Brodon the Seeker Physical Description Name: Brodon Windriver Race: Human / Drykas (unbonded) Age: 18 years Birthday: 7th day of Spring, 496 Dark hair, originally cut short, but allowed to grow. Clean shaven, brown eyes, fair skin, walks proudly, shoulders back, tends to whistle, probably practicing his Nari. Does not yet have windmarks. Dresses in Benshiran desert clothes. Character Concept Brodon is a young man compelled to seek the significance of a strange symbol that appeared upon his father's body a week after he fell from his saddle and lapsed into a coma, despite having taken no apparent injury from the fall. He believes it to be some sort of gnosis mark, but he knows neither which God it suggests, nor the import of it. Punishment for a past deed? Present? Prevention of an act he would commit in the future? Tradeoff price for a prior boon? Or was it something he, Brodon, had done that his father was being made to suffer for until Brodon atoned for it? Of course, it may be something different entirely. Character History Brodon is the son of a Human man and a Drykas woman. He grew up happy in the stable culture of the Horseclans of Cyphrus. He was strong for his age, due primarily to his strict regimen of practice with his father's Iron Staff. This built his strength quickly though, in truth, it was heavy and unwieldy and he only recently began to become "good" at it. But, as a member of the Diamond Pavilion it was proper that he should train with weapons and he learned the basics of the shortbow as well. He also learned the fundamental tenet that ALL things can be a weapon in a pinch. His spare time, however, was frequently spent studying the birds of the area, birds having always fascinated him. When a man came through the tents one day displaying his hunting birds, Brodon was hooked. Though the man only stayed 2 weeks, his every word and lesson was absorbed like a dry sponge. He would have stayed longer, but, with the tents' Autumn migration to the south, he needed to head back to Sylira. The man was greatly impressed with Brodon's innate respect for his animals and assured him that this would be his greatest asset towards learning to train and keep them. That, and the Language of the Winds, Nari. The man spent time acquainting Brodon with a few basics of this unique language. More chirps, trills and whistles than words, he assured Brodon that this language had an innate quality that helped a man form a bond with any bird. He compared it to going to a foreign city and speaking their language. One will always be better received with such a show of respect. When he left, Brodon was sad, but also hopeful that, one day, he would become a great Falconer. Six months later, disaster struck. His father was carried home on a litter, unconscious, with no injury to account for his swoon. Brodon's 16th birthday and bonding ritual was due in 3 weeks' time. The Ankals waited one week for his father to awaken normally. When this did not occur, they met in discussion to debate the import of this event. There had been no stone where his head had hit the ground and rituals performed on the spot revealed nothing. Then the symbol appeared. Brodon was well liked and not all Ankals were ready to assume divine purpose was at work, for it could stigmatize Brodon's stature. But when the time for the bonding ritual arrived, upsetting the tradition, Brodon himself strode boldly into the Sanctum Chamber of the Pavilions and begged leave to speak. Though he expressed sincere thanks to those Ankals that had delayed the decision on his behalf, he stated plainly that he, too, agreed with the majority opinion; That his father was stricken down by the gods and that the symbol was the only clue they would bestow upon him to unravel the mystery. The Ankals were greatly impressed by his mature acceptance of what many would bemoan as a harsh and undeserved fate, and they began to discuss making a special one-time event bonding ritual. Brodon would have none of it, fearing this may only compound whatever offense his father had given, seeing that his father had stubbornly retained his saddle and not taken the yvas. He himself, however, HAD accustomed himself to the yvas, so he could not take his fathers horse and asked for a mount from the lesser Kavinka Paintedmounts. He also asked that he be permitted to take his father's Iron Staff, since there was suggestion that IT may have been the offending item. Both these requests were granted without hesitation and he was also given the traditional Tent and Travel set. These he