[Verified by Luminescence] Baiya

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Postby Baiya on September 26th, 2019, 7:28 am



Race: Kelvic (Sugar Glider)
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years (Human appearance: early 30's)
Birthday: 50th of Summer, 517
Birthplace: Lhavit

Appearance: In human form, Baiya is a rather petite woman. She stands at only 5' 3" and 120 pounds sopping wet. Her muscles are only visible in the arms when she flexes, and her core is refined but slight like a dancer's from her work. She has dark, cinnamon-colored hair that contrast with relatively light skin and gray-colored eyes. She usually has her hair done up or styled in some way, and she is always immaculate about hygiene. Her dress tends towards formal, although it is not uncommon to catch her in a simple shirt and pants when enjoying the outdoors. Her animal form does not carry over any benefits excepting a certain agility, which is more mental than physical as she has a much more significant form to move as a human.

Her animal form is also petite. The same color scheme persists, with a light colored body and stripes of dark, cinnamon fur. Her eyes are wide and nearly black, and her fingers are long and spindly, made for foraging and grasping. As a sugar glider, she cannot "fly" per say, but rather can ride currents from one place to another by extending her arms and letting the skin catch the wind beneath her. The long fluffy tail is, while not entirely prehensile, under some amount of control for steering and grasping.

Character Concept

Baiya is incredibly sociable. She is prone to bouts of loneliness, and will do anything and be with anyone to sate these. She craves connections with others, both mental and physical, and has found both in her line of work as a masseuse, though days off can be rough. Her mother being one of the city's Red Lantern workers, Baiya has no qualms with giving the business a visit from time to time, but prefers the inns for a physical connection, or the Basilika or study halls for a mental one.

Her goals in life are rather short-sighted. As a Kelvic, her life is expected to be relatively short, and so she has no huge dreams of starting a business or marrying or traveling too far. Instead, she focuses on simple pleasures that are readily accessible, and hearing about the grand plans of others who might achieve those to fulfil her desires. While this can be depressing, it is most often a defense mechanism. If she does not expect great things- or indeed, anything- then everything will be a pleasant surprise and leads to more happiness. If she falls into this existential dread about not doing anything with her life, she will simply buy a new outfit, or set out some flowers in her home, and then all is right with the world again.

Despite her lack of direction overall (or maybe because of it), Baiya can be incredibly stubborn when she sets her mind to something, and can be incredibly motivated when learning new skills. She throws her whole self into new projects.

Character History

Baiya was born to two Kelvic parents in Lhavit. She was infinitely closer with her mother, who was home more often. Her father was generally out working and the two never grew very close. Although loving, her parents had many children to care for and encouraged her to go out on her own at a young age. So, after completing her limited schooling by the time she was barely a season old, Baiya was ready to stand on her own two feet. Baiya's mother, as a prostitute, was only able to pass on a limited number of job-seeking skills, but beauty and persuasion were some of them. After studying under her mother's careful guidance, Baiya quickly found herself picking up both the persuasion and hypnotist skills of her mother.

Once on her own, she sought out an entry-level job at the Starglow Spa and works there currently. Though she isn't sure if this is her true calling, it will do for the time being and keeps her from getting bored. Conversing happily and actively with the strangers who come and go has kept her mind active and has given her exposure to Nari through Inarta customers as well as an outlet to practice her hypnotism and influence the calm of her guests. The magic is a favorite pastime of hers, being such a talker, but this poses a problem as she can accidentally overgive very easily.
Last edited by Baiya on March 18th, 2021, 3:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Baiya on March 1st, 2021, 5:16 pm



Fluent Language: Common :
Baiya is fluent in Common, and thanks to her early schooling can also read at a basic level. She knows how to write, but struggles with it due to a lack of practice and poor fine motor skills.

Basic Language: Nari :
Baiya knows basic grammar structures, but her vocabulary is rather limited. She knows words for things in her workplace, but outside of that has a hard time producing language. Her comprehension is good, however, and she has no trouble understanding the basic idea when people are speaking even if she misses words.

She is unable to read or write in Nari.


