Ashley's Adoptable's
*Please do not use my templates, or any part of my templates, without my express permission*
Below are a bunch of adoptable box-code's that I've made. If you'd like to claim one of them, please PM me to let me know which one you'd like.
Codes such as this:

May be claimed by anyone, however the larger and more time consuming threads such as:

Are only available to characters that have over 50 posts. If you are under 50 posts and see one of these that you really love, please PM me about putting it on hold for you!
The last request I have is that you don't be selfish and ask for a whole bunch of them!
Edit: As i have now stated at the very top of this post, you may not use my templates, or any part of my templates, without my permission. As many of the images used do not legally belong to me, there will naturally be coincidences of others finding and using the image without ever knowing that I have also used it, which is obviously fine and out of everyone's control. My problem is with characters seeing the images here, liking them and then taking them to use on their own. That's not okay. Please, have respect! If you like the image or the template, ask if you can have it! If its already claimed, ask if i can make a similar one! But don't blatantly take images that I have put work into so that I can incorporate them into a template. If you don't have the appropriate number of posts to claim it, let me know and I'll happily put it on hold for you! If you don't want to wait, show some originality and respect, dig up some images and make your own!