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Adhara is on the job and so is a familar face..

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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.

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Silent Fueds and Personal Conflict [Harkon]

Postby Adhara on October 19th, 2014, 5:04 am

Fall 27 A.V
Location: Lantern Square

It was early in the day, a warm breeze caressed her pale skin. Dressed accordingly she wore her fitting dress. It's soft lace covered the top of her chest and her shoulders, an opening slice on the side of her dress gave it a feel of revealing just enough. It all came together tightly around her waist, luckily she was among the many women who could pull it off. On her feet were little flat sandals with bright white bows that gave her dress a pop of color, toning down the whole darkness of her outfit. Her hair, which was normally down was now wrapped up into a high bun on her head.

Elegance danced around her and a gentle feel stuck by her side to give whomever was around a trusting ambience. After feeding her parrot upon waking she smelt of citrus and various fruits. Although there were uncontrollable strands of stray hairs falling down but they only managed to frame her soft face. The square was not bustling with dynasty members this early, there were still the usual hot spots. Adhara took into the liberty of moving to a more secluded and quiet area. But, that did not take away from the atmosphere on bit. She would not have normally went through all of this effort if the man she was meeting was not a Dynasty member.

If she was to be requested by an everyday freeborn, like herself, she would have dressed down and choose a lesser area. Adhara stood by her table, set on it was a small pouch. Inside it contained her rune stones. Since it was a fortune telling request she was waiting happily. It was normal to be fashionably late but she choose to be prepared for their arrival and hoped only the best for her business. While she took pride in her work, it was difficult. Not everyone can just pick up the skill and get into the line of work.

She had defiantly picked up a few traits from her previously meeting with a man she felt a little distaste to, Harkon. Although it had been a few days since their meeting Adhara still picked her silent conflict.
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Silent Fueds and Personal Conflict [Harkon]

Postby Harkon on October 19th, 2014, 6:25 am

Harkon stood out front of Blacksugar, knowing what today's assignment already would be. He'd been told about it by a young Morealis man named Chervak. Chervak had requested Harkon to accompany him to the city to meet with a fortune teller, at Lantern Square of all places. Harkon found it strange, Lantern Square was for the evening relaxation after work, not this early in the day. Chervak had asked Harkon to not wear his formal attire, but rather his standard work clothes. The mercenary didn't question this, but didn't know the reasoning behind it. Perhaps he wanted Harkon to look less fashionable to make himself look better. Harkon didn't mind, he enjoyed wearing his loose, flowing white shirt. It breathed well, and showed off the muscles in his arms and chest. His loose brown trousers and matching boots were certainly function over fashion, but they didn't detract from his appeal, in his own mind at least.

Chervak came down the front steps of Blacksugar main house in an outfit that took this season's trend way too far to the extreme. There was so much silver wrapped around him, it looked as if a spider had attempted to make into a meal. His top hat was far too tall for his short stature, and the tails of his jacket were far too long. It looked as if he were wearing his father's outfit, suited for someone taller than himself. But a young, male teen had to learn things the hard way, and it was not Harkon's place to tell him otherwise. The boy didn't speak, just walk along, and Harkon matched his pace, though just behind him a bit, so as to not assume they were equals. They boarded a river ferry in silence, and made their way to Kenash proper.

Harkon had not been told which fortune teller they were meeting, and if it wasn't at Odsgrace, it must have been a freelancer. But his young charge knew who it was, and had spotted her from across the square. He pointed her out and Harkon had to force himself to not sigh in annoyance. It was Adhara. The woman he'd met with a few days past. 'No wonder she wasn't professional. She's a fortune teller of all things.' Harkon never believed in fortune telling, save for those marked by Avalis. But those were so few and far between, and were nearly always Konti women. In his mind, it was the difference between the Chef that fed the Dynasts and the person who cooked for the slave. But Harkon, ever the professional kept a light smile on his face, arms behind his back as Chervak approached the red head.

Harkon stayed silent, watching his charge, "Hello Adhara, I hope you are ready to tell me what I want to hear." Harkon struggled to maintain his facade at that comment, for it was a rather rude way to start this transaction. "This is my guard. Introduce yourself." Harkon stepped forward, and as he had before, took her hand lightly, pressed his lips to it, "Hello again Adhara. I hope you have been well."

