Human 20 years of age Born Fall 9th, 493 AV 4'9'', 75 lbs
Outer Wounds __________________________________________ Lixue is a very petite person. Standing proud at four feet nine inches, she is on the shorter spectrum of the Vantha height scale. Unlike most Vantha, Lixue has a pale complexion. This comes from her father, who was a light skinned human, instead of from her Vantha mother. Lixue inherited her mother's dainty build. Feeling as though shorter hair is easier to take care of and more out of the way, Lixue's layered hair just skirts past her jaw. Midnight blue shimmers in Lixue's straight, black hair. Bangs rest just above her thin, naturally arched eyebrows. Below a small nose, thin, salmon colored, lips have a natural upward curl to them. A lone freckle is perched on Lixue's right cheek bone. Her eyes are akin to diamond shapes, only sideways. Lixue's eyes only change colors when she is very passionate with an emotion. Even then,specks of her standard eye color, light green mixed with gold, are still visible. Lixue often can be seen wearing simple, yet professional clothes. A white linen blouse is usually paired with a black leather belt. Navy blue, almost black, wool pants give the illusion of longer legs than she actually has. Black boots are hidden by the pants. The whole outfit is complete with a deep blue wool cap. Lixue rarely wears jewelry. Her jacket is simple; easy to move in and warm. A pair of gloves are often stashed somewhere in the coat, within easy reaching distance.Image Scars dance against the pale skin on her right knee. Lixue walks with a limp and generally has a cane with her at all times. It is possible for her to walk without it for a small amount of time, though. The lameness is more prominent when she is tired, such as in the morning or night. The snowflake of Morwen is situated on Lixue's right shoulder blade. The mark of Cheva, on the left side of Lixue's neck, disappeared on Fall 8th, 512, when her husband was killed. Her Lacun mark is on her sternum, and is an interweaved web of multi-colored lines. •Murky Red: Lust •Ice-Fishing Water Blue: Sadness •Spring Grass Green: Calm •Sunny Yellow: Joyous •Clementine Orange: Anger •Plum Violet: Confusion •Blood Red: Jealousy •Wealth Gold: Love •Snow White: Surprise •Night Black: Emotional/Mental Pain •Icicle Blue: Hunger •Bruised Purple: Physical Pain
Inner Wounds __________________________________________ Pre-creation Lixue is an optimistic person. A touch naive, she likes to believe the best in people, but tries to keep an open mind to the opposite side. Lixue has a gentle, outgoing personality. Soft spoken in most situations, Lixue rarely raises her voice unless excited or angered. She seems fragile, but can be both emotionally and mentally strong when the situation calls for it. Lixue can handle someone hitting her, but might be more challenged if someone screamed at her. Insults to her limp often create turmoil under the surface. Listening to the elders tell their stories is one of Lixue's favorite activities. She also enjoys hearing others speak and watching as they learn to communicate better. Others open up to her easily because she has a strong policy of keeping information to herself, unless it is necessary to tell. By devouring what others say, Lixue satisfies her need to learn something new from someone else. Lixue likes to help others. This could be as simple as making someone smile when they are sad or as difficult as helping someone overcome a fear. 512 The year of 512 AV changed Lixue's personality. She became less afraid to confront someone and developed two types of personalities; the professional one and the social one. The professional personality is blunt, straight forward, and harsh. Mistakes are intolerable and those who put a patient at risk are dealt with accordingly, swiftly. Lixue is never one to be unfair and she will listen to both sides of a story before reaching a decision. If an unexpected situation were to arise, Lixue keeps her head. The social personality is warm, friendly, and approachable. Humor is a freely given thing. Others find she is easy to talk to and does not judge. Even in extreme situations, she tends to be calm. Upon moving back to Avanthal at the beginning of the Fall season, Lixue was chased by demons. She had accidentally killed a man by anger on the operating table and the guilt haunts her. Lixue became afraid to become truly angry with anyone, lest the consequences be deadly. While she was in the Spires, Lixue was checked out by a doctor for pregnancy problems. It seemed she could not achieve the fertility. The doctor was uncertain and shied away from diagnosing her. Upon returning to Avanthal, Lixue was once again inspected. The doctor has told her she cannot have children. Because of this, Lixue is more awkward and clingy near those under the age of ten. She is afraid to tell Ly and have him confront her. In the season of Fall, 512 AV, Lixue is changing. She is emotional, tired, stressed and worried over things such as having children. Shy around confrontation, she is slowly becoming less social; with family, friends, everyone. More hours are spent at work, the Whitevine Healing Center. Insomnia plagues her, as do nightmares. Her husband, Ly, was killed on a hunting expedition on Fall 8th, 512. Lixue was devastated and began to be plagued by nightmares. She has lost sleep and when she does sleep, it is not long before the nightmares arrive. At work, she tries to work aside her emotional turmoil and focus on the patients. Her circle of friends, including her family, is being shut out and she is replacing with new individuals. 513 Lixue's personality for the 513 after Valterrian year runs in a direct line from 512 AV. Nightmares of Ly, of the man she accidentally murdered on the operating table, and other topics plague her. Stemming from this, she holds odd hours and may seem tired most of the time or snappy. At work She tends to be reserved in social settings and will avoid them unless necessary. While once upon a time Lixue could have talked with anyone, she is polite to fault now. Conversations with strangers tend to be jerky, a trait caused by her lack of socialization in the past seasons. If faced with confrontation, Lixue will withdraw into herself unless she knows the person. This action stems from the fear that if she loses her temper, she may harm someone else. At work, Lixue has been known to be too professional. Others have come to associate her with Seiled and vice versa. With patients, Lixue is calm and polite.
