A familiar stranger [Valo]

Sometimes, dreams occur for a reason, and sometimes they burn…

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Herein lies the realm of dreams, where dreamers who are scattered all over the world in the physical can come together in the mysterious world of dreams. Remember, unless one is a Dreamwalker, there is no control over dreams. Ever. Anything can happen, and by threading a dream, you are subject to whomever can walk dreams and the whims of Storytellers.

A familiar stranger [Valo]

Postby Amelia Cross on February 22nd, 2013, 9:57 pm


[50th of winter 512.a.v.]
[Physical location - Tarsin's Boarding House]
[3 bells past midnight]

Amelia opened her eyes, sliding her body across the satin sheets she smiled in bliss. The girl found the setting to be natural and enjoyable, how she wished to be treated with expensive fabric and exotic fruit lying right next to her bed. This was close to what she wished to have as her life as she looked over her shoulder to see five kiparons laying there, protecting the door to something. With a smile and uncontrolled force, she stood up. Driven by a force unknown to the woman, she began walking towards the huge wooden door that was guarded by the dark furred dogs. As she came closer, the dogs stepped aside and let Amelia through. Before the girl knew it, the dogs had turned into Ravokian bloodbane horses and ran away into the shadows, but her mind didn’t register it as being different that normal.

As she pushed the doors open, she entered a library, huge and full of books. Her body was suddenly wrapped in a dress made from fine white silk. She appeared much like a ghost as her eyes and lips were the only features that could be seen, aside from the hair that was flowing around in a wind that she couldn’t feel. The black haired girl looked over her shoulder and saw that the door she used to enter was gone, all that she saw was a shelf of books labeled under the letter ‘R’ and the titles seemed to be blurred, preventing her from reading. But once again, it all seemed natural; she just continued gliding through the corridors of the library that was lit and empty, seeing nobody but an old woman walk through the small paths between countless rows of bookshelves.

Amelia smiled, as this was her childhood, here in the library she recognized and here where she felt the memories of the happy life before Syliras and Ravok, here was her home of hearth, Zeltiva. The girl didn’t question how she had managed to come here, but she didn’t mind as this wasn’t the first time her dreams had gotten her to the past, even if she never remembered her dreams, only some faces she seemed to see in them, faces that haunted her like nightmares. She kept on walking, like a spirit between the countless rows, her finger sliding across the books, but none of them seemed to interest the girl enough, like she was longing to see something else that she couldn’t find present.

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A familiar stranger [Valo]

Postby Valo on February 23rd, 2013, 6:15 am

Dreams weren't much of an auditory experience to Valo. Truly if sound registered, than it was just the very basic sound of human speech. Many words, some which were not said but somehow he knew they existed. Somehow, as an old woman brushed past him in the wide halls of the Wright Memorial Library, he knew what she spoke, despite the lack of animation to those carved lips. Not a twitch to their corroded fragility. Yet the words were clear. Clearer perhaps than anything he had ever lay witness to. "Stop you'r drinking boy." A voice which was not a voice. Wisdom which was simpler than one might think. A face which was no longer a face, dissolved into nothingness the moment her feet crossed the threshold of his position as is she was but a mere dream. And despite the tiring need for recollection, that face did not exist within the archive of his memory, alas causing the question; was this really a woman who crossed him so? Or was it a ghost? Did ghosts speak to him now?

The threads of sleep, though perhaps week, they were numerous. Each thread tied the concious artist to his bed. Each thread elevated his concious body from his material one, carried him though the realms of what was perhaps little more than his subconscious. A suspension of the axis of eternity, there what he saw was far from reality but somehow he failed to come to the recognition that indeed he had fallen though the sands of sleep, down the rabbit hole, into his own peculiar wonderland.

The artist walked in an array of wings. Tiny butterflies, each tied to his hair, lassoed by scarlet threads, somehow levitating without the flapping of wings. Each of that same iridescent blue hue, a royal blue, gliding merrily upon the stillness of air. Dusty air, smog, for clouds of grey tint hung in the distance where a single light source was suspended from the ceiling and the shelves of books seemed to cave in towards it as if a prominent hunger lingered between the pages of parchment. The hunger for that light which spread from the lamp, so far that he could not see the flame, but a singular, yellowing halo around it, swinging back and forth, parted into individual tones as it spread though the smog, as if drawn by the hands of child Valo. Painted by underdeveloped skill. Around it, darkness. A profound chiaroscuro. Motion languishing, claustrophobia.

The artist looked about himself and what he momentarily thought to be butterflies was gone now, as if burst into yet more smog the moment his eyes drifted from the phenomena. Perhaps their fragile being could not take this over pouring loneliness which lingered in these corridors, framed by shelves upon which books hungered to be read. Their little paper voices screaming silently. But all this was not for him. A childish dream, as distant as that single light source in the smog. Alas, he turned from it, expression profoundly blank, eyes that seemed almost completely muted, empty. No wish to linger in this haunted place. For haunted it was. haunted by the memories which were to be made, but existed only in the parallel dimensions of his dreams. Memories which he hoped so dearly to exist, yet ceased their existence as a prerequisite to their creation, therefore not existing at all. Not even for a moment. The existence which did not exist.