His charge scoffed, "Keep it in your pants Guard. You are nothing in her eyes while I am here." Harkon was beginning to find it difficult to maintain his composure with this boy. If Adhara was looking, she'd see the anger behind his eyes. He was livid, but held his tongue, and kept his face stoic, save for the trademark Morealis smile. This boy had clearly not learned the manners that his family was renown for. Harkon found a seat near the table, watching as his charge sat down, despite Adhara still standing. Harkon felt this boy deserved a good beating, but again, it was not his place. All he could do was sit and wish for a star to fall from the sky, and drive straight through the boy's skull.
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Silent Fueds and Personal Conflict [Harkon]

Postby Adhara on October 19th, 2014, 6:06 pm

From what she had gathered her dress was somewhat in style. It contained all the attributes as that a dynasty member had informed her of. When she saw her costumer she had to hold back the laughter. There was something about Kenash's fashion she could never gasp, in the men's department that is. When she recognized the man Chervak carried by his side her smile was still on her face, just looked a little more fake. “Shyke, this man again..” It was impossible for them to hear her but she kept it a little under a whisper.

Fixing herself she pushed her personal issues away, this was her job and she had to stay focused. The boy expected what he would most likely couldn't get. The fortune telling outcome was not up to her, she merely told him what was to happen. “Good day Chervak, well, you've came to the right woman.” Her smile was now genuine, even Adhara prayed to Syna that he got the answers he wanted. After all, most Dynasty members tend to have quite the temper when they aren't given what they want. Like children.

She resisted every urge not to swipe her hand from underneath his lips. But, he didn't look to bad dressed down. She preferred it more than the everyday clothing of Kenash. Instead of greeting Harkon once more she only nodded and smiled. Adhara would have said something but when Chervak noted that his guard was below him she couldn't help but laugh a little but kept it light. Adhara couldn't help but yearn to know what was going through Harkon's mind, the least she could do was she is frustration and the emotions bubbling in his gaze. Which only made Adhara more satisfied with the boy who was obviously testing his patients.

She was pretty disgusted by the way he acted, she expected much more from a Morealis member. Instead she pulled out her own chair and did not protest. Adhara pulled on a thick string that held the Rune Stones all together. Laying out the fabric she took in a deep breath, this process was little uninteresting. There was a concentrated look on her face as she began to turn all of the stones over at random. Once they were overturned she extended her hand, palm up.

“Please, if you don't mind simply placing your hand on mine.” With no words Chervak obliged but, there was a little hesitation as though he was unfamiliar by the touch of another. Adhara made sure that she was indifferent to the presence of someone who she knew was judging and scrutinizing her as she worked. Even if Harkon came off as more of a gentleman than this rude boy.
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Silent Fueds and Personal Conflict [Harkon]

Postby Harkon on October 20th, 2014, 10:31 pm

Adhara's little vindictive mannerisms didn't fully go unnoticed by the Benshiran mercenary, the lack of a proper greeting, the snicker at the insults given to him. But none of her behavior upset him, for unlike their previous meeting, she maintained a professional decorum. She deserved a little of his respect for that, and he couldn't hold any of it against her. He'd likely laugh if the roles were reversed, though he would still greet her. Manners were still manners after all, no matter how you felt about someone.

Harkon was beginning to wonder if the youth had actually come to have his fortune told. It would not be the first, nor last time, one of his charges weren't completely honest about their intentions. His job wasn't to question, simply to escort and protect. He watched her pour out the rune stones, the source of her ability to read the future. Her hands were busy with their work, leaving him wondering how this... this profession actually worked. Was it all a scam, or was it just another way Avalis spoke to the world?