accepted, as they were traditions, but many other gifts he respectfully declined as he did not wish to possibly bring others under the shadow of whatever disfavor the gods had visited upon his family. All saw the sense of this policy, but when he hinted that he doubted the gods would fault a buyer or vendor for conducting routine business, he was able to stock up on what he needed easily. He was thrown a great departing feast, by way of a 16th birthday party, spent the following day saying his goodbyes, several of them in more than words, and departed the next day with the collective blessings of his people and with the assurance that, upon his successful return, his bonding and acceptance would surely be unanimous. So, with the early Spring location in the southeast, Anhatep seemed the place to begin. Prizes and Penalties :
Heirloom: Iron Staff engraved with symbols Mount: Kavinka Paintedmount "Lovaak" 1 Yavas 1 large set of yavas bags Ledger
Ups and Downs
As of the 48th of Summer, 513, he is staying at Atri's Place in Riverfall, the expenses underwritten by Sir Mathias Syka, awaiting the departure of the Expedition to rediscover Syka, in Falyndar. As of Fall, 513, date of arrival in Syka has not been determined, expenses still covered by Mr. Syka. Talents and Tactics :
Language and Lore :
Fluent Language: Pavi
Basic Language: Common Poor Language: Nari Poor Language: Shiber (Awarded for Dark of the Angry Sand and others) Lore of Sea of Grass Geography Lore of Drykas Culture Appearance of Dhani (t1) Appearance of Eypharians (t1) Sound of Arumenic (t1) Gates of Ahnatep (t1) Layout of The Pavilion (t1) The Pressorah's Guards - Foxes (t1) The Intense Heat of Eyktol (t2) Having Ways to Watch Your Back (t2) Meeting a Strangely Pale Woman (t2) Meditate Technique: Attaining singular thought through cold water and hot oil (t3) Facing a Glassbeak (t3) Don't Disappoint One's Self (t4) Defending Her Honor (t4) Steamed Wizard (t4) Fire Bad! (t4) Better Lucky than Dead (t5) Roots: Impromptu Weapon (t5) Tsana: Dangerous Pack Animals (t5) t6 & t7- no awarded lores Common Signs of Water in the Desert (t8) Dhani Forms (t8) One Way to Yahebah from Ahnatep (t8) How Medics Treat Severe Sunburns (t9) The Masha (t9) How to Tell When Grapes are Ripe (t10) Comparing Yahebah to Ahnatep (t11) Pain Re-surfacing Painful Memories (t11) t12 - no awarded lores Yahebah Location: The Spiced Tent (t13) Yahebah Location: The Red Bazaar (t14) Race: Konti (t14) Faith: Yahal (t15) t16 - no awarded lores Wilderness Survival (WS): Bracing for a Desert Sandstorm (t17) WS: Finding Direction in a Sandstorm (t17) WS: Appropriate Desert Attire (t17) WS: Shelter from Sand & Sun (t17) WS: Finding Water (t17) Race: Ghost (t17) Falconry: Hunt Training (t17) Delani of the Denusk Pavilion (t19) The Joy of Speaking the Home Tongue (t19) The Drykas Repopulation Plan (t19) Be Careful Preaching Different Faiths (t19) "Teacher" - Professor of Lykata (t19) Breeding Ignorance, Breeding Fear (t19) Delani: Reasons for Joining the Expedition (t19) Admitting Honest Disagreement (t19) The Bliss of Knowledge (t19) Father's Symbol: Lykata? (t19) Father's Symbol: A Map and Why it was Stolen (t19) Riverfall Sanctuary: Vanator and Kavala (t19) The Necessity of Frugality (t20) Hygiene: Important for the Library (t20) Common: Don't Say "Being" so Much (t20) Navigation of The Valkalah Academy (t20) Topical Library Organization (t20) Quiet in the Library (t20) Pre-Valterian Falyndar: Southern Suvan Empire (t20) Father's Symbol: Outline of Pre-Valterian Falyndar (t20) Fortune Tellers are for Fools (t21) Brodon's Staff: of Some (Unknown) Importance (t21) Forget Fortune Telling - Trust Faith (t21) A Sacrifice to the Gods is a True Sacrifice (t23) Cutting Ties With the Past (t23) Desire to be Rid of Grudge Against Eypharians (t24) Falconry: Difficult for Pavi Hand Gestures with Falcon on the Arm (t24) Where is Lacerta (t24) Delani: Falcon Term Tall Head (t24) Sailing: Stern is in the Back (t24) Not All Restless Spirits are Bad (t25) Otters Live in Mura (t27) Carving & Fighting: Not Comparable (t27) Fortune Telling =/= Sword Using (t27) A Person is Many Things (t27) Eleret: Generous (t27) 74 Travels and Trials :
![]() t2) ![]() t3) ![]() t4) ![]() t5) ![]() t6) ![]() t7) ![]() t8) ![]() t9) ![]() t10) ![]() t11) ![]() t12) ![]() t13) ![]() t14) ![]() t15) ![]() t16) ![]() t17) ![]() t18) Mustering for the Journey 48 Summer, 513 t19) ![]() t20) ![]() t21) ![]() t22) ![]() t23) ![]() t24) ![]() t25) ![]() t26) Sacrifices at Sea (Syka Quest) 50 Summer, 513 t27) ![]() |