[Syliras Location] The Sukina Geysers

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

[Syliras Location] The Sukina Geysers

Postby Gossamer on July 18th, 2009, 5:30 am



The Bronze Wood holds many secrets. The story of The Sukina is just one of them. After the Valterrian, many things both wondrous and frightening roamed the land. Among those creatures, which were mainly formed from the Wild Djed that was unleashed during the fracturing of the world, one stood out. It was a fierce creature that was graced with three heads. Sleek and reptilian, it swam through the soil like a fish cut through smooth silvery waves. People spoke of it with awe, for it had three great minds all of which loved a riddle best of all. It knew things from the time before the Sundering, and after the Valterrian, it would often sit for hours holding riddle competitions with wizards or scholars. The contests would last late into the night, sometimes traversing for days. It is said that as the world calmed down, The Sukina monster sank into the soil and began to slumber. Now, only its breathing and its occasional snorts reveal its location. Whether or not the geysers are the actual riddlemaster itself is unknown, but often times people go to the geysers to think or look for the answers to questions burning within them.
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