because for the first time in an eternity, Vard Briar had made a friend.
Class, is about sharing the joys of life with others and the sadnesses. Even now, all I need to do is think of Phobius' face and I smile instantly.
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The Gentleman's Return

Postby Phobius on August 12th, 2014, 7:32 am


No sooner had the freezing water-and-ice mixture doused Krovard's head did the man suddenly shoot up in his seat. It happened so quickly that both Phobius and the server woman started, the latter squeaking a little while the former unintentionally sent the pail flying from his hands. The boy then continued to stand where he was and watch as his friend went flailing about, his arms flapping so much that, for a moment, he looked like a giant baby bird that was trying to fly.

Had Phobius' worry completely ebbed away by now, he would have laughed. But with the uncertainty of whether or not Krovard would be angry with him for dumping water on his head, the boy couldn't bring himself to do much else but stay silent and watch.
Don't be mad, don't be mad, don't be mad...

And then the man began to laugh. Genuine, belly-rumbling laughs. The sound easily got rid of every ounce of worry and anxiety within Phobius' mind. He even laughed a few time, himself, unable to help it. The soaked man's laughter was contagious.

So he wasn't dead, after all. Honestly, the Symenstra looked fine, now; all the pained grimaces were gone from his face, and his skin had returned to its normal, healthy pale tint. Things had gone back to the way that they needed to be.

Once the man's laughing died down, Phobius was swept into a huge, all-encompassing bear hug. The boy let out sort of happy squeal, kicking his legs a little out of sheer amusement that, for a few ticks, his booted feet were dangling above the ground. Then he was set back down.

"I will see you again and soon if I have any say in the matter."

Phobius beamed at the man's words at first, overjoyed. But then the smile upon his face melted a bit, and turned into a frown. When Krovard offered his hand, the boy launched himself at him in a hug, instead, wrapping his arms around the taller man's stomach. "You're leaving, now?" the boy muttered, looking for all the world like a child clinging to a parent whom they refused to let go. "But...but what if you fall asleep like that, again? You might get hurt! And I don't want that to happen..."

Phobius then went quiet for a few ticks, still holding onto the man. Then he looked up at him, suddenly persistent.

"I could walk home with you...!"

"Speech-Common" | "Nari" | Thoughts

Note: Unless otherwise is stated, Phobius is almost always wearing a blue-beaded bracelet that alters illusions around him based on his mood. That can include player-made illusions. c:
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The Gentleman's Return

Postby Vard Briar on August 13th, 2014, 3:29 am


As he had predicted, Phobius threw his arms around Vard in a big hug. His cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling now. "You're leaving, now?" Vard stammered, "Well I, um..." "But...but what if you fall asleep like that, again? You might get hurt! And I don't want that to happen..." It was true, Phobius had a point. Although Vard seriously questioned whether his friend's presence would rouse the memories or push them back. He started to wonder how he could explain this to Phobius gently when the boy made a suggestion. "I could walk home with you...!"

This almost stymied Vard, because not only did Phobius suggest he accompany him but he was entirely willing to forfeit the evening or what was left of it, to help him. The novelty of the experience was not lost on him and he tousled Phobius's hair. "I would love for you to walk home with me Phobius, except the only issue is I don't really have a home. Mostly I tend to either stay under the stars or in an Inn when I can find one." He lead Phobius to the window and brushed the curtain aside to peer out. "I had plans to stay at The Cubacious Inn but judging by the layout of the street now, I doubt that that's an option now." He pulled the curtain back and leaning against the wall, he sighed not unhappily. He was simply worn down by the whole experience and his tent was calling to him.

"It looks as though I'll be retiring to my tent this evening, Versdabius. You can still accompany me if you so desire but I have no intention to keep you from your own bed. Starlight might like to see a new face though..." He grinned, scratching at his hairless chin. "Starlight's my horse, she's the only woman in my life at the moment." He said this mostly in jest but wondered if Phobius might take it seriously. Vard bowed to his friend, and waved to the barkeep who'd finally made an appearance. His eyes wanted to linger longer but he looked back at Phobius. "Alright my friend, let us be on our way, whatever you choose may Ionu's praise be upon us!" And then with a great flourish, he flung the door ajar and leapt out into the cool night air. Alvadas seemed to shiver along with its inhabitants and Vard looked back to beckon Phobius outside. Class is without a doubt, exploring every possibility.
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The Gentleman's Return

Postby Phobius on August 13th, 2014, 3:49 am


The Cubacious, why did that name sound so familiar...?

...hang on a moment...

The inn...!

Phobius peeled himself off of the man just then, letting his arms fall to his sides. Krovard wanted to stay at the inn, and as far as the boy was concerned, his choice couldn't have been more perfect. Not only would they be staying in the same place, but Phobius could offer his help by leading his new friend through the winding, ever-changing sidewalks and alleyways. He liked to think that he'd become quite good at finding his ways to certain places.

Already pleased with the idea, Phobius mulled over some more thoughts as the Symenstra spoke. He was a bit distracted, now, but the mention of the man's horse piqued his interest. It made him think about his own horse-buddy, who was probably enjoying some nice, crunchy hay back at the stables around now. It'd been a few days since the boy had visited his equine friend, and thinking on it now made him feel a little ashamed, but he had liked the owner of the place. Araphos was in good hands, and Phobius didn't need to worry.

Krovard suddenly opened the door and all but threw himself outside, bringing the boy's attention back to the present. He rushed after him, tugging on his scarf to make it a bit tighter as it jostled around with his katinu, before stopping abruptly to give the serving woman a wave and a "thank you." She waved back, the gesture slow and uncertain, with an awkward smile upon her face.

The man hadn't gotten far by the time that Phobius made it outside. With The Rose left behind, the boy sped up to fall in step beside Krovard, and turned to him with a smile. "I'm staying at the inn, too," he said. "If you want, I bet I could lead you there. I've been getting really good at it! Really good. I barely even get lost, anymore. I mean, only if you really wanna go. It's a nice place with nice rooms and nice people, even though it kinda spins sometimes without you knowing...where's your tent, though? Outside of town?"

"Speech-Common" | "Nari" | Thoughts

Note: Unless otherwise is stated, Phobius is almost always wearing a blue-beaded bracelet that alters illusions around him based on his mood. That can include player-made illusions. c:
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Perpetually Curious
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