Solo Another Hunt

Job thread for Calvyn

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

Moderator: Gossamer

Another Hunt

Postby Calvyn Eltros on October 31st, 2017, 6:29 pm

23rd Day of Fall, 517 AV

Calvyn awoke to the sound of Zibri in the early morning hours of Endrykas. He continued to lay still in his small tent, letting the various wild sounds wash over him. The book he was reading was open and face down next to him. He must have dozed off late the night before while reading. Returning the book to its rightful position in the corner of his tent Cal sat up. With a sharp exhale he raised himself from his tent and stepped outside. Slapping the flap of his tent open while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Once he was outside he was greeted gratefully by the rugged beauty of the Sea of Grass.

Dawn still had yet to come and the sky was clouded with brilliant shades of blue and grey. A soft gentle breeze was pushing against him and his tent. Forcing the tall grass to bend at its will. Calvyn looked around his camping site, his horse Dora was nearby grazing undisturbed. He set up his camp on top of a hill near the great tent city of Endrykas. He was far enough away to be left to his own devices but close enough to be considered safe. Rarely did he ever visit the city unless he had to for business. He was tired of the stares and the whispers he always seemed to hear.

He then began to ready himself for his journey. Preparing his javelins, sword and hunting equipment. "Come," he said to his horse with a common signaling sign. She seemed to understand and started to trod over to him. He began to pack his equipment in his saddlebags. Laid his blanket over Dora's back and attached her Yavas. Then with a swift kick over her back Calvyn mounted the animial. He then signaled to the creature 'forward' by a clicking of his teeth and tongue. She responded with a snort and reluctantly set off towards the river.

Yesterday Calvyn had set a few snares and traps by the river bed. It seemed as good a place as any to find wild game, as animals tended to linger around water sources. The river was, perhaps, four or five miles away. So Calvyn rode his horse gently, swaying back and forth with each stride the animal made. He had the whole day ahead of him and was in no rush. To keep him occupied he patted Dora's hair softly. Giving her the attention he knew she constantly craved. Then with narrowed eyes he'd begin his hunt in the early morning hours. Hoping he caught something worthwhile with his traps and snares.

(Credit for BBcode goes to Wymez)
Last edited by Calvyn Eltros on November 2nd, 2017, 4:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Calvyn Eltros
Posts: 17
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Joined roleplay: October 25th, 2017, 4:19 am
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Another Hunt

Postby Calvyn Eltros on November 2nd, 2017, 4:31 am


It didn't take long for Calvyn to make it to the river. He could hear the steady sound of running water before he could even see it. Dora seemed to sense it as well because her pace quickened. Then she was stopped rather abruptly when she saw the slope leading down towards the river. It was much to steep for Calvyn to go straight down; he'd probably break his neck. The day before Calvyn went the long way around following the edge to a safer path leading to the river bank. Today however he was eager to check his traps and didn't mind the danger.

Sinking his feet in Dora's side he beckoned her forward. Reluctantly she obeyed Cal's command and pressed onwards down the slope. He led her in a zig zag motion down the edge as slowly as he could. Eventually both him and his mount were on the river side. Dora's hooves sinking into the wet, pebbely, sand and making a loud clopping sound. He knew that was no good for a man out hunting. So he dismounted and dropped heavily onto the sand.

Kneeling down Calvyn cupped his hands and drank from the river; refilling his water skin when his thirst was quenched. Dora wasted no time in doing the same. As the two drank their fresh water Cal kept a look out for any danger. He learned that the Sea of Grass was no place to let your guard down. Thus he always kept his Bastard sword with him at all times. Now it was strapped across his back in it's sheath; ever ready to be used.

"I'm going up river to check my traps," he said to his horse "stay here and wait for me." Dora let out a gruff sound he could only assume was an answer. Then Calvyn made his way towards the traps he planted upriver yesterday. They were small and common snares meant for only the smallest of game. Such as beaver, rabbit, fox and the like. The types of animals he thought would be in this area.

After the short trek to them however he let out a quick burst of air. Nothing. Calvyn cursed aloud then left his snare be after checking to make sure it was still functionable. Perhaps he'd return tomorrow once again to see if he'd have better luck. When he turned back around he caught something out of the corner of his eye. There was a solid track not ten feet from where he stood.

He got closer to examine the track better. It looked like a deer track but he couldn't say for certain. Also from what he could tell it wasn't alone. Three separate animals came right up to the river. Calvyn deduced that the they drank here and from what he could tell they circled back. Heading further up river where they must have came from.

A smile crossed his lips as he returned to Dora. Ready to track some wild game.
Calvyn Eltros
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Joined roleplay: October 25th, 2017, 4:19 am
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Another Hunt

Postby Calvyn Eltros on November 2nd, 2017, 5:35 am


"Two things," he said to his horse as if speaking to a person "one; the snares didn't catch anything." Dora gave a grunt as if she could understand what he meant by this. Calvyn gave her a warm smile in return. "But, I did find tracks." He then mounted his horse and steered her up river towards the hopeful scene. Dawn now came and the sun made the once blue and grey sky turn into a pinkish yellow color. Calvyn admired the scene with a feeling of pride as he rode steady.

When he reached the spot where the tracks were he eyed them on top of his mount. It was now obvious to him that there were three different sets of prints. He could tell by the span of their stride. One was rather large, the second set had a shorter span and the third was very short. He reasoned that the third set must be from a younger animal; not fully grown like the other two. As he followed them he tried to figure out what kind of animal made them. The stride alone was enough to know it was no small creature. Like that which his snares were intended for. The prints weren't paw marks either so Cal reasoned they were deer or elk tracks.

