[Verified by Gossamer] Khal'iah Vojak

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Khal'iah Vojak

Postby Khal'iah on April 3rd, 2013, 6:23 pm

Khal'iah Vojak



Basic Information

Birth Name: Khal'iah Vojak
Common Name: Khal
Alternate Persona: Ha'lik Vojak
Date of Birth: 8, Spring, 480
Place of Birth: Riverfall
Age: 33
Race: Akalak
Location: Zeltiva

Physical Information

Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Pale Blue
Skin Pigmentation: Midnight Violet


Native Language: Tukant
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: Kontinese


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Weaponry: Longsword +15 SP 15 Novice
Weaponry: Lakan +10 SP 10 Novice
Weaponry: Buckler +10 SP 10 Novice
Unarmed Combat +10 RB 10 Novice
Body Building +5 SP 5 Novice
Wilderness Survival +5 SP 5 Novice
Medicine +5 SP 5 Novice
Rhetoric +5 XP 5 Novice
Observation +3 XP 3 Novice
Persuasion +2 XP 2 Novice
Endurance +1 XP 1 Novice
Running +1 XP 1 Novice


Lore: Starting a Fire in Sordid Conditions
Lore: Forging a Lakan
Lore: Aren Anazasz, A Terse Elder
Lore: Reimancy, A Dangerous Tool
Lore: Djed, The Essence of Oneself
Lore: Reimancy, A Power With Limits
Lore: The Potential of Overgiving
Lore: The Pain of Initiation
Lore: Discovering Your Inner Fire
Lore: The Inherent Beauty of Riverfall
Lore: Surviving a Reimancy Initiation in One Piece

Physical Description

Khal'iah the product of years upon years of relentless, Akalak training, and as such is in pristine physical condition. He is characterized by his muscular physique, which has been carefully cultivated in order to provide the strength and endurance required to excel on the field of battle. Khal'iah is, being a member of the Akalak race, primarily identified by the pigmentation of his skin: being that of an exceptionally dark shade of violet that can easily be confused for ebony. Following his skin tone, one of his noteworthy features are his piercing, pale blue eyes.

His hair consists of long, ebony dreadlocks that are generally worn tied in a sloppy ponytail. Very rarily does he wear his hair down or in any other style; as his dreadlocks tend to get in the way of his sight. Khal'iah is, also, a clean-shaven individual; due in part to his Akalak blood preventing a large amount of hair growth. Though his days are generally dominated by training, smithing, sleeping, and then more training, Khal'iah puts a high priority on hygiene due to his upbringing. He bathes as often as possible, takes great care of his teeth, and often carries a pleasent aroma of nature. It is possibly due to his hygenic practices that he has been often identified as a handsome, though not excessively so.

Although his attire may vary from time to time, depending upon where he travels and the conditions he may face, there is a unique constant to his ensemble that may interpret as strange. About his neck is tied a white bandage that formerly belonged to his deceased sibling. She, being blind since birth, wore the bandage over her eyes as a habit, and upon her death Khal'iah took the bandage as a memento of what he had lost. More often than not, Khal'iah will don the bandage over his eyes prior to falling asleep and will seldom wear it outside of slumber; otherwise, it remains around his neck at all times.

Character Concept

Khal'iah is a warrior in mind, body, and spirit. The entirety of his life, his skills, and goals revolve around the accumulation of strength through training and experience. He is a true Akalak to the very core and strives to continually grow with each and every day. Khal'iah is characterized by a burning, indominable resolve that is seldom shakiable: once he sets his mind upon a goal, such as diligently training day in and out, it takes nothing short of a miracle to sway him. He is also characterized by a high degree of moral fiber: he has an acute sense of right and wrong and loathes beholding injustice; and often takes it upon himself to exercise what he defines as right.

Khal'iah is also a calm, level-headed individual who often acts as the voice of reason among his peers. When situations escalate and tensions run high, it is often Khal'iah who steps in and difuses the powder keg. Furthermore, Khal'iah has no problem confronting anyone, regardless of race, size, or status. Also, Khal'iah has an overprotective nature that guides him to risk life and limb in the defense of those close to him, being mainly his kin and those few lucky enough to call him friend. He has no problem going above and beyond the call of duty to protect those dear to him, even if it means potentially perishing. Lastly, Khal'iah has a comedic charm about him: he has an acute wit and is fond of telling jokes and jibes to lighten the mood.

