Alittle practice outside of the hustle and bustle. (open)

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Alittle practice outside of the hustle and bustle. (open)

Postby Robert Cithon on February 24th, 2011, 5:44 am

73rd of Winter

The crisp winter air was ruffling Roberts hair, which was drenched with sweat. He was outside of the city, on the edge of Lake Ravok. In this area of the lake Robert believed himself to be alone and at peace. He wondered all this way for one simple reason, to hone his skills a bit on this wonderful day. He needed to relax and straighten out things out with himself.

He had been thinking a lot lately, about his lifestyle, choice of work, and people he had killed. He was growing tired, not of him exercising today. But of living the way he had been. Robert began to go through the motions of another sword stance. He lifted his right arm high into the air, sword tip pointing toward the ground. He spread his feet into a balanced position. His left hand was folded behind his back, gripping his axe handle. In a fluid movement he reacted as if an opponent was attacking him. He brought the sword tip down into the ground, he released the hilt letting it rest in the dirt. Meanwhile his boot came up as if to kick an opponent in the chest, and his left arm freed the axe from his back strap, bring it around with lighting quickness. It was a well executed move, if he was in an actual fight.

He stopped the assault, re-strapping the axe to his back. He walked over to where he left his belongings. Robert picked up his sack and searched for his water canteen. He opened the bottle and took a few gulps. “I don’t know what to do anymore…I am loosing my ways” He spoke softly and to himself, he was truly beginning to loose himself lately. He had quit searching the city for work. And had not robbed or killed anyone in nearly a month now, he would begin to run out of funds soon. He needed to figure everything out.

Robert restored his water and belongings back to there original position. He lifted his arm and wiped the sweat from his brow. With a grunt he turned and walked back to the clearing where he was practicing. After a few second he fell back into a rhythm. He was learning to use sword and axe as one, instead of one or the other. Robert went through all the stances and position he had learned over the years. The whole time he was attempting to prioritize his head and determine what he wanted in life.
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Alittle practice outside of the hustle and bustle. (open)

Postby Gabriella Ishira on February 28th, 2011, 7:45 am

Gabriella had been wandering around the woods, gathering herbs as just a few hours ago had healed someone but they soon went on their way. Apollo walked next to her sniffing around trying to find the herbs for her, but she wasn't on a hunt right now, just a nice stroll with her friend. She patted his head and gave him a look that told him to just relax and enjoy the day. Keeping her hood down, she used it as a way to tell people she wasn't a threat of any kind, normally people who hide their faces mean trouble, but she mainly used it to block the sun. Her staff was strapped to her back and her satchel hung at her side as it was attached to her belt.

She took in a breath of the cool breeze that blew past her, blowing her almost white hair in the wind. Her attention was caught as she heard grunting and what sounded like someone training. Halting where she stood, she listened to hear where it was coming from, maybe she should stay away, it could be some one who wanted trouble, or maybe someone needed help. They could've been fighting someone off, but she wouldn't know unless she investigated. Pushing some branches out of her way, she continued on following the sound that drove her. As she got closer she noticed Apollos tail wagging, what was with him? She thought. Finally, breaking through the bustle of trees she came upon a man, and he looked familiar. Stairing at him while she hid behind the tree, she studied his face when she realize it was the man from the camp fire a few days ago.

Apollo recognized the man too as his tail would wag furiously. She knew the man wouldn't harm her, but she didn't get a chance to speak to him to much at the fire, so maybe he could attack or woulnd't remember her. Apollo suddenly launched at him barking and wagging his tail. Her eyes shot open in horror, her dog might soon be killed. "Apollo wait!" She knew he wouldn't attack the man, but he might not know other wise and attack her poor friend who didn't know any better. She prayed Apollo would be alright.
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Alittle practice outside of the hustle and bustle. (open)

Postby Robert Cithon on March 1st, 2011, 4:50 am

Robert deep in the rhythm of training. He had lost focus of everything around him. The world and surrounding area was a blur to his eyes. He was moving far faster than he remembered ever doing before. It was exhilarating, tiring, relaxing, and made his muscle ache with effort all at once. It must have been an impressive sight to witness. He could only imagine the blur hi sword and axe created, he could however hear the whistling noises they created in unison.