Inflicting Objects __________________________________________ Lixue grew up amidst a large, loving family. She has a living set of parents and two younger siblings; one boy and one girl. Her father, Lonis, is pale and happy man who loves to laugh. A beard decorates his face. Though tall, Lonis is full in circumference. He is outgoing and loves to meet people. Fully human, he moved to Avanthal to worship Morwen and met Lixue's mother, Natal. Lixue learned many things from him, including how to keep secrets to yourself. She has no problem going to her father for advice if stuck in a jam. Natal is a very petite lady, standing at barely the minimum height of a Vantha. Long, straight, black hair is often kept in a braid. Small, slanted eyes hold silent wisdom. Natal was raised in the Whitevine hold. Her quiet ways and gentle teaching skills helped shape Lixue's personality. Lixue learned you can be peaceful, trustworthy and it is a great satisfaction to help others. Lixue had an accident when she was small, barely old enough to walk. Toddling after her mother one morning, she slipped on a patch of ice. The landing from the fall was wrong. Lixue's leg had been twisted in a strange direction, breaking her tibia in several places, along with her knee. Lixue's bones healed, but the joints didn't connect like they were supposed to. Pain still courses through the joints at certain times, but Lixue has grown used to it. Being raised in the Whitevine Hold had an impact on Lixue. She is peaceful and enjoys helping others. Though she would someday prefer a job at the Whitevine Healing Center, Lixue traveled to The Spires on Spring 20th to help heal. Upon moving back to Avanthal at the beginning of the Fall season, Lixue was chased by demons. She had accidentally killed a man by anger on the operating table. While she was in the Spires, Lixue was checked out by a doctor for pregnancy problems. It seemed she could not achieve the fertility. The doctor was uncertain and shied away from diagnosing her. Upon returning to Avanthal, Lixue was once again inspected. The doctor has told her she cannot have children. On Fall 8th, 512, Lixue lost her husband, Ly. |
Abilities __________________________________________ Common [Fluent] Vani [Conversational] ![]() Skills
SP: 11 herbalism, 9 logic, 25 medicine, 5 teaching. RB: 15 Herbalism Lores
Tying Down an Upset Patient Rising to the Aid of The Spires Dazed and Confused After a Sharp Blow to the Face Medicinal Uses of Aloe Vera An Unforeseen Kiss A New Painting for a New Time Plagued by Dreams of Ly and the Wolves Wary of Potential Gossips Covering Up Anxiety with Chatter The Story of Seiled Stranded in the Wastes Exhausted at Work Tipped off by a Forgotten One Cleaning an Infected Wound Distracted by the Past While Seeing a Patient Escaping into Memories Chastised for Coming to Work Unfit A Barren Diagnosis A Nighttime Swim A Watery Tussle Accidental Marriage An Assistant Gained Anger Kills Swiftly Too Annoyance at Being Ordered Around A Patient's Problems Brings Up Troubled Memories Assisting in a Crisis Basic Anatomy of a Horse Comforting Nightmares with Song Embarrassed by a Friend Explaining Vantha Culture Father's Lullaby: Sleep, My Child Getting a Baby Livestock to Approach you Heedless of Personal Danger Homesickness: An Infection of the Heart Hunting in Avanthal is Not Like it Used to Be I Smell Like Honey? Layout: The Frostfawn Stables Mark: Cheva Medicine: Clean Your Tools Medicine: Cleaning a Scrape Medicine: Cutting Away Clothing Medicine: Four Square Method of Eating for the Blind Medicine: Honey On Burns Medicine: Identifying a Compound Fracture Medicine: Identifying a Fever Medicine: Identifying a Jamoura Bite Medicine: Making a Leg Splint Medicine: Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation Followed by Chest Compressions Medicine: Recognizing a Flesh Wound Medicine: Recognizing Saddle Sores