On the other hand, Khal'iah's "dark" persona is an antethesis to his character. Going by the name Ha'lik, the dark soul that co-exists alongside Khal'iah's own is one characterized primarily by a nearly-primal tendency to wrath. Ha'lik has an explosive temper and is populated by an intense hatred that easily broadens to include anyone who so much as looks at him the wrong way. He also loves to fight. Ha'lik is similar to his "light" counterpart in two areas. First and foremost, he too, has an overprotective nature towards any that he deems a friend or valuable, and will not hesitate to claim a life (or lives) in order to avenge them. Next, he has an affinity for comedy as well, though his wit is more geared towards sarcastic remarks and personal jibes that serve only to provoke individuals into engaging him in a brawl.

The Story Thus Far...

Many years prior to Khal'iah's birth, his father, an Akalak by the name Khal'josa, completed his Rite of Passage and was considered a man among his people. Khal'josa was a man characterized by an adventurous spirit, and as such desired to travel the world and see all it had to offer. He took up an occupation in order to accomplish this dream, utilizing his excellent combat skills as a protector for trade caravans and merchant ships bound for destinations all over the known world. Over the course of the years that he traversed Mizahar through this occupation, he came into contact with Konti Island several times and primarily had dealings with a particular Konti by the name Aureline.

Aureline was a member of a notable Konti family that sold valuable waters to the world outside of Konti Island in exchange for vital merchandise. She was the only Konti that Khal'josa spent large amounts of time with, as he had to ensure all of her cargo was carefully unloaded into her family's storehouses as well as escort the waters back to the merchant vessel time and time again; and as such, the two developed a fondness for one another. This fondness grew to an affection that caused Khal'josa to heavily modify his usual itinerary so that he may travel to Konti Island and see Aureline more often.

In time, this affection blossomed into a passionate relationship which culminated with their marriage. Aureline then departed from her home on Konti Island and settled in Riverfall with Khal'josa. There was an initial complication to this arrangement, as Khal'josa seldom stayed in Riverfall due to his line of work and would not be able to potentially see her often...so he simply took her along on his trading voyages, especially to Konti Island so that she could frequently visit her beloved family.

From their union, two beautiful children were brought into the world: two children whose births were unlike any the Akalak or the Konti had ever seen!

Khal'iah was the firstborn of the union of Khal'josa and Aureline Vojak, born on the 8th day of 480's Spring. He was a strong and healthy baby, a fact that brought instant pride to his warrior father. His sibling, whom was born only moments after him, was the exact opposite in every way. First and foremost, his sibling was a fraternal twin: a female Konti! Not only were the children twins, but one was Akalak and the other Konti, a fact that shocked the entirety of Riverfall for weeks to come.

His sister, named De'na, was a frail, sickly baby who was born blind. Much to the heartbreak of her parents, she barely survived her first weeks of life and demanded the attention of every healer within the city's limits just to keep her alive. Ultimately, she stabilized and the twins' lives began. Growing up, the two were inseparable. De'na was, unfortunately, generally confined to the confines of their home or within eyesight of their residence while Khal'iah was nearly dragged off daily, kicking and screaming for his siter, to train in the ways of the Akalak warrior.

Though growing up was hard on the twins, especially for De'na whose health regularly plummeted, the two remained strong and supported one another through thick and thin. Furthermore, while Khal'iah was being groomed to walk the path of a warrior by his sire, their mother worked tirelessly to impart all of her medicinal knowledge upon her daughter; in the hopes that, someday, she would become well enough to serve Riverfall as a healer of some capacity.

As the years rolled on, the twins would take it upon themselves to share what they had learned with each other; though truthfully, both were unable to make good use of it. Khal'iah did his best to instruct his sister in self-defense, yet her frailty prevented her from utilizing even the most basic of tactics. In the same manner, De'na attempted to share her growing stores of medicinal knowledge with her brother, but his attention span was so short that all he picked up were rudimentary remedies and quick means of patching himself up after training.

