Various Questions from a Curious Dhani

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Various Questions from a Curious Dhani

Postby Sae on December 27th, 2017, 2:12 am

There's definitely going to be more, but here they are. (I'm also guessing Gossamer would be the best source of answers for most of these, as they deal with Syka, correct?)

1. In Syka, do you automatically start out with a bungalow house? What if you're a Dhani that split off from a group headed elsewhere, how does obtaining a house go?

2. Can you claim your 5 acres of land and not do anything with it immediately?

3. Can you wait until you're ready to do stuff with the 5 acres to claim it, or is it for a limited time?

4. Can you stay in a bungalow as you get your 5 acres sorted, or do you have to give up the pre-made bungalow when you claim because they're so limited?

5. IC, do you bring your business plan to the Founders to be approved, or do you just do it on your 5 acres and hope you make money?

6. If your business is a flop, do the Founders help out in any way?

7. If Sae was revealed as a Dhani somehow, but after she'd been around for awhile and had proved to be a fairly safe and even helpful serpentess, would she still be welcome or would the settlers drive her out?

8. Since Sae would be training jungle dogs for hunting, would she have to pay expenses for their food, or would a thread where she sets them out hunting be enough?

9. If Sae wanted to eventually train Ashta an Ixam, where would she obtain the young and the eggs, respectively?

10. Since the only healing place is the Panacea and the Akalak there is still only at novice with Animal Husbandry, would Sae be able to have two jobs when she gets her own Animal Husbandry higher? (Animal trainer & healer).
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Various Questions from a Curious Dhani

Postby Gossamer on December 27th, 2017, 4:18 am

1. In Syka, do you automatically start out with a bungalow house? What if you're a Dhani that split off from a group headed elsewhere, how does obtaining a house go?

You automatically start out with nothing. If you want to rent a bungalow or a rancho you have to talk to Randal.. he owns them... and make sure there's one available. AKA ask me and I'll tell you and you can do it in your self moderated thread.

2. Can you claim your 5 acres of land and not do anything with it immediately?

You can only claim your land if you do something in Syka that helps the settlement, like work on a skill that contributes to the whole. There's never any 'requirement' for your acreage.

3. Can you wait until you're ready to do stuff with the 5 acres to claim it, or is it for a limited time?

Yes. There's no time limit.

4. Can you stay in a bungalow as you get your 5 acres sorted, or do you have to give up the pre-made bungalow when you claim because they're so limited?


5. IC, do you bring your business plan to the Founders to be approved, or do you just do it on your 5 acres and hope you make money?

Well, all business plans have to go through the Consortia Forum and be approved by Gillar. Once you have a 'feasible' business, then you can talk to the Founders in Syka and see if they like your business and if they will help you get it started (ie.. .loans/land/etc)

6. If your business is a flop, do the Founders help out in any way?

No, you are on your own. They won't approve you to have a sort of business that risks failing... unless its foolproof and you are a fool.

7. If Sae was revealed as a Dhani somehow, but after she'd been around for awhile and had proved to be a fairly safe and even helpful serpentess, would she still be welcome or would the settlers drive her out?

At this time the settlers don't care which race you are except perhaps for Symenestra. However, you are not going to be able to conceal your dhani race from about 70% of the settlement because 70% currently is kelvic and they'll smell the snakeyness.

8. Since Sae would be training jungle dogs for hunting, would she have to pay expenses for their food, or would a thread where she sets them out hunting be enough?

At this time there's no requirement for 'cost of living' or 'maintenance' on a pet. So no.

9. If Sae wanted to eventually train Ashta an Ixam, where would she obtain the young and the eggs, respectively?

When that time comes, talk to me and I'll probably run a moderated thread for you if you are still around. A lot of new people vanish so I don't get too excited about stuff like this until you prove you can stick it out.

10. Since the only healing place is the Panacea and the Akalak there is still only at novice with Animal Husbandry, would Sae be able to have two jobs when she gets her own Animal Husbandry higher? (Animal trainer & healer).

No. A PC can only have ONE job ever unless they create a business plan, max out their intial business skill to 100, and take on a secondary business.... then if they max out that secondary business, they can take on a tertiary. The rules of this are outlined in the Consortia under Business plans. It's called Merchant Master.
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