Medicine: Removing Burned Skin Medicine: Resetting a Compound Fracture with Force Medicine: Shaving Around a Wound Medicine: Stitching a wound Medicine: Striking Between the Shoulder Blades to Clear the Airway Medicine: Sugar seals the deal Medicine: Testing Sharpness of Needle Medicine: The Pain of Losing a Patient Medicine: Using a bone saw for an amputation Medicine: Using a Shirt as a Bandage Medicine: Using a Stick to Prevent Tongue from Being Bitten Off Medicine: Using Honey to Prevent Festering Medicine: Using Smelling Salts to Render a Patient Conscious Medicine: Using Sugar to Slow Bleeding Medicine: Using Turmeric Powder Medicine: Various Ways to Check for a Pulse Memory: Lonis Helping Build a Snowfort Mission: Save The Spires Near Death Experience (Drowning) Note to Self: Get Better Shoes Opportunity: Lesh, the Deacon, Lives in Petal of the Climbing Snake Opportunity: Talsh; near Memorium, Inner Petals Reverse Psychology Self-taught Swimming The Loss of a Husband The Vantha Mind Vani: Nickname Dreamscapes: Maid in a Brothel Wrestling in the Frostfawn Hayloft Medicine: Turning an Infant Out of the Breech Position Medicine: Assisting in a Water Birth Lashing Out in Anger and Sadness Medicinal Properties of Ginger Medicine: Counting Contractions Expectations of Whitevine Doctors Readjusting to Avanthal Complications of Moving Back to Avanthal with Ly Dreamscapes: A Frightening Encounter in Kalinor Dreamscapes: Blood and Wolves Dreamscapes: Hanging by a Thread Gnosis
1 Mark of Morwen (Ice Reaving The singularly marked individual is completely at ease in the cold. The presence of Morwens mark acts as antifreeze that warms the individuals blood and keeps them comfortable even in subzero temperatures. Exposed tissue can still freeze when faced with severe temperatures, but individuals are not at all prone to hypothermia if they are well protected against the weather. They may in fact even feel ‘comfortable’ in colder climates and indeed uncomfortable in warmer climates. At this stage, Ice Reavers can control the temperature of ice, melting it or freezing it in small portions. It is not unheard of for an Ice Reaver to scoop up a pot of snow, tap their gnosis, and have a pot of ice water instead ready for cooking. Ice Reavers at this level have the ability to tell how thick a piece of ice is - such as the surface of a lake - and can determine whether it is safe or not to hold weight. At this level, Ice Reavers can tap their gnoses and shape ice that is already formed as sculptors might - loosening and causing it to shed away until the pattern they want is formed. Ice Reavers at this level cannot create ice nor manipulate large portions of ice. They cannot, for example, thaw portions of a surface of a lake, but they can take the existing ice and reshape it or melt it. They can only change the viscosity of about a standard 10 gallons of water at a time. If conditions are cold and they try to repeat this process over and over again to achieve what a higher level Ice Reaver could, they would find their manipulations refreezing behind them as they worked.
Property __________________________________________ 1 [20x20] Arvinta of the Whitevine Hold
Chest includes: 1 set of toiletries, 1 set of clothing *1 Cane Backpack
__________________________________________ +100 GM -5 SM Leather Gloves -45 GM Living Expenses (Winter 511) -1 GM Sugar, 1 lb -1 CM Salt, 1 Ounce -1 GM Cinnamon, 1 Ounce -2 SM Lemon Balm, 1 Ounce -1 SM Honey, Pot -1 SM Bedroll +568 GM Work (spring 512) -0 Living Expenses (Spring 512) (The Spires Rescue) -6 GM Living Expenses (Summer 512) +684 GM seasonal income (Summer 512) +3548 seasonal income (Fall 512) -135 GM living expenses (fall 512) -135 GM living expenses (winter 512) -0 GM Living expenses (Spring 513) (Inactive) -135 GM Living Expenses (Summer 513) 4440 GM, 5 SM, 99 CM NPC :
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