[The Crystal Cavern] A Travelers Haven [Open]

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

[The Crystal Cavern] A Travelers Haven [Open]

Postby Jonas on October 29th, 2010, 9:11 pm

3rd day of Fall, 510 A.V.

The doors to the Crystal Cavern seemed to burst open as the man with the thick winter coat walked through, for a moment all the noise in the room stopped. After the normal couple minutes of silence at someone new coming through the door, everyone seemed to be going back to what they had been doing. Jonas stood there for a moment, the open door forgotten as warmth washed over his body. This was the first time in weeks he had truly felt warmth envelope him, so for a moment he lost himself in the feeling. It wasn't long however he heard someone clear their throat awkwardly loud, bringing him back to reality. Turning back around after closing the Cavern's door he quickly glanced around the room, noting the large amount of people inside. Though he supposed at this time of the year even here people tended to find warm places to relax when there wasn't work to be done.

Silently strolling across the room he headed for the stairs in the corner, climbing up them slowly and carefully so as not to lose his footing. He wasn't what one would call a cluts but it was better safe then sorry when it came to possible and needless injuries. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, he once again made a quick glance around, moving to an empty table in the back and setting his backpack in a chair beside him. Next was his cloak, making sure not to get any small spinkled of snow in his seat he slipped it off and sat it on top of his bag. Letting out a firm sigh he sat down in the chair next to the one with his things in it, making sure he had a line of site with the stairs. It not that he was paranoid. He was cautious. After all he knew full well the dangers travelers could face in new places, even though he planned to find temporary work in the city.
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[The Crystal Cavern] A Travelers Haven [Open]

Postby Viktor on October 31st, 2010, 7:18 pm

A long sigh issued from the lips of the unusually tall man sitting in the corner of the first floor of the Crystal Cavern. Viktor hated not being able to go out on patrol, but there was still work to be done for the unbonded kelvics in the Icewatch as well. Like sitting in the tavern, watching other people get drunk, while not being able to yourself, waiting for someone to get a little too rowdy. His head fell back against the wall with a soft thump and another bored sigh. Seriously, what was the harm in just one mug?

He looked up as the door opened to an unfamiliar face, a rare occurance in Avanthal. His hair lacked the splashes of color that the Vantha wore with such pride. The man had on a thick coat and a backpack, giving the impression that he hadn't been here long. As if to confirm his suspicions the man dissappeared upstairs, where as most of the locals prefered to stay down on the main floor. He visually swept the room, just to confirm the peace before getting up and heading up stairs. As one of the protectors of this city, he felt that part of his job was welcoming newcomers. That, and it was better than sitting around like a lump waiting for a conflict that would likely never come.

As Viktor reached the top of the stairs, a quick scan revealed that the stranger had sat down in the back. He casually walked over making sure not to show any signs of hostility. Viktor didn't distrust outsiders like a handful of the other watchers did. If Morwen had allowed someone to survive the harsh tundra, then they were deserving of some trust. He sat down across from the man, extending a hand, a warm smile, and a friendly greeting. "Welcome to Avanthal, home of Queen Morwen, the Vantha, and perpetual frostbite. I'm Viktor."
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[The Crystal Cavern] A Travelers Haven [Open]

Postby Jonas on October 31st, 2010, 8:24 pm

Jonas had noticed the rather large man in the corner when he had entered but as with the rest of the room he had paid the man no mind. He didn't want any trouble. The soft thud of boot steps on the stairs puzzled him but still he wouldn't have qualified it as suprise. However seeing that it was once again the large man that had been in the common room of the tavern caused his eyes to widen for portion of a second.

As the main cleared the stairs and stood up fully Jonas realised just how large this man was. Compared to Jonas he was at least a full head taller. Puzzling Jonas slightly the man made his way slowly over to his table, making it painfully clear that he was trying not to seem menacing. Jonas looked down at himself in a slightly curious way. Did he really look dangerous? The thought nearly caused him to burst with laughter but as it was he managed to stiffle it into a hidden grin.

