![]() ![]() Constant: Benevolent(+), Psychoanalytical(-) Situational:Dedicated(+), Responsible(-) Benevolent [buh-nev-uh-luhnt] Adjective 1. Characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings 2. Desiring to help others; charitable 3. Intended for benefits rather than profit The word Benevolent applies to Lixue wonderfully. She seeks to help others, no matter who or what they are. To go out of her way to assist an individual would not be unheard of with Lixue. A friend would find a welcome shoulder to cry on and so would a stranger. She has almost no problem forgiving someone who has wronged her, so long as they are aware of what they have done wrong. Even if Lixue knows to not expect different results, she will repeat the same, charitable, process with an individual in a tireless trial to help them. On the other hand, Lixue will absentmindedly neglect herself in an attempt to nourish another person. Tucking her own feelings away to allow the acquaintance time to blossom is not unheard of. Others might call Lixue calm, or naive because she unconsciously chooses to put herself last. Psychoanalytical [sahy-koh-uh-nal-uh-sis] Noun 1. A systematic structure of theories concerning the relation of conscious and unconscious psychological processes Lixue over-analyzes situations. She groups others into individual mental files and tucks them away the chaos of her mind for later use. Always searching for reasons of why things are done or why the person might not do something, she enjoys putting others into situations which might make them uncomfortable but will help them in some way. Lixue believes fear is but a mental disease and can be cured or overcome. People do things for a reason, even if they are not aware of it. Though this can be a good trait, Lixue can often mis-judge someone or jump to conclusions. The other person might even be offended by the categorizing. Lixue psychoanalyzes even the closest of friends, searching for reasons as to why they might act a certain way. The mental debates can cause Lixue to fall out of conversations, ignore others, and even become unaware of her surroundings. Not always a good thing. She may go with the flow most of the time, but will always seek a reason as to why the flow flows. Dedicated [ded-i-key-ted] Adjected 1. Wholeheartedly devoted or committed to a goal, cause, or job When Lixue wants something, she goes for it. When she promises to do something, she will. If she wants to help someone, she will. If she wants to gain a job, she will do what is necessary to earn that title. Lixue is committed to anything she sets her mind to. No matter what. She believes she can do anything she sets her mind to, no matter the difficulty or odds against her. She wants to achieve her goals and will work diligently to do so. The goals could be short term or long term; rational or irrational. If the situation arises, Lixue will [more often than not] be dedicated towards a reason. Responsible [ri-spon-suh-buhl] Adjective 1. Answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power, control, or management When a situation arises that is unexpected and has a wide variety of consequences, each more terrible than the other, Lixue tries to think rationally. She'll go over the end results and try to pick the one that will effect the person she is with, not herself, the least. If something happens to someone who was under her care, Lixue will feel guilty and responsible; as if she herself hurt them. Because she is responsible, Lixue also holds maternal feelings. People who are younger than her, or more fragile, she tends to 'adopt' in a way. Watching over others and helping them grow emotionally, mentally, or physically is very rewarding for Lixue. If they do not, she tends to believe it was her own fault than theirs. |