Race: Jamoura
Gender: Female
Age: 325
Birthday: Mathhhh
Birthplace: The Spires (check math again)
Appearance: Standing at 7' 11" and 500 pounds, Ghori is on the large side for a female. Her bulky appearancea becomes doubly imposing when combined with a set jaw and wrinkled upper lip, as she so often wears. Her brown eyes tend to disappear beneath her furrowed brow, and
✨Character Concept✨
What is the core abstract of your character? What can you briefly sum them up as? (HELPFUL HINT, Please Remove - Remember that Syka is a very new and very small settlement. Make sure you are able to answer the following questions if you wish your character to start here:
- Does my character have the skills to survive here?
Does my character have the equipment to survive here?
How is my character getting here? Be realistically creative.
What can my character's presence contribute to the setting?
What is my motivation for my character being here?
What does my character want out of his/her Syka experience?)
✨Character History✨
Ghori lost her firstborn to illness when he was only 3 years old. The shock of it awakened something in her and she became beastial, destroying everything in her path before she was stopped by her husband. She was quickly exiled from the Spires and from Jamouran society (# of years? Or maybe she just hopes there is an end without really knowing if her achievements will be good enough). Already mad with grief, being unable to communicate with her friends and family drove Ghori further from her peaceful origins.
Fluent Language: Most fluent language here.
Basic Language: Fill me in, if you want.
Poor Language: Fill me in, if you want.
Please list skills in alphabetical order by competency
Skill | EXP | Total | Proficiency |
Intimidation | 5 SP | 5 | Novice |
Weapon (Spear) | 5 SP | 5 | Novice |
Investigation | 5 SP | 5 | Novice |
Hunting | 5 SP | 5 | Novice |
Archaeology | 14 SP | 14 | Novice |
Wilderness Survival (Jungle) | 10 RB, 16 SP | 26 | Competent |
(HELPFUL HINT, Please Remove - Skills required to survive and remain in Syka: Wilderness Survival and Trade skills that benefit the community. Please read both the Employment Guide[/url]and Codex[/url] to help determine how to best distribute your skills.)
Apply in the Help Desk for your first Gnosis! It's always best to take one at the start of game if you can swing it. They are by far the easiest to acquire.

Please choose two specific pieces of knowledge (lores). These have to be very specific. Meaning, you can't take the lore of Sykian Culture. But you can take the lore of Syka's Layout.(HELPFUL HINT, Please Remove)
1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak or Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas
** Don't forget you get a FREE HEIRLOOM worth 50 GM or less. This can be anything you'd like so long as it is not a magic item. Pets are also acceptable.
Heirloom: Fill me in, please! (HELPFUL HINT, Please Remove - Max. 50gm worth)[/googlefont][/color]
Location: Syka has three choices for living. You have two premade locations you can 'rent' from or eventually buy in. Or you can live in a tent on the beach. Each 'settler' to Syka gets 5 acres of land along the beach or in the jungle or a combo of both, but they still need to build a home since there's not a pre-made city available. Syka is a SETTLEMENT so everything is build as you show up.

- [ he Bungalows[/url]
- [ he Overwater Ranchos[/url]
(HELPFUL HINT, Please Remove - If you opt to live in a tent, make sure you take the tent starting package[/url]. You can feel free to sell your horse back to the game before you start since horses won't do very well in Syka unless your willing to work at it.

House: What does your home look like?
Purchase | Cost | Total |
Starting | +100 GM | 100 GM |
✨Thread List✨
Link your current & past threads here! Eventually your thread list should be so large you'll need a separate post though. When your threads are graded, be sure to list your award after your thread list so that skills can be easily tallied and checked for accuracy. (HELPFUL HINT, Please Remove)