Indeed, to Valo, the experience of dreams was very much visual. but even then, the eyes saw less than in reality, as if his field of sight had been reduced. A single point on which he could focus, as if the focal point of a painting. A little canvas, framed before him and all the rest was blurred. Too he had not the liberty to simply look at anything he wanted. Though perhaps once or twice he could gaze at his feet, only to make sure that they were still there, yet more often than not he would not see them, only the panelled floor beneath them. As if his feet had eyes too and it was those eyes he looked though. And too, only one wooden panel would come into sharp focus, allowing the rest to become little more than a blurred tunnel. So strange was his dream vision, yet so very natural it seemed. So many times he had dreamt like this that his condition became unrecognisable. Unquestioned.

He had never been the master of his dreams. Not even a slave. Merely a witness in a borrowed body that only had the appearance of it's own feature. The body however decided where he would look and what he would see. Thus Valo drifted in silence. Real silence, not the silent hum of silent streets or the silent buzz of the silent interior of his home. No silent noise of the inside of his ears which often sounded when reality's silence was upon him. This was a world on mute, truly silent for not a word was spoken. Not a word apart from perhaps the warning of his drinking. Then again, the woman might as well have been little less than his conscious.

In his silence, too in his dreamt corrosion the red haired artist was stripped of his title. Stripped of his identity. Stripped of his race. Now he was simply Valo, masked by a featureless clay mask with nothing but two slits though which his eyes gazed upon the world around him. And he held this mask to his face, without the remembering of how exactly it was that it came into existence. Eyes pinned on the one thing which seemed mobile in this strange dimension. The feature of a ghostly maiden of black hair, in perfect monochrome, drifting past the book shelves with such whimsy that her feet might as well have not touched the floor. And he, the masked gentleman of hair as red as the blood from a freshly severed archery, stood in immobility as simply watched. The gaze so romanced with her grace. And everything around her seemed to subside, the books the shelves, even that grey smog. It all descended into decay and dissolved before his eyes. She, the angelic one, remained.
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A familiar stranger [Valo]

Postby Amelia Cross on March 1st, 2013, 10:03 pm


With every step Amelia made, a new wave of comfort and peace drew over her. The feeling of home didn’t leave her lonely mind, and eventually, it made her not only believe that she is in Zeltivas library where she almost lived as a child, but it made her forget the existence of Ravok and ever leaving there. Zeltiva was her home and if only her body would listen to her as she wanted, she’d start to sing, but she couldn’t. Instead she continued to slide along the tall shelves of books, until she saw butterflies. Small and beautiful creatures, blue as the sea of Zeltiva. She couldn’t smile, but like a shadow she followed them to where ever they led her.

It was hard to keep track of time, it seemed like she had been walking for countless bells before she found where the butterflies stopped. But before she managed to finally tap her fingers on the creatures still wings, they seemed to vanish in smoke. It all seemed so natural to the girl that she didn’t question it and toke a step forward once more and then again, until she realized that her body didn’t want to move any further. Instead, Amelia turned herself around and looked to see, who has the flying creature brought her to?

To the black eyes of the woman, stood the figure she has seen so often, did she recognize him as a person? No, she recognized the feeling. The man with hair that burned with red like a flame, the man she didn’t know, but haunted her like a nightmare bout nights and days. Each time she met him in a dream she believed to have known him for eternity before and the ones yet to come. Each time she woke up he was nothing but a flower of her imagination. But he was always, or so she believed, as dreams didn’t come to her as often as she liked. But what mattered, was that he was looking back at her.

Maybe for a little while, if she had control of herself she’d fool around, but she didn’t. This was a world where she was a slave of something else, and she was nothing but a doll in strings, played by a puppeteer she believed was her true self. Her face didn’t show any emotions, as she came closer. Not a sound as she came closer, as if there was no ground underneath her or the stranger. As she was finally close to him, it would appear as bout of them were wrapped in heavy mist, but the faces were clear to see. She looked directly into the eyes of mystery, green and a deep contrast to his hair.For a moment, it appeared as they flashed a red, but Amelia’s still face didn’t move, continuing to play the part of a doll.

She outstretched her hand, and only now did her face become decorated with a smile, It appeared natural, but it just looked like it. Amelia’s pale fingers found their way to his face, but it didn’t touch, it appeared as her long fingers were trying to outline the shape and features she failed to see. Her index finger finally touched him, ruining a line down to the jaw from his cheek and staining them with what seemed to be red color paint, before she pulled it back, like a shadow she looked at her own palms that looked to all be stained with colorful paint.

The sound of violins filling the dream, echos of people laughing..

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A familiar stranger [Valo]

Postby Valo on March 5th, 2013, 9:56 am

As she blinked into the foreground, the woman suddenly appeared before him. Perhaps she had walked, perhaps floated, but it seemed that the artist had not registered such a movement in his mind. A torn out page of a book. A frame, cut from time by the hands of something surreal. Transfixed, he looked to the one moment of ethereal symbolism which had lingered in almost undeniable way. An image imprinted in his mind in exchange of that torn out page. An outstretched hand, reaching for him yet not touching. A face of a doll, smiling merrily as if drunken on happiness.