Harkon watched as Chervak put his ungrateful hand in hers. The Benshiran found himself feeling a small tinge of jealousy. He knew from their last meeting that he had made a good first impression, but his pride, and lack of patience, had ruined it. He found himself wanting a chance to redeem himself. Perhaps when this was all said and done, he'd give this fortune telling thing a try, even if just to show he wasn't here solely against his will.
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Silent Fueds and Personal Conflict [Harkon]

Postby Adhara on October 22nd, 2014, 1:29 am

“What would you like to know? If you don't mind being specific than this will be smoother..” Looking up from the back of his hand she waited for an answer. It wasn't only but a few ticks before he disrespectfully snapped a reply. “I want to know what my money situation is.” There was a sly grin on his face and even a wink as though the next continuation of the sentence was directed at her. “I also want to know how my love life will like in the future.. My women specifically.” Love and money seemed to be a very, very popular subject in Kenash. She was surprised he didn't include his status later in life.

The touch between the two hands was more of reassurance that Adhara could gather that they had an actual connection. Silently in her mind she cursed her little power in Auristics, other wise she could get his personality rolling in her head but it seemed Chervak had given enough to last her while. As she lifted her hand to direct her attention back to the stones his fingers lingered. Adhara pushed the rather uncomfortable feeling from her thoughts. The two pairs of eyes were watching her intently. But, more so the one's of the boy in front of her.

This was a job, an assignment, not a date. And apparently he did not understand that. With the rune stones turned over she took the same hand that she touched with Chervak and hovered over the stones, almost touching them. Her movement was very slow, the boy in front of her seemed to becoming very impatient. Under his breath he questioned, his voice could have been taken as a growl. “What is taking you so long.” He leaned in a little and tried to move his hand, under the table onto her knee.

Rejecting him Adhara shifted a little in her chair. Obviously uncomfortable if not a little upset. But she said nothing, made no other indication of her emotions other than a concentrated look on her face. “I am almost finished. Only a few more ticks.” Adhara couldn't afford abandoning this assignment. From what she learned from her last experience from Harkon that she should bring her own boundaries and honest feelings on the job.

Anyone could have said this was overstepping his boundaries, she wasn't going to say anything. That was who she was, she allowed people to run right over her. Combing a stay piece of hair behind her ear she finally got her stones. Each session she was able to pick the stones but not out of random. They gave her a vibe of sorts, and something would mentally attract her to them. Even with no magic involved. Without flipping them over she sectioned them out. Than carefully and in the order she pulled them out and stacked the three.

Adhara slowly turned the top one over. She was generally scared, even before she was to read the meaning of each symbol that was selected they did not look good. At all.
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Silent Fueds and Personal Conflict [Harkon]

Postby Harkon on October 27th, 2014, 1:47 am

Harkon listened as the boy rattled off the common things people asked about. When it came to work and women, one didn't need to see the future to know what was going to happen, at least in his opinion. If you worked hard at your employment, regardless of being a Dynast or Freeborn, you made money. The harder you worked, the more you catered to need, the more money you make. As for women, it was usually fairly similar in concept. Put forth more effort, in the form of listening to them babble, pretending to care, doing things that only they could possibly enjoy, and the results were the women took more interest in you. And the more interest they had in you, the more rewards you reaped. It wasn't difficult to figure this out, it wasn't math after all. But perhaps this one hadn't done any real work yet in his life.

As the boy grew impatient, he wondered if he had sounded like such a Benachag when he had lost his patience with her a few days ago. If so, he certainly needed to apologize, for this was simply downright rude. The hand on her knee hadn't gone unnoticed by the Benshiran bodyguard. Nor had it gone unnoticed by this chubby woman across the square that was now staring daggers in their direction. The woman looked royally pissed off and hurt at the same time, and Harkon knew she must have been the focus of this boy's affection at some point. Harkon began looking around the square, for his job wasn't just to protect the boy from harm, but public embarrassment as well. And Lantern Square had a bunch of the other Dynasties represented, and if this situation turned sour, it would definitely end up on the front page of the Gazette.

