[Verified by Siren] Zardra

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Zardra on August 24th, 2012, 4:35 pm

Basic Information
Name: Zardra
Race: Zith
Age: 21
Birthday: 79th SPRING 491
Gender: Male

Physical description:
As all Zith, he is imposing to look at but that is perhaps due more to the fact that he is a Zith in the first place and less due to his actual appearance.

Zardra holds a facade of confidence one would expect from his race. He stands tall, slim yet has a powerful build and wings much like a bat extending outwards from his spine. The dark silk like fur, almost black show allows him to be a little more mysterious and hidden than most but his red, bright red hair shows a deep contrast.

At 132 pounds and standing around 6' he could be considered average for his species.

Piercing eyes form a deadly gaze as they mesmerize people with the odd yellow, almost as if that colour should not exist.

Claws adorn his fingers and toes, which are most certainly useful but provide another reason of mistrust for his race. His facial features are that of a human, naturally, and with a soft curl of his lip, almost sadistic, one should know his intent.

Against their natural instincts, he wears a simple pair of makeshift trousers that provide a little assimilation and familiarity to other races. His wings the only other form of clothing he requires, they fold over his shoulder, loosely and with ease as if to create a robe, cloak even.

You know when a dog growls as someone comes close to its food and a cat, its fur spreads out, making itself look larger when it is scared or even a bird, it flees when danger is present? They are all instincts and to be frankly honest, Zardra lives by them. He would rather rip someone’s face off, literally, before he would give something that is his up. He is very territorial, possessive and even more so protective of his own interests. When he hungers he eats, when he tires, he sleeps.

I know, you are telling me that this sounds like a typical Zith.

Well, he isn’t. As odd as it seems, he has a soft spot in his hardened and feral shell he calls his personality. A tolerance has been built in him that allows him to fight the urge to impale a human and rip its bloodied heart from its chest cavity as soon as he sees one.

Perhaps it was his upbringing, he had to have a level of open-mindedness for the slaves under his families care. He had to teach them, feed them and care for them when the need arose. They were his family just as much as his own flesh and blood is.

That level of patience had to be earned and even fought for but the added bonus of his botanical skills. He had to care for and maintain the plants, herbs and the Salialana that his family grew.

The Valterrian was considered the worst thing to happen to the universe where many died and civilisations fell beyond repair. To Zardra though, this was the holiest of days. It was the event that created his people. It isn’t seen as a negative thing whatsoever to him or his people but rather revered, respected and even worshiped. In his mind, this is true and it is as if the Valterrian itself was a God rather than an event.

Character History:
You could say his life was pretty much typical for a Zith. He was born, like always as a twin to his parents where he was nurtured and taught how to walk, fly and hunt. At the time he had well over a dozen brothers and sister and he wouldn't be considered the baby as the following year his parents had a few more. It was his job, as soon as he was capable to provide for his family.

It was a complex and harmonious environment as each member had his or her specific tasks to complete. Living in Xy, a more civilized culture seemed to be ever so present and his task was to teach the slaves, which they had many, to grow the valuable and well sought after fungus Salialana and other various forms of herbs and plants that could be traded for supplies and whatnot that was needed for their community.

At the age of ten he was expected to take on a mate and did he ever have an eye out for someone in particular. The mating ritual is less than pleasant to describe so all in all… he failed. When more than one Zith male seeks the attention of a female it could be considered a bloody affair. Zardra and his brother, twin brother, sought the same person and that caused a massive rift. They fought, tooth and nail, literally and in the end, he was left standing there, a mess and shamed as his brother received the mate he wished.

After such a humiliating display he was outright shunned from the family and community. No one wanted a weak male as his or her mate. Survival of the fittest you could say. He disembarked Xy and the life he not only loved but also protected from the day he was capable.

A traveling nomad would be the best way to describe the eleven years he was on the road. Being a Zith it was rather easy for him to provide food for himself and even to keep himself relatively hidden from things that would go bump in the night.

One fateful night, while he was ripping apart a chest cavity of a recent human that he decided would be a tasty morsel he found out about something that could change his life. Give him some form of purpose. Ravok! A place of trade, commerce and of opportunity. The man he was eating was traveling to Ravok to conduct some business but clearly failed to meet his commitments.

As he picked a chunk of flesh from his teeth he decided that he would venture there. After what felt like an eternity to cover the 3835 miles to get to Ravok and of course it took longer as he stopped to eat, sleep and explore a small settlement that seemed to have been destroyed by the wilderness but finally, he arrived. A cave was discovered and became his home where he set up the ideal conditions to grow his products. Now, with a reasonable amount he decided that it was time to actually venture into the city itself.

Oh what an adventure this was going to be!

  • 1 Pair of Trousers (SP)
  • 1 Water Skin (SP)
  • Sack (SP)
  • One Bone shard about 6inches long (no value)
  • Merchants scale (2gm)
  • Toolkit Herbalist/Botanist (20gm)

  • +100GM (SP)
  • -2GM (Merchant Scale)
  • -20GM (Toolkit Herbalist/Botanist)


A cave on the outskirts of Ravok
Approximately 3-4 hours away from the city itself.
Small and holds enough space for sleeping and growing a few good-sized patches of Salialana.
Just outside the cave, hidden by brush and out of the view of random travelers rest a few gardens holding herbs of various types that can be used for cooking, healing or just to make your place smell nice

  • Botany 25SP
  • Persuasion 7SP
  • Hunting 10SP
  • Stealth 8SP
  • +10 Detection (Race Bonus)

  • Agile Flying: Being a Zith he therefore has the natural ability to fly and with hunting, fighting and distance traveling in mind he naturally knows how to use his wings, wind currents and even the temperature to his advantage.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: Using flight as an advantage is a natural instinct to any race that requires hunting and the ability to defend ones self as a means of survival.
  • Night-vision: Being a nocturnal race his night-vision is naturally an added bonus. (Race Bonus)
  • Advanced Hearing: Another trait of his race is the ability to have remarkable hearing. (Race Bonus)

  • Zith - Fluent
  • Common - Basic

Summer 512

Fall 512
  • none as of yet
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Posts: 29
Words: 11541
Joined roleplay: August 16th, 2012, 6:00 pm
Race: Zith
Character sheet

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