Two Kelvics and a Winemaker

John meets Syrah again, and they both are introduced to a new friend, Daemon

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

Two Kelvics and a Winemaker

Postby Dex on April 15th, 2012, 10:52 pm

Spring Day 54, 512

John had more then enough mizas, but doing juggling and acrobatics in the street was more for pleasure then the mizas. That and trying to be better. He was just starting out on the path on the front side of the statue in Knirin Gardens, the same statue that his den was behind. He took his 3 fist sized soft rubber juggling balls, and went north to the main road. Once there, he simply stood there, and started juggling, tossing all three up in the air and practicing as he spun them in a circle.

He looked forward for a moment, watching as the crowd continued in the way it always did, a flow in opposite directions on either side of the road. All they saw was a beginner juggler with backpack to toss tips in, wearing a basic tan cotton shirt, and loose denim pants, and with no shoes. He fumbled once, having to recatch the three balls, and then patiently started up again, taking it slowly at first, and then faster.
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Two Kelvics and a Winemaker

Postby Daemon on April 15th, 2012, 11:02 pm

Just going around in the city, Daemon found himself in a crowd of people going forward without any warning of stopping. As he pleased he just went along - not really if he had any choice - and tried to look around while walking.

He was just gazed at the statue when he noticed something moving up in the air. He couldn't see what it was, but he was intriged and began to push himself out of the crowd.

He stopped when he saw the boy. "Why is he throwing balls in the air?" Daemon thought to himself as he kept watching. He found it odd, but somehow he couldn't stop watching. While he stood there silenced and watched he found himself rather amused.
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Two Kelvics and a Winemaker

Postby Syrah Steele on April 15th, 2012, 11:26 pm

It had been four days since the Kite festival and the weird meeting with the Kelvic, and today she was out and about, looking around the city, maybe go check out the vineyards.

She was moving with a large group of people, when something colorful caught her eye, she stopped and looked over and say several colorful balls being tossed up in the air. She followed the falling spheres to get a look at the person juggling them and found, with a shock, that it was no other that her Kelvic friend (using friend in a loose term) Lewis.

Syrah smiled slightly and pushed her way through the crowd to go say hi, when she saw that good ol' Lewis was gathering a small group, even if it was just a small child.

The boy was wearing a green hood, hiding his face from view, but she could tell from his bare hands that he was a pale kid and his head was tilted up in amazement at the Kelvic.

At sight of the boy Syrah almost turned around and walked away as she didn't much like children. But she felt the need to go say hi to John and continued forward.
"I would like to most graciously thank Ms. Steele for providing me with much needed deep and intellectual RP that goes beyond, 'Hey I don't like you let's fight.' So if you do read this Syrah thank you very much!'" - Desmus Marrudius
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Two Kelvics and a Winemaker

Postby Dex on April 15th, 2012, 11:37 pm

John had only been going for a few minutes, and he was already drawing a small crowd. Small, as in about 3 people, one of which was a small child who looked about 9 years old. He watched as John flipped the small colorful spheres up into the air and back down again in a circular pattern, having an almost memorizing effect. Being only a beginner, he generally had to look at what he was doing, but would glance about for a half second just to see what else was happening.

One of these half second glances awarded him with a happy feeling, as he noticed Syrah moving forward toward him. Ever since the night of the Kite festival, John remember Syrah, and thought about her often, mainly because he didn't think about much. She moved up into the group in front of him and watched as she moved near the 9 year old child.

"Hey Syrah. It's been a few days. And hello there little one."

Talking was one of the few things he could do while juggling, since it did not require him to change his focus from his juggling. Another half second glance saw that Syrah was in the same type of clothing as when they had met before, and that the little child had a green hood over his head.
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Two Kelvics and a Winemaker

Postby Daemon on April 16th, 2012, 1:23 pm

Daemon was comepletely hypnotized and didn't notice the woman going past him before the weird ball playing guy talked to her. Daemon looked at her, especially because she seemed to have some sort of importance to the other stranger. Daemon tilted his head and glanced at her.
It was obvious to his eyes that the two knew each other. He called her Syrah. "What a weird name" He thought to himself. He looked at her skirt, unusual for him, but he thought it was nice.
He then turned his attention to the weird juggler. He didn't looked like the average human. There were something about his eyes. Daemon suddenly became highly aware of the boy speaking to him. He was not sure how to reply properly and just wanted to look at the flying balls. But he had manners, and he had been taught how to behave appropriately.
He immediately didn't wanted to say anything to the strange woman who scared him a bit, but he had to answer in some sort of way.

"Good day to you, sir" His squeaky voice was firm and clear, and he dared to keep looking at the couple standing infront of him. Although he wasn't sure whether to run or be offended to be called 'little one'.
Last edited by Daemon on April 25th, 2012, 5:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Two Kelvics and a Winemaker

Postby Syrah Steele on April 16th, 2012, 11:02 pm

Syrah came to say thank you to Lewis, but as the child looked up at her she became bewildered. His eyes...they were the bluest blue, to say lightly, that she had ever seen. The boy turned away from her quickly and went back to watching Lewis juggle, but she wanted to see his eyes again. Then the boy spoke, a clear, but childish voice, which snapped Syrah out of her trance like state, and reminded her the boy was a child and Syrah doesn't like children. Then again she doesn't like small animals either, but her she is, with one, one who is juggling.

She looked back up at the Kelvic who was still juggling and said "Lewis, um, good to see you?" she said trying to be polite, "I am glad I found you I wanted to say, uh, say thank you...For the blanket I mean."

Oddly she found that hard to say, she wasn't used to people do things for her. People usually didn't like her, she was cold, but she didn't mind it.
Lewis kept on juggling and Syrah found her self entertained. She just kept surprising herself, made her mad, at her of course.