Harkon watched as the woman began talking rapidly, angrily with a friend of hers, that was now looking in their direction as well. Then she stood up, leaving Harkon to do nothing but the same. Looking down at Adhara, "Apologies, please excuse me momentarily." The woman hadn't noticed Harkon, her eyes locked on Charvak, as she began storming over. Harkon scrambled for a plan, and in doing so, quickly got a chilled wine from a local slave. He watched from behind a small group of people as she continued over, already about halfway across the square. Harkon pretended to take a drink as he stepped into her path, the woman gently colliding with him. He feigned nearly spilling his drink on her, "Oh I'm so sorry miss." He then turned to her, both blocking her vision of Chervak and Adhara, and forcing her to see his charming, slightly apologetic smile. "I would be greatly ashamed had I spoiled the dress of one so beautiful. Please, allow me make it up to you."

The woman still looked furious, but now with a wave of fresh confusion. She wasn't terribly ugly, though she was heavier than most of the women in the city. At least she had large, creamy white breasts that she had no shame in putting on display. "I. I just need to talk to a," then said with a heavy layer of venom, "Friend." Harkon realized his attempt had failed, but saw a saving grace in the form of her friend coming over as well, a small petite blonde. Harkon nodded, "Very well, I wish you a lovely chat." He then turned, as if to continue along the path he had taken before being stumbled upon, only to have it happen yet again with the blonde. Only this time she had tripped and began to fall forward. Harkon immediately crouched, keeping his drink hand up so as to not spill it, and stuck out his free arm, catching the blonde around the waist. Thankfully she had been the one to trip, for if it had been the other, Harkon feared he might have dropped her.

He stood the blonde up, "Are you okay miss? I fear I'm being quite the klutz today. Why my new friend here nearly met the same fate as you."
The blonde blushed, and brushed hair out of her face with one of her delicate hands, Harkon noting the Freeborn brand. She must be the Freeborn underling friend, that constantly lived in the shadow of her large Dynast companion. "It's nothing, I just came to check on Shela. Thank you for helping us."

Harkon had a feeling that the Dynast would get jealous if the Freeborn girl were to get more attention than her. So keeping his eyes on the blonde, her gently grasped her hand pressed his lips to it, never removing his gaze. "I do apologize, perhaps I can make it up to you, personally." He heard a derisive snort from the Dynast woman, "Why yes, I think you may. You can sit with us and we will discuss how you can make this reckless behavior up to me. And my friend of course." She took Harkon by the arm, and steered him over to their former seating area, sitting him down between her and the blonde. The things a mercenary had to do to protect his charge.

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Silent Fueds and Personal Conflict [Harkon]

Postby Adhara on November 2nd, 2014, 2:25 pm

It was only in her nature to watch the play unfold. The unhappy woman and the spilled alcohol. Adhara tried her best to avert her view from what was going on around her. It was Harkon's job to take control of what he could in their surroundings, and protect the Dynast boy. Again she shifted in her chair. Over turning the stones quickly her lips interpreted the rune's symbols. Running her delicate finger on the cold stone's inceptions.

“The first we have is nauð.” Looking up at the boy his face was riddled with pure confusion but he tried to mask it with a rather unpleasant looking smile. “It means need or necessity. Everything you do money wise will either have the downfall or uprising in your life.” Her eyes shifted just a little to see what Harkon was doing to improve the situation. He was conversing with the women. There was a little spark of envy.

The emotion she could not even predict or explain herself. Before she could lose her customer her gaze turned back to him. “Greed, lust, dissatisfaction, or the giving of charitable ways. I recommend-” He rudely cut her off. “You don't get to recommended me anything woman. Remain in your place as the rest of you Freeborns do.” There was an obvious change in atmosphere. For reasons Adhara could not say, maybe he noticed the jealousy in the fortune teller or he was some sort of bi-polar man.

She said nothing in defence. “As you wish.” Inhaling softly she went through the same process of reading the rune. Although it was able to read on her face, she was a little happy about this one. “Hagall. In your time with women you will experience misfortune and issues. Maybe your choices in the gender will not work out the best or even there will be concerning complications. It's your decisions that will impact the outcomes.” Green pupils looked up from the etched stones, it was not hard to tell how he was feeling.

There was a dangerous concoction with anger and emotions she was not aware of. He pushed his chair out rather abruptly. Slamming down on the table were eight Mizas in total. Which was actually a little more what than she made in one day. Than he proceeded to spit harsh words in her face. "This is not what I wanted from you."

Adhara wouldn't dare say what she felt.
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