He was so deep in concentration that he barely caught sight of the approaching pair. He continued with his forms, moving from one to the next as fluidly as water flows downstream. Then an loud noise rang from the area, a dog was barking. It was the dog that approached with the woman. Robert stopped in mid motion, he barely had time to drop his weapon before the dog was upon him. Tail wagging vigorously, he was obviously no threat to Robert. Robert met the dogs attention with a rough pat on the head “What are you up to little fella?” He asked laughing. His gazed then raised to the woman at the tree line. “And you miss? How may I assist you on this fine day?”
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Alittle practice outside of the hustle and bustle. (open)

Postby Gabriella Ishira on March 1st, 2011, 7:13 am

Letting out a large sigh of relief, she was thankful that he wasn't one to attack something just because it ran to him. She walked out from the trees and smiled politely at the man, he had spoken to her, not in a threatening way, but in a kind way. Making her way to the man, she decided to stop and slip off her shoes then continued to walk to him, feeling the blades of grass between her toes and the cool dirt slipping in between them.

"I think we've met before, at a fire side a few nights before. My name is Gabriella." Placing her hand on top of her dog, she stroked him lightly and smiled, in a way thanking the man for not hurting her friend. "I was just on a walk through the forest, taking a break from this crazy city which i live in."
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Alittle practice outside of the hustle and bustle. (open)

Postby Robert Cithon on March 5th, 2011, 3:21 am

The owner of the dog came out from the tree line, and began making her way toward Robert. But in midstride she for some unknown reason slipped her shoes off. She made her way to where him and the animal were standing. She seemed friendly enough. “Ahh yes I do recall you arriving just before sleep over took me.” He laughed a bit remembering the way Aello tossed the other visitor out so forcefully. “You arrived just after the show ended” He said with a lingering smile. “I can relate to needing a break from the city. I prefer the outdoors myself also.”

OOCSorry it's short. Been a long day but have held up the thread to long.
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Robert Cithon
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Alittle practice outside of the hustle and bustle. (open)

Postby Gabriella Ishira on March 5th, 2011, 6:41 pm

A smile grew across her face seeing he remembered her and didn't seem to be aggressive. Studying his face once again, she remembered before that had blushed from seeing his looks, luckily, she thinks he didn't notice. His eyes were what really attracted her, she saw a strong man, yet there was some sensitivity to him. She got down on her knees and hugged her dogs head thankful he was okay and not harmed, he was her only true friend and she would be broken if she had lost him.

Looking back up at the man smiling she stood back up and held out her small hand for him to shake. "It's a pleasure to actually meet you this time sir."

OOC: It's cool i know how that goes.
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Alittle practice outside of the hustle and bustle. (open)

Postby Robert Cithon on March 6th, 2011, 8:18 pm

Robert smiled at the woman as she kneeled beside her beloved pet. Robert took his weapons and sheathed them in the proper place on his back. He extended his hand in a friendly many for a handshake. “Sorry we haven’t been properly introduced. My name is Robert Cithon. I have only been in Ravok for a few months now. But I come out to the outskirts of the city and lake for some practice and relaxation.” He walked over to his belongings laying on the ground a few feet away. Once there he rummaged through until he found his water canteen and gulped a few mouthfuls down. “What is is name? Your dog I mean, im assuming he has a name”
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Alittle practice outside of the hustle and bustle. (open)

Postby Gabriella Ishira on March 7th, 2011, 2:54 pm

Looking up at him, she couldn't help but smile at him, he had such a charming smile. After they shook hands she watched as he went to go something from his bag, seeing it was a water canteen and watching him gulp down the water, it made her realize how thirsty she was. Reaching into her bag she pulled out one herself and took a quick sip then put it back. "I've been here for only a little bit as well. And I come outside for the fresh air and herb collecting." She pated her dog's head as he looked at her panting heavily. "And this here is Apollo. He's a big fat oaf but, he's my friend and he takes care of me.'' Apollo let out a loud large bark in agreement with her.
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Alittle practice outside of the hustle and bustle. (open)

Postby Robert Cithon on March 7th, 2011, 9:13 pm

Robert had a vague memory of the woman at the fire a few nights ago. But he could barely remember having been crushing something and speaking of herbs then to. “So collecting herbs you say, well if I may ask what is your profession?” He was not prying, just curious about the woman who seemed to be popping up randomly. “And nice to meet you to Apollo” He was responding to the dogs loud bark, Robert assumed it was friendly because he showed no outward signs of aggression toward him. He was curious about the woman, she was attractive, always pooping up places he was, and always traveled alone. Well except her canine companion, who had seemed to like Robert.
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