Solo Was It Worth It?

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Was It Worth It?

Postby Orion Michaels on April 11th, 2013, 3:47 pm

16th Day of Spring, 513 AV
Outside Syliras

“I really hope she was worth it, Orion,” Dinah remarked, venom dripping with every word. “Now RUN!”

Dinah was not a happy woman this day. This doctor turned squire was quickly hitting her nerves. When she picked him after their trek to obtain that spy, it was because of the immense potential he’d shown when put in quite a dangerous position. Retreating when overmatched, taking risks when he knew they had to be taken. Chasing down a man who held much needed information, despite the risks it brought to himself. In the short time since she’d taken on Orion as her squire, he’d been nothing of what she had seen the previous season. Had it all be luck? Coincidence that he’d simply picked the right way to act. Had she misread him? Was he really cut out for this? Her squire had shown some signs of what he was, for both better and worse. He had determination that was for sure. There was determination in his training; determination in ignoring her rules. Curfew, now that was where they couldn’t see eye to eye. The only times he was in his quarters in time was if she beat him into submission. Rigorous training, running, endurance, strength, and anything else she could think of. If she didn’t wear him out enough, though, he’d end up wandering off, hitting up a tavern, falling into bed with some cheap floozy, and not making it back to the dorms until the third or fourth bell. It made her ill. And it had nothing to do with the women. Honestly. It was all about him following the rules…right?

“Keep your head up! And don’t you slow down!”

While Dinah was shouting commands, Orion was getting to enjoy Dinah’s new training plan. She’d taken them just outside the city walls so they could have space to do their work, and it was not going to be a kind work. About 50 yards apart she had placed two small logs. Orion would be sprinting back and forth between them until he threw up. Then he would do it again.

Orion touched hand to one of the logs and turned, taking off across the distance again. His feet crushed against the ground as fatigue was already rearing its ugly head. His form was horrible. Feet were opened wide, he was leaning too far forward, his arms were too high, and his hands were closed. Still, he ran. Sweat poured down his face, arms, chest, back, and well, everywhere. Wind rushed past him as his destination grew closer, and labored breaths escaped his lips as he lunged forward to place a hand on the log, coming abruptly to a stop. He was exhausted; it was all too much, if you asked Orion. If you asked patron knight, however, you would find a very different opinion.

That wasn’t enough. That wouldn’t get the message across.

She’d brought with her a fellow knight’s squire, to get a little extra training. Squire Levi Orison, a well formed, well-built fifteen year old trainee. Talented with a blade, shield, bow, and shield. In a year or two he’d be more than ready for his knighting quest. For now, Levi was here to teach Orion some humility. You see, after completing a few trips back and forth, he would pick up the training long sword and a shield and combat this teen. When one of them was felled, victor or not, Orion would run again until she decided it was time for him to fight Levi again. They would do this over and over and over. Dinah had Squire Orison’s patron knight’s permission to use him all day. If it took Orion all day to get the message, then so be it.

“Again!” Her cold voice snapped through the crisp air, as fiery eyes stared down her stupid, stupid, squire.

Orion tapped the log with his index finger and took off again. One foot after the next. That’s what he needed to remember. One foot after the next. Ignore the pain. Keep moving forward. It couldn’t go on much longer, right? He could feel the muscles in his legs tense and release with painful step. His heart raced, the beating of his heart echoing in his chest, threatening to pulse right out of his chest. Who would have thought there was so much work in being a knight? The dust kicked up as he moved, albeit slowly, towards the temporary finish line, and he prayed to whatever god would listen that they would lift this burden from him.

Of course no one would answer. As he reached his destination, the only voice which rang out was Dinah’s. It wasn’t a barked command to run, so that could only mean one thing.

“Are you ready, Orion?” A smirk came over the gorgeous redhead’s lips as she sized up Orion. Please, let this sink in. I don’t like using the stick.. “Squire Orison, commence this sparring round.”

Orion walked, limping slightly, over to where the squire waited, slowly retrieving his equipment from the ground beside him. A metal core weapon, a heavy steel shield, and a horrible beatdown awaited him.

“You know, Dinah, I could be sipping fine wine and rubbing elbows with the upper class.”

“Sera Lorene,” she corrected, for the millionth time. “And we both know you would be picking up cheap whores at a classless bar. Don’t play that game with me, Orion.” She strode over with precise, calculated steps as she approached Orion, intensity in her gaze. “Let’s get this going. Maybe he’ll hit you so hard you’ll actually see these imaginary high class people you claim to be such good friends with. Begin.”

Dinah was a scary woman. She would get what she wanted, Orion learned that quickly. He was her squire. She was a rather young Captain Knight. The last thing she wanted was a failed squire on her resume. Doctor Orion Michaels would embrace Squire Orion Michaels. Otherwise she would run him into the ground.

