Solo Youngling years

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A half-collapsed city of alabaster and gold fiercely governed by Eypharians. Even partially ruined, it is the crown of the desert and a worthy testament to old glories and rising powers.

Youngling years

Postby Bailona on April 16th, 2013, 9:49 am

20, Summer 438AV

Feeling the heat from outside the cave.Sticking out her fork tongue to sense her surroundings. She felt the vibrations of her siblings in the cave wrestling each other. Bailona just sat there curled up in a ball. Her family lines in a cave that is not to far from the city. Bailona wished she could be like others in the world, like being able to have relationships and friends. Being able to kiss a man, having children. There were any other Vipers here beside her family that she new any ways. But Bailona has goals what she would do, and besides she just turn 25. She leave the cave if she wanted to, Bailona wanted to honor her family by leaving to prove she was ready and she'll be the first.

Has the sun slowly began to fade away, Bailona could feel the intense heat fading. She slithered out of her litte ball and began to set out.
"Where are you going?"She heard Vissy slithering up to her.
"Leaving," Bailona said direly.
"Let me come with! And you will need my help." Bailona hissed and slapped her with her tail.
"Ow! Ugh! Face it I coming with you! I'm not saying your useless because your not. You can see well so I want to help." she can hear Vissys happeness and pain."I can't see at all!" in annoyance Bailona let Vissy's come with her. Bailona felt the heat from the sand rising. Her cold belly like feeling that heat. Vissy has gold scales that help her blend better, Bailona not so much. Be it doesn't matter to her, why would she care about something so simple about color.but what helps her is the venom in her. It can kill someone while her other ancestors, like the constrictors squeezes there prey to death and are big a bulky. Bailona on the other hand was fast and can kill quickly with on Squeezing the prey to death and who would want squished food any way?

Bailona and Vissy slithered out of the cave together. The sun made the ground hot, She had to slither quickly to advoid any burns on her smooth and sensitive belly. She felt her sisters vibration on the ground catching up to her. Bailona began to already miss her family already and it's been 5 minutes, Hmm.. I wonder if Vissy feels the same way? she thought to herself and not wanting to ask. The city of Ahnatep was about 200 miles ahead, she didn't realize the lived that far away for the city. Then Bailona stop dead in her motion.
"Vissy?" Bailona kept her head straight not looking to her because she can.
"What? And so you know for a blind person you move fast!" She complained with a whine.
"How are we gonna get through? We're snakes and haven't found are human form yets." They both decided to find a shelter to stay until one of them finds there form and takes the other inside... Hiding of course.
Snake Tongue
Posts: 21
Words: 4330
Joined roleplay: April 6th, 2013, 3:14 am
Race: Dhani
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Youngling years

Postby Bailona on April 25th, 2013, 12:48 am

3 days past and Nor Bailona or Vissy as changed from snake to human looking.Bailona sat out in the sun waiting for Vissy. Vissy told Bailona she didn't feel all that good . The warmth of the sun made her feel tired and warn, just how she like it. Bailona like the quiet.
"Look at me!!" There was a squeal of excitement, but Bailona just kept her eyes shut... Like there was any point of looking any ways. She snorted but her sister didn't care. "I'm completely human! Well I should tell people I am any way.. I already have clothes on a small pack I'll put you in the bag and give you some air." Bailona only heard half of what her sister was saying. And the next thing Bailona new.. She was in a bag. Not cool!! she let out a hiss, but then relaxed.

She felt Vissy walking and heard the city folk. Ahnatep!! she felt the excitement building in her..I'm finally here!! she felt almost accomplished now she just had to see it for herself. She heard Vissy talking suddenly..
"Are you new here beautiful woman?" Bailona wish she hadn't heard that.
"Why yes I am, how could you tell.." Bailona realized the language was in Shiber the language Bailona suck at speaking and learning it. She couldn't really understand what else they were saying and in fact Bailona didn't want to either. She felt her sister moving, then taking off her bag.
"Stay in the bag!" Vissys voice whispered to her.Why is she whispering??.. But Bailona did what she was told and stayed in the bag. An hour went by, Bailona rested and began to worry for her sister. She heard a voice.. It was faint though.. Followed by a cry... What the hell??.. Bailona was confused. What's happening, Bailona relied on her hearing since she couldn't see. She stopped breathing for a few seconds. A louder cry.. But it didn't sound like a normal cry...Dammit Vissy!! Your sister is in a bag stuck listening to you getting laid?! Really!! Why? Why Greatful Goddess Siku did she have to do this!!? Bailona was angry. She tried to drown out the noise but couldn't, then tried to get out of the bag... Nothing.. I wonder what would happen if I bit Vissy? Bailona actually considered it.
Snake Tongue
Posts: 21
Words: 4330
Joined roleplay: April 6th, 2013, 3:14 am
Race: Dhani
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