As the man got closer, appear almost as though he were a giant in front of Jonas. The words that spilled from the man's mouth however did more then anything else to put him at ease. True to his Jonas could not resist a witty come back to the man's words. Jonas stood up abruptly, putting on the most sour face he could muster. Standing before the man he did his best to look him up and down slowly, the sour expression still covering his face. With the quickness he displayed in making getting up from his seat, his face split into a grin. With his arm reaching out and his hand shaking Viktor's firmly he said, "A bit tall for a serving girl aren't you? The name is Jonas."
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[The Crystal Cavern] A Travelers Haven [Open]

Postby Viktor on October 31st, 2010, 9:09 pm

A brief moment passed as Viktor stared down the seemingly furious man, before he was completely blindsided by the man's retort. Hearty laughter erupted from the kelvic and he wiped a tear from his eye. "Finally! A visitor with a sense of humor!" Had there not been a table between them he would have likely pulled Jonas into a bear hug, no pun intended. After he finally managed to get himself back under control he returned to the business at hand. "Well Jonas, what brings you here? Not alot of people like to make the trek up here." He asked, leaning back into his chair. Yet again the desire for a hard drink washed over him, but he suppressed it, only just though. "If you need any help finding a job or a residence I can point you in the right direction. That is if you were planning on staying for a while. If you were looking for someone, well, let's just say befriending a member of the Icewatch has it's perks." He offered, along with a sly grin of his own. Sure he was just bragging a bit, but he knew the city by heart.
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[The Crystal Cavern] A Travelers Haven [Open]

Postby Jonas on November 1st, 2010, 6:34 pm

Jonas, in good manners waited for Viktor to sit before he followed suit. Jonas made note that the man seemed rather at ease greeting someone he had never met before. He supposed idly to himself that despite Viktor's account that visitors in this area were rare Viktor laid claim to greeting the majority of the people that did visit this winter wonderland.

Keeping his head facing the general direction of Viktor, so as not to show undue disrespect, as he slowly pealed off his gloves from his seemingly frozen hands. Despite himself Jonas could not seem to wipe the grin from his face as he responded to Viktor, "Lets just say I am searching for something. Its of a personal matter but I doubt it will cause problems with the Icewatch."

Continuing to respond to Viktor's flurry of questions Jonas went on to say, "I'm not entirely sure as for what I want to do for work yet. I am rather skilled in medicine. But I am much better skilled in this." But moments before, as Viktor had been laying back lazily and listening to Jonas, he had began excreting a thick green liquid that formed inself into a sphere the size of a walnut. As he brought it into vew his grin turned into a full on smile. "I take it you are aware of what this is?"
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[The Crystal Cavern] A Travelers Haven [Open]

Postby Viktor on November 2nd, 2010, 1:31 am

"Something personal eh? Well, the offer still stands, just in case." Viktor grinned grinned. However, once the mysterious green ooze began forming in the man's hand, he sat up straight again. "What in Morwen's name is? How are you? Where is that coming from?" He questioned, looking closely for some hidden tube coming out from his sleeve, or something, but to no avail. "No, I don't know what that... Is that really coming out of you hand?!" The kelvic was completely baffled. He had never seen Reimancy before, nor had he ever heard of it. Sure he had heard of stories of people creating balls of fire from thin air and throwing them around, but he didn't think to connect the two. He had to resist the urge to reach out and touch the ball of fluid, just to make sure it was real. It was quite funny really, the large man sitting here, completely enthralled by such a tiny thing like a small child. He shook his head, regaining his composure. He turned his head to the side in feigned disinterest. "Well, that's a nice trick, but what good is a floating blob?" His childish curiousity still escpaing just a bit into his voice. Even still, his eyes remained fixed on the orb.
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[The Crystal Cavern] A Travelers Haven [Open]

Postby Jonas on November 2nd, 2010, 2:08 am

Jonas watched Viktor's expression go from mild boredom to astonishment. Jonas had to bite down on his lip rather hard to keep from laughing. Had the man never seen Reimancy before? Janos had thought it was a rather widely spread practice. Though it did make sense that with a goddess watching over there city there was no real need for mages inside the city. This man was with the Icewatch after all. They were famously fierce yes but they were also renown for their lack of travel from the city they were 'born' in.

As Viktor continued to speak he made it abundantly clear that even if he knew about Reimancy he had never seen Res before a Reimancer used it in one of his minipulations. Jonas began to chuckle faintly as Viktor continued to try to find ways in which it might be a trick, a sleight of hand. He would find no such thing however, for that green blob was real magic and Jonas was a real Reimancer.