Valo knew not why this image would prove so very important, but as his mind weaved through the voids of the dream, he found himself living this moment over and over again. For as her fingers touched him and paint was drawn from his skin, he knew it was happening, but all he saw way the outstretched hand from before. He would jump consciousness between memory and reality. Though reality perhaps was a term not consubstantial with the truth - it did however feel real. Unquestioned reality of a dream. A mirage of the mind. This, he did not move, still as a nuit. Perhaps he had little power over his own body for all actions up until now were hypnotic spells that compelled him to do this or that.

One moment he would see the woman looking at her hand, the next she would still stand before him with that hand outstretched. Soon the memory however was obscured. As he saw her reaching towards him however, there was blood - no it was paint! Blood had not such a terribly bright colouring, had it? Blood was more fluid a substance. Was it? - And as she stood before him now, he no longer saw the paint, is if she had been simply examining her life lines.

At that point, as the racket of whispers and violins filled the air, all entwined into one, filled the space in which they hovered -but that was barely a fleeting experience for, to his ears, the merging of sound was such that only a single pitch of a note could be heard after just moment. And that was the note of his deaf ears to the melody - a feeling of loneliness washed over him. A terrible loneliness as just once more, that residual image of the woman lingered before his eyes. A smile and the hand outstretched. A blink of time before it was lost to him. Desperation to recall that which he no longer could. Or perhaps the willing of time to simply go backwards and when the moment came where she touched his face, he would grab her hand and speak to her the words of silence. But no such even occurred. Only loneliness lingered. A surreal kind of loneliness, for he was not a lonely man. Foolish, perhaps. Weak, most certainly, but not lonely.

Such a feeling bore a physical quality too. A rolling wave on the shores of Mathews Bay. It descended upon him with a great splash of pearl substance, falling to his feet like little twinkling gems, shattering. A solid water that turned to liquid in the very moment it came to contact with his skin, leaving his dryer than ever. Shards of it lingered like glitter upon his clothing. A squeak could be heard, a laughter yet not that of human nature. Compelled to turn his head, to seek out the source of that squeak, Valo saw nothing over his shoulder. As if his vision had been obstructed by mist entirely. As if only at liberty to look upon the woman. But somehow - though unexplainable - he was aware that somewhere in the absence of physical matter, there was a monkey, propped up on a ladder that hovered in mid-air. An empty bucket in its tiny little monkey hands. A bucket from which this loneliness came.

The artist's eyes returned to the woman. A question upon his lips. An inquiry as to her identity, though such was not spoken. Had he seen her somewhere before? Or perhaps she had been but a stranger. A figment of his imagination. Beautiful as she was, the ghost, perhaps she was nothing but the muse of utmost art in his dreams
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A familiar stranger [Valo]

Postby Amelia Cross on May 15th, 2013, 6:28 am


Looking down at her palms, covered in paint she couldn’t help but twist her blood red lips, into a light and almost innocent smile. Her lips didn’t speak, even though it felt as if bout her mind and hearth wanted to know more, she couldn’t really speak. Her lips unable to part, as if they were glued. She was just there; even her eyes didn’t have emotions in them. It could even seem as if she was dead, but no, she was just a doll. And she couldn’t manage to follow the thoughts that lingered in her mind; she was distracted by the laughter. She was distracted by music.

Before she knew it, her fingers rubbed against each other, mixing the clear and deep colors together. Her skin feeling the texture, or so it should be, her mind told her that she should feel it, but she didn’t, as if she wasn’t moving at all. But somehow, it didn’t bother her. Everything happening seemed to be so distant, that it didn’t matter. ”come with me” suddenly she spoke. The voice seemed to be less alive than ever, even empty, was it her speaking? She couldn’t tell. She wasn’t even sure why this was said, all she knew was, that the offer had slipped through her lips and words can’t be drawn back.

The sound of music, the violins filling the air around them, hopefully was washing away the confusion of the mind. Faster, faster….louder and more intense. The melody familiar, but still unknown. Amelia pulled her paint colored fingers to the figure before her, her fingers brushing against his, before her lips parted once more to let out a childish giggle. The girl stepped back, as if playing a game, little steps, those similar to a playful child. And then, she began to twirl around in the melody of the music, as she deepened the distance between her and the man. She didn’t wish to, she wished to stay, but her body went further. ”come with me” came the voice again, as she let her hand slide across the backs of multiple books, painting them a mixture of colors. Just before she vanished between the shelves, with nothing but the echo of her footsteps to lead towards her.

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A familiar stranger [Valo]

Postby Vanari on November 3rd, 2013, 3:12 am



Lores :
  • Zeltiva: Home Sweet Home
  • Playing a Doll
  • Slipping of Offers
  • A Green Eyed Stranger

Notes :
Gave what I could ^_^

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A lonely heart is better than a bored one.

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