Closed Arrows and Acting

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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Arrows and Acting

Postby Merevaika on December 27th, 2015, 10:04 pm


24th Winter 515

Merevaika gathered her archery equipment, eager to practice hunting and archery that day. Alone, without Eryunt, without Denviel, without the puppies. At times, it was what she needed: something to distract herself from the many lives that relied on her. What better way than go into the Sea of Grass to practice some skills?

Besides, the ground was still infested with rabbits from three days ago, and tracking wouldn't be anything she would have to worry about it. A plentiful catch was more what she was looking for, and what she would get, too, if she worked hard enough for it.

Ywana smiled at her as she left, battering at a practice dummy. It was all she seemed to do - fight, either with people or with objects. Beside her was her son, her only child, the small boy that was the heir to the Ankal. The only son he had, and so he was treasured, trained up to be the bravest one could be. At the moment, he laughed and danced around with a wooden dagger, pretending to be a fierce warrior like his father.

Merevaika patted little Vaikar on his head, before moving onwards, towards the city gates with a confident stride, head held high. Today was a good day - she felt lucky. In fact, if she had some time on her hands, she would even try a little theft to end the day of. Today was a good day for her, full of opportunities. The gods smiled upon her.

There was a woman near the gates, a little bit further, who practiced with a bow. It was a new bow, the string heavy and wood well polished, and it was clear she was struggling with it. She didn't have the muscle or practise to pull the string back all the way and her arrows flew everywhere, some in the ground by her feet, other many paces off.

Perhaps she could try conning, too.

Merevaika strided over, her own bow slung in her hand as if using it was only natural. It was fairly natural, but she wasn't at all skilled at it as much as she wished. The woman before her didn't know that. As if to demonstrate, she took out an arrow, drawing the string back as far as she could while trying to make it all look effortless. If the woman focused on the minor breathing, on the slight frown, on the resistance at the very end, she would notice it wasn't quite that easy. Small things the stranger might have not recognised, however. Then, she let the arrow fly, swooping through the air before thudding a very short distance from on of the woman's own arrows.

Pretending it was her target, she smiled, nodding, "Not far, perhaps a hand distance. Close enough to make any kill." What she spoke was a pure fabrication, for she had no idea if the distance would make a difference of not. Still, the words slipped out after the slightest of hesitations, as she reckoned with herself.

Then, she turned to the blonde haired woman, smiling more. "You look like you're struggling. I'd be happy to give you my advice, though, for a small price of course. Say, two gm?"

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Arrows and Acting

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on December 27th, 2015, 10:20 pm

Jasmine smiles and walked out of the safety of the tents she called home going to try and practice with the bow and arrows. Jasmine ties her hair up in a ponytail to help keep her hair out of her face taking a deep breath. She slowly took an arrow out of the quiver and put the notch where it goes, slowly she pulled back as every muscle in her shoulders and arms screamed in protest at the unknown and unwelcomed action. Jasmine ignored the screaming protest of her muscles knowing she had very little time to learn how to use the bow and arrows. Jasmine pulled her arm back as far as it would go which in her inexperience was not far enough back to go anywhere. She let go as the arrow fell at her feet. Jasmine continued her action as she finally got her arrows to gain some distance as she squinted pulling back with all her might to get the bow string to move. Jasmine was amazed with how hard she found it to pull the string back in order to send her arrows flying. "How can archers do this all the time?" She asked gently panting before getting ready to pull her arm back once more. Jasmine yelps hearing the girl sneak up behind her and wheeled around out of instinct slapping the girl as hard as she could, "oh crap! I am so so so sorry I didn't mean to. You startled me." Jasmine said helping the girl up and wincing seeing the bright red mark on the girl's cheek.

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Arrows and Acting

Postby Merevaika on December 27th, 2015, 10:38 pm


The girl's response was not what she had expected; a sharp slap to the face was not the most common greeting. The Drykas woman straightened up a little, taller than the woman before her. Her face was steady, hiding her desire to shoot the girl right now. Thankfully, the stranger quickly made up for the slap, making excuses and helping her up.

