Some of the Basics First: Full Name -- Zeke Talbane
Meaning of Name -- Zeke is a family name passed on by an uncle.
Nickname -- Preacher
Birth Date -- Spring 31 487AV
Birth Place --Sunberth
Age --25
Race --Human
Hair Color -- Black
Hair Style -- Kept long, straight, and combed.
Shape and Features of Face -- Egged shape facial structure, generally kept clean shaven.
Eye Color -- Icy, cold, blue.
Skin Tone -- Pale
Scars or Distinguishing Marks -- A scar just below his lower lip that travels down over the crest of the jaw bone and almost toward the neck.
Disabilities -- A leg that did not heal properly after the bone was broken. He uses a cane but can walk and stand decently without it.
Build or Body Type -- Lithe but cut
Height -- 5' 11"
Weight -- 180LBS
Speech Patterns --Eloquent, hardly ever harsh.
Tag Words -- Well that is unfortunate. Spooky. Life is a stage performance, make it count. Praise the lord, he is only an idiot.
Gestures -- Has a habit to speak with his entire body. Sometimes spoken word is unneeded as it is expressed through his body.
Weakness -- Men, he has a wandering eye for them. His arrogance is also another larger fault.
Special Abilities or Powers -- Natural showman.
Family and Childhood: Mother -- Sarah Talbane
Father -- Jeffery Talbane
Mother's Occupation -- Entertainer, Assassin, Intelligence Peddler.
Father's Occupation -- Entertainer, Assassin, Business man, Larceny
Family Finances -- Deception and contract work.
Birth Order -- Starting from oldest sibling. Paul Talbane, Zeke Talbane, Sarah Talbane
Brothers -- Paul Talbane Entertainer, Muscles, Business man, Larceny.
Sisters -- Intelligence, entertainer, financing, pick pocketing.
Other Close Family -- Zeke Berns distant uncle, introduced the performing group to the black market.
Enemies --
Pets -- None, but a dog would be preferable.
Popular or Loner -- Eccentric Loner
Important Experiences or Events -- The deterioration of his family due to greed.
Health Problems -- He smokes.
Religion and beliefs -- The entire family adopted Rhysol as their patron god.
Your Character's Character: Bad Habits -- Nail biting when nervous, gullibility.
Good Habits -- Organization, hygiene, family man.
Best Characteristic -- Optimism, Calmness.
Worst Characteristic -- Sociopathic.
Worst Memory -- The eyes his brother gave him as he lay dying.
Best Memory -- Entering Ravok
Proud of -- His accomplishments.
Embarrassed by -- His events of pass and his sexuality.
Strong Points -- Determination, loyalty, sense of family orientation and community.
Temperament -- Calm, but at times can be quite strange.
Attitude -- "You aren't my enemy unless there is reason shown to me to believe otherwise." Generally no beefs with anyone.
Weakness -- Trusting until he is betrayed.
Fears -- Amounting to nothing meaningful in life.
Phobias -- Water where he can't see the bottom. Situations that he doesn't have much control over.
Secrets -- His loyalties, if you know he is loyal to you then that is all you need to know.
Regrets -- Killing his brother even if it was Paul or Zeke to come out alive.
Feels Vulnerable When -- In situations that he doesn't feel he has enough fingers in to gain leverage on things.
Pet Peeves -- People who hold themselves above others when they belong in the same social group. That is his job.
Motivation -- Spread the good word of Rhysol and hopefully sway people into thinking about a union of the cities.
Short Term Goals and Hopes -- Be accepted into the Black Sun and aid their goals.
Long Term Goals and Hopes -- Become a Druvin of Rhysol.
Sexuality -- Gay
Exercise Routine -- Jogging, lifting.
Day or Night Person -- Either one, but I prefer the day. I can see the people's faces better.
Optimist or Pessimist -- Optimist.
Likes and Styles: Music -- In character he adores singing as well as many stringed instruments.
Foods -- Spices galore and not much meat as well. Potato is the universal cure all for him, like soul food.
Drinks -- Mead and wine, yes please.
Animals -- Dogs are such loyal animals, I love them.
Social Issues -- A man with blood on his mind and soaked into his soul has many social issues as he attempts to fit in and be just a common busker.
Favorite Saying -- Petch, these motherpetchers with a petching ten foot pole. Petch!
Color -- Dark green, browns and blacks.