When the twins ascended to the age of fifteen, Khal'iah had to be literally dragged out of his home by his peers in order to partake in the traditional Rite of Trial. Though his whole life's training had led up to this day, Khal'iah did not want to participate...for De'na was sick, sicker than she had ever been before, and he wanted to stay by her side through it all. He was convinced that he could be of some help to the professional healers that were looking after her and wanted to contribute his sub-par knowledge of medicine to the restoration of his twin.

It took a weak petition from his twin to convince Khal'iah to be dragged off, though he ultimately relented in avidly participated in the hunt of the Glassbeak. He and his peers dominated the beast, with Khal'iah claiming the killing blow, but when they strode triumphantly into Riverfall to receive their "hero's welcome", they were instead greeted by mourning. De'na had died while Khal'iah was away and her death devastated him. For days, he shut himself up in his room, possessed by grief and anger at himself for not staying by her side. He blamed himself for not helping the healers; and although there was literally nothing he could do, he relentlessly beat himself up over it day after day.

It was through this relentless stress and grief that the "dark" side of Khal'iah made itself apparent. Manifesting under the name "Ha'lik", the persona ruthlessly berated Khal'iah for the death of their beloved twin and attempted to seize control over their body, claiming that Khal'iah was unfit to be the dominant personality. It was sheer luck that Khal'josa picked up on the internal struggle occurring within his son, and as such he aided in setting the youth on the path of balance. Over the course of months, Khal'josa would help promote a shaky peace between the warring personas and set them up on a schedule to assume control over their body.

Following the span of time Khal'josa had set aside in order to get the two halves to cooperate, Khal'iah decided to pursue blacksmithing as his trade of choice. His initial thought, growing up, was to surprise De'na by pursuing medicine alongside her, but following her death he could not even bear the thought of it; the pain was too great. As such, Khal'iah dedicated himself to furthering his strength as a warrior and cultivating himself through a trade that would only benefit this goal, that trade being blacksmithing in his mind; for what better way to improve one's strength and precision than through the constant hammering and precise shaping of various metals?

By the time their Rite of Passage arrived at their thirtieth birthday, the two halves of Khal'iah had long since been reconciled and had developed an understanding relationship. Though as different as night and day, the two cooperated more than they quarreled, and even conversed with each other on a regular basis. When the time came for Khal'iah to embark on his Zith hunt, it was Ha'lik who took over to deliver the final blow with their signature Lakan, which they had named De'na in homage to their beloved sister.

Following the successful defeat of the Zith, Khal'iah decided to depart from Riverfall. His goal had never changed since the days of his youth: he sought to grow stronger with each passing day and now desired to venture the world in search of various avenues to accomplish this goal. To this end, he scrounged together his gold, purchased a fine steed, and rode off in search of means to increase his power...

...And with this power, he would protect all those dear to him.


Portrait Name Information
Khal'josa Vojak is more than simply the man who sired Khal'iah. He is the one whom cultivated the Akalak from birth into the warrior he is today. Khal'josa was an almost cold, yet patient, parent who always made it his daily mission to instruct his son in the traditional path of their race. He diligently trained and educated his son, and though he was never overly affectionate, also loved him dearly. It came as a shocking blow to the man's heart and pride when Khal'iah decided to cast away tradition and seemingly leave for good, without even saying goodbye.
It was through a stroke of sheer luck that the paths of Aren Anazasz and Khal'iah Vojak crossed. From that chance meeting, the young Akalak stepped into the shoes of a Reimancer, with Aren as his Mentor. Their relationship is that of a trademark student and teacher, where Aren acts as the stern instructor imparting arcane knowledge to his protege. To date, Khal'iah has began to look up to his Mentor and holds him to a high regard.

