OOC Info The Sea Of Grass Codex

Herein lies the regional information for Cyphrus, Linkmap to famous locations, NPC Library, and other important information.

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The Wilderness of Cyphrus is an endless sea of tall grass that rolls just like the oceans themselves. Geysers kiss the sky with their steamy breath, and mysterious craters create microworlds all their own. But above all danger lives here in the tall grass in the form of fierce wild creatures; elegant serpents that swim through the land like whales through the ocean and fierce packs of glassbeaks that hunt in packs which are only kept at bay by fires. Traverse it carefully, with a guide if possible, for those that venture alone endanger themselves in countless ways.

The Sea Of Grass Codex

Postby Gossamer on September 28th, 2012, 6:00 pm


Within every domain there is a core information center where everything one needs to know about a domain is contained therein. This Codex is Cyphrus' collection of information. Please thoroughly read it before starting to play here. If you find that anything is lacking, please PM Gossamer so a discussion can happen and perhaps even more information can be added. In some instances, like the NPC Library, the posts are constant Works in Progress (WIP) due to the nature of the growth of the city. As always suggestions for additions are welcomed wholeheartedly.

❖ The Codex Index
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The Sea Of Grass Codex

Postby Gossamer on February 18th, 2013, 7:40 am



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The Sea Of Grass Codex

Postby Gossamer on February 21st, 2013, 9:45 am



❖ Natural Landmarks
These Locations are the naturally occurring features of the landscape.
  • Wanah'ite - A quietly haunting copse of trees on the Sea of Grass.
  • The Hymnal Caverns - Natural caves located on the eastern coast of Cyphrus that sheltered Dyrkas during the Valterrian.
  • Stardown - An enormous crater in the heart of the Sea of Grass.
  • Kai'Neha Valley - A valley natural dip in the Sea of Grass, populated by a small forest, and home of snarlwings.
  • The Pools of Vayt - Dangerous tar pits in the middle of the Sea of Grass.
  • Lair of the Elderbones - Bring him proof of your strength and he will reward you. Zith only location.
  • Namak Springs - Tidal salt pools located near Shipwreck Point that stretch along the coast close to the winter grounds.

❖ Constructed Landmarks
These locations are constructed by sentient life.
  • The Malachite Tower - The Sea of Grass' Watchtower.
  • Eltyra's Hideaway - A common stop for highwaymen, bandits, slavers, and young Drykas looking for a bit of fun or adventure.

❖ Rivers, Streams, and Lakes
Please feel free to use these locations in your threads.
  • Lake Serifal - Peaceful lake on the Sea of Grass.
  • The Bluevein River - The Sea of Grass' largest waterway.

❖ Roads and Trails
These locations are well established pathways, both known and secret.
  • The Kabrin Road - The Sea of Grass' Road north.
  • The Run - The Migratory pathway of the city of Endrykas.

❖ Magical Phenomenon
These Cyphrus locations are definitely mystical in origins.
  • The Serenity Tree - Magical tree that often gifts weapons.
  • Aquiras Tunnel - A mystical tunnel that shows the past and future out its entrance to the viewer inside.

❖ Shrines and Religious Locations
These locations can be natural, man-made, or otherworldly in construction.
  • Forthcoming - Information here.
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The Sea Of Grass Codex

Postby Gossamer on February 21st, 2016, 11:33 pm



The City of Endrykas moves in a clockwise motion, hugging the Cyphrus coastline and borders of the surrounding regions Ekytol and Sylira. This moving city also bestows its people with consistently warm conditions by following the sun and the seasons; a pleasant benefit from actively living within Endrykas borders.


As Winter settles in across Mizahar, Endrykas hugs the southern coast of the Cyphrus as it travels as near to Eyktol as the border allows. Trade between the Drykas and the near by city of Ahnatep is welcomed to those who which to brave the short journey in the desert to purchase exotic wares. This time of season also puts Endrykas near the Stardowns where it stays in to hold the Great Race.


As Spring comes back to the land, and life flushes the grasses, Endrykas swings upwards towards Riverfall using the coast as a guide. With Endrykas pulled close to the city of blue warriors, many go to trade for fierce weapons, and precious metal.


Summer finds Endrykas traveling along the northern coast of the Cyphrus, bringing it in contact with Kenash and opening fresh trade with the human coastal settlement. Popular tests of strength and bravery are common in this time, and during the mid point of the season Endrykas is brought closest to Sylrias bringing it closer to trade for materials that aren't as easy to find out on the grass.


Fall has Endrykas following the Sylira border away from Syliras south towards Zindal Bay, bringing it into continuous warm weather it enjoys as in the season gets colder. Hunts and gathering tend to become more popular around this time, as well as trade with the coastal city of Claridon and even though the city is still far off in the earlier months of Fall, as the season progresses Endrykas makes it's inevitable way near the city.

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