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Was It Worth It?

Postby Orion Michaels on April 13th, 2013, 4:10 pm


The kid was fast, that was for sure.


"Owwww!" Orion moved his shield far too late as a vicious backhand with the training sword slapped across his right arm, almost making him lose his grip on his own weapon. The squire stared down Orion, amusement on his eyes. He knew, and only a after a few ticks, that he was far superior to the old man he sparred against. It wouldn't make him any better of a fighter, but it would do wonders for his ego. "Come on, gramps. Are you even gonna swing that thing?" The teenager goaded his foe, and boy did it work.

"Shut up! I'll put your ass on the dirt!" Orion stepped in to swing, raising his shield as he did so. The teen lashed out, but the former doctor managed to interpose his defense in between the blade and his ribs, where the blade was heading. A loud clang roared as the iron core weapon collided with the steel shield. Seeing an opening, Orion struck.

The opening was left there on purpose.

The younger squire slashed his blade across Orion's, exposing the blue eyed man entirely. Then, dropping to a knee, he flung out his leg, sweeping Orion's out from underneath him. His back collided to the ground forcefully, knocking the breath from his lips. Squire Orison stood up quickly and delivered the would be killing blow, laying the weapon hard across Orion's chest.

"This round goes to Squire Orison. Squire Michaels, on your feet."

Orion took a deep breath and rolled over on his chest, pushing himself up slowly.

A a grin spread over Dinah's lips. "Great idea, Orion. Push ups after the spar? I knew I could make you love training. Let's make it fifty to start with."

Orion sighed. No fury like a woman scorned, right? She was getting her message across. Listen to her rules, or else. "Squire Orision, please feel free to join my wonderful squire in his training here, if you so please." The teen hopped down, smiled at Orion, and began lowering and raising his body with ease. The same wouldn't be true for Orion.

Placing his arms about shoulder width apart, Orion started to bend his elbows, his body descending to the ground. Form was far from existing, though. He didn't go down far enough, his body wasn't ridged, and his rear was sticking up slightly in the air. He could hear Dinah walking over before he even got himself back up.

"Orion, I know you think you're a gift to women, but this is a case where no one wants to see your ass hanging in the air. Keep your body in a straight line. You're not getting anything out of it, otherwise." Dinah continued to observe her squire at work, a faint rosy color coming to her cheeks. Maybe it wasn't correct to say no one wanted to see that. For a scrawny doctor he was toning well. Swinging his sword, running, sweating, never once looking at her with anger or frustration. He wasn't that bad of a squire, there were just adjustment problems.

"Go down lower. Your upper arm should be parallel to the ground."

Orion lowered himself again, moving slow, looking from side to side until his arms were at the proper level, and then pushing himself back up for a correct repetition.

"Better, but keep your head up, and looking forward. You'll get the most out of this exercise that way."

Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. At around repetition 35 he began to show some fatigue. Orion lamented the burning in his arms as they threatened to fail him. Burning in his chest and biceps dominated his senses as he kept trying to push himself further. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down....Up............Down................

"Orion, don't you stay there. You have twelve more to get through."

Teeth gritted, Orion pushed with everything he had, but his body didn't move a bit. He was suspended there, dirty face only inches from the ground. Violently did his arms shake, his fingers dug into the hard soil beneath him while he tried to delay the inevitable, but time would win out. Orion's arms gave out, and he slumped to the ground.

"Done already, gramps?" Squire Orison mocked him, continuing to go, doing what must have been his sixtieth in the same amount of time.

"You littl-"

"No time for wallowing in pity, Orion. You have sprints to do."


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Was It Worth It?

Postby Orion Michaels on April 22nd, 2013, 3:57 am


Orion wiped the sweat from his brow as he took a deep breath, trying to gather the energy with which to press on. Every inch of his body and every ounce of his being hurt, weighed down by the punishment Dinah inflicted. He couldn't be upset. He couldn't even argue. He was ordered to be in the dormitories by a certain time. Instead, he found himself waking up at the second or third bell of the day in some strangers bed. All he could do was complete what Dinah required of him, without protest. If she dropped him as a squire this early, he couldn't even imagine the ridicule they would both face for such a failed experiment. It was all ridiculous enough as it was. Dinah was a high ranking knight. It wouldn't look good for her to fail like this. And Orion's reputation would take quite a hit to burn out within one season. No, he couldn't do that. Maybe he would need to try and make some changes. She needed to recognize that he was an adult, though. And not some snot nosed thirteen year old boy, just learning about himself.

He knew what he was, and he knew what he wasn't.


