PM to join [The rearing Stallion]To drink with a squire [Orion]

Milartek formally meets a squire

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[The rearing Stallion]To drink with a squire [Orion]

Postby Milartek on November 18th, 2013, 10:27 pm

17th Fall 513 AV

After the shenanigans of the previous day Milartek was up for nothing more than sitting around nursing a bad mood and a sore leg. He had spent the day cooped up inside and soon discovered how boring resting could be. The wound was not bad, in fact it was little more than a deep scratch, but he didn't want it to get infected so a days rest wouldn't hurt.

But as afternoon gave way to evening he could no longer cope with being inside and made his way slowly to the Rearing Stallion. He had been in there once before and had found it of reasonable price and cleanliness. Much friendlier than the tavern in which he worked. His leg started to ease a bit as he walked, but if he stretched it to far it pulled and caused comfort.

The establishment was busy but not crowded and he soon found a table and ordered himself a mug of ale and a bowl of whatever the house was serving. He stared into his mug as he contemplated all that had happened since arriving in the city. He had already secured a job, met new people and got into more scraps than he cared to thing about.

Over all he was enjoying himself.

There was one aspect of Syliras he was still curious and unfamiliar with. The Knights. He had had a run in with them the previous day that had brought more questions than answers about their morals and whether they were truly as good as some believed. Of course some, like some of the patrons of the spinning coin, believed they were a waste of time. But most deemed them as the grand protectors of the land. Milartek was not so sure but he would keep an open mind until he found out more about them

Before he realized it he had quickly drained his mug and was up on his feet walking to the bat for another. After all you couldn't have food without a drink could you! Not that the food had arrived yet.

A small que had formed for the waitresses attention and so he had to patiently wait until it was his turn. Normally that would have been fine however his leg ached if he was stood up to long so he decided to turn back and wait until his dinner was brought to him and order a drink then.

It was only when he turned that he saw another man make a bee line for the table he was previously sat on and he silently cursed under his breath. The man would probably reach the table before he did but surly he would understand the issue after it was explained to him. Grumbling Milartek made his way to the table, hoping that the man was waylay-ed before reaching it but doubting it greatly.
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[The rearing Stallion]To drink with a squire [Orion]

Postby Orion Michaels on November 22nd, 2013, 12:57 am

With the rumors spreading and the reality spreading of a serious danger within the walls of Syliras, Orion found him somewhat on edge. Dinah had spoken with him about helping out, or rather she informed him that he would be aiding and acquaintance of hers, Sera Alicia Frostfawn. There had been several cases of people stating that someone had been touching people and draining them of their energy. It was a wicked thing, but it was also a chance for Orion to test himself and see where his skills were at. That was Dinah's view on the subject.

Orion, on the other hand, viewed it as nothing more than another stress on his increasingly stressful life. A child he'd never expected to see, and another one on the way. A patron who didn't trust him. Top it off with piles of self doubt and it was a recipe for disaster. With a potentially labor intensive day approaching, he had the day off from Dinah's harsh training and decided to spend it nursing a drink at his old stomping grounds.

The Rearing Stallion held memories both pleasant and embarrassing, but no matter how long he tried to stay away, he would still find himself within its doors a couple of times a season. Cheap booze, plentiful food, and a chance at companionship. That was the beauty of this little tavern. Memories a-plenty remained throughout the locale, of friendships formed and broken and of love found and lost. Bittersweet, but comforting. A mug of ale was always a welcome companion.

He'd been at the tavern for several bells by the time any excitement decided to poke its head around. One thing the squire had learned in his many years frequenting The Rearing Stallion was that certain times of the day, a seat was worth its weight in gold coin. This was that time.

Amused, Orion watched as two men made for the same table, a competition of speed and agility to weave through the crowds and be the first to plant a cheek on a stool. It was a battled he’d participated in more times than he could count. A scrawny human and a hulking Akalak. If it broke into something more than a race, his money was certainly on the big guy.

Regardless of who won, Orion would motion over to them and point to an empty seat beside him. ”Good show, gentlemen. Come have a drink. It’s on me.” It would help to have someone to talk to for a bit, and it was better it not be a lady. He was enough trouble in that area as it were, and missing his meeting time tomorrow would certainly end up poorly for him when Dinah found out.
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[The rearing Stallion]To drink with a squire [Orion]

Postby Milartek on November 24th, 2013, 9:58 pm

His leg stung as he tried to increase his pace, the wound from the day before still not completely healed. It seemed the whole tavern was against him getting his seat back. People stood up and backed their chairs into his path. A waitress blocked his path, crouching low to speak to a patron. He had to divert his path to another row between tables.

But it was too late. He was no more than 3 steps from his table before the man sat down, a smug look on his face. Why the petch had he got up? No ale and now no seat. He felt a sarky comment brewing in his throat but it was snatched away as he was addressed by a different man over to his left.

