[OPEN] Salty Sea Sailors

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

[OPEN] Salty Sea Sailors

Postby Xavier Akafur on December 1st, 2011, 10:06 pm

1st day of Winter, 511AV

"Oi! Watch where yer walkin'!"

Xavier stopped where he was standing to look at the fellow, which happened to conveniently leave his bare foot still firmly crushing down on the angry sailor's shoe. A look of confusion passed the otter's features, his fiery brow knitting a moment and his mouth frowning slightly as he looked down. Even after spotting the issue, it seemed to take him a long moment to figure out what was going on. A competent act of feigned ignorance on the kelvic's part.

"Huh, would you look at that. I seem to be stepping on your shoe." He stated simply, looking back up at the sailor and pointing idiotically down at the situation he ah described. the sailor, on the other hand, had turned red in the face.

"I know ye did, ye damn fool! Get the hell offit!"

That shout drew a couple looks from other people nearby. Xavier took one more glance at the ground and then moved his foot so that he was standing squarely on the ground once more.

"No need to yell!" Xavier exclaimed, sounding as if he had been offended. He looked over at a woman standing just a few yards away and jerked a thumb at the sailor. "You hear this guy? Is he loud or what?" He turned back to the sailor, who was much more red now, his expression flipping immediately from feigned stupidity to a mischievous grin. Those fiery red eyebrows gave two quick jerks up towards his hairline in a suggestive manner.

"Imma knock that silly smile righ' off yer face!" Came the immediate response. Xavier, in a much lower tone, replied. "You can try~" Which of course prompted an angry right hook from the sailor. Knowing full well it was coming, the otter had no trouble stepping back away from the sailor, who then tried to grab at him.

"Ahh! Help! This crazy old man is trying to kiss me!"

"Imma kill you!"

Thus Xavier went scurrying off down the street, laughing heartily as the sailor chased him in blind rage. Otters were quite playful, after all.
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Xavier Akafur
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[OPEN] Salty Sea Sailors

Postby Sam Hallow on December 1st, 2011, 11:17 pm

Day 1 winter 411AV
it was the first winter Sam had experienced in Zelvita and altough it was only the first day he already didn't like it. The icy ocean breeze and the overwhelming smell of fish was almost nauseating to the youngman.
Sam was out on the streets for most of his stay in this city which meant he knew most of everything that went on around this, but even this hasnt helped him find much work. At this point he doesnt even want to be paid he just needs and excuse to get out and see the world.

Lazily strolling through a busy street Sam notices a group of sailors he doesnt recognise. He thinks to himself maybe there just passing through? Whatever the case they are his ticket out of here. Then he notices one of them isnt human but some sort of furry sea creature by the looks of it Sams' brain starts to tell him "We dont know what it is theres no way we can trust it" But ignoring his own heeding he eyes it for a few seconds then decides to approach it. Keeping his brain alert incase he needs to defend himself Sam says to him "Hello there sailor any chance you need a spare set of hands in your crew" He finished but isnt sure if the sailor heard him, he seemed to be far to busy messing around with his ship mates.
Sam Hallow
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[OPEN] Salty Sea Sailors

Postby Xavier Akafur on December 2nd, 2011, 5:33 am

The kelvic laughed as he ran down the street, a cheery sound that only server to further infuriate the sailor chasing him. The chase continued down the coastal road for a few moments, Xavier easily dodging past the mild foot traffic, with the sailor sprinting after him.

It was in such a way that the fleeing kelvic nearly crashed into a group of sailors gathered about the street. It was not a certainty that they were with the man chasing him, but the otter did not want to take that chance and get himself beaten to death by nearly a dozen angry men. Thinking quickly, as he had no other direction to go but back, the otter sprinted up to the group and gestured wildly at the man chasing him. "Hey, I came to warn you that guy running back there was yelling about how your mother should've payed for dinner last night. He seemed pretty upset, I think he might be coming to hurt you guys."

A feigned look of concern crossed the otter's face before he ducked away, hiding behind the rather scruffy human standing nearby. He looked tough-ish.
Strength is merely a tool which, without wisdom, is hazardous to the user.
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Xavier Akafur
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