Portrait Name Information
As is the case with every Akalak, Khal'iah Vojak shares his body with an additional, darker soul by the name Ha'lik. The two, though siblings in their own unique way, are opposing sides of the same coin. Although there is great resemblence, especially in the areas of wit and humor, they can never face in the same direction. Where Khal'iah is calm, collected, and gentle, Ha'lik is brash, impulsive, and ruthless. They co-exist in a shaky peace, with Khal'iah making several attempts to bring balance to their relationship, even allowing Ha'lik to dominate their body once every five days. Though their relationship is in dire need of work, the future seems bright for the brothers.
Aureline Vojak is a drastic foil to her warrior husband, Khal'josa. She is a warm, kind, understanding mother who nearly smothered her dear children with her attention and affections. When Khal'iah decided to leave Riverfall, she was the only one he confided within: a testament to the wonderful relationship mother and son share. To date, even though her only son has decided to abandon the path she and her husband had laid out for him, she still loves and adores him with all her heart and only hopes that he discovers all that he is seeking.
De'na Vojak was the younger, sister of Khal'iah, born only minutes after him. Growing up, the twins were inseparable: a fact that often got Khal'iah in trouble due to his skipping of training to spend time with her. Khal'iah was vastly overprotective of his sister, and once blamed himself for her death due to illness several years prior. Though there was absolutely Khal'iah could do, he blamed himself for not being there to offer whatever help he possibly could; deluding himself into thinking that his presence while she passed away would have changed anything. To date, the blame he still harbors about De'na's death has driven a definitive wedge between he and his darker half, and is one of his great motivations for leaving Riverfall in search of freedom and power.

Portrait Name Information
Image Pending N/A

Portrait Name Information
Image Pending N/A

Portrait Name Information
Image Pending N/A


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Shelter Cash In +500 GM 600 GM
Kavinka Paintedmount -80 GM 520 GM
Longsword -15 GM 505 GM
Tent (1 person) - 2 GM 503 GM
Common Lamp -1 SM 503 GM, 9 SM
Bedroll -1 SM 503 GM, 8 SM
Riding Saddle -10 GM 493 GM, 8 SM
Buckler -15 GM 478 GM, 8 SM
Knife -5 SM 478 GM, 3 SM
Saddle Pad -1 GM 477 GM, 3 SM
Winter Blanket -5 SM 477 GM, 8 SM
Chain Shirt -100 GM 377 GM, 8 SM
Meal + Tip -1 GM 376 GM, 8 SM
Tuition/Room & Board -60 GM 316 GM, 8 SM


Waterskin x1
Riding Saddle x1
Riding Pad x1
Knife x1
Longsword x1
Buckler x1
Lakan ("De'na") x1
Light Horse ("Jak") x1
Common Lamp x1
Chain Shirt x1
Set of Clothing x1
  • Simple Tunic (Brown) x1
  • Simple Pants (Brown) x1
  • Simple Undergarments x1
  • Simple Cloak (Black) x1
  • Simple Boots x1
Backpack x1
  • Comb (Bone) x1
  • Brush (Bone) x1
  • Soap x1
  • Razor x1
  • Balanced Rations (Week Supply)
  • Eating Knife x1
  • Flint & Steel x1
  • Tent (1 person) x1
  • Bedroll x1
  • "The Tale of Red-Cross Skin"


The Tale of "Red-Cross Skin"

De'na Vojak, twin sister to Khal'iah, dictated a tale that their mother, Aureline, wrote down. Due to her passing, the story is incomplete, and Khal'iah took it upon himself to complete it. The story is a simple bed-time fantasy about three bears who happen to wander into mischeivous mishap time and time again. At present, the book the tale resides in is mainly blank, save for the first thirty pages De'na dictated. At present, Khal'iah has yet to undertake finishing his beloved twin's tale, though he plans to do so in the immediate future.



Winter 512 AV
Spring 513 AV


Location Arrival Departure
Riverfall Spring 8, 480 AV Winter 1, 486 AV
Maritime Transit Winter 1, 486 AV Summer 30, 487 AV
Storm Bay Summer 31, 487 AV Summer 31, 487 AV
The Spires Summer 31, 487 AV Fall 91, 487 AV
Maritime Transit Winter 1, 488 AV Winter 72, 488 AV
Lhavit Winter 72, 488 AV Spring 80, 489 AV
Maritime Transit Spring 80, 489 AV Winter 10, 490 AV
Riverfall Winter 10, 490 AV Fall 41, 512 AV
Sea of Grass Fall 42, 512 AV Fall 76, 512 AV
The Wildlands Fall 76, 512 AV Winter 31, 512 AV
Syliras Winter 31, 512 AV Winter 62, 512 AV
The Wildlands Winter 62, 512 AV Winter 92, 512 AV
Zeltiva Spring 1, 513 AV Present
Last edited by Khal'iah on May 9th, 2013, 3:57 am, edited 28 times in total.