So she hadn't seen that little performance that Merevaika had so kindly put on? Annoying, but it could be worked around."What I was saying before I was so rudely slapped," she began, moving to collect her fallen arrow, "Was that I was willing to help you out with your archery."

She tugged the arrow out of the ground so sharply, passing the point over the tip of her finger, so lightly as to not make a mark. Merevaika slid it back into the quiver "But now I'm not so sure whether I should. At a bargain as well! Only two gold mizas!" She stared the woman down, cat-like green eyes meeting sparkling blue.

There was something familiar about them. Vaguely familiar, from when she was younger. But she didn't know her well, that was for certain. If she did, she would have recognised the girl. "But I understand that it was an accident, possibly to be blamed on me. I'm still willing to help you out."

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Arrows and Acting

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on December 28th, 2015, 12:33 am

"Oh uh thank you. But I'm afraid I don't have any money on me at the moment. I came out to practice not imagining someone would offer to help," Jasmine said knowing that the girl probably wanted to beat the crap out of her right now. She would not be surprised should the girl just turn and walk away from the young Drykas that had just assaulted her for no reason in the world. Jasmine watched the woman's movements as her eyes seemed oddly familiar as she fought to remember where she had seen the woman before. "You seem oddly familiar," Jasmine said and scrunched up her nose gently while squinting her eyes fighting to remember knowing someone with this kind of beauty would not so easily slip her mind. "Have we perhaps seen each other at the auction houses?" She asked gently more to herself than to the woman before her. Jasmine shivered lightly as she hadn't thought to dress for the cold day eager to begin her practicing with the bow and arrow. She knew that soon the day would pose too cold without something over her arms. Jasmine looked to the young girl once more as her bright eyes watched the woman before her closely. Jasmine picked up most of the arrows at her feet and cleaned off the dirt from the feathers and the head of the arrow so that it will fly straight as it is intended.

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Arrows and Acting

Postby Merevaika on December 29th, 2015, 11:53 am


She didn't have any money on her. Of course.Perhaps it would be too much effort to try con this woman, but it was too far in. Merevaika was determined to get something from her, and perhaps that could just be a reputation.

But before she could try, the woman pointed out that Merevaika looked familiar, confirming her suspicions. "Have we perhaps seen each other at the auction houses?" she asked, fetching her arrows. Merevaika shook her head. She rarely went there, so she doubted it. It seemed like she knew her from before, when she was a child.

Forgetting about it, Merevaika started a new plan, "Well, I'll help you out anyway, and you can spread my name around. Merevaika Stormchaser." She gave a little bow, before taking her bow and placing an arrow on the string. Tensing her muscles, she drew the string back, feeling the wind. East, so she would aim a little west to keep a straight line. Adjusting the arrow, she released, watching it whiz through the sky.

"Show me your shot and we'll work from there," Merevaika smiled, gesturing for the woman to demonstrate, shoot. Maybe this wouldn't have been a wasted attempt after all, if this woman finally agreed to what she said.

oocI was thinking that since the girls are the same age and both from an Amethyst pavilion, they could know each other from when they were kids. Not a very strong relationship, but something to get some tension between them (maybe one did something to make the other angry so long ago?) This is just a random idea, feel free to do something else!

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Arrows and Acting

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on December 29th, 2015, 1:49 pm

Jasmine nods and sees how the woman shot a little to the west but the arrow flew a straight line. Jasmine took a deep breath and with a tiny grunt pulled her string back and releasing it a little to the west as well. She was not sure for the reason behind firing to the west but she was glad for the distance to her arrow even if it is only half of what the other girl managed to achieve. Jasmine looked to the woman once more yawning gently tired but willing to work through it. She moved her bangs out of her sky blue eyes watching the young woman as she spoke. Jasmine listened carefully wanting to learn all that she could do that she could be better at her weapon. "If you don't mind my asking where did you get your bow? It is a beautiful color and style," Jasmine said with a small smile.

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Arrows and Acting

Postby Merevaika on December 29th, 2015, 8:34 pm


The woman before her did as she did, letting out a small grunt. She aimed to the west too, letting the arrow fly. She didn't shoot far, but it was a fairly good shot. The woman yawned, not because she was bored, but because she was tired, but she seemed to fight it.

