Seeking Seven Approvals (Solo)

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

Seeking Seven Approvals (Solo)

Postby Tshaka re Hafra on March 18th, 2011, 4:09 am

Spring 5, 511 AV

Tshaka awoke to the beat of butterfly wings flapping in her stomach. She felt the warm kiss of the rising sun on her face. She sat up and stretched, hoping today went well. She held up three arms to get some shade from the invading sunlight. As her eyes adjusted, she got out of bed and walked over to her window overlooking the bay. She didn't bother to cover her body as she looked at the bustling port that never slept. The suns dawning light shone yellow and orange on the sails of the various ships in the harbor. This was the most beautiful sight in the world to her. She hoped to finally work officially in the bay, to devote her life to it, to die in it, and for her ashes to be cast out into it. 

She smiled and turned back into the room to prepare for her big day. She gracefully stepped over to her closet and put on her emerald hued bikini top and bottom, a simple white cloth blouse, her loose, dark brown soft leather breeches, held up by her chain belt. She donned her feet with her soft leather boots. She pulled her waist long hair over her shoulder, admiring the layers of platinum blond and raven black. Her six hands worked in unison and began to make a six strand braid, a complicated weave she practiced often as a girl. She stood up and looked in her mirror, "You can do this girl."

She strapped her two scimitars and dagger onto her chain belt. She made sure her fishing kit was stocked and stored in her pack. She flung her pack over her shoulder and stepped out her door into the busy streets. She started toward possibly the fanciest building in town. After a few minutes of traveling she arrived in front of a polished granite wall. It shone so well she could see her own nervousness on the reflection of her face. She took a deep breath and crossed the threshold into the Sailor's Guild Hall.

Not seeing anyone she simply asked to the empty air, "Um, Tshaka re Hafra here, I have an appointment for a job position as a shiphand?"
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Tshaka re Hafra
Kelp Bar Champion
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Joined roleplay: March 12th, 2011, 6:37 pm
Race: Eypharian
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