Eventually the trail led him out of the river bank and onto the grassy plains. The animals cut through the path of least resistance, meaning they waited tell the terrain leading out of the bank was smooth and flat. So this time Cal didn't have to climb any tall slope on his horse. He could sense Dora liked that just as much as he did. However this only made tracking the animals much harder. As there wasn't any sand making their prints clear and easy to see. Now they were, quite literally, buried under a sea of grass. Forcing Calvyn to slow Dora's pace and look more carefully. The tracks managed to lead up a short hill so Cal followed them there.

He was pleasantly rewarded as well. From the top of the hill Calvyn could see much further in all directions. Easily spotting three deer walking slowly away from the hill. Completely oblivious to Calvyn hunting them. Immediately Calvyn dismounted his horse. He then grabbed his three javilins and sent a sign to Dora. Stay he said to her in Pavi, then he started to trek down the hill alone. Stalking his prey by hunching low and close to the ground. The tall grass concealing him from view. He moved quick enough to catch up to them but slow enough to remain hidden. The last thing he wanted to do was scare them away.

He gripped one javilin hard in his right hand. The other two were strapped across his back much like his sword. He was nearing the deer rapidly and after some time he was within twenty yards of them. The deer stopped and started to graze off the land. Now close enough to get a better look Calvyn took them in. One was obviously a male, large with thick pointed antlers. The other one was a doe of fair size. Finally the third was also a male with very small antlers protruding from his head.

Of course Calvyn wanted the larger of the three. So he gently, ever so quietly, pressed closer towards them. He needed to close the distance to have a better chance of hitting the male with his javilin. The tall grass hid him as best it could, Calvyn was buried low in it. A gentle breeze making the grass seem almost as if it were alive.

Finally he managed to get about fifteen yards away. Then he popped out of the grass and everything happened so fast. The deer he was aiming at froze as it tried to process what was happening. Calvyn, now standing tall, javilin cocked back far and ready to throw, loosed his weapon. The javilin struck the male deer just above his hind leg. The animal let out a painful noise and all three ran away. The male was limping greatly but his fear outweighed his pain.

Calvyn cursed loudly.

He thought for only a moment about loosing a second javilin. By then though the deer were to far out of range. Even the male who was running weirdly seeming how a javilin was protruding from his body. All this meant was Calvyn would have to spend more time following the blood trail and claiming his kill.

Once again he walked back towards his horse to continue the hunt. His head hung low and his thoughts were all that kept him company.
Calvyn Eltros
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Another Hunt

Postby Calvyn Eltros on November 2nd, 2017, 8:06 pm


He was now atop his mount in the area which he struck the large deer. Cal followed the blood trail printed on each blade of grass. It wasn't hard to follow but it seemed to go on forever. Constantly reminding him of how he messed up. He should have killed the deer cleanly, instead the deer would wander with a mortal wound spewing blood all over. The deer would suffer because of Cal.

Dora seemed a bit uneasy from the sight of blood. She was shaking her head consciously as if reminding Calvyn of his failure. He had to force himself to ignore her. After a bit more riding (and following the blood trail) he could see antlers shooting way above the grass line. Obviously the wounded deer couldn't run any further. Calvyn quickened his pace exponentially.

When he reached the scene the deer was laying down on its side. Obviously in pain. He couldn't find the other two which only meant they fled further. Which was fine because Calvyn didn't need them. This deer alone would feed an entire pavilion. He quickly dismounted his horse and approached the deer.

"I'm sorry I didn't give you a clean death." He said to the wounded animal as he drew his sword from it's sheathe. "May Caiyha bless you on your travel." With that Calvyn drove his sword through the wounded animals chest. Penetrating its heart and giving it the mercy it deserved. He heard the deer bring in it's last breathe of air, then he felt him die.

Calvyn wiped the blood from his blade on the deers chest. Then sheathed it and pulled out the javilin pierced within its hind leg. Calvyn didn't know much about butchering so he'd have to return to Endrykas. That way it could be done professionally with no mistakes. Calvyn then called Dora closer with a common signaling sign. Then he made his way to the deer. With a roar of exertion he propped the deer up on his shoulders. Then On top of his horse, he then mounted his horse and started his journey back to Endrykas. Dora didn't much like the extra weight, but she'd have to suffer through it.

Cal's hunt was successful although not as fulfilling as he'd wanted it to be.
Calvyn Eltros
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Another Hunt

Postby J'Ak on January 24th, 2018, 10:59 pm



Riding: Horse +3
Trapping +1
Observation +2
Tracking +2
Hunting +1
Stealth +1
Weapon: Javilin +1
Bodybuilding +1
Weapon: Bastard Sword +1


Riding: Tacking up a horse
Riding: Mounting a horse
Riding: Zig-zag a horse down steep slopes to prevent a fall
Trapping: Success is half skill & half luck
Tracking: Deer tracks
Tracking: Identifying individual animals' tracks
Stealth: Staying low to the ground
Javilin: Throwing it at a target
Tracking: Following a blood trail
Caiyha: Goddess of flora & fauna


Just a few friendly hints & tips!
  • I almost withheld XP in sword as Calvyn does not actually own a sword. Please deduct the cost of the sword from his ledger & add the sword to his possessions in his CS as this may prevent you receiving XP.
  • Don't forget to deduct living expenses for Fall 517AV from your ledger!
  • Additionally, it would help us graders a bunch if you could link your character sheet in your 'Profile' tab under 'User Control Settings'. It is important for you to link your Storyteller Secrets thread that was sent when your CS was approved in your Profile as well. If you need a hand with this, feel free to PM me!
  • As a friendly hint, you may want to rearrange your skills alphabetically in your CS as per this announcement.

If you feel I missed anything let me know via PM!
Don't forget to edit your grade request
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