She asked about her bow, Merevaika pushing it forward to look at it herself. It really was beautiful, hand carved by her father, detailed with horses and dogs. There was the grass, too, detailed softly by her mother. She smiled,
"Get it? You don't get a bow like this. It gets crafted for you. From my father. But thank you."

She took another arrow, deciding to practice the skill herself before helping the woman. She took another arrow, lining it up with her last shot. Aiming a little west of it, a little higher, she dragged the bow out, relaxing her breathing. A second later and she released, arrow zooming away. It missed the target, but she wasn't even watching it.

Quick as lightning, a simple shot. That was how it worked. Then she turned to the woman, thinking about the shot she had shown her. "Good, you aimed west, accounting for the wind." That was something she knew was right, so something good to start with. Then there was the matter of the distance. "You need to pull the string back more. It takes practice to do it, but you need to drag the string further back, to the corner of your mouth if not more."

She didn't know anything else, but she could always make it up. "Tighten your stomach muscles as well, that'll help. And keep your back straight, it'll make it easier." She had no idea if what she said would actually work, but who cared? She sounded like she knew what she was talking about.
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Arrows and Acting

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on December 29th, 2015, 8:42 pm

Jasmine listened to the woman before her. "You are lucky to have a father willing to carve you something so beautiful. All mine ever does is yell about how I should be married and have one child already," Jasmine said looking forward and took aim taking a calm steady breathe as she finds it much easier to pull the bow string back though it did still require some effort on her part. Jasmine took aim to the west and aimed higher than she had on the previous shot. Jasmine steadied her arms willing them not to shake under the amount of force she was having to use. After taking another steadying breath she released her arrow as it got twice the distance of the first. Jasmine was very good at picking up most fighting techniques or learning to use new weapons. She knew that with more practice she would be able to easily take down a small rabbit if not a deer with her shots. She once more turned to look at the woman beside her to see how she would react to how well and easily Jasmine was picking up on using the bow.

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Arrows and Acting

Postby Merevaika on December 29th, 2015, 9:15 pm


"My father never had the chance to tell me how I should be married. My sister was much more of the problem," she said, staring off into the distance. Ywana was stubborn, taking most of the attention of her not having a wife. By the time her father turned to her, all he wanted to do was to hunt.

The woman took another shot, picking it up quickly. It was twice the distance, lots of steadying breaths. Good, very good compared to her previous shots. At this rate, it seemed the woman would easily overpass her own skill. Not that half of what Merevaika taught her was of any use. Still, practice was worth twice as much someone speaking to you about it.

"Um..." Merevaika hesitated, trying to tihnk of something else to say, "Steady your arms more. The shaking will throw you aim off. And, um... Don't aim so high. It makes the shot slower and weaker. Shoot stronger, draw the string back further." She was running out of things to say. Perhaps another demonstration was in order.

Taking her position, she moved her legs to a shoulder width, pointing the bow straight ahead. She kept her head high, training her eye on the target and making the shot instinctive. It landed much closer to the arrow she was aiming for than before. Good. Merevaika smiled proudly.

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Arrows and Acting

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on December 29th, 2015, 10:36 pm

Jasmine watches her amazed at how easily she could shoot. "You've taught anyone before have you?" Jasmine asked noticing how she had stumbled to find something else to tell her. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone," She said with a smile. Jasmine didn't care if the girl didn't completely know how to use a bow and arrow; she was just super happy that she was willing to help her learn the basics. Jasmine looked before pulling another arrow from her quiver and taking aim once more. She focused on the arrow she just shot. 'I know that I can get this shot,' She thought staring down the exact same arrow that she just fired. Jasmine closed her eyes ignoring the world around her as she raised her bow and arrow aiming high but not as high as the last time. She slowly opened her eyes with a new determination in her eyes, drawing the arrow back as far as it would go she released it as it flew through the air as it landed stabbing into the ground almost completely on top of the other arrow. "Missed," She said and looked over to the other girl moving her bangs out of her eyes once more. "How was that?" She asked looking at her with a smile.

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Last edited by Jasmine Stormblood on January 10th, 2016, 5:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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