"Well the green blob itself is useless. But when you can cause it to do other things. Well thats when it becomes of much greater use", he said, the slight chuckle still resonating in his voice. As he had been talking he had balled his hand into a fist with nothing but his fore finger pointing into the air. With the slightest bit of Concentration the miniture sphere's outter layer grew warmer and warmer. Where once had floated a green ball now floated a small flame not that much unlike what a candle's flame would look like. His chuckle finally fully dissipated he still had not managed to wipe the grin from his face, "This my friend is what people call Reimancy."

Despite himself he could not help but feel a sense of comradery forming between the two of them. In light of the feelings he was beginning to feel towards the man he ventured a bit further, "Tell me about Morwen."
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[The Crystal Cavern] A Travelers Haven [Open]

Postby Viktor on November 2nd, 2010, 2:42 am

At the sight of the flame, Viktor lost his strained self control and was once again drawn into a near trance. "Reimancy huh? Awfully big word for making fire from thin air." He half muttered, actually reaching his hand out to touch it, before withdrawing once he felt heat. "It's real alright". Then came the topic of the queen. "Where to begin? Well, Morwen is not only the queen of our city, but a goddess as well. Goddess of winter and ice, go figure right? It is under her protection that we are able to live in what most people see as such a harsh, unforgiving environment. But when you think about it, what better place to live? Who would want to invade us? But I'm getting side tracked. It is said that Morwen created the Vantha people, which is why we are so at home in the cold."

He rolled up his sleeve, revealing what appeared to be an intricate tattoo in the shape of an icicle. "This, was a gift from her, a gift she has bestowed on almost all of the people here, although no two marks are the same, just like snowflakes, each is unique. And while I am no storyteller myself, there are countless tales about her. Alot of people believe that. like the cold, she is harsh and unforgiving, but she cares deeply for us. It is said that within her palace, she has every gift she has ever recieved on display somewhere. I doubt anywhere else in the world you would find a city where everyone who lived there would gladly lay down their life to protect it's ruler. And I do mean everyone, not just us." He finished, 'us' refering of course to the Icewatch. "Alright, my turn again. The city, or wherever you came from, tell me about it."
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[The Crystal Cavern] A Travelers Haven [Open]

Postby Jonas on November 2nd, 2010, 4:21 am

Jonas felt a slight tinge of irritation at what Viktor said about Reimancy. But it was to be expected. The man had ment no disrespect. Though Jonas, like most Reimancers, thought of Reimancy with emotions almost like one would feel for a lover or a family member. For most Reimancers Jonas imagined would have felt rather slighted by his words. Jonas on the other hand banished the irritation from his mind almost the moment it appeared.

Jonas sat back, the small flame needing almost no concentration to keep burning and in place. He listened intently as Viktor spoke, the almost blank look on his face as he absorbed the knowledge more something of habit then anything else. He leaned back a moment as Viktor asked his questions again. He had hoped the first time to have to avoid answering questions like that. After letting out a silent sigh he left back up.

"Truth is I am from here though I don't remember much. I left when I was very young", he said with a serious look crossing his eyes. "As for where I have been. Mostly in training. This little ball of fire is nothing. I can do much more but its far more dangerous." The serious look in his eyes vanished almost as fast as it had appeared and most wouldn't have noticed it in a very strange way he supposed he hoped Viktor hadn't either. This man had gone out of his way to be friendly to Jonas and while Jonas wasn't entirely sure of the man's intentions he knew at this rate they would be decent friends. Looking down at the markings on his arm he let out a grin as he said, "Thats a might bit prettier then these." As he spoke he indicated the to x shaped scars on the palms of his hands.
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[The Crystal Cavern] A Travelers Haven [Open]

Postby Viktor on November 2nd, 2010, 4:49 am

Viktor was about to press more on where Jonas came from, but with the look in his eyes, well, it was obviously not a pleasant topic, so he decided against it. Being charged with defending the city, he had grown accustomed to picking up subtle changes in peoples facial expressions. But he was eager to soak up any knowledge he could get. He had noticed the odd scar on the hand that held the small flame, but hadn't realised there was a matching scar on the other. "That is an odd place for battle scars".

It was kind of embarrasing really, considering that Viktor didn't have any scars of his own, thanks to a life of training without any real life and death combat. Then again, something about those scars was off, they were too smooth, too uniform, almost like they had been cut as part of some obscure custom... Maybe that was why he didn't want to talk about his past. Maybe he was from obscure like back water village that cut their bodies to become closer to their particular deity. Man, I'm glad Morwen doesn't have us do stuff like that...
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