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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Tierranalin on November 16th, 2010, 2:41 am

Child of the moon

Image Wolf stateImage Human state

Basic Information
Race: Kelvic
Birthday & Age : Fall of 507AV (25years in human appearance) (4 wolf years)
Gender: Female
Full name: Tierranalin Del Rangarock
Nicknames: Ra', Tierra, Lin

Physical Description
Tierranalin is about 5'5" and weighs 57kg. She is right handed. She has long and thick hair that has several braids of several sizes, some have beads others have metal rings and all are dark red and black hair. Tierranalin has wine dark eyes in her human state but holds golden orbs in wolf form and Is of an unusual beauty. She had one ear piercing in the top right ear. She is more wolf than human and often reflects wolf traits such as speed and glow. She has a pale complexion that reflects the moon and a slender frame but holds plenty body strength. She also has a scar across her left hip in the shape of a waning crescent, she hides the scar from most but around friends it doesn't bother her. Her clothing changes upon her situation. Often it's just breeches, cloak and a blouse but sometimes her corset and leathers make an appearance. In wolf form Ra' is sold in frame with wide shoulders and stands taller than normal wolves. Ra's pelt is thick grey with several tones and shades and some subtle red highlights. Her muzzle is light and full of sharp teeth.

Character Concept
Tierranalin is a sensible figure that relies on knowledge of a person before making herself friendly. Is often a lone figure but enjoys company from time to time. Comes across as reserved, but once she knows friend from foe she loosens up. She tests people before she gets to know them and often observes from a distance before making herself visible to a newcomer. She loves to hear about the past and learn more about who she is and often goes out of her way to help those who are friends. Tierranalin has a soft spot for the moon and wolfsbane even though it makes her ill. Tierranalin is one with nature and feels the only time she fits in is when she is wolf. She has a passionate hate for bandits. She held a strong bond for her brother and longs to connect with someone and travel with someone as a companion and possibly a bondmate. She values freedom and having no limits to herself and where she goes.

Character History
Tierranalin believes strongly in the stories her mother told her when she was young. She believes long ago that the wolves arrived from the state of a man, a lover of the moon who shared the sky to lay with her. The sun grew angry with the moon's love and told the man to collect the moons favorite flowers from the land. So the man did. Unknown to him once his skin touched earth he would never return to his love but would instead be bound in a wolf's skin, alone to howl and call her name when she shines her brightest fro him. Tierra is a wolf more than she is human, she connects better with the wolf and feels more as the wolf. She knows very little of her past except she had a mother (Larda) and a father (Rethus) till she was six. They both were both bound inside their home and burnt alive by bandits, Tierranalin also had a brother (Reando) who drowned when protecting her, he drowned in a river when they were running from the bandits after destroying the bridge after Tierra had crossed to grant her an escape. Tierra used to live on the farm with her family and made friends with the dogs that worked for their family, once all of that was destroyed Tierra wondered for sometime and eventually found a wolf pack that adopted her but due to several reasons she left them and from that day Tierranalin is a lone ranger, wondering around trying to find purpose and company like herself. She lives in the woods and spends most of her time hunting bandits and thieves. She later met another Kelvic named Cathan and Tierra soon grew fond of company and started to open up more about herself and her past. Cathan had to leave as he had his own mission in place so Tierra set off in search of a farm to work on. She worked on a small farm for some time but created a stir with the local dogs, the farmer clipped her ear like he did with his dogs and soon she left back into the woods. Now she is looking for a companion.

Training & Skill Points

Hand-to-hand Combat: 10pts
Hunting: 15pts (racial bonus)
Tracking: 15pts
Wilderness Survival 20pts

Xp awards:
Tracking- 3 XP
Wilderness Survival- 3 XP
Negotiation- 1 XP
Socialization- 2 XP
Hunting- 3 XP

Equipment and Possessions
2 shirts
1 corset (leather)
1 cloak/coat
2 breeches
2 boots
1 necklace containing wolfsbane
2 sai (blades like daggers)
1 Backpack which contains:
1 brush
- Food for a week
1 canteen
1 eating knife

200 gm
5 lbs worth of fresh deer meat

Lore awards:
Wolf Friendliness
Sharing Provisions
Kelvic Experiment: Communication
Hunting Together
Cared for in the Night

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User avatar
Child of the moon
Posts: 63
Words: 47682
Joined roleplay: November 14th, 2010, 11:42 pm
Location: You tell me
Race: Kelvic
Character sheet

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