It was hard to judge the mans height but what caught his attention were his piercing blue eyes and the friendly smile on his face. Milartek was torn between joining the friendly looking man, or spending the night towering over and scowling at the scrawny piece of shike that had stolen his seat,

He sighed audibly and turned towards the welcoming face. After all it might be good to have some company. As long as the waitress recognized him and still brought his stew then he would be a happy man. The offer of an ale was also welcome. He pushed past his old table, making sure to give it a slight knock as he did, and slumped down into the empty chair opposite the man.

"Thanks friend your offer is most welcome! If I'm honest I hadn't noticed how busy it had gotten in here and the thought of another mug of the rich ale was to enticing to wait for service."

He lent back into the chair and stretched his legs out to the side of the table. He was pleased to have the weight of his feet and the more he thought about it the more the thought of company appealed to him.

"Sorry where are my manners, my name is Milartek. I have recently moved to Syliras from Riverfall and I'm still getting used to the city. Can i ask your name and what it is you do here?"
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[The rearing Stallion]To drink with a squire [Orion]

Postby Orion Michaels on December 10th, 2013, 2:56 am

Perhaps it was for selfish reasons that he'd offered a drink. Truth of the matter was, Orion didn't really fancy any male company at the moment, but he'd rather pay for a drink than have to deal with a brawl over who got to sit where. He was supposed to be relaxing and taking the edge off, not dealing with issues at the Stallion.

A little conversation couldn't hurt anyone, he supposed. At least not in a situation such as this.

"Yeah, The Stallion can become quite hectic this time of the day. It is one of the more popular taverns in the city, after all." Orion motioned to the chair nearby, nodding simultaneously. "Sit, sit. Take a load off. The ale will come to you, but I'm afraid a seat may not."

The squire motioned to a passing barmaid to bring them a couple of drinks, just to make sure they actually got served sometime that day. While the Stallion was always a busy place, this was a particularly active day. It almost made him long for the days of old, when he didn't have a care in the world, at least not like he did now. Where all he had to concern himself with was a good beer, a pretty woman, and the torments of his mind.

"I'm Orion," he replied, extending a hand across the table in greeting. He'd seen a few Akalak throughout his time in Syliras, even more so since he’d joined the knights. They were a hard race to miss, big, powerful, and varying dark tones of skin. It seemed the breed was attracted to the martial aspect that the knights brought. ”And though I might look a little old for the part, I’m actually a squire in the Syliran Knights. How far is Riverfall from here? I’ve heard the name before, but I can’t say I know a thing about it.”

The barmaid returned with two drinks for the men, and Orion slipped her a couple of coins in payment. The amber liquid beckoned to him, frothy foam resting on the top of the drink. He slipped his hands around the mug, bringing the alcohol up to his lips. It was bitter and cheap, mass produced for the large quantity of people within the walls of Syliras. ”What it is you do around here? Someone with a frame like you seems more suited to the knights than I am. Ever give it a thought?”
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[The rearing Stallion]To drink with a squire [Orion]

Postby Milartek on January 4th, 2014, 12:24 am

He was pleased to have a seat and even a little company. At first the thought had annoyed him but the offer of a free drink placated him a little. Besides the man seemed pleasant enough and look well kept, a contrast to some of the other patrons of the tavern. His clothes were simple but clean and reminded the Akalak that he needed another pair of trousers since he was wearing his spare pair after yesterdays troubles.

He seemed to mean the offer of a drink and caught the eye of a waitress motioning for two drinks. This earned a smile from the young Akalak and he leaned heavily back into his chair as the man introduced himself as Orion a squire within the Knights. The young Akalaks smile widened at this news, he had been hoping to learn more about the knights.

Before he could ask his questions however Orion sent some his way, which was only fair he supposed.

He hadn't thought of his birthplace for a while and he was hit by a pang of guilt as thoughts of his family flashed through his mind. Still the man had asked a question and he would wnat his own questions answered so he would do the same.

Yet how to describe Riverfall?

"I'm Milartek and yes as you correctly guessed I come from Riverfall. My fair city is just over 50 days ride from here, something that's especially hard if you don't get on with horses well! I'm not ashamed to say I found it especially hard going". The great blue man paused trying to find the words to describe his city, adjectives tumbling round his head yet none seemed good enough.

"Sorry I am trying to find the words to describe Riverfall yet I am afraid I am no word smith. I cannot find words that justify her beauty but if you can imagine a perfect marriage between water and stone then you would be on the right track of picturing it".

At that moment he was distracted by the waitress returning with two brimmed mugs of ale. Before grasping his own he made sure that the woman knew he had changed tables so he food still came to him. Silence fell as both men swigged from their frothy mugs of amber liquid. It was bitter and left a strange after taste, yet it warmed as it went down and left one with a warm pleasant feeling.

His gaze was pulled from his drink at the squires question his beverage forgotten. It was a strange question, well it was strange to Milartek as he wondered how he could contemplate it knowing nothing about it. Not that the squire would know that.

"I'm a bouncer at the spinning coin, not my proudest moment but it pays enough to keep me afloat. In honesty I do not know a lot about the Knights other than they strive to keep the peace in this fine city and they look fancy in their glinting armor".
He paused taking a gulp of his ale as he pondered upon what to ask the squire.

"So tell me why did you join the Knights? What do they do and what do they offer which attracted you to them?"
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