[The Prairie]Corrupted By Time

Flashback Winter 13th 500 A.v

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

[The Prairie]Corrupted By Time

Postby Aerius on May 27th, 2017, 12:03 am


Perpetual frustration were the only two words that could define such a harsh day for the Sorcerer. Several bells were spent in attempt to study Reimancy on his own. How could a magic with such an incredibly high level of potential be so difficult to practice? Aerius hated the thought of inadequacy in any practice of his. The Sorcerer had only begun to grasp the basic concepts of Magic as a whole. He could only release so much res at once and will it to transform into the element that he wanted it to, correct?

Although he did not have use for breathing; it did help him concentrate. The immortal filled his lungs to capacity, and made yet another attempt. This time however, he wanted to layer the res in order to increase effectiveness. The Prairie had quite the minuscule amount of vegetation for practice. Yet, when he spotted a nearby bush that seemed to be rather short, a thought came to mind: why was it that he did not destroy the bush? Among reimancers, the common knowledge was that much like several other things in nature: Res could exist in three forms, solid liquid or gas. His typical technique consisted of exuding the res from the palms of his hands, and then converting it into ice.

“What if I changed a step in the process?”
The Immortal beckoned the air, and of course got no response from it.

Perhaps he could change the state of res as it traveled and not actually release the attack until he needed to. However, if he decided not to transmute the element and instead attracted it to a source would it not have the same level of effectiveness? Aerius kept his eyes open and concentrated on a single point directly atop the bush.

The Sorcerer chose to exude a modest amount of res from his pupils rather than any other body part, and rather than stop there he willed it to attract the surrounding air. A split-tick later he began to experience heavy winds and as they gathered in the area above he made several observations. Not only was the wind causing his hair to flutter, but his clothing too, and several of the winds managed to pick up dirt and dust.

As all the sediment, small pebbles and wind gathered; Aerius decided that it was time to be released. Yet, he quickly found out how much of a mistake that was. The moment he lost concentration on the attraction: a massive gust of wind was released all at once. Air dispersed, and what sounded similar to thunder at close range had been the least of his concerns. He was uplifted from the very ground he stood upon, his equilibrium had been thwarted, and his body was flung. As he soared through the air, he did not have time to react in order to cushion himself from the very short fall. The moment his eyes opened, he was on the ground following a thud far more loud than anything he had ever heard before. A cloud of dust surrounded his landing, and an imprint of his body was found within the dry sediment beneath him.

Aerius, as a Chained One projects an unnatural aura of unease, “wrongness”, Fear, and discomfort. Anyone who happens to be nearby will likely experience one of the feelings above; both people and Animals have a tendency to avoid him under normal circumstances.
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The Immortal Sorcerer
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[The Prairie]Corrupted By Time

Postby Aerius on May 27th, 2017, 12:03 am


Following the landing; he attempted to find his feet, only to realize that he was being watched the entirety of his stay out in the Prairie. What appeared to have been a Nuit followed him, and observed his experimentation only to step in with a few harsh words. “What an idiot you are. Why would you attract the air in such a proximity to yourself? You could have been swept up and killed.” He spoke aloud with a venomous tongue, and proceeded to extend a cold, dead hand toward Aerius.

“Well of course my intention was not to have an accident. However, I cannot help the fact that I am not all that proficient in the use of Reimancy. If you are such an expert, why don’t you assist me?” Aerius spoke aloud to the mysterious man.

“My name is Bellerian, and I am a wizard of the Isle.” He spoke, and Aerius responded without saying a word. Of course, he was an expert of some sort; he was a Wizard, and that meant perhaps one of his fields of expertise was Reimancy.

“I’m going to tell you this once, and that is only because you are a fool. Transmutation is an effective way of delivering casts. However, it is more costly to you and requires quite a bit more res. Whereas attraction, can be more efficient in terms of how much res is required to be used. The downside of using attraction as compared to transmutation is simply that you are likely to be within range of what you are attracting. Just like what happened there, but imagine the fact that if you were attracting something else. You might have killed yourself.” He concluded his lengthy speech, and Aerius nodded as he took the hand and rose to his feet swiftly.

“Try it again, and this time use it at a longer range so you don’t. Get swept off of your own feet.” Bellerian spoke.

Aerius responded with a nod and proceeded with the experimenting. He wanted to know how reimancy worked, and why it was so efficient in terms of combat. With his obvious compliance from the order of the wizard, Aerius exuded res from the palms of his hands, and directed it approximately ten meters away from himself.

“The Will is what controls everything when you use reimancy. The element matters little, the way that you control your res is what makes you a reimancer. You will it, and it simply is.” Spoke the Wizard again, and Aerius concentrated again, on the very same bush that he had been blown backward from.

The moment came, and Aerius willed the res to attract the surrounding air. His hair fluttered yet again, as did the wizards who looked on unimpressed. The air took quite a few chimes to gather until it could gather no more; obviously this technique would not be effective in a combat situation. By the time that he could attract enough air in a small area, an opponent could easily decapitate him. Therefore, he needed a far more effective method of attack, in the event that an opponent struck him.