"That which is most precious to me...I shall protect until my last breath."
-Khal'iah Vojak (Character Sheet)
User avatar
Guardian of the Rose
Posts: 161
Words: 118454
Joined roleplay: April 2nd, 2013, 8:35 am
Location: Zeltiva
Race: Akalak
Character sheet

Khal'iah Vojak

Postby Khal'iah on April 12th, 2013, 12:37 am

An Interview with Khal'iah Vojak

General Information :
"The warmest of greetings to you stranger! My name is Khal'iah Vojak, but most refer to me as simply Khal. I am, at present, thirty-three years of age. Also, despite the oddity of being asked...my height is six feet, two inches, and my weight is one hundred ninety pounds."

Aesthetics :
"Describe myself as I see myself? Hmm...well, right off the bat, I'm relatively short for an Akalak. I surmise it has something to do with being born of a set of twins or something. Also, I take excellent care of my hygeines. In specifics, I have dark, purple skin that is often confused with black in the right lighting. My hair is currently in the form of dreadlocks, which I've been growing since I was a child. In the eyes of others, at least of my own species, I'm a runt. There's no better way of putting it. Most Akalak have a foot or so on me. Aside from that, I'm a purple man! My favorite feature about my body? I'd have to say...I surmise my eyes? I've never really put much thought to it honestly. I'd have to say that I am excellent shape. My training regimen is regular, tough, and has given me a prime physical condition. Typically dress? Style? If it fits and isn't...flashy....then I'll wear it. Comfort and combat functionality are paramount, with the latter outweighing the former in terms of importance."

Family :
"My parents are Khal'josa and Aureline Vojak. My father is a stern, yet lovable old man. In a way, he's be 'hardened by the sea'. It's very rarely that he does anything affectionate, even for mother, but when push comes to shove I know he'd give his right arm (and then some) if it meant protecting even the hairs on our heads from harm. Mother, on the other hand, is a kind, sweet, soft-spoken woman...when she wants to be...For the most part, she's a doting mother. However, if Father or I make the mistake of pushing one of her buttons, well, suffice it to say Ivak would have a run for his money in the wrath department. I had one sister, De'na, but...she passed away when I was fifteen. She was my absolute best friend, so kind, so sweet, so carefree. She always wanted what was best for me and, even though she was sick, would always fret about my wellbeing before hers. On the matter of extended family, I never really developed a close relationship with any of them. I assume that they're "nice" but who's going to be mean to a relative you see once every blue moon. When it comes to close friends, they may as well be apart of my family. As far as "animals" go...if the animal in question is a Kelvic, and therefore a person, then I'd consider them a close friend. But, if it's just a pet, I don't equate them with family."

Location :
"I was born in Riverfall, the most amazing city in all of Mizahar! At present, I reside in Zeltiva, a marvellous port city. If I could live anywhere in the world...I'm uncertain. I don't like to stay in one place for too long. My favorite "vacation place" is home sweet home, enough said. There isn't anywhere in the world where I'd fear being, though I'll avoid the realm of Morwen like the plague. It's nothing personal against the goddess of ice and winter...I just can't stand the cold..."

Traits :
"I have a few scars here and there from training, but nothing dishabilitating. Where writing is concerned, I'm right-handed, whereas when it comes to fighting, I'm either or. As far as languages go, I am fluent in Tukant: the native tongue of the Akalaks. I'm well-versed in the Common tongue as well. My mother did her best to teach me Kontinese as well, but I'm not too good at it. For the most part, I have an accent that's typical of one from Riverfall. As far as what I sound like, I have a deep voice. On another note, I don't have anything that is an "annoying habit", but Mother always raised a fuss about how I'd always keep my arms folded, like I have an attitude problem or something; and she'd fly off the handle whenever I leaned my chair back...but I just find those comfortable! Otherwise, on the matter of mannerisms...I guess I smile often? Lastly, at this point in time, I do not have, nor plan on obtaining, any tattoos or piercings."

