Well hello there, and welcome to my office! I am Accolade, the ceremonial embrace of knighthood. I am also one of the As of Syliras and I am happy to be here working along side Chevalier and Templar. I am here to help you the player out in any way that I can. Whether it's for grading, modding, or questing threads. Hey, even if you have that nagging writer's block. I'm here for you! If you need anything please feel free to post it here, or send me a PM!
Need a thread graded? Just copy the code and submit.
- Code: Select all
[b]Thread Title:[/b] [url=]Title Here[/url]
[b]Characters:[/b] (You and ???)
[b]Thread Type:[/b] (Was it combat, training, social, etc?)
[b]Requested Skills:[/b] (What do you think you improved?)
[b]Requested Lore:[/b] (What do you think you learned?)
[b]Summary:[/b] (Was there something you were after? How did the journey fare?)
[b]Notes:[/b] (Anything else ?)
Modded threads, Quest? (Note: I'm not doing Gnosis quest at the moment)
- Code: Select all
[b]Thread Title:[/b] [url=]Title Here[/url] (If you've started the thread yourself.)
[b]Characters:[/b] (You and ???)
[b]Thread Type:[/b] (What do you want to focus on? Action, adventure, mystery?)
[b]Notes:[/b] (Anything else you can think of?)
Thank you, and keep writing!
I've noticed in the past that players have been line jumping when it comes to submitting second and third post to a tab that they had already started days ago. So let me explain, it is fine to add a second and third thread to your list IF no one has posted after you already. But if someone has already posted under your original entry then you need to make a new entry at the end of the list. I promise you that I know who has posted first and I will grade the threads in order even with your sneaky tricks. So lets just do this the right way, because I notice these things and so do others and it's not fair.
so cut it out...
Respect the shield!