Last edited by Aerius on May 27th, 2017, 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
Aerius, as a Chained One projects an unnatural aura of unease, “wrongness”, Fear, and discomfort. Anyone who happens to be nearby will likely experience one of the feelings above; both people and Animals have a tendency to avoid him under normal circumstances.
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The Immortal Sorcerer
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[The Prairie]Corrupted By Time

Postby Aerius on May 27th, 2017, 12:05 am


“Very good” Spoke Bellerian, and when he took a moment of pause prior to releasing his next statement, Aerius became unnerved by the silence. There were a wide array of things Aerius disliked, and one of the many was silence. If a person suddenly became silent, it was generally for a very good reason. Perhaps, he wanted to think about his next set of instructions, or he intended to leave for now. Aerius after-all was not his apprentice, but he needed to know more.

The very same moment that the immortal began to worry; Bellerian spoke again.

“Now, I will tell you about the basics of reimancy. There are four key elements, as there are here. The first is fire, and of course that is obviously one of the most dangerous. The second is earth, which has quite a few uses. Of all the elements, earth is first and foremost one of the most useful. Water is the third element, and is quite powerful in a variety of ways, especially when combined with other elements. Air is the fourth and final element, and the one that I believe is quite powerful both on its own and in combination with the other elements. “

Bellerian spoke, and Aerius listened closely.

Of course fire was the most dangerous: unlike the others it caused immediate damage no matter what it struck. Water could have its uses, because in large quantities water could easily overwhelm nearly any other element. Earth was also very useful from his perspective: because when combined with other elements there were an array of possibilities. Air, however was the most versatile of all the elements. When attracted it pressurizes, and then disperses. When it is transmuted, it can result in large, powerful gusts.

“There are elements that can be combined, and as a result of these combinations you will get what is called a para-element. Fire and earth in combination create lava. Water and air in combination create ice. Earth and air in combination can result in a wide variety of things, but sand is the likely result. However, there are endless possibilities of these combinations. Thus, like many of the other great wizards you will have to dedicate time to researching them.” Ballerian gave him quite a lengthy lecture, and concluded yet another speech.

Aerius nodded, and this time rather than practice with the attraction of air; The immortal decided to transmute again. He wanted to forewarn the wizard prior to taking the action. Perhaps he could give further details as to what he needed to do. “I’m going to transmute ice this time, and attempt to keep control of everything. Do you have any idea as to what would help me transmute more effectively?”

Last edited by Aerius on May 27th, 2017, 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Aerius, as a Chained One projects an unnatural aura of unease, “wrongness”, Fear, and discomfort. Anyone who happens to be nearby will likely experience one of the feelings above; both people and Animals have a tendency to avoid him under normal circumstances.
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The Immortal Sorcerer
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[The Prairie]Corrupted By Time

Postby Aerius on May 27th, 2017, 12:06 am


Bellerian spoke aloud in response to him. “Yes, now there are several things you can do with res. Res is the fundamental thing about all reimancy. So long as you do not transform all of it at the same time it can be used for a wide variety of things. You can transform res from one form to another as long as you want it to, and it will happen rapidly. As for attraction it can cause what just happen, and put you in danger. Attraction stirs the environment, and makes it unstable. Transmutation however is more for the things that you cannot and or do not want to attract. Res acts like a magnet for the chosen element to attract. Therefore, everything in the area will fly toward it. If you are going to transmute, you should only be doing so in a case where you cannot attract the element safely and readily. “ Bellerian concluded his speech very quickly, only to begin yet another word of advice.

“By the way, there is something called the “zone of control” with reimancers. It is essentially a limited range that a reimancer has direct control over his res. For you being that you are already capable of combining two elements, and what not. I consider your range of attack to be approximately 30 meters from yourself. That is a somewhat large amount of range to you, but in comparison to higher level, and more advanced practitioners of this discipline. That is nothing, and eventually you will have the ability to control res within your line of sight. Your spells will grow increasingly powerful as time goes on. However, you must know that much like anything in life. The more powerful something is, the more that it requires. I will not continue to talk, as I feel like I have given you plenty of assistance with my knowledge.” Bellerian spoke as he turned around and left the prairie.

Aerius took note of each and every word that exited his lips. The Sorcerer focused one final time, and exuded res from his skin. The blue res gathered and surrounded his right hand, as he raised it and extended all of his digits. He attempted to perform the very same spell that was used to kill multiple beasts in the past. The res exited his fingertips, and moved toward the heavens. The Immortal willed it to become ice, and indeed it did.

A somewhat sizable spear composed of nothing but ice was the result, and with one final push, the Immortal sent it flying toward the bush. As a result of not transmuting all of the res at the same time, and only the outer layer; he had somewhat greater control of the direction of the attack.

The moment that it reached its target at the final split tick, he transmuted the remainder of the res into ice. Only to watch it break off and shatter into multiple shards before the bush. The Sorcerer simply stepped back, turned and then walked away. He felt as if he accomplished something for once in a very, very long period of time.

Aerius, as a Chained One projects an unnatural aura of unease, “wrongness”, Fear, and discomfort. Anyone who happens to be nearby will likely experience one of the feelings above; both people and Animals have a tendency to avoid him under normal circumstances.
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