Occupations :
"At this point in time, I am extending my services to the denizens of Zeltiva's Denvali Quarter in the capacity of a mercenary. I do various jobs, such as basic escorting, patroling the Quarter, bodyguard work, and giving new recruits a crash course in wielding weapons. For the most part, I enjoy my work. It allows me to make usage of the skills I've honed of my lifetime and I feel as though I'm providing a valuable service to the denizens of the Quarter. If I could be anything that I wanted to be...I surmise I'd be doing exactly what I'm doing, just at the employ of someone or an organization that traveled about more. On another note, the occupation I admire most in this world is any position of leadership over a city. It falls upon that particular person(s) shoulders to take account for the lives residing in their city and it must be a terrifying job at times. On the other hand, I absolutely detest slavers! They are cruel, money-grubbing insects who rib families apart just to make a miza!"

Childhood :
"According to what my parents told me, I was a charismatic child who had no fear of strangers. I'd always run up to the nearest person and bludgeon them with several questions, especially if they were of a race besides my own. My favorite childhood memory...I surmise it'd have to be the first trip I took with father on a merchant vessel. It was my first time out at sea and I loved every minute of it. On the other hand...my worst memory is the passing of my sister..When I was younger, the relationship I had with my parents was excellent! Though Father was harsh, and I was hard-headed at times, my parents and I had and still have a wonderful relationship. Furthermore, I'd have to say that my most influential rolemodel is my father. He obtained everything he wanted out of life: he has an occupation he loves, he found his true love, and he taught me how to throw a mean right hook."

Education :
"I had the basic education every Akalak youth is afforded. I was trained by my sire in the art of combat, trained by others in the art of combat, and then educated in the Academy on other subjects such as reading, rhetoric, and mathematics. Back then, I loved learning and I still do to this day. As aforementioned, I learned the majority of what I know from my father, various mentors within Riverfall, and the instructors at the Academy. I'd have to say that I am a visual learner the most. Once something is demonstrated to me properly, I can pretty much emulate it. I'd love to, in the future, take some courses at the University in Zeltiva and broaden my horizons more."

Relationships :
"I'm always open to the formation of bonds with others, but only after I deem them trustworthy....and worthy of my time. I'm not one who easily trusts people, as that requires lowering my guard to some extent. (To clarify, it does not mean that I'll be susceptible to being, say, stabbed...but I'll be susceptible to being hurt.) Ah, here come the 'fun' questions. First and foremost, I am Heterosexual. Second, I have never been kissed. Third, I have never been with a woman before."

Drugs and Alcohol :
"I have been drunk only once and that was in celebration of my successful completion of my Rite of Passage. While I do enjoy a tankard of ale, and partake in one or two daily, I truly do not like being drunk or anywhere near it. On the subject of 'drugs', I don't bother with them nor do I intend to. My opinion on drugs and alcohol is very simple. Drugs muddle the mind instantly, and I am one who likes to keep my wits about me at all times. I have no intention of going near them. Period. Alcohol is fine in moderation, though I have no intention of getting drunk or anywhere close. Period."

Likes and Dislikes :
"At the moment, my hobbies simply are furthering my skills through training. I enjoy reading, however. What annoys me more than anything else? Hmm...I'd have to say...men characterized by an over-inflated ego. I can't stand them. On another note, the most relaxing activity to do is: Sleep. There's not anything in particular that embarrass me...okay, I'm lying, I can't swim. There, happy??"

Favorites :
"My favorite color? I'd have to say...that beautiful shade of ocean water where it is just pristine and crystal clear. My favorite time of day is sunset, my reason being that sunsets are the most beautiful, breathtaking thing I have ever seen. On another note, as far as eating likes are concerned, I love meat. I am like a child in terms of what I do not like to eat, though I'll gladly eat them in order to survive and to keep my diet balanced...I loathe peas...My favorite type of weather, aside from a clear sunset, is a storm. I've always felt...a sort of comfort whenever the wind is howling. No kind of weather scares me, though I detest blizzards with a fiery passion."

Outlook :
"Out of the two, I'd have to say that I'm optimistic most definitely! My religious views? I am a pious follower of the gods Wysar and Zulrav. Would I be able to kill? Yes. Easily. (What a random assortment of questions these are proving to be...) My views on sex? Well, I believe that some things are best reserved for a man and his wife. Now then, what makes a successful life...finding something that you love, whether it be painting, fishing, hunting, fighting, or anything in between, and doing it for the rest of your days as an occupation. Also, finding someone to share your days with and to build a family with. Wealth matters not to be successful, only happiness."