Her voice range through the otherwise silent air, and Orion was off again. Everything burned and everything hurt. Step after step he lurched forward, calves and thighs tightening and releasing, tightening and releasing. To make things worse, his arms and chest burned from the press ups she demanded of him. Every time his patron demanded he complete he course, it felt a little longer and longer. That log of wood turned into a tiny stick, and the short distance may as well have been all the way to Sunberth.

"Don't make me tell you to speed up again!"

His feet continued thudding against the ground as he pumped his arms and drove himself forward. This couldn't possibly end soon enough. His heart continued to race and he continued to gasp for air, a vacant, tired expression on his face. Reaching down, he touched skin to wood, and turned, preparing to make his way back. Dinah wouldn't have it any other way.

This would go on for another half bell. Rushing back and forth. Getting his ass handed to him by the wonder squire. Push ups, push ups, and more push ups. It got to the point that the metal core weapons were hurting enough that Orion wished the blade were real so he could at least end it all. He was going to have bruises and welts for the rest of the season at this rate. But it would all be worth it, right?

"Finish out this leg, spar one more time, and another round of press ups, and you'll be done, Orion. As long as I see effort. Come on! Push through!"

With the finish line in sight, Orion dug into his reserves, and then into the reserves to his reserves, because gods he was spent. He pushed one leg forward, then the other, then the first, then the other. Gritting it out, keeping himself going. It was all he could do. Relief washed over as he placed his hand on the log closest to Dinah.


Wheezing, Orion put his hands on his knees, bending at his waist, seeking revitalizing air for his lungs. If she could give him a moment's respite, maybe he could actually do something to that annoying squire who quite enjoyed placing Orion on his face, rear, and ass, over and over. He was quickly learning to hate that boy.

"No, Orion. No rest. You want this to be over? Get in there. Fight like your life depended on it."

"Sera Lorene,.....if....if my life depended on it...well, I'd be dead."

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Was It Worth It?

Postby Orion Michaels on April 30th, 2013, 1:13 am


“Come on, old man! What are you even doing here? By the time you’re knighted it’ll be time to hang your sword on the mantle!”

Gods this kid was annoying. Cocky. Full of himself. Arrogant. Conceited. Big headed. Egotistical. Every word Orion could think of for someone a little too haughty for their own good. And the worst part about all of it was that Orion couldn’t do anything about it. The little bastard was a much better combatant that he was. Every swing, every thrust, every strike was countered with ease and Orion’s feet quickly removed from underneath him. The blue eyed man was pretty sure there were imprints of his body in the ground at this point.

“Shut up and put your blade.” Orion again readied his shield and raised his sword up to fight Squire Orison. Well, sort of. The shield and blade both sagged, as Orion could barely keep them at the ready. Dinah had exhausted him, and not in a good way. This stupid squire was going to defeat him, and easily. Again. It was almost too much.

The teen smirked, and Orion could see him shift his weight to throw the first blow. His left foot shifted forward, his right back, and he leaned forward just slightly. The swing was, naturally, coming from the right. No sweeping backhand. His foe’s arm began to rise to bring an overhand chop from the right side, and Orion interposed his heavy shield between the steel and his body. A loud clang ran forth as the wooden weapon met the steel guard, and the force dropped Orion to his knee. Again and again the training blade met his defenses, pushing him down more and more. He was going to get defeated without even throwing an attack. Gods, was he pathetic or what?

“Orion! You’d better fight back if you want this training to end!” Dinah wasn’t going to let him get off with just rolling over. He needed to put up a fight. There was no way he could hold up the shield and hope to wear at the other squire. The teenager was a fountain of endless energy, and he wasn’t the one doing wind sprints and pushups between bouts. “I’ve got all the time in the world. I blocked off all other plans just for you. I’ll watch you run all day, Squire Michaels. All night, too.”

She wasn’t kidding, and Orion knew that. She would make him run until Syna left and came back the next day. Not interested in the least. The teen was enjoying himself , just trying to beat the former doctor into submission. He relied a little too much on his power and not enough on his actual skill. Maybe Orion could get a lucky shot in? Two if were especially lucky. Squire Orison’s strikes were rhythmic, coming in at the same speed and same beat over and over.

Clank. Clank. Clank. Clank. Clank.

He shifted his shield with each blow, ensuring they deflected off, rather than force him to the ground where he could finish him with one vicious blow. He shifted his weight slightly, placing it on his right foot, and right after deflecting another strike, he drove his foot into the dirt and forced himself up, bringing the shield across in a vicious backhand. The heavy guard slammed into the side of the teenager, sending him stumbling to the side. Orion twisted his torso to the right, using the torque of it returning to center to crash into Squire Orison’s arm. The blow landed with a satisfying thud and resulted in an even more satisfying cry of pain from the young man. As with everything when it related to Orion, his joy was short lived.