Skill Total Proficiency
Acrobatics 1 Novice
Climbing 2 Novice
Cosmetology 10 Novice
Endurance 2 Novice
Foraging 10@RB Novice
Gardening 1 Novice
Hypnotism 5@SP Novice
Massage 26@SP Competent
Medicine 1 Novice
Persuasion 9@SP Novice
Observation 2 Novice
Organization 1 Novice
Rhetoric 1 Novice
Stealth 1 Novice

Resolve: Moderate (28) :
PC Base: 26
Novice Persuasion: +1
Novice Endurance: +1


Lore of Lhavit Streetplan
Lore of Human Anatomy (Muscles)
Endurance: Anything is Heavy After a Long Time
Climbing: Right foot, right hand, left foot, left hand
Climbing: Rough Surfaces are Better for Grip
Climbing: Pushing, Not Pulling
Endurance: Preserving Weaker Muscles
Stealth: Sugar Gliders Are Conspicuous
Acrobatics: Consider the Landing
Medicine: Licking Wounds Clean
Rhetoric: Defending One's Innocence
Amarina: Gardener at Crystal Seed Bank
Gardening: Water Until it Runs Out the Bottom
Gardening: Houses Feel Homier With Plants
Last edited by Baiya on April 14th, 2021, 3:05 am, edited 4 times in total.
Finals season has completely drained me of writing. Please stand by.
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Ledger and Possessions

Postby Baiya on March 1st, 2021, 5:18 pm

Ledger and Possessions


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 Kina 100 Kina
Skin Cream - 1 Kina 99 Kina
Toothpowder - 12 jade 99 Ki 9 Tk 87 jk
Toolkit, Masseuse - 20 Kina 79 Ki 9 Tk 87 jk
Washbasin, Good - 5 Kina 75 Ki 9 Tk 87 jk
Toothbrush -3 Kina 71 Ki 9 Tk 87 jk
Mirror, small steel - 10 Kina 61 Ki 9 Tk 87 jk
Shirt and Pants, Llama's Wool - 9 Kina 52 Ki 9 Tk 87 jk
Starter mint plant - 1 Kina 51 Ki 9 Tk 87 jk
-- Winter 520 --
Toasted Chestnuts (1/2 pound) - 1 Kina 50 Ki 9 Tk 87 jk
Note-taking Supplies - 4 Kina 5 jade 46 Ki 6 Tk 82 jk
Winter Wages + 644 Kina 690 Ki 6 Tk 82 jk
Winter Living Expenses, Common - 135 Ki 555 Ki 6 Tk 82 jk
-- Spring 521 --
Party supplies - 17 Ki 538 Ki 6 Tk 82 jk


Set of Simple Clothes, Brown
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Coat
-Simple Boots

Set of Warm Pajamas, White
- Shirt, Llama's Wool
- Pants, Llama's Wool

1 Dark Purple Velvet Wrap

1 Waterskin

1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
Skin Cream (4 oz)
Toothpowder (16 oz)
Toolkit, Masseuse
Handful of Kina

Heirloom: A velvet wrap given to Baiya by her mother. It is only worn on special occasions, and otherwise sits tied in a bow on her bedpost.
Last edited by Baiya on April 1st, 2021, 3:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
Finals season has completely drained me of writing. Please stand by.
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Thread Tracking

Postby Baiya on March 1st, 2021, 5:22 pm

Thread List

Title Date Type Status
Okomo Sweet Okomo 90th of Fall 517 Solo Acrobatics +1, Climbing + 2, Endurance + 2, Gardening + 1, Medicine + 1, Observation + 2, Organization + 1, Rhetoric + 1, Stealth + 1 Endurance: Anything is Heavy After a Long Time, Climbing: Right foot, right hand, left foot, left hand, Climbing: Rough Surfaces are Better for Grip, Climbing: Pushing, Not Pulling, Endurance: Preserving Weaker Muscles, Stealth: Sugar Gliders Are Conspicuous, Acrobatics: Consider the Landing,, Medicine: Licking Wounds Clean, Rhetoric: Defending One's Innocence, Amarina: Gardener at Crystal Seed Bank, Gardening: Water Until it Runs Out the Bottom, Gardening: Houses Feel Homier With Plants
Winter 520
Title Date Type Status
Horses of a Different Color 5th Solo Job Thread Ungraded
Over the Moon 29th Solo Ungraded
Unwind 30th Job Thread Ungraded
A Lesson in Foraging 53rd Partnered Thread In Progress
Body Talk 61st Solo Completed

Spring 521
Title Date Type Status
Monkey See, Monkey Do 2nd Solo Completed
The Birds and the Bees 21st Solo job Ungraded
Cheers to new beginnings 22nd (evening) Open social thread In progress
Rockin' and Rollin' 38th Job thread In progress
Hide 'N' Seek 45th Partnered thread Abandoned/On hold
Spritirual Emergency 52nd Solo Challenge In Progress
Summer 521
Title Date Type Status
Fall 521
Title Date Type Status
Winter 521
Title Date Type Status
Finals season has completely drained me of writing. Please stand by.
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Posts: 74
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Joined roleplay: September 26th, 2019, 6:32 am
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