Actions :
"I won't tell you the worst thing that I've ever done, as it's none of your concern. Furthermore...my greatest regret was not being able to save De'na from dying. If I could change anything in the past, it would be her death....yet, on another note, I am most proud of mustering up the courage to leave home and start seeking strength on my own."

Emotions :
"I am genuinely honest with others about my thoughts and feelings. After all, if I'm honest with them, perhaps they'll do the same. I don't have any biases, though I despise slavers with a fiery passion...to be honest, I derive happiness from combat. Not in the "I enjoy hurting others" sense...but in that moment when my blade clashes with another, with my life in the balance...nothing else in that moment matters. Race, Creed, Origin...all that matters is survival. That feeling...that sensation that's only obtainable through combat...it makes me happy. Otherwise! It's spending time with those I cherish most! Now then, I would die without hesitation for whomever becomes my wife, for my future children, or anyone whose blood flows through my veins. What makes me angry? When people are done wrong for no reason."

Relationships :
"I always treat others with courtesy and respect upon meeting, then my treatment of them fluctuates depending upon how they treat me in return. The most important person in my life? At this moment, I guess I'd have to say my parents. On another note, out of all the men and women in the entire world, I respect my father the most. On another note...I do not have a significant other at this time. If I had to describe the ideal lover...hmm...She would, first and foremost, have to be of a kind heart. She couldn't be cruel, heartless, or anywhere close to being a monster. Second, she would have to have something between her ears and possess the ability to engage me on an intellectual level. She would also have to be honest and open with me, someone I can trust. I'd also like her to be brutally honest with me if needed; I don't want someone who hesitates to tell me that I'm wrong or that I've made a stupid decision for fear of hurting my feelings. This person must love me for me and not for anything they stand to gain from me. Lastly, this person has to have a good sense of humor....Do I trust anyone to protect me? No. I have two hands and can defend myself."

Group Situations :
"I tend to avoid conflict as much as possible, but if the situation calls for it I have no problem going toe to toe with someone in an argument. In social situations, I do have a tendency to step up and take a leadership position. I rather enjoy interacting with large groups of people, there are always so many different personalities and different manners of doing things that, when put together in a large group, I can easily see and learn from. Do I care what others think of me? Hmm...well, yes and no. I value having an upstanding reputation, but if someone wants to be petty and pick out something about me they just can't stand, I couldn't care less. My opinion of others is solely based upon what they show me."

Self Image :
"What is my greatest strength as a person? I'd have to say...my desire to see all people treated fairly and right. My greatest weakness? I suppose I give others way too much credit sometimes...sometimes, a person can just be rotten, though I'd much like to believe there's good in them. On another note, there isn't a single thing about myself that I would change. I'm perfectly content with being who I am. Furthermore, I am an extrovert, most definitely. Lastly, I'd have to say that I am an organized person: everything has a proper place."

Beliefs :
"In terms of deities that I find most 'appealing', I cannot choose a favorite between Wysar and Zulrav. On the other hand, I do not fear any deity per se, but I have a respect for the might of Ivak. At this point in time, I do not have any Gnosis Marks. I would go to almost any length to satisfy Wysar or Zulrav, but I would absolutely refuse, even in the face of utter annihilation, to harm anyone close to me or anyone I interpret as innocent."

Life & Death :
"What do I live for? At this moment in time...to grow stronger so that I can protect that which I cherish most. The best part of life is the time spent with those you love. The best part of death is freedom from the pains of this world. If I had to choose, I'd die with a sword in my hand, or at the ripe old age of four hundred...And upon dying, I'd like everyone to remember me as having a Life Well Lived; that I did not waste any opportunity to grow or to spend precious time with those I love."

"That which is most precious to me...I shall protect until my last breath."
-Khal'iah Vojak (Character Sheet)
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Guardian of the Rose
Posts: 161
Words: 118454
Joined roleplay: April 2nd, 2013, 8:35 am
Location: Zeltiva
Race: Akalak
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