She hoped Lewis would reply soon, she wanted to leave, get out of there as fast as she could. Children and rats--Not a good combo.
"I would like to most graciously thank Ms. Steele for providing me with much needed deep and intellectual RP that goes beyond, 'Hey I don't like you let's fight.' So if you do read this Syrah thank you very much!'" - Desmus Marrudius
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Two Kelvics and a Winemaker

Postby Dex on April 16th, 2012, 11:56 pm


Lewis was quite pleased with himself so far. He'd attracted a small child who seemed to be fantasized with his juggling, and his owner, Syrah, who he had last seen at the night of the kite festival. The small child responded first to his greetings.

"Good day to you, sir"

This elliciated a small laugh from Lewis. Syrah then came over and offered her greetings.

"Lewis, um, good to see you? I am glad I found you I wanted to say, uh, say thank you...For the blanket I mean."

She seemed almost shy to say it, and took her time saying it. He decided to return the greetings in kind, first speaking to the child who had made him chuckle.

"I'm no sir, you can be certain of that. I'm just a kelvic who preforms to make people happy, since I have not bonded yet to a single person. This just brings me simple joy. As for you Syrah, it is indeed very good to see you. And as far as the bed sheet, I thought I should get it for you, since you still seem to have trouble identifying a bed sheet. You are getting closer though, it is very much like a blanket, but thinner and lighter material. One happy day, I'm sure you'll figure it out."

Since he had managed a few spectators, he decided to move on from his simple juggling, and began his exercises with the balls. He took the three he was juggling, and slowly increased the height of the circle they made, letting it stay there for a moment at a much higher height, and then lowered it into a much smaller arch, and moved his hands faster and faster before pushing it back into it's typical arch shape. He then began doing this with the 4th ball he had just pulled out.
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Two Kelvics and a Winemaker

Postby Daemon on April 17th, 2012, 12:09 am

Daemon was again watching the balls in the air and couldn't quite stop it. He even kinda wanted to jump up and try to grab them.

But his attention was pulled away from the balls when he heard the jugglers reply. A kelvic? Thats why he seemed off. He wasn't a human. And apparently this woman was his owner. Daemon wrinkled his nose at this statement, no one whould be able to own one another. If someone wants to stay together it should be of their own will. But then again, most Kelvics wanted it. At least that was what he had heard.

For himself, he wanted to find someone really interesting to belong to. Not just an average woman in a city. But then again, the girl infront of him was really pretty, so maybe she wasn't like the rest.

Anyway, Daemons forehead frowned as he heard the boy laugh. Did he say something funny? Either way, Daemon couldnt resist the big temptation to ask him of his other self.

" A kelvic? What animal are you? " His eyes were wide open, he found this very interesting, although he could feel that he would not like the answer. Something about this guy gave him the critter vibe. He couldn't resist looking at the girl again and loudly ask

" Are you a kelvic too? You dont seem like one. You seem.. Ordinare."

He didn't mean it as an insult. He just thought of humans to be nothing special. They could be nice, but he had had some rough times with them in his very short past.
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Two Kelvics and a Winemaker

Postby Syrah Steele on April 17th, 2012, 12:59 am

She sighed at Lewis' comment, the bed sheet thing, it was like their own personal joke, except he didn't get it.

Then the little boy seemed very much interested in the fact that Lewis was a Kelvic. "Are you a kelvic too? You dont seem like one. You seem.. Ordinary."

Oh gods was this child a Kelvic as well? No, no absolutely not! What did he turn into, a bluebird? Come on! She had been in Riverfall for only fourteen days and meet only a handful of people, and two of them had to unnatural animals?!

She couldn't deal with this, couldn't she meet a friend, maybe a girl, one that the child would call 'ordinary'? She just wanted to make wine, that was her passion!

She took less offense to the child calling her ordinary than the child asking her if she was a Kelvic.

She furrowed her brow at the kid and replied, "No, I am an 'ordinary' human. And I came in contact with this Kelvic," She gestured to the juggling man, "by accident, and I assume you are a Kelvic as well? What do you turn into?"
"I would like to most graciously thank Ms. Steele for providing me with much needed deep and intellectual RP that goes beyond, 'Hey I don't like you let's fight.' So if you do read this Syrah thank you very much!'" - Desmus Marrudius
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Two Kelvics and a Winemaker

Postby Dex on April 17th, 2012, 1:20 am

Lewis continued to juggle the workout, currently on 4 balls and working it up. The child seemed to light up when he mentioned that he was a kelvic.

"A kelvic? What animal are you?"

He then turned to Syrah, and asking her a question to which she seemed aggravated by, though Lewis couldn't figure out why.

"Are you a kelvic too? You dont seem like one. You seem.. Ordinary."
"No, I am an 'ordinary' human. And I came in contact with this Kelvic, by accident, and I assume you are a Kelvic as well? What do you turn into?"

Thinking of how his ferret form is reflected in various parts of his human form, such as his nails, which were closer to small claws, and his facial hair ended up being much softer, more fur-like, his eyes had a small beady look, with a large black center, he turned to the young child. Filled with this new information, he scanned the child's face and found very bright blue eyes, slightly broad shoulders for his size, and other small things that helped him try to figure out. He found the challenge interesting to work through, and did his best while still working with the juggling, now tossing in a 5th ball, where his skills got much more difficult.

"Hmm, I'm pretty sure he's a kelvic. I'm going to guess a larger animal, most likely feline. Not many larger canine animals. Blue eyes are odd though. Most are a brown or a yellow. I'm not sure what would cause blue eyes like that."
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