Flashback A Black Night. With Black Eyes. And Black Blood.

Winter 87th, 511AV : [Solo]

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A half-collapsed city of alabaster and gold fiercely governed by Eypharians. Even partially ruined, it is the crown of the desert and a worthy testament to old glories and rising powers.

A Black Night. With Black Eyes. And Black Blood.

Postby Singh Re Naphu on February 20th, 2013, 2:53 am


87th of Winter, 511AV

Singh propped her feet up and hummed slowly as she rubbed her swollen stomach. All around the house friends of the family were running around. Some stopping to say hello and ask Singh how the baby and her husband were doing. As the last elderly Eypharian woman kissed one of Singh's four hands as a blessing of good times and left, Singh sighed and rubbed her temples.

Her ankles were swollen, she was craving fruit like a beast, and she was developing a headache. Sighing Singh's eye's searched for her sister. Her eye's passed over her father, her distance cousin, her step-father, and finally landed on her mothers. As if feeling Singh's eye's, Kasia turned to look at her daughter. A smile appeared on her mothers face and Singh felt compelled to give a tired smile back.

As her mother her way to Singh, Singh let out a sigh of relief. "Singh, you know you shouldn't be pushing yourself! It's bad for the vino!" Singh rolled her eyes, "Yes Minre, I know." Kasia watched her daughter for a little while longer before sighing and dropping down beside her.

"How is my Kuseret doing?" Kasia moved so she was facing Singh but was able to get access to her feet. Slipping off her shoes Kasia slowly started to massage her swollen feet and ankles.
"Minre, I'm not a child anymore." Singh received a look from her mother and Singh made a noise of protest when Kasia stopped rubbing.

Kasia nodded her head at Singh and continued on. Singh sighed and leaned back,
"I've been good. I mean, I'm getting closer to the due date and the baby is moving a lot more now. She.." Singh received a look from her mother as if asking her how she knew. Singh simply shrugged,"I just know that this baby is a girl. But continuing on, she loves the sound of Klences' voice and she hates when me and Esha 'fight'. She makes it well known too."

"Well, she's not as responsive as you two were. I remember..." Kasia was cut off when Singh's father came over and placed a hand on her Kasia's shoulder, "Come now Ibwrt. Don't bother our darling daughter and her Vino. Come let us pechi else where." Singh made a grossed-out face at her parents while her father winked at Singh and gave her two thumbs up. Kasia was blushing and unable to make eye contact with Singh.

After the two stood they walked over and gave a kiss on Singhs' forehead before walking away. Singh smiled after her parents before glancing around the main room. Most of the guests had left but some still lingered. Sighing Singh called for the family sprisen,
"Grain! Come wither will you?"

It wasn't long before the slave came in sights. " I see you're doing well Lady Singh. Any progress?" Singh smiled back at the slave and gave a small laugh,
"Of course there's been progress. Do you not see the size of my stomach? She's going to be a mighty fine Eypharia I tell you!"

"I would expect so! That child has great zapatl from both sides." Singh smiled at the dear woman before yawning. "Ah, I see. It's about time you laid down. Maybe after some food I'll take you to your old bed. You know your parents still keep it in hope of your vino using it when they visit." Singh simply yawned and gave out a small laugh. Singh slipped her feet back into her sandals and motioned for the sprisen to help her up.

Not wasting a beat the sprisen gently helped the pregnant Singh rise to her feet before walking arm and arm with her to the dinning table. As Singh sat she watched the traffic of her family and friends. So many people where visiting today.

Singh's eye's passed over a Chaktawe woman who was smiling towards Klences' parents. Though the smile appeared a little wild. Singh didn't think much of it and simply turned back to the table when a small sandwich and grapes were placed in front of her. Singh felt eye's on her and glanced up to see the Chaktawe watching her. Singh gave a small wave and a smile before turning back to her food.

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Singh Re Naphu
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A Black Night. With Black Eyes. And Black Blood.