Clothing -- I find myself cold even in the middle of summer in the forest. I prefer long clothing that covers my body.
Jewelry -- The bridge of his nose is pierced.
Greatest Want -- Companionship to accompany him in his preaching of Rhysol's good word.
Greatest Need -- To forever be in the bright shining light of Rhysol.
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now: Home -- In a modest apartment near the Docks of Ravok.
Household furnishings -- Simple and open. A bit of odd artificats decorating the room.
Favorite Possession -- I own a human skull, my first actual killing that was lead by myself.
Most Cherished Possession -- My journal, which holds my philosophies as well as secrets to some of my favorite deceptions and sleights.
Neighborhood -- The Docks
Town or City Name -- Ravok
Children -- Adoption would be lovely at a later date.
Relationship with Family -- It was very good, up to the very end.
Dream Life -- Official propaganda performer for Rhysol.
Love Life -- Fleeting!
Sexual Turn Ons -- Urm, that is for people to guess.
Sexual Turn Offs -- No fat chicks. (Kidding) You'll know if it is a turn off.
Hobbies -- Sleight of Hand...lil torture on the side but, that is neither here nor there.
Guilty Pleasure -- A good pound of cheese with some wine and crackers. <3
Talents or Skills -- They've said I had a real good way with words and that I had a natural draw to me while on a soap box. I'm also very good with my sleight of hand.
Your Character's Life Before Your Story: Past Careers -- Busking and assassins family.
Past Lovers -- I wouldn't call them lovers, more like one night stands.
Biggest Mistakes -- Denying any of the family's dysfunctional behavior.
Biggest Achievements -- Leaving Sunberth and making it to Ravok.
a) If you could have two whole weeks for vacation and go and do anything you wanted, what and where would it be?
If I had two weeks of vacation in which I had unlimited funding and a way to transport myself across land in a flash, I'd choose to visit a city that I've only heard of, Alvadas. I hear it is land of illusion, and not just petty tricks like I do but real magic that comes from the human's body. It would be lovely to pick up some knowledge about it.
b) If you had a weakness for one of the seven deadly sins, which one would it be and why? (pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth)
Hmm this is a difficult one because I see no faults in myself. I'd suppose that would mean Pride.
c) If you could bring one person back to life and spend a whole day with him or her, who would it be and why?
I would choose Paul my brother. I would want to spend one last day with him knowing that he will die by the end of the day. We parted on horrible terms and I'd give just about anything to patch that up.
d) If you won a three-million dollar lottery, what would you do with the money? What would you do with a five-hundred dollar win?
Donate it to the temple of my choosing. The Temple Of The Black Sun has been hit with horrible, destructive, forces.
e) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Maybe I could use a bit more balk? I am a tad scrawny!
f) What do you do to relax after a bad day? Find wine, sit near an open fire and drink. All the while let my mind wander to those dark places that most deny having. Let my mind go on a wild killing spree and allow my built of stress to be relieved that way.
g) Where would you go to hang out if you wanted to feel comfortable? I'd go to the temple, any temple really, and have a seat. Temples usually mean sanctuary and that comforts me.
h) What do you do when you are angry? Hold it inside. That can be a bad thing though, sometimes it will bubble up and explode like a volcano. You don't want to be around to see it.
i) Do you have a secret passion? What? Why is it a passion? And why is it a secret? I wouldn't call it a passion, however I would love to learn how to play a Gamba. The soft and wide spectrum of sounds, oo I could just listen to it for hours at a time.
j) How do you feel in a crowd? How do you feel alone?
I am okay with crowds, but prefer to keep my company to maybe one or two others at most.
k) If you were asked to describe yourself, what would you say about the kind of person you are? How about how you look?
A dreamer, simply a dreamer.
m) A tear jerker is on. How do you react if alone? How do you react if with others?
If I were to watch a play that tugs on the heart strings, I would cry. I am an emotional person at times.
n) Deep down, what does you really think of yourself? Are you fair, moral, honest, ect...? I'd consider myself fair.
o) What do you think would make a perfect first date? A long discussion on the passion my partner has towards Rhysol. Maybe purchase a bottle of wine and drink it all in a gondola. Get close when it gets chilly, then see where it goes from there.
p) How important is money to you? Why? It is a necessity in life, but not very important to me.
q) What do you consider romantic? Slapping my face and calling me a whore. No, no, I kid. See question o.