Orion had left himself completely exposed when he struck, and it didn’t take his foe any time to counter, even though the match was to first blow. The boy reared back and nailed the unsuspecting Orion on the side of his head with the training weapon, sending the former doctor’s feet flying out from underneath him. He caught eyes with the smirking teen as his vision went black and he met the ground forcefully.

Dinah’s shouts ushered him into unconsciousness.

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Was It Worth It?

Postby Orion Michaels on May 3rd, 2013, 7:44 pm



What? Owww . . . what’s going on? Who is that?

“..idio..what were…..inking?”

Hello? Who’s there? Ugh . . . my head hurts . . . what’s happened? Where am I?

“Orion … up … wake up!”

Eyelids cracked slightly and the gentle light of a torch touched his vision. The room was small, stone, and familiar, but he just couldn’t quite place where it was. Traveler’s Row? No . . . that wasn’t it. Why did he know this place? Opening his eyes further caused pain to shoot throughout his head, but it also made him aware that he wasn’t alone in the room. There were one . . . two . . . four other people in there with him.

“Just stay still, Orion. You took a nasty blow to the head.”

He knew that voice. Commanding, feminine, powerful. It belonged to a beautiful redhead. “Dinah…Erm…Sera Lorene..” Even in this state, he needed to be proper, right? He couldn’t handle getting reamed right now. The throbbing in his head made him think his brain just wanted out of the deal all together. Cut him open and let it escape as it so clearly wished to. Maybe that would at least calm the pain.

“Ser Belstick, your squire has quite a temper,” she continued, no longer addressing her protégé. “He’s clearly not ready for his Knighting. No honor whatsoever. Simply unacceptable.” Orion closed his eyes, trying to follow their conversation so he could piece things back together. He’d taken a pretty big blow to the head, that was about all he knew. What was Dinah talking about?

“Bite your tongue, Sera Lorene. You have no right to speak of my squire in that way. He’s more than ready. Made short work of your pathetic subordinate, now didn’t he? You concern yourself with making sure that fool doesn’t kill himself swinging a sword around and I’ll continue honing the skills of the most promising squire in the order. Squire Orison is going to rise through the ranks, even faster than you, Dinah. ” The man was arrogant, no wonder his squire was the way he was. Orion couldn’t have imagined what it would have been like having to spend a lifetime under such a horrible person’s tutelage.

“You and your squire aren’t wo-!” Dinah began to spit back in protest before another voice in the room spoke up to interrupt their quarrel.

“Please, Ser, Sera. Could you please take your arguing elsewhere? My patient is recovering, and I doubt your yelling is doing anything to sooth what has to be a horrible headache.” Another familiar voice and this one had the right of it. With each piercing yell Orion winced, trying to protect himself from any further harm. He was certain of where he was now. That man was a doctor. A former co-worker. They were in the Soothing Waters Bathhouse.

“Forgive me, Doctor,” Dinah replied, turning her attention back to her squire. “Are you doing okay, Orion? You look . . . awful.”

“Thanks, Sera Lorene. I’m sure I feel even worse than I like,” he replied. She was a real smooth one with the words. He’d never taken such a direct blow to the head, at least not in his memory. Though it was safe to say his memory was suspect at this point in time. “Consider my lesson learned . . .” She had more than made her point, and it seemed that squire Orison had put a period on that training. Listen to Dinah, or else she would sick a conceited little twerp on you. Something like that.

“Alright, alright. Everyone out. That’s plenty of excitement for Docter M…Squire Micheals today. I’ll get him treated and back to the dorms. Please be on your way.”

At the doctor’s command, the room began to clear, but not before Orion made eye contact with the other squire. The injured man received a smirk from the teen, one that would have made his blood boil if he weren’t so out of it. He didn’t think he’d done anything wrong, that was plain enough to see. Orion could only hope that he could he’d get another crack at him.

Annoying little bastard..

“Alright Orion, just stay calm, get some rest, and we’ll have a healer in here in a moment..”

No arguing with that. Orion closed his eyes again and rested in the darkness.

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Was It Worth It?

Postby Accolade on May 21st, 2013, 1:20 am


Skill XP Earned
Running + 2 XP
Body Building + 2 XP
Observation + 1 XP
Shield + 2 XP
Long Sword + 2 XP
Rhetoric + 2 XP

Lore Earned
Breaking Curfew - bad squire!
A Lesson in Humility
Sera Lorene Is fair but strict

Notes :
Orion Orion, must you anger Dinah so? Good writing as always!

The Sylir has spoken
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