Postby Singh Re Naphu on April 6th, 2013, 5:34 am


Singh finished her food and sighed. Glancing around the room again Singh found herself drawn to glig. Esha was surrounded by a group, not really surrounded but rather eloped by, gentlemen Eypharian. Singh couldn't stifle the giggle that danced out of her mouth as she watched.

Esha had and still was oblivious to when a male, or female in a couple cases, was attracted to her. Singh watched her glig as she laughed and touched the guys in a non flirty way but the poor boys took it that way because the single, pretty, sword skilled Esha was paying attention to them out-side the training grounds.

Esha spent too much time thinking that guys wantd her help with their sword technique rather than their other sword. Singh giggled and layed a hand on her stomach when the baby kicked with delight. At least we share our humor. Singh thought to herself all the things she would share with her child after she was born. She would share her paint, her weaving skills, her humor it seemed, and so much more. This daughter would be her and Klences' world.

Singh must have been lost long in thought for when she came back to Esha was now sitting beside her looking smug. Turning to her sister Singh raised an eyebrow before giggling in time with Esha.
"Teasing the boys I see."

Esha huffed but it was with a smile as she answered back, "Loosing our head in fairy tales I see." The gligs tried to have a glaring contest but Singh had to look away as she covered her yawn. Esha giggled and pocked her sister in her arm, "Is the glig tired? Is it past your bedtime?"

When Singh was able to she faced her sister and with a glare gave another yawn, "You...." Singh blinked a couple times, "carry around another human being, have swollen ankles, and walk around a party all day. And then maybe you can tease me... maybe."

Esha stood and with her took Singh, who let out a protest before she found herself being carried. Singh met her parents smiling faces as she was carried upstairs to her room. Esha was starting to struggle the last few steps so Singh swatted her till she set Singh down. Esha pretended to be out of breath as she bent over and gave a show,
"Geez Singh. Gained a few pounds have we?" Singh, needless to say, flicked her gligs nose.

Singh received a laugh and then was pulled into a wide hug.
"She's going to be beautiful. I can't wait to see her." Esha whispered into Singh ear, "She's going to have your hair and little nose. And her fathers facial structure. I can just see it Singh! She'll be so full of nen!" The gligs sighed dreamily in harmony.

"You'll be sure to teach her how to be so blind to guys advancing on her won't you." Esha hissed at her sister but gave a laugh, " I'll try.... though I have no idea what you're talking about." Singh snorted and kissed her sisters forehead before slipping from her embrace and walking to her childhood bed.

Just before she went to sit down a speed of wind went past her and Esha dived into their bed. As the gligs had grown up their parents got tired of buying two new beds , even though they only bought one set besides the twins starting beds, and bought the two a two person bed. Needless to say the girls would rather stick to the double rather than the single.

Esha turned her head to her sister and giggled. Singh simply sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed. Toeing off her sandals Singh turned her body fully onto the bed and looked at her sister. Esha lifted her chest off the bed and pulled one of her pillows. Singh sat forward and sighed in pleasure when Esha set it behind her. Esha then took her other pillow and set in on Singh's lap.

Laying her head down Esha looked up to her sister,
"Things are gonna change Singh. And I don't know if their going to be for the good." Singh sighed and willed her sister's eyes closed with two fingers. Singh then turned her sister's head a little and pulled all her hair to Singh. Singh began to rake her fingers through her sisters hair as she talked, "Change will always be good Esha. Always."

Singh could tell Esha was about to protest so she quickly continued, "Change will never not have something to be scared about my glig. But change happens for a reason and we cannot change back to the past without causing some harm to ourselves. We must learn to accept it and form with it."

Esha sighed and curled up more, "I'm going to miss this Singh." Singh didn't say anything for a little and when she did it was barley above a whisper, "I am too." Singh slowly raked her hands in Esha's hair as she noticed Esha's breathing evened out. Singh found her eye lids to be very heavy and soon found herself following her glig.

While the gligs faded into a nap they didn't notice the form hanging close to the door with a look of utter raged jealousy oozing from them.
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Singh Re Naphu
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