[Verified by Neologism] Calla Davin

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Calla Davin

Postby Calla Davin on June 25th, 2019, 7:47 am

Calla Davin
(Cal-luh DAH-vin)

Date of Birth
18th of Spring, 500 AV (19 years)
Common - Fluent

Physical Appearance

Calla optimistically tells herself that she'll grow with age, but deep inside she knows that 5 foot 1 is as tall as she'll ever be. Which sucks. In her head, she took up a lot of space. It fits her attitude. But in reality...she was just a lean, sorta short, sorta average girl. That's probably why she got all of her tattoos: to make herself larger than life.

Her left arm is tattooed from shoulder to her finger tips. The palm is left plain, and so is the majority of the inside of her upper arm. The rest of this sleeve consists of geometric star-shaped flowers. Her throat has a similar nature motif wrapped around it: the front of her throat is covered in outlines of butterflies while the rest is darkened by the repetitions of a geometric flower; five triangles form pentagons with a two pistils emerging from the center, and this pattern is repeated to cover Calla's entire throat. Across her knuckles reads the word "Optimist." On her back, both her shoulder blades display the same design: concentric circles decorated with spikes and varying line weights.

Calla has almond-shaped eyes sheltered by thick, dark brows. Her hair matches her brows, though it is significantly thinner. During the warmer seasons, her hair grows lighter from sun bleaching. Her hands are calloused, often peeling.

Height: 5 foot 1
Weight: Roughly 100 lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown



Calla is ambitious without having any ambitions. At the end of the day, she doesn't dream about the future or what could be. Instead, she dreams about the things she can have, the next tattoo, the good times to be had. Like any other in Mizahar, she's a hard worker--because she has to be. She'll work til her fingers bleed, but only because there's nothing else to do. If there's one thing Calla can't stand, it's boredom. Her hands need to be on something at all times, her feet in motion constantly.

Calla wouldn't consider herself a bad person per se, but she definitely has a few . . . bad habits. Lying would probably top the list. Whether it be fabricating a story for some laughs or inventing a new backstory when talking to strangers, lying is an addiction Calla can't kick.




  • Hard-working
  • Healthy sense of humor
  • Easy-going
  • Chatty Cathy
  • Bold

  • Insensitive
  • Impatient
  • Defiant
  • Not big on planning
  • Prickly personality


ImageCalla grew up in Zeltiva with both of her parents. Her father was a shipbuilder and a sailor while her mother was a University professor's assistant. Between the two professions, her father's was definitely one that drew her attention the most. But a rocky relationship prevented her from ever shadowing her father or learning from him. Instead, she was stuck tailing her mother as she ran errands. More often than not, this meant that Calla was just doing the errands on her own.

The teen didn't mind that much, though. It kept her out of the house--and Calla would have killed to get out of that house. Although it was just the three of them, the Davin family generated enough drama and stress for four families combined. She didn't know it at the time, but her mother used Calla's growing typical teen aggravation with her father to drive a wedge between the two. It didn't make her and her mother that much closer, just alienated Calla from her father.

Calla spent most of her time hating her father for what she thought was abuse--not of her, but of her mother. He never allowed her to carry her own money, and he was constantly yelling at her. It wasn't until after her father left that Calla found out that her mother had an intense gambling problem.

The young woman set out into Zeltiva on her own, moving into an apartment in East Street as soon as she could afford it. Now, she's still running errands all around Zeltiva--just this time they weren't for her mother.

Last edited by Calla Davin on September 5th, 2019, 6:59 am, edited 26 times in total.
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Calla Davin
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Skills & Lores

Postby Calla Davin on June 25th, 2019, 9:17 pm


Skill Points Level Earned
Acrobatics 1 Novice 1
Acting 3 Novice 1, 1, 1
Body Building 2 Novice 2
Endurance 15 Novice 10 SP, 2, 3
Investigation 1 Novice 1
Land Navigation 20 Novice 20 SP
Medicine 1 Novice 1
Meditation 1 Novice 1
Memorization 1 Novice 1
Observation 7 Novice 3, 1,2, 1
Philosophy 1 Novice 1
Persuasion 1 Novice 1
Planning 3 Novice 2, 1
Rhetoric 2 Novice 2
Running 7 Novice 5 SP, 2
Sailing 5 Novice 5 SP
Stealth 1 Novice 1
Subterfuge 2 Novice 2
Socialization 7 Novice 3, 2, 1
Unarmed Combat 10 Novice 10 SP
Wilderness Survival (Mountain) 15 Novice 15 RB



  • Location: Priskil's Spire
  • Location: Raster Street
  • East Street: Keep your hands on things you don’t want to lose
  • Ancient Quarter: Now called University Quarter

  • Self: Likes attention
  • Kol: Rarely home
  • Woodruff: Velvet’s Dog
  • Observation: The wealthy don’t want to associate with you
  • Flops: The rotund man who frequents the Kelp Bar at all hours is dead
  • Renia: Knows “everything”
  • Renia: Calm, cool, collected
  • Renia: Not a drinker...or is she?

  • Rhetoric: Snarky conversations
  • Acting: Feigning fatigue
  • Stealth: How to walk silently in a house
  • Rhetoric: Using sarcasm to distance yourself
  • Investigation: Keep asking until you get your answer
  • Acting: Sobs can hide laughter
  • Acting: Feigning sadness
  • Socialization: Gaining sympathy when needed
  • Acting: Pretending you can’t hear someone
  • Body Building: Lift with your knees
  • Intimidation: The art of smack-talk
  • Unarmed Combat: Taking a hit to the face

Job (Courier)
  • Zeltiva layout
  • Proper breathing technique for long-distance running
  • Running: Run Parallel to the Sun for More Shade
  • Running: Navigating a Hot Crowd
  • Running: Side-Stepping an Obstacle While Running
  • Lifting: Wider stances help lighten the load
  • Lifting: How to carry large wooden chests
  • Dealing with rude customers
  • Leave work first whenever possible to avoid bad assignments

  • Memory: Calla used to be very close with her father
  • Philosophy: Love is emptiness you fill with people
  • Calluses Don’t Prevent Burns
  • Heat Rises
  • Midday is the Hottest
  • Paper can only be folded in half seven times
  • Random gatherings of people = drama
  • Water: You have to drink it
  • Free Flowing Flask: It never empties!
  • Crowds are unreliable and move erratically
  • Teamwork makes the dream work
  • What a gut-blow feels like
  • There’s a price for everything

Last edited by Calla Davin on September 5th, 2019, 6:07 am, edited 36 times in total.
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Calla Davin
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Postby Calla Davin on June 25th, 2019, 9:46 pm


  • Brown coat
  • Off-white peasant shirt
  • Black pants
  • Short boots
  • Undergarment set
  • Stockings
A small apartment in East Street, Zeltiva.
  • Waterskins (x2)
  • Comb
  • Soap
  • Brush
  • Razor
  • Traveler's Waterpipe
  • Survival Toolkit (Simple first aid kit, flint and steel, 2 simple snares, small tent, small compass, a small roll of fishing line, 6 basic fishhooks, 2 candles, a blanket, a needle and thread, and simple knife)


Item/Event Amount Running Total
Creation 100 gm 100 gm
Survival Kit -25 gm 75 gm
Poppers (x2), Stockings, Traveler's Waterpipe -56 gm 22 gm 6 sm
Challenge Cashout +26 gm 48 gm 6 sm
Tip from Customer +1sm 48gm 7sm
Tip from Customer +20gm 68gm 7sm
Summer 519 Wages +1,911gm 1,979gm 7sm
Summer 519 Expenses -135gm 1, 844gm 7sm

Last edited by Calla Davin on September 16th, 2019, 3:37 am, edited 26 times in total.
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Calla Davin
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Postby Calla Davin on June 25th, 2019, 9:54 pm

Thread List

Fall, 519 AV :
Date Participants Title Graded?
7th Victor Flint Good Kelp is Hard to Find No

Summer, 519 AV :
Date Participants Title Graded?
16th Solo Hot Foot Hustle Endurance +2, Medicine +1, Memorization +1, Observation +1, Planning +2, Running +2, Socialization +2, Location: Priskil's Spire, Location: Raster Street, Calluses Don’t Prevent Burns, Heat Rises, Running: Run Parallel to the Sun for More Shade, Running: Navigating a Hot Crowd, Running: Side-Stepping an Obstacle While Running, Midday is the Hottest, +1sm, Injury: Burn on Left Foot.
23rd Vasin New Job, New City, New People No
40th Solo Win Some, Lose None Acting +1, Investigation +1, Observation +2, Paper can only be folded in half seven times, Random gatherings of people = drama, Investigation: Keep asking until you get your answer, Acting: Sobs can hide laughter, Acting: Feigning sadness, Flops: The rotund man who frequents the Kelp Bar at all hours is dead, East Street: Keep your hands on things you don’t want to lose, Water: You have to drink it, Free Flowing Flask: It never empties!, +Free-Flowing Flask.
50th Solo Baby Steps Acrobatics +1, Acting +1, Body Building +2, Endurance +3, Meditation +1, Observation +1, Persuasion +1, Planning +1, Socialization +2, Ancient Quarter: Now called University Quarter, Crowds are unreliable and move erratically, Teamwork makes the dream work, Dealing with rude customers, What a gut-blow feels like, Socialization: Gaining sympathy when needed, Acting: Pretending you can’t hear someone, Lifting: Wider stances help lighten the load, Lifting: How to carry large wooden chests, Body Building: Lift with your knees, Intimidation: The art of smack-talk, Unarmed Combat: Taking a hit to the face, Renia: Knows “everything,” Renia: Calm, cool, collected, Renia: Not a drinker...or is she?, There’s a price for everything, Leave work first whenever possible to avoid bad assignments, +Stomach Contusion.
56th Anja Nightwatcher Dead in the Water No
62nd Wa'Djinnabi Lead Weights No
71st Solo Cold Streak No
84th (Evening) Solo Tempered Submitted
84th (Night) Solo Tempered II Submitted

Flashbacks :
Date Participants Title Graded?
40th of Summer, 517 AV Solo Velvet Nights Observation +3, Philosophy +1, Subterfuge +2, Socialization +3, Rhetoric +2, Acting +1, Stealth +1. Velvet’s Dog, Philosophy: Love is emptiness you fill with people, Rhetoric: Snarky conversations, Acting: Feigning fatigue, Observation: The wealthy don’t want to associate with you, Self: Likes attention, Kol: Rarely home, Stealth: How to walk silently in a house, Rhetoric: Using sarcasm to distance yourself, Memory: You used to be very close with your father

Last edited by Calla Davin on September 5th, 2019, 6:13 am, edited 39 times in total.
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Calla Davin
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Seasonal Updates

Postby Calla Davin on June 25th, 2019, 9:55 pm

Seasonal Updates

Summer, 519 AV
  • 16th: Injury gained. 2nd degree burns on the bottom of the left foot. Heals in roughly 14 days
  • 50th: Injury gained. Large (approx. 4 inches squared) stomach contusion. Heals in roughly 21 days.

Fall, 519 AV

Last edited by Calla Davin on September 2nd, 2019, 7:58 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Calla Davin
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OOC Bits

Postby Calla Davin on June 25th, 2019, 9:58 pm

Other Bits

ImageName: Renia Davin
NPC type: Stationary
Age: 49 (born 470 AV)
Race & Gender: Human. Female.
  • Height: 5 foot 4 inches
  • Weight: 120 lbs
  • Hair color: Black
  • Eye color: Brown

Concept: Married to Kol Davin, Renia is Calla's mother. She works as a scribe for a herbalism teacher at the University in Zeltiva. On the surface, she seems gentle and very well-educated. However, the woman has a hidden gambling problem, and will go to great lengths to keep this fact hidden.

  • Copying (15 XP)
  • Gambling (5 XP)
  • Writing (30 XP)
Other: Renia has one mark of Bala's gnosis